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    1、心情英文说说心情英文说说导读:本文是关于心情英文说说的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、你说你喜欢我,可是我的伤心你永远不懂。You said you liked me, but you could never understand my sadness.2、男人一生中最诚实的一刻,是签结婚证书时。The most honest moment in a mans life is to sign a marriage certificate.3、随时间慢慢沉淀而不褪色的感情才配叫深情。The emotion that precipitates with time and does not

    2、 fade is called deep feeling.4、那些已流逝的岁月里,是我生命里最美的时光。Those passing years are the most beautiful days in my life.5、爱情总是一个圈,兜兜转转,终是会回到原点。Love is always a circle, and it will eventually return to its origin.6、没有不适宜的两小我,只要一颗不想在一同的心。There are no two unsuitable persons, just one heart that does not want to

    3、 be together.7、一直以为他会陪我从到。原来是一散就一世。He always thought he would accompany me. It turns out to be a whole world.8、陪我好吗?坎坷平淡温暖都陪我过下去行吗?Will you be with me? Is the bumpy and mild warmth accompanied by me?9、女人再婚是为了赌气,男人再婚是为了碰运气。A woman remarries for the sake of anger. A man remarries to make a fortune.10、

    4、深知我者才久居我心,深知你者才能伤你无形。Who knows me long enough to live in my heart, knows that you can hurt you invisible.11、一句话的爱情,轻描淡写,说出来,却字字如伤。A sentence of love, understatement, speak out, but words like hurt.12、在水与月的交融里,孕育着世界最美的乐章。In the blending of water and moon, the most beautiful movement in the world is b

    5、red.13、最好的爱情便是,清楚的开始,糊涂的继续。The best love is to start clearly and muddle along.14、谁又能清楚谁的深喜欢,谁又能了解谁的分开。Who knows who likes it deeply and who knows who is apart.15、从迩走进莪生命旳那一天,莪就在盼望着永远。From the day when you came into my life, I was looking forward to forever.16、慢慢,这样的天气,适合想你,酝酿情绪。Slowly, such weather

    6、is suitable for you, brewing emotions.17、不想一路走来珍惜的回忆中,没有你的故事。Do not want to go all the way to cherish the memories, there is no story of you.18、请允许我留一点防备,这样至少不会很狼狈。Please allow me to stay a little bit defensive, so at least not very embarrassed.19、我希望有一天你牵起我的手说一辈子都不分开。I hope one day you take my hand

    7、 and say that you will never be separated for life.20、就算心情再不好,只要看见你我就会笑得很甜。Even if the mood is not good enough, I will smile as long as I see you.21、要么全要要么全都不要,我就是如此极端。Either all or no, I am so extreme.22、我的爱从没离开,只是一个人爱难免会无奈。My love never leaves, but a persons love is unavoidable.23、这辈子我们这么相爱,上辈子我们一

    8、定说好的!We are so in love in this life. We must say well in our last life.24、我在偏袒他的时候别跟我讲什么大道理,我聋了。When I was partial to him, dont tell me any big reason. I was deaf.25、会有人在风雨里等你,他不顾一切来拥抱你。Someone will wait for you in the wind and rain. He will hug you regardless of everything.26、爱情是一首美好的歌,但它不容易谱写成功。Lo

    9、ve is a beautiful song, but it is not easy to write success.27、说你爱我,为什么在关键时刻还是在别人身边。Say why you love me, why are you at the critical moment or at other peoples side.28、当你出现的那一刻,我的世界哗的一下都亮了。When you appeared, my world suddenly lit up.29、我翻了又翻你给的地图,却一直找不到我的归宿。I turned over and turned over the map you

    10、gave, but I couldnt find my destination.30、没人懂我们,我们只能用文字诉说,发泄着。No one understands us, we can only use words to tell and vent.31、我们首先创造出习惯,然后习惯创造出我们。We first create habits, and then habits create us.32、忘记你,就像忘记当初的誓言一样,难以忘记。Forgetting you is like forgetting the original oath. Its hard to forget.33、我们的

    11、回忆太美,终究使我放不下对你的思念。Our memories are so beautiful that I cant miss you.34、爱情是以微笑开始,以吻生长,以泪结束。Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.35、现在,我会慢慢让你将我从你的记忆中删除。Now, I will slowly let you delete me from your memory.36、给我一个理由放弃,让我以后再也不会找你。Give me a reason to give up, so that I will

    12、 never find you again.37、如何证明我深情的吻,才能呵护你脆弱的灵魂。How to prove my deep kiss can protect your fragile soul.38、也许是我不够成熟,但也或许是因为你太年轻。Maybe I am not mature enough, but maybe it is because you are too young.39、我想过的以后,是和你不吵不闹很久很久。After I thought about it, I didnt quarrel with you for a long, long time.40、他给旳承

    13、诺是谎言,我给旳承诺永远看不见。The promise he gave is a lie, and my promise will never be seen.41、对于你喜欢我这件事,我认为你做得非常对。For you like me, I think you have done a good job.42、愿把我的心嵌入你的心,使我俩的爱永远不变。I would like to put my heart in your heart, so that our love will never change.43、不要用你的生命来挑战我的驾驶技术,你伤不起!Dont challenge your

    14、 driving skills with your life. You cant afford to hurt me!44、纵使生老病死,变老变丑,别哭有我陪着你。Even if I am old and sick, I will be old and ugly. Do not cry, I will accompany you.45、暗恋,是最苦涩最卑微最辛苦最开心的事情。Secret love is the most bitter, the most humble, the most hardworking and the happiest thing.46、他对你的全部依赖不过也只是一时

    15、的感情澎湃。All his dependence on you is only a temporary sensation.47、我不知道什么是年少轻狂,我只知道胜者为王。I dont know what is young and frivolous. I only know that the winner is king.48、我总是沉浸在自己的思想里,听不见别人的话语。I am always immersed in my own thoughts and I can not hear other peoples words.49、我们拥有最萌身高差,可你从未让我仰过头。We have th

    16、e worst height difference, but you never let me look up.50、我想和你互相浪费,想把余生悉数奉献于你。I want to waste each other with you, and I want to devote my whole life to you.51、做不到就别轻易许下诺言,更别轻易让我相信。If you cant make it, dont make promises easily, and dont let me believe it easily.52、你来过我的世界,可惜不是我颠沛流离的终结。You have com

    17、e to my world, but unfortunately it is not my end.53、我可以教你接吻吗?虽然我懂得也不太多。Can I teach you to kiss? I dont know much about it, though.54、要么好好爱,要么立刻滚,没有暧昧这一说!Either love it or roll it at once. There is no ambiguity.55、就算大雨将整座城市颠倒,我也会给你拥抱。Even if the rain turns the whole city upside down, I will give you

    18、 a hug.56、我们的爱再也回不来,这是一句多么悲伤的话。Our love will never come back again. This is a sad word.57、抱歉,你只是我利用的工具之一,没什么重要的。Sorry, you are just one of the tools I use. Its nothing important.58、爱到飞蛾扑火。是种堕落。我不是不知道。Love to fly a moth. Its a depravity. I dont know.59、当你喜欢上一个人,总会觉得自己不够好。When you like someone, you al

    19、ways feel that you are not good enough.60、不是我不找你,是我发现你根本不想搭理我。Its not that I didnt look for you. I found you didnt want to talk to me at all.61、单身不可怕,可怕的是别人以为你不是单身。Being single is not terrible. Its terrible that others think you are not single.62、多想再次走在相识的地点,想念那消失的爱恋。Many want to walk again in the p

    20、lace of acquaintance, miss the lost love.63、爱你的人宁愿留下来陪你吵架,也不会去爱别人。Those who love you would rather stay and fight with you, and they will not love others.64、如果我们在错误的时间遇见,你会不会等我?If we meet at the wrong time, will you wait for me?65、我积攒满海岸的花为你守候,你却为他停留。The flowers that I have gathered on the shore are

    21、waiting for you, but you stay for him.66、世界真的很小,好像一转身,就让我们相遇了。The world is really small, like a turn around, let us meet.67、一个人,永远只是一个人,还有影子陪着自己。A person is always just a person, and shadow accompany himself.68、爱你爱到忘了爱自己,只能苦笑说我也不想这样。Love you until you forget to love yourself. You can only smile bitt

    22、erly and say that I do not want to.69、丧失未来的幸福,比丧失已有的幸福更痛苦。Loss of future happiness is more painful than loss of happiness.70、忘了是怎么开始,也许就是对你有一种感觉。Forget how to start. Maybe you have a feeling for you.71、渐渐发现我对爱情看得很开了、不值得我伤心。Gradually I found that I was very open to love, and it was not worth my sadne

    23、ss.72、一个人蜷缩在房间的角落,安静的感受这黑夜。A person curled up in the corner of the room and felt the night quietly.73、幻想着,每天和你在一起,这样就足够了。Fantasize that its enough to be with you everyday.74、你说过的那些永远,是我们现在所谓的曾经。What you have said is always what we call the past.75、就算是你给的爱情再辉煌,也有落幕的一天。Even if you give love again bril

    24、liant, there is also a day of ending.76、灰色的世界里,承载着一段又一段的伤心往事。In the gray world, there are loads of sad past.77、其实爱情不只是有玫瑰,还有平日的体贴安慰。In fact, love is not just roses, but also considerate comfort.78、没有谁刻意的等着谁,只是没遇到合适的。No one is waiting for anyone, but he has not met the right one.79、难过的时候就想你,想到你那丑样儿就开

    25、心。When I feel sad, I miss you. I think you are so happy when you are ugly.80、船可以暂时停泊,帆却不可以停止选择方向。The boat can be temporarily anchored, but the sail can not stop choosing the direction.81、只想邮寄一个拥抱给你,温柔得都能透过宇宙。I just want to send a hug to you, gentleness can go through the universe.82、不是所有笑容都很由衷,不是所有坚

    26、持都很轻松。Not all smiles are heartfelt, not all insistence is easy.83、那么刻意地去伪装,却还是骗不了自己的心。So deliberately disguised, but still can not deceive their hearts.84、在幸福的爱情,终有一天也会有离别的时候。In a happy love, one day there will be a farewell.85、有没有人愿意陪我一起疯,疯到全世界都感动。Is there anyone willing to accompany me crazy, craz

    27、y to the world is moved.86、我一直把钱视为空气,因为没有它我就不能活。I always regard money as air, because I cant live without it.87、问世间情为何物,只不过男女间互相耽误。Ask the world what love is, but men and women are holding each other up.88、唯有曾经为爱卑微的背影,高傲地淡出视线。Only once for the humble shadow, arrogantly fade out the line of sight.89、

    28、一个不经意,你的笑容就成了我的整个世界。A casual smile makes my whole world.90、你的承诺也给别人,风声呼啸我只当未曾耳闻。Your promise is also given to others, and the wind is roaring.91、我只希望这场缘分只有我们,而我们在劫难逃。I only hope that this fate is only for us, and we are doomed to escape.92、一个男人最好的聘礼就是对她一生的迁就。The best betrothal gift for a man is to accommodate her life.93、生活就像新闻联播,不是换台就能逃避的了。Life is like a news broadcast. You cant escape from it.


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