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    1、函授本科大学英语二课后作业模拟题及答案Word版第一章作业:10题一、单项选择题(共10小题,每题10分,共100.0分)第1题:I got a splitting headache (剧烈的头痛). It kept me _ the whole night. A. awakeB. wakeC. wakingD. awaken第2题:A cobra emerged from behind the rock. This frightened the girl into _A. screamedB. screamingC. screamD. to scream第3题:We had warned h

    2、im_the danger but he turned a deaf ear to our warning. A. ofB. inC. onD. out第4题:Mary doesnt feel like _ tennis today because she feels tired. A. playingB. playC. toD. played第5题:He exposed a_ back to the sun. A. baldB. bareC. nakedD. nude第6题:In the heat of the argument, I became so excited_ I shouted

    3、 very loudly. A. thatB. whenC. whichD. where第7题:The police need your help to_ the murdere A. track down B. try outC. look upD. look forward to第8题:Just now a strange idea _ in her mind. A. spring upB. sprang upC. sprung upD. springed up第9题:Most women will scream when she was _ the mouse. A. at the si

    4、ght ofB. on the sight ofC. in the sight ofD. out the sight of第10题:One of my new _, Zhou Tong, _ me for dinner at his home yesterday. A. friends; invitedB. friend; invitedC. friends; was inviteD. friend; was inviting第二章作业:10题一、单项选择题(共10小题,每题10分,共100.0分)第1题:He asked me to give him another loan, but I_

    5、A. applyB. refuseC. acceptD. decline第2题:We do not hesitate_ our lives for our country, let alone suffer some hardshipsA. to giveB. givingC. giveD. gave第3题:I prefer writing a term paper to _ an examination.A. takingB. takeC. tookD. taken第4题:Some people feel there is a great deal of _ between religion

    6、 and science.A. conflictB. progressC. improvementD. concentration第5题:The plane is about to leave, but Ive left my ticket _ .back to the sun.A. awayB. behindC. outD. up第6题:The original manuscripts of Shakespeares plays are no longer _A. turn downB. in need ofC. short ofD. in existence第7题:These produc

    7、ts are superior_ those we bought last year.A. ofB. inC. toD. in第8题:Never waste anything, but _ never waste time.A. all in allB. above allC. after allD. at all第9题:He owed his success to luck more than_ capacity.A. atB. onC. inD. to第10题:The family and the school have a great influence _ a childs devel

    8、opment.A. ofB. toC. atD. on第三章作业:10题一、单项选择题(共10小题,每题10分,共100.0分)第1题:Last week John applied to that famous company _ a demanding job.A. ofB. inC. toD. for第2题:Your classmates spoke with _of your behavior.A. kindnessB. disapprovalC. disagreementD. approach第3题:A man should be judged _ his deed, not his

    9、words.A. outB. byC. ontoD. in第4题:Joan and Jane are twins, but they have few interests_.A. in generalB. in orderC. in turnD. in common第5题:The cake consists mainly _sugar, flour and butter.A. awayB. ofC. byD. from第6题:It seems that the young man is _ teaching experience.A. turn downB. in need ofC. shor

    10、t ofD. in existence第7题:The ages of the students in my class _from seventeen to twenty.A. attachB. takeC. rangeD. give第8题:His _ recovery delighted every one of us.A. surprisingB. surpriseC. surprisedD. surprisement第9题:The pain in his hands made it difficult to _his clothing.A. consistB. undoC. giveD.

    11、 pay第10题:Steel workers made a_ against wage reduction last week.A. proposalB. protestC. profitD. pray第四章作业:5题第1题:Knowledge make_ ;ignorance make proud.A. kindnessB. humbleC. friendlyD. economical第2题:I tried to _ my new boss with my diligence but in vain.A. hesitateB. investigateC. impressD. concentr

    12、ate第3题:This room is for women _.A. generallyB. exclusivelyC. typicallyD. precisely第4题:Do the results of the experiment have any practical _ in agriculture?A. advantageB. expenseC. applicationD. aspect第5题:The famous actress _ her acting career with determination.A. intendedB. pursuedC. adjustedD. avo

    13、ided第五章作业:10题一、单项选择题(共10小题,每题10分,共100.0分)第1题:Can you tell the difference between _ mushrooms and edible (可食用的) varieties?A. functionalB. attractiveC. endlessD. poisonous第2题:It is _for us to try to decide whether television is a blessing or a curse.A. illegalB. essentialC. generalD. successful第3题:I w

    14、ant to convert some dollars _pounds.A. ofB. intoC. onD. from第4题:He looked down from the mountain to the valley _.A. behindB. beyondC. beforeD. beneath第5题:So what could stop oil prices from rising _ the rate that I now expect?A. atB. onC. fromD. in第6题:Many a quarrel as _ through a misunderstanding.A.

    15、 come acrossB. come aboutC. come aroundD. come along第7题:_is estimated that the damage was over one million dollars.A. WhatB. ThatC. WhichD. It第8题:Why should he object _into our aristocracy?A. marryB. to marriedC. to marryingD. to marry第9题:He _vast quantities of chips with every meal.A. consumesB. co

    16、mpetesC. constructsD. condemns第10题:It was his _ambition / dream to become a film director.A. boyhoodB. girlhoodC. likelihoodD. neighborhood第六章作业:10题一、单项选择题(共10小题,每题10分,共100.0分)第1题:This semester is _ to a close.A. drawingB. makingC. walkingD. driving第2题:They _ many difficulties during their trip.A. e

    17、nduredB. encouragedC. encounteredD. embarrassed第3题:I had trouble _my car started.A. gettingB. gotC. getsD. to get第4题:We dont like Professor Smiths class, but we have to _it in order to graduate.A. live up toB. live forC. live onD. live with第5题:Doctors decided to operate _the wounded soldier at once.

    18、A. atB. onC. withD. in第6题:Everyone should learn to take responsibility _ his own actions.A. forB. onC. atD. against第7题:We shouldnt _ those people who need our help urgently.A. sit onB. sit downC. sit upD. sit for第8题:He made a _ remark on the latest shown film.A. criticizerB. crisisC. criticalD. crit

    19、icized第9题:I can hardly_ you because youve changed such a lot.A. recognizeB. remindC. regardD. refresh第10题:I had butterflies in my _ when I first stood in front of the public.A. stomachB. feetC. noseD. hands第七章作业:10题一、单项选择题(共10小题,每题10分,共100.0分)第1题:Fifty million Americans are addicted _ nicotineA. inB

    20、. atC. toD. on第2题:Supporting my family is the driving_ that pushes me.A. featureB. forwardC. forceD. spirit第3题:You must summon up all your _to meet the danger.A. courageB. attentionC. viewD. confidence第4题:We should _at a night market tonight.A. hang offB. hang inC. hang overD. hang out第5题:World lead

    21、ers will _a stand on green energyA. makeB. takeC. leaveD. get第6题:Five people died and ten others were injured when the bus turned_.A. forB. onC. overD. against第7题:Dont talk _to your mother like that!A. backB. intoC. withD. out of第8题:He was determined to hold on this job whatever difficulties he migh

    22、t run _ remark on the latest shown film.A. onB. atC. intoD. upon第9题:_positions can be made known through the medium of the press.A. VacantB. TraditionalC. AdditionalD. Classical第10题:The passage is too narrow for cars to _.A. get throughB. get onC. get intoD. get up第八章作业:10题第1题:The number of students

    23、 in our school is _.A. out the riseB. in the riseC. on the riseD. of the rise第2题:We will try our best to _ the requirements of our customers.A. tryB. meetC. makeD. finish第3题:Dont be too hard _the child.A. ofB. inC. onD. out第4题:Researchers have established the _ between smoking and cancer.A. linkB. j

    24、oinC. chainD. economy第5题:The man is not dead, he is still _ .A. livelyB. temptC. vastD. alive第6题:Do you believe that “Happiness lies _ contentment”?A. ofB. inC. onD. out第7题:Many boys and girls often go _.A. skatedB. skateC. skatingD. on skating第8题:The plane will _ at 3 oclock. There is no need to wo

    25、rry about it.A. take inB. take toC. take outD. take off第9题:Those pictures reveal _us a wonderful world under water.A. atB. onC. inD. to第10题:Nothing can prevent him from _abroad. me for dinner at his home yesterday.A. to goB. goingC. goneD. went模拟试卷:大学英语A卷一、单项选择题(共20小题,每题5分,共100.0分)第1题:A cobra emerge

    26、d from behind the rock. This frightened the girl into _A. screamedB. screamingC. screamD. to scream第2题:Mary doesnt feel like _ tennis today because she feels tired.A. playingB. playC. toD. played第3题:He exposed a_ back to the sun.A. baldB. bareC. nakedD. nude第4题:Just now a strange idea _ in her mind.

    27、A. spring upB. sprang upC. sprung upD. springed up第5题:Most women will scream when she was _ the mouse.A. at the sight ofB. on the sight ofC. in the sight ofD. out the sight of第6题:I prefer writing a term paper to _ an examination.A. takingB. takeC. tookD. taken第7题:The plane is about to leave, but Ive left my ticket _ .back to the sun.A. awayB. behindC. outD. up第8题:These products are superior_ those we bought last year.A. ofB. inC. toD. in第9题:He owed his success to luck more than_


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