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    1、MBA重点词汇词根词缀串联速忆MBA重点词汇词根词缀串联速忆为什么要学词根词缀?1 词根词缀是中高级英语学习者提高词汇量的最有效的方式,引爆词汇量激增的“核动力”2 词根词缀帮助我们更深刻理解单词3词根词缀赋予我们猜测生词的能力。MBA英语大纲不仅要求5800常见词,还要求考生有“理解一些非常用词的词义”的能力。猜测生词主要方法有:1)上下文 2)词根词缀 比如:在07年08年真题中分别出现过 anticapitalist,precapitalist 这两个超纲生词,而对于有词根词缀知识的同学完全可以猜出。词根词缀基础知识:*英文单词的“偏旁部首”- 词根词缀。词缀中:放在词根前面的称前缀,放

    2、在词根后的称后缀比如 international 前缀inter + 词根nation + 后缀al*词根决定单词的基本意思,词缀往往是补充意思比如表示方向,否定,加强等*单词可以只有词根,但是不能只有词缀*看单词主要看前部,单词的意思主要由前缀和词根决定,后缀主要决定词性少数后缀表示补充含义10. Object v. 反对 ject词根: ject = throw object v. ob 反 - 反着扔 反对 J objection ! Objection overruled . Objection sustained subject sub- 在之下,ject 投;“投于某种管辖之下”-

    3、使服从,使隶属,支配,统治; * be subjected/subject to 受制于,受支配 (be subject to也可subject adj.)Everyone is subjected the lawsIn ancient times, human beings were subject to nature.reject : 向后抛回去 - 拒绝 project v. 向前抛-投射 projector 幻灯机,放映机 inject v. 注射 injector n.注射器 eject v.向外喷射 the fire ejected flames Brazils constitut

    4、ion _ the military use of nuclear energy.A) withdrawsB) forbidsC) interruptsD) objects11. distinguish v. 区分 distinguish A from B 词根sting stinctstin 表示“刺”“刺激” Distinct adj. dis- = 分开/away 把刺区分开 不同的Distinguish v. 区别开 distinguished adj. 著名的,卓越的 (区别于一般人的) Sting v./n. 刺 J “死叮” I got stung by a bee. Sting

    5、y adj. 小气的 (像刺一样小的心胸)Stimulate v. 刺激,鼓励 Extinguish v. 灭火 - 把刺激(火)拿出去 , extinguisher Extinct v. 来自 extinguish , 生命之火熄灭了 灭绝了 Instinct n. 内在的刺激 本能Many personnel managers say it is getting harder and harder to _ honest applicants from the growing number of dishonest ones.A) distinguishB) disguiseC) diss

    6、olveD) discount12. Dissolve Dis- 分开 solve 解决: 分散开来解决,1. 使溶解:To cause to pass into solution:dissolve salt/sugar in water. 使盐溶解于水中 就得到了solution 溶液Salt dissolves in water.盐溶于水2. 解散dissolve parliament and call for new elections.解散议会,要求重新选举solve动词“解决,解答”,如solve a riddle解答一个谜语soluble“可溶的”,例:Sugar is solub

    7、le in water. solution名词1“解答,解决办法”,We gotta find a solution to the problem 2“溶解,溶液”resolve 反复地解决问题,表示一种坚定的“决心,决定”,= firmly decide to do 比 例: In order to gain fortune, She resolves to marry the Ugly Fat Old guy . J UFO又丑又肥的老男人resolution名词1“坚决,决心”, New Years Resolution make a resolution to get up early

    8、 in the morning 例:His encouragement and support strengthened our resolution.他的鼓励和支持加强了我们的决心。2“决定,决议”,例:All those in favor of the resolution should raise their hands.所 有那些支持这个决议的人举手。13. potential * potential customer , * potential market. * You have great potential .* I will help you achieve your ful

    9、l potential 词根:poten=powerful,表示“有力的”potent adj. 强有力的= powerful * potent arguments.有说服力的证据 * potent drug 很有效的药 potential n 潜力(由“能力”引申为“潜力”)impotent adj. 无力的,无能力的。(im 无+potent) omnipotent adj. 全能的, 无所不能的全能的(omni 全部+potent) the Omnipotent God 万能的上帝 北海的翻译:钱不是万能的,没钱是万万不能Money is not omnipotent but witho

    10、ut money you are impotent. 14. Illusion 幻觉 J 什么是 illusion ,比如看到海市蜃楼 mirage Lud/ lus = play Illusion n. ill + lus + sion 玩得过分得病了 产生了幻觉delude v 欺骗,蒙蔽(de 下等 + lude-玩下等的手段- 欺骗) delusion n 欺骗,错觉 (delude 的名词) 表示错觉时可以和 illusion 替换* He has an illusion / delusion about owning a big house overseeing the sea .

    11、 He is under no illusions/delusions about getting rich overnight . 他对一夜暴富没有任何幻想。15.Impression n. 印象词根:Press 压 Impress v. 留下印象(在内心里压上印记) impression / impressive His speech gave me a deep impression.英国王妃戴安娜: Princess Dianas grace gave people a deep impression Compress v. 压在一起压缩 * compressed air 压缩空气 ,

    12、compressed files / DVDs 压缩文件/DVD Compressor n. Depress v. 向下压 压抑,郁闷 Repress v. 压回去 镇压 ,抑制(感情) I couldnt repress my laughter.情不自 禁大笑 Suppress v. 压下去 镇压,抑制(感情)= repress suppress tears 忍住笑容 repress/ suppress a rebellion镇压一次叛乱 Oppress v. op 表示意思加强 狠狠地压 压迫Poverty oppresses the spirit. 贫穷压抑着人们的心灵We will f

    13、ight against oppression 反抗压迫Almost all job applicants are determined to leave a good _ on a potential employer.A) illusionB) reputationC) impressionD) reflection16.participate v.参加 part 表示:部分,或 分开participate v 参加,参与(parti+cip 进入+ate-进入一部分-参加)apartment n 公寓(a+part+ment-楼房分出的一部分-公寓)department n 部门;(大学

    14、)系(de 下面+part+ment-下面的部分-部门;系)counterpart n 相对物 (counter 相对应+part-对应的一部分-对应的人或物)* CS = Counterstrike 反恐精英depart v. 离开(de 分开-part-分开-离开)departure n. 出发近义联想:参加活动 participate in = take part in 参与比赛,鸡尾酒会,网上调研,新年联欢participate in a online survey / new year celebration/ cocktail party Participant n. 参与者 参加

    15、团体 join 表示become a member of * join a football team参加会议attend a meeting 参加考试 take an examA special feature of education at MIT is the opportunity for students and faculty to _ together in research activities.A) specializeB) participateC) consistD) involve17. Consist v.包含,包括consist of = comprise = be

    16、 composed of 由组成*水由氢氧组成 Water consists of/ comprises / is composed of hydrogen and oxygen 词根:sist = stand assist v 帮助;参加(as 加强动作+sist-站在一起-帮助)assistant n 助手,助理(assist+ant-帮助之人)consist v 由组成;与一致(con 共同+sist-站到一起-组成)exist v 存在,生存(ex+sist-站出来-活下来-存在)existence n 存在,生存(exist+ence)insist v 坚持;硬要(in 进入sist

    17、-站进去-坚持)insistence n 坚持;强调(insist+ence)persist v 坚持到底(per 始终sist-始终站着-坚持到底)persistent adj. 坚持的;顽固的(persist+ent)resist v. 反抗,对抗(re 反sist-反进来站-反抗)区别形近记忆: insist=in + sist,固执己见“坚持做一件事”,搭配insist on persist=per坚持不懈(through)+ sist,“坚持反复做同一件事”,搭配persist in J 例:The boy insisted on carrying bags for the girl

    18、. 那个男孩一定要给那个女孩提行李。趁机献殷勤,但女生不让。The boy persisted in carrying bags for the girl. 男生大学四年如一日,坚持每天帮女孩提包,最后感动了女生。18. involve J 想象一个漩涡,所有的东西不断被卷进去be involved in 卷入,遭遇 ,吸引 He is involved in the murder . 他卷入一起谋杀案He is involved in an accident . 他遭遇了一起事故He is involved in the movie . 他被电影深深吸引词根: volv= roll,turn

    19、 volume n.书卷,书册 involve 卷进去卷入 evolve 向外转出来 - 发展进化,生物从单细胞动物不断发展成高等动物 evolutionism revolve v. re-反复-地转The earth revolves both round the sun and on its own axis.地球既公转又自转。Ideas revolved in his mind.他思虑再三。revolver - 左轮手枪 子弹在里面不断旋转 Win-win situation , lose-lose situation 博弈论game theory 19.Circumstance : 强

    20、调在某种环境和条件下 = situation / condition 在这种情况下:Under/in the circumstance , In this situation/ condition , you cant win . 作文句型:无论如何都.Under no circumstance should you lend him some money.无论如何你都不要借给 他钱。(要用倒装)Under no circumstance will we surrender . 我们无论如何也不投降词根:circum 周围 Circumstance : circum + stand 站在周围的

    21、东西,就是环境Circumspect : spect v. 看 环顾四周 小心谨慎的 Inspect : 看进去 检查 Expect : 看出去 期待Circumnavigate v. navigate 航海: 环球航行20. Successive : 连续的,一个接一个 We won five successive games. We won five consecutive games We won five games in a rowSuccess Cess , ceed, ced = go succeed 1. 成功 suc 下+ ceed 走 “从下往上走” succeed in

    22、2. 继承,接下去 suc 后+ ceed 走 “后面一个继续走的人” Bush succeeded Clinton as the president of US. Bush 是Clinton的 successor Clinton 是Bush的 predecessor Precede v. precede pre+cede 走在前面的 领先,在之前 He preceded his speech with welcome to the guests. 他在正式讲演前, 先对来宾表示欢迎。 Proceed v. 往前走 前进 After he got out of hospital, he pro

    23、ceeded with his work / proceeded to do his work . Exceed v. 走到外面,出格了 超过,过度 * exceed speed limit 超过速度限制21.subsequent a. 随后的sub 下 + sequ 跟随 + entthe period subsequent to the war 战后时期词根:sequ= follow,表示“跟随”subsequent adj. 随后发生(sub 后+sequ跟随+ent-随在后面的) * the subsequent years = the following years sequence

    24、 n. 次序(sequ+ence-跟随-连续) gene sequence 基因序列consequence n. 后果,结果(con 共同+sequ+ence-随之而来 的全部东西-后果)Research shows that there is no _ relationship between how much a person earns and whether he feels good about life.A) successiveB) subsequentC) significantD) sincere22.Compositioncomposition1作文,(音乐、美术、艺术)作

    25、品2组成,成分(强调到底有什么东西),如the chemical composition of the soil土地的化学组成词根:pose , posit =put 摆放 compose“作曲,作图,写作,合成,组成”com=together一起pose , posit =put 摆放把乐谱,休止符放在一起那表示“作曲”的意思。作曲家就是composer把图标、表格放在一起,那表示“作图”的意思。把写作素材放在一起就是“写作”的意思。composition 作文把化学元素放在一起就是“合成”的意思。把其他任何东西放在一起就是“组成”: 56 ethnic groups compose our

    26、 nation. Our class is composed of 300 students.我们班由300名同学组成。再举个例子:expose“暴露”“ex” 表示向外,“pose”摆放,向外摆出来就是暴露。 如Our skin is exposed to the sunshine. Expose yourself to English as much as you can . 让自己尽可能多接触 英文exposition n 展览;(见expose) * 上海世博会: Shanghai World Expo 2010 impose v 强加;征税(im 进+pose-放进去-强加) * i

    27、mpose A on B : America wishes to impose its will on other countries. depose“罢免”“pose”摆放,“de”表示down向下,把一个人从很高的地方给拉下来 例:The king was deposed by his people.那位国王被人民罢免废除。deposit v. 沉淀,存款 n. 沉淀物,存款,押金,定金 放下来不能用的钱 *定期存款time deposit 活期存款:current deposit current 可以表示流动的 demand depositPropose v. 提议,建议 把建议向前pr

    28、o放pose propose a change in the law 提议修改法律 求婚propose to sb proposal n 建议,提议,求婚opposite a 相对的(op 对+pos+ite-放到对面) dis.pose v. 布置,处理,安排 dis 分散 + pose 放置 分别放置每样东西 安 排,处理 disposal n. 安排,处置It is clear that the dog has a much greater _ of its brain devoted to smell than is the case with humans.A) compositionB) compoundC) percentD) proport


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