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    1、学年度高二下学期期中考试docx20202021学年度高二下学期期中考试英语试题本卷分第I卷和第II卷两部分。满分150分,考试时间100分钟第一部分听力(略)第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。ASummer Program Guide for Teens Pre-College Immersive ProgramWellesley College is known for the thousands of accomplished women it

    2、has sent out into the worldwomen who are committed to making a difference. Especially designed for high school girls, the program is based on Wellesleys campus. Students will take courses and become members of the Wellesley community.When: July 7 - August 1More Information: 781-283-2748 Young Schola

    3、rs ProgramOpen to high school students who have an academic average of 3.2 or better, the program is a great introduction to the University of Maryland. Seminars featuring speakers in innovative (革 新的) career or academic fields further enrich the learning experience. Students enjoy movie nights, act

    4、ivities at the students9 union and more.When: July 8 - July 27More Information: 301-405-7762 Zeal Adventure and TravelWe offer two-week and three-week long trips to Hawaii, Alaska, Australia, Costa Rica, and Spain. All trips include 15 to 25 hours of community service activities. Depending on your t

    5、rip of choice, youll be volunteering with sea turtles, caring for dogs in Spain, and much more. Every trip also includes exciting outdoor activities like surfing, ice climbing and hiking.More Information: 844-282-9325 California College TourStudents will visit top schools throughout the state on thi

    6、s fun-filled tour. The tour includes enjoying tourist attractions along the way, including Disneyland! Along the way, students take college tours, meet with admissions staff, and learn how to make the most out of future college visits.More Information: 510-548-66121.What can you do if you attend the

    7、 Young Scholars Program?A.Take part in various outdoor activities.B.Learn the history of Wellesley College.C.Watch films together with other students.D.Enjoy some tourist attractions along the way.2.Which number can provide access to volunteering chances?A.301-405-7762.B.510-548-6612.C.781-283-2748.

    8、D.844-282-9325.3.Which program may help students make a choice during the college application?A.California College Tour.B.Young Scholars Program.C.Zeal Adventure and Travel.D.Pre-College Immersive Program.【答案】l.C 2.D 3.A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了专为青少年开设的四个暑期项目。这些项目对中学 生尤其是高中生具有指导意义。【1题详解】细节理解题。根据 Young

    9、Scholars Program 部分最后一句Students enjoy movie nights, activities at the students5 union and more.,可知,参加该活动时,你可以和其他学生一同看电 影。故选C。【2题详解】细节理解题。根据 Zeal Adventure and Travel 部分第二句64A11 trips include 15 to 25 hours of community service activities.和该部分第三句中的.youll be volunteering with sea turtles.可 知,该活动提供做志愿工

    10、作的机会。根据该部分末尾的“More Information: 844-282-9325”可 得知联系电话。故选D。【3题详解】推理判断题。根据 California College Tour 部分最后一句Along the way, students take college tours, meet with admissions staffs and learn how to make the most out of future college visits.可 知,学生在该活动中将参观多所大学,与招生工作人员见面,并学会如何充分利用以后参观 大学的机会。这些活动有助于学生了解不同的大学

    11、以及招生流程等,对学 生在将来选择、填报大学志愿会有所帮助。故选A。BPapa, as a son of a dirt-poor farmer, left school early and went to work in a factory, for education was for the rich then. So, the world became his school. With great interest, he read everything he could lay his hands on, listened to the town elders and learned a

    12、bout the world beyond his tiny hometown. Theres so much to learn, hed say. Though were bom stupid, only the stupid remain that way. He was determined that none of his children would be denied an education.Thus, Papa insisted that we learn at least one new thing each day. Though, as children, we thou

    13、ght this was crazy, it would never have occurred to us to deny Papa a request. And dinner time seemed perfect for sharing what we had learned. We would talk about the news of the day; no matter how insignificant, it was never taken lightly. Papa would listen carefully and was ready with some comment

    14、, always to the point. Then came the momentthe time to share the day*s new learning. Papa, at the head of the table, would push back his chair and pour a glass of red wine, ready to listen. Felice,n he*d say, tell me what you learned today.9, nI learned that the population of Nepal is Silence.Papa w

    15、as thinking about what was said, as if the salvation of the world would depend upon it. The population of Nepal. Hmm. Well hed say. Get the map; lets see where Nepal is. And the whole family went on a search for Nepal.This same experience was repeated until each family member had a turn. Dinner ende

    16、d only after we had a clear understanding of at least half a dozen such facts.As children, we thought very little about these educational wonders. Our family, however, was growing together, sharing experiences and participating in one anothers education. And by looking at us, listening to us, respec

    17、ting our input, affirming our value, giving us a sense of dignity, Papa was unquestionably our most influential teacher.Later during my training as a future teacher, I studied with some of the most famous educators. They were imparting what Papa had known all along一the value of continual learning. H

    18、is technique has served me well all my life. Not a single day has been wasted, though I can never tell when knowing the population of Nepal might prove useful.4.What do we know from the first paragraph?A.The author*s father was bom in a worker*s family.B.Those born stupid could not change their life

    19、.C.The town elders wanted to learn about the world.D.The poor could hardly afford school education.5 The underlined word it in the second paragraph refers to .A.one new thing B. a requestC. the news D. some comment6.It can be learned from the passage that the author .A.enjoyed talking about newsB.kn

    20、ew very well about NepalC.felt regret about those wasted daysD.appreciated his fathers educational technique7.The authors father can be best described as .A.an educator expert at training future teachersB.a parent insistent on his childrens educationC.a participant willing to share his knowledgeD.a

    21、teacher strict about everything his students did【答案】4.D 5.C 6.D 7.B【解析】【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者的父亲虽然出身穷苦人家很早就辍学了,但重视 学习和教育,要求家人们每天在晚饭时分享今日所学的知识,这一习惯对作者影响深远。【4题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“Papa, as a son of a dirt-poor farmer, left school early and went to work in a factory, for education was for the rich then.”可知,作

    22、者的父亲早早辍学就是因为 家中贫穷,那时的教育只有富人才能享受得起。故选D项。【5题详解】词义猜测题。根据第二段划线词所在句We would talk about the news of the day; no matter how insignificant, it was never taken lightly.M可知,每天作者一家人会谈论今日见闻,不论有 多么不值一提,都会被认真对待,显然这里的it指代的就是the news of the day故选C项。【6题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段中“They were imparting what Papa had known all alo

    23、ng一the value of continual learning. His technique has served me well all my life.”可知,作者父亲传递的坚持 学习的思想,让作者在自己的教室生涯乃至一生中都受益匪浅,可见作者对父亲的教育理念 是心存感激的。故选D项。【7题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句He was determined that none of his children would be denied an education.禾口第二段第一句 Thus, Papa insisted that we learn at least one ne

    24、w thing each day.”可知,作者的父亲决心让自己的孩子接受教育,并且坚持终身学习的理念,B选 项“一个坚持让子女接受教育的父亲”符合文意。故选B项。【点睛】词义猜测题是阅读理解中常见的一种题型,要求考生准确理解文中某些关键单词或 词组的含义,包括对超纲词义的推断以及熟词生义的猜测,需要通过上下文得出其在特定场 合的含义。猜测词义的方法一般有以下几种:1.通过构词法(派生、合成、转化)猜测。2. 通过已有的同义词或反义词猜测,即在上下文找出该生词的其他表示方法,由此推断其含义。 3.通过同位语猜测。4.通过解释性的词语,如that is, that is to say, in ot

    25、her words等,以及 标点符号,如破折号、括号等引出的对该词的解释性词、句猜测。5.通过具体语境中体现出 来的某种关系,如因果关系、转折关系等进行猜测。第2小题的指代猜测就是结合语境在前 句中找出对应的指代对象,由此作出了判断。Birds and airports are two words that, paired together, dont normally paint the most harmonious picture. So it really raises some eyebrows when China announces plans to build an airpo

    26、rt that is for birds.Described as the worlds first-ever bird airport, the proposed Lingang Bird Sanctuary(保护 区) in the northern coastal city of Tianjin is, of course,not an actual airport. Rather, its a wetland preserve specifically designed to accommodate hundreds-even thousands-of daily takeoffs a

    27、nd landings by birds traveling along the East Asian-Australian Flyway. Over 50 species of migratory (迁徙的)water birds, some endangered, will stop and feed at the protected sanctuary before continuing their long journey along the flyway.Located on a former landfill site, the 150-acre airport is also o

    28、pen to human travelers.(Half a million visitors are expected annually.) However, instead of duty-free shopping, the main attraction for nornegg-laying creatures at Tianjins newest airport will be a green-roofed education and research center, a series of raised observation platfbrms, and a network of

    29、 scenic walking and cycling paths totaling over 4 miles.The proposed Bird Airport will be a globally significant sanctuary for endangered migratory bird species, while providing new green lungs for the city of Tianjin., Adrian McGregor of an Australian landscape architecture firm explained of the de

    30、sign. Frequently blanketed in smog so thick that it has shut down real airports, Tianjin is a city-China,s fourth most populousthat would certainly benefit from a new pair of healthy green lungs*8.The underlined phrase non-egg-laying creatures, in Paragraph 3 refers to?A.Visitors. B. Designers.C End

    31、angered water birds. D. Planes.9.What do we know about the airport according to the passage?A.People cannot watch birds up close here.B.It is located on a 150-acre landfill site.C.It functions as an actual airport and a wetland preserve.D.It provides migratory birds with food and shelter.10.What can

    32、 we infer from the last paragraph?A.The airport will become a permanent home for birds.B.Tianjin will win worldwide fame in the future.C.Tianjins air quality will improve thanks to the airport.D.Tianjin will be able to accommodate more people.11.What is this passage mainly about?A.Airports shut down and open up.B.China is to open the first Bird Airport.C.Airports turn into green lungs.D.Birds are no longer enemies to airpor


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