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    1、新世纪大学英语Iunit7教案Electronic Teaching Portfolio Book OneUnit Seven: Interpersonal RelationshipPart I Get StartedSection A Discussion Sit in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following questions.1 How easy is it for you to make friends with a total stranger? Do you think that interpersonal skill

    2、s are very important at school and at work? Please explain.2 Have you ever encountered a very impolite person? If so, share your experience with your group members.3 How can we build good relationships with people were familiar with, such as our peers and our family?4 What do you think are some of t

    3、he common causes of misunderstanding between people and what do you think we should do to clear up misunderstanding? Answers for reference:1 Hints for the importance of interpersonal skills both at school and at work: Good interpersonal skills enhance relationships with fellow students or colleagues

    4、 and help build a pleasant environment for all to work in. Conversely, poor interpersonal skills can often lead to coldness and even hostility between one another and may lead to inefficiency in study or at work. 2 Open.3 Hints: loving others sincerely, being considerate, and being ready to help oth

    5、ers unselfishly. 4 Hints on common causes of misunderstanding: differences in expectations, backgrounds, attitudes and ways of saying and doing things, etc. Hints on how to clear up misunderstanding: putting ourselves in other peoples shoes, trying to see things from different perspectives, being no

    6、n-judgmental about other peoples ways of doing things, etc.Section B Quotes Study the following three quotes. Do you agree with Earnest Hemingway, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Epictetus? State your reasons. Ernest Hemingway I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most

    7、people never listen. Ernest HemingwayInterpretation:Hemingway emphasizes the importance of listening to others. According to him, one can learn a lot by paying attention to what others have to say. But most people do not really like to listen.About Ernest Hemingway (1899 1961): Ernest Hemingway was

    8、a great US writer of the 20th century, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. He wrote many novels and short stories in a simple and direct style, and his books are often about typically male activities like war and hunting. Among his well-known novels are A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the B

    9、ell Tolls, and The Old Man and the Sea. He died by shooting himself. Martin Luther King We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. Martin Luther King, Jr.Interpretation:King emphasizes the importance of peaceful and loving relationships with one another in a society. If

    10、we treat one another as brothers, we can live together peacefully. But if we foolishly fight with one another, we will all die together. About Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929 1968): Martin Luther King, Jr. was a black US religious leader who became the most important leader of the Civil Rights Movemen

    11、t and worked hard to achieve social changes for black people. He was known for being a great public speaker and many people remember his famous speech that starts with the words “I have a dream”. He encouraged people to try to achieve changes without using violence, and in 1964 he won the Nobel Peac

    12、e Prize. In 1968 he was shot and killed in Memphis, Tennessee. In the US there is a national holiday in January to celebrate his birthday. Epictetus We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. Epictetus Interpretation:Epictetus emphasizes the importance of listeni

    13、ng and paying more attention to those who talk to us. About Epictetus (c.55c.135): Epictetus was a Greek Stoic (禁欲主义的) philosopher. He lived and worked, first as a student in Rome, and then as a teacher with his own school in Nicopolis in Greece. Our knowledge of his philosophy and his method as a t

    14、eacher comes to us via two works composed by one of his students: Discourses and Handbook.Section C Watching and Discussion Watch the following video clip Why Interpersonal Communication Skills and do the tasks that follow:插入视频片段: “Why interpersonal communication skills.wma” 1 Answer the following q

    15、uestions.1) What three things are important for you to climb up the corporate ladder?Answers: The ability to work, the work ethic, and the interpersonal communication skills.2) Why could someone get a day off when everybody else had to work?Answers: Because of their strong interpersonal communicatio

    16、n skills. 3) Someone always believes they deserve a promotion but never gets one. What might be the reason?Answers: Probably because they dont have a good relationship with the manager, good communication and good interpersonal communication skills.2 To what extent do you agree or disagree with what

    17、 the speaker says?Answers: Open. Script:Hi, Im Caroline from blue moon communications. Interpersonal communication skills are probably the single biggest tool that you can employ to move you along the corporate ladder. Now, obviously, your interpersonal communication skills should go hand in hand wi

    18、th your ability to do a really great job and also a strong work ethic. But sometimes your ability to do the job and the strong work ethic arent enough just on their own. I mean how often have you stood in an office where the boss said, “OK, everybody, its all hands on deck for the next three weeks.

    19、No days off.” And then, suddenly, somebody manages to get a day off. A very nice day. Thats strong interpersonal communication skills at play. And its not for your benefit, but it is to the benefit of the person who employed them. Or, I know a number of people who said, “Well, Ive stood in the corne

    20、r of the room, and Ive watched somebody get a promotion that was my promotion. Well, everybody in the room knew that I was the one who would take our company pass the line. I deserved that promotion.” But he didnt get the promotion. Because, obviously, the person who got the promotion had better rel

    21、ationship with the manager, a better communication, better interpersonal communication skills. And thats why its so important. So if there was only one thing that you could do to improve your interpersonal communication skills today, well, I would say, remember the old adage, i.e. that you always ca

    22、tch more bees with honey than you will with vinegar.Part II Listen and RespondSection A Word Bankscholarship n. 奖学金hurt vt. cause (a person) to suffer pain of the mind, esp. by unkindness; upset 使伤心,使心痛forgive vt. (for) not in progressive forms say or feel that one is no longer angry with (someone)

    23、or about (something) 常与for连用;不用进行式原谅;饶恕;宽恕settle vt. end (an argument, esp. in law); bring ( matter) to an agreement(尤指在法律上)解决(争端);使(事情)得到解决misunderstanding n. (an example of) the act of putting a wrong meaning (on something) 误会white lie harmless lie, e.g. one told so as not to hurt someone else 无伤大

    24、雅的谎言,无恶意的谎话supermarket n. 超级市场download vt. move (information or programs) to a computer system from a telephone line or TV 把(信息、程序)转送到计算机(电脑)系统;下载software n. (电脑的)软件illegally ad. in a manner contrary to law 不合法地;非法地situation n. 形势,情况,境遇bankbook n. 银行存折Section B Task One: Focusing on the Main IdeasCh

    25、oose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage. 1 The listening passage mainly shows that _. A) it is necessary to tell white lies in lifeB) it is important to be truthful to your friendC) most people tell white lies n

    26、ow and thenD) telling white lies is a way to keep friendship 2 Jim was angry with Kimberly because_.A) she won the scholarship, but he didntB) she told him not to apply for scholarshipC) she won the scholarship, but told him that she didntD) she hurt him by saying that she won the scholarship3 Jim a

    27、nd Kimberly resolved their misunderstanding by _.A) allowing for communication and explanation B) refusing to talk with the person who told a lie C) apologizing sincerely to each other D) clarifying to each other the actual situation 4 According to Kimberly, _. A) its fine to tell white lies out of

    28、good intentionsB) white lies shouldnt be told to good friendsC) Jim is a more honest person than herselfD) white lies need to be more clearly defined5 The study conducted by Readers Digest reveals that most Asian people _. A) may not be honest on certain occasionsB) may not be honest when money is i

    29、nvolvedC) may not be honest when nobody is watchingD) may speak highly of their own honesty when asked Key: 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 ASection C Task Two: Zooming In on the Details Listen to the recording again and fill in each of the blanks according to what you have heard.1 Kimberly is _ that she _ to Jim

    30、.2 She wants a _ to explain to Jim. She now knows that she was _ to think that Jim might not find out the truth.3 Jim thinks that it is better for the scholarship to _ than _ .4 In 2004, Readers Digest tried to find out from _ people in _ about how _ . They asked _ questions about _ .5 There were tw

    31、o situations in which people were most honest. They were: (1) _ to the supermarket cashier if given too much change; and (2) _ to the owner.6 There were two situations in which most people were dishonest. They were: (1) _ and _ software illegally; and (2) _ at a co-workers bankbook. Answers:1 Kimberly is sorry that she lied to Jim.2 She wants a chance to explain to Jim. She now knows that she was wrong to think that Jim might not find out the truth.3 Jim thinks that it is b


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