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    1、剑桥商务英语高级真题集听力原文doc剑桥商务英语高级真题集听力原文BEC高级真题集听力原文(2010版)TEST 1This is the Business English Certificate Higher 2, Listening Test 1.Part One. Questions 1 to 12.You will hear the introduction to a seminar, called the Business Master Class, about the use of Information Technology in the workplace.As you lis

    2、ten, for questions 1 to 12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number.After you have listened once, replay the recording.You now have forty-five seconds to read through the notes.pauseNow listen, and complete the notes.pauseWoman: Good morning everyone and welcome. Thanks for coming. M

    3、y name is Jane Watson and I look forward to meeting you all personally. Some of you are here just for today, others, I know, will be attending for all three days. Im just going to say a few words on behalf of my company who have organised this event, Global Conferences plc. As you know, todays semin

    4、ar is The Business Master Class, to be conducted by our distinguished guest who I will introduce in a moment. But first a few quick points of organisation which perhaps youd like to note. All the sessions will take place in this hotel except for the last session on Tomorrows Software, which will be

    5、at the New City Hotel. We will meet there at 2pm and this will give us a chance to see in action some of the things we have been discussing. A map with directions to the New City Hotel is available from me if you wish to make your own way. Alternatively there will be a bus going there at 1.30pm. The

    6、re is limited car parking at the New City Hotel so if you wish to drive there you will need a permit. You can get one from the conference office. Now to the reason we are all here. We are very fortunate to have a seminar today led by Dr Martin Sangalli, one of the most prominent and well-respected c

    7、ommentators in the world business community. Hes been asked to advise many large corporations. He is a specialist in the strategic use of Information Technology in banking, pharmaceuticals and retail. He has his own company called Logic Solutions, which consults with some of the biggest names in the

    8、 world of business. He is also an adviser to Intertel and a non-executive director of Global Conferences. Thousands of business and technology managers have benefited from reading his best-selling book, Intelligent Change. Always inspiring and thought provoking, his ideas have helped hundreds of org

    9、anisations to gain a glimpse of the future. He is Europes most famous IT analyst. Dr Sangalli - welcome.Man: Thank you Jane, for that flattering introduction. I hope I can live up to it. So to begin. There are two main difficulties facing all corporations today. Firstly, how to make themselves more

    10、customer-driven. Secondly, and as a result of that, is the question of how to go about the major task of developing and implementing new organisational structures. This is a senior management session and is designed to provide you with two things. I hope that by the end of the session you will be eq

    11、uipped to design your own framework for action. To help you do this you will also be able to take away documentation of real- life case studies that Ive been involved in. So, if you would like to look at the screen.pauseNow listen to the recording again.pauseThat is the end of Part One. You now have

    12、 twenty seconds to check your answers.pausePart Two. Questions 13 to 22.You will hear five different business people talking about trips they have recently been on.For each extract there are two tasks. Look at Task One. For each question 13-17, choose the purpose of each trip, from the list A-H. Now

    13、 look at Task Two. For each question 18-22, choose the problem described, from the list A-H.After you have listened once, replay the recording You now have thirty seconds to read the two lists.pauseNow listen, and do the two tasks.pauseMan: Of course, I was looking forward to it. I mean, it meant se

    14、eing the results of quite a lengthy process to find the right person, which I myself had invested quite a lot of time in. Its a demanding post, with a lot of responsibility. I think the potential we thought wed spotted is being realised, and that shes going to deliver the sort of new initiatives we

    15、hoped for. Shes already got the team adapting to her approach. But I did feel a bit stupid in the meeting, sitting there without the right figures. I just cant believe I didnt pick up the chart. I could still see it, sitting on my desk.Woman: Well, the whole thing was a serious challenge, and if Im

    16、honest I didnt really feel up to it in the first place. It wasnt a good time to be going away from the office, and I certainly didnt feel happy, being asked to present pretty different ideas at this stage of the game. I completely understand that the last thing they wanted was to have someone droppi

    17、ng in from above, as it were, and saying, oh, well, weve decided to change the rules, etcetera. Theyd been applying the system as it was in good faith. And then I was just so tired. What with the wedding celebration going on in the hotel, I definitely didnt get enough rest, and that left me disorien

    18、tated, so I underperformed.Man: I wasnt happy to be going out there when there was so much that had to be dealt with, just left there on my desk. My secretarys extremely good, but she cant do the impossible, obviously. But it was clearly crucial to get some kind of idea of what it looked like, wheth

    19、er we were on to the right kind of thing. Getting the right location and space is vital. Im more or less convinced that this is right for what we want. It will attract customers. The trouble is, I had out-of-date architects plans with me, so I kept getting confused about the dimensions. But the hote

    20、l staff were really helpful when we were trying to get the up-to-date stuff faxed through.Woman: Its the first time Ive been over there since we decided to go ahead with the expansion and I must say I was impressed with the number of really good candidates there were. It really is a good region, in

    21、terms of being able to attract and recruit the right people and Im confident we chose the right people. I wish the same thing was true for the other branches. What I just cant believe is that I managed to set such a bad example by arriving a whole hour after we should have started. I felt like a rea

    22、l fool, going on about heavy traffic, when Id never accept that kind of excuse myself!Man: They said it was all different, and they certainly werent wrong! I could hardly believe some of it! Its definitely eye-opening to see what policy can mean in reality. But the way theyre applying it, I mean the

    23、 actual techniques, really is impressive. I didnt say anything, of course, just took my notes, and I will be drawing up my report as soon as I can. FI1 definitely be recommending that some of their ways of going about things get applied in the other branches. It was confusing at the same time, I hav

    24、e to admit. They were showing me all these graphs, different models of analysis, and I couldnt really follow that way of presenting the data. And then that guys accent! Great hotel, though.pauseNow listen to the recording again.pauseThat is the end of Part Two.pausePart Three. Questions 23 to 30.You

    25、 will hear part of a conversation between a management consultant and the Human Resources manager of Jenkins, a company which manufactures childrens clothing.For each question 23-30, mark one letter, A, B or C, for the correct answer.After you have listened once, replay the recording.You have forty-

    26、five seconds to read through the questions.pauseNow listen, and mark A, B or C.pauseWoman: Good morning, nice to meet you. Do sit down.Man: Thank you.Woman: Now, youre Human Resources manager of Jenkins, arent you? Give me some background on the company - so I get a general picture.Man: Stephen Jenk

    27、ins founded the company nearly thirty years ago, and named it after himself, and he ran it for a long time. Last year one of our competitors proposed combining, with the idea that separately the two companies were too small to survive. They were probably right, but anyway Stephen turned down the off

    28、er. Then, because he was getting on, he handed over the day-to-day running to his daughter, Catherine, while retaining full control himself.Woman: And you make childrens clothes, dont you? Arent there problems in the sector?Man: Well, we mostly sell to retail chains, which sell them under their own

    29、brand labels. Things arent as easy as they were, what with cheap imports, and the more expensive childrens boutiques making inroads at the top end of the market. But we position ourselves in the middle range, so were not too badly affected. Were under increasing pressure to cut our profit margins, t

    30、hough, because of growing competition between High Street retailers.Woman: What would you say is the companys strength?Man: It certainly helps that we supply those large retailers I mentioned, and in fact some of them have been customers for years. I suppose, though, that we wouldnt have survived th

    31、is long if it wasnt for the fact that we wont send anything out unless it meets very exacting standards. Our customers appreciate that, plus the fact that we aim to keep the time from order to delivery very short, and theyre prepared to pay a premium for it.Woman: What about weaknesses?Man: Well, we

    32、ve got a poor record in providing training on the machines were currently using. And I have to say that Stephen used to run the company in a very old-fashioned, autocratic way, which alienated a lot of the workers. Despite Catherines more enlightened approach, its an uphill struggle to try to change attitudes and improve co-operation.Woman: Never an easy task!Man: No.Woman: You mentioned on the phone that theres a problem with a particular group of workers.Man: Yes, theres a very high turno


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