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    Unit 8 Cookery Food and Culture.docx

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    Unit 8 Cookery Food and Culture.docx

    1、Unit 8 Cookery Food and Culture Unit 8 Cookery, Food and CultureContentSection I Listening and Conversation (2 periods)Section II Reading Comprehension (2 periods)Section III Writing and Translating (2 periods)AimsThe students should be able to:1. talk about English recipes2. understand the two pass

    2、ages and the related information3. write and translate English recipesImportant and difficult points1. expressions and patterns for talking about cookery and food2. passage 2 and the information related3. words, phrases and sentences from passage 24. grammar: Subject-Verb Agreement5. special sentenc

    3、es and a passage for TourismProcedure and methodsSection I Listening and ConversationPart I. Leading in1. Pre-class Work:2. Warming up for the new class:Part II. Putting in use1. Dividing the students into groups of four or five2. Offering the situations 3. Acting out and comments Part III. Further

    4、Practice 1. Practicing and Furthering 2. Completing 3. Responding Part IV. Aptitude Test and Guidance1. Match after you listen2. Judge after you listen3. Make after you learn4. Self-assessment and Teachers Guidance 5. AssignmentSection II Reading ComprehensionPart I. Leading in1. Revision2. Warming

    5、up for the new classPart II. Comprehension and Practicing1. Checking and Explaining 2. Retelling the storyPart III. Further Practice 1. Simulating and translating2. Rewriting Part Iv. Aptitude Test and Guidance1. Translating 2. AssignmentSection III Writing and TranslatingPart I. Leading in1. Checki

    6、ng the assignment2. Warming up for new classPart II. Putting in use1. Dividing the students into groups of four or five2. Presenting new materials3. Giving the rules for a business card 4. Reading and simulatingPart III. Further Practice1. Presenting new material2. Simulating3. Writing Part IV Aptit

    7、ude Test and Guidance1. Checking2. Grammatical rules concerning the Basic Sentence Structure3. Applying4. Self-assessment and Guidance5. AssignmentUnit 8 Cookery, Food and CultureSection I Listening and ConversationPart I. Leading in1. Pre-class Work: 【Instructions】 ask students to collect some food

    8、 recipes and the words about cookery spices and food2. Revision 【Instructions】check the answers to the homework of the previous class3. Warming up for the new class: 【Instructions】 1). students present their collections 2). teachers comment and put the collections into a data bank for students refer

    9、ence 3). presentation of new materialsWords in the data bank Cookery MethodsSpicesfryboildeep frystewbake, roaststeamstir-frybraisegrill煎煮炸炖烤蒸炒红烧烧烤oilsaltsoy sourcevinegarchilipeppercurrycooking winestarch油盐酱油醋干辣椒胡椒咖喱料酒淀粉Sample 1YogurtINGREDIENTS: 1) a pack of milk2) a little yogurtINSTRUCTIONS:1) H

    10、eat milk and boil for one minute. 2) Allow it to cool to about 40.3) Add a little YOGURT as starter to it. 4) Pour the mixture into little pots.5) Leave them in a warm place OVERNIGHT!6) Put the pots into the fridge to cool and make them tastier.7) Serve with brown sugar or honey. Sample 2Almond Ice

    11、-creamINGREDIENTS:1) a one-liter package of good quality commercial ice-cream2) two or three tablespoons of liquid honey3) four tablespoons of brandy4) a generous handful of well-toasted almondsINSTRUCTIONS:1) Set the inc-cream out and leave at room temperature for a short time to soften it. 2) Dont

    12、 let it get too soft.3) Stir in the honey.4) (Note: The honey will not blend in completely.)5) Add brandy and stir till it is well blended. 6) Stir in almonds.7) Put into the freezer for three hours till it is solid. 8) Serve in small coffee cups. 【Instructions】wile showing the samples, make sure th

    13、at the students understand the English , sometimes with the help of the teacher.Part II. Putting in use1. Dividing the students into groups of four or five2. Practicing【Instructions】 ask the students to work in groups and practice sample dialogues 1 How to Make Your Own Yogurt? and dialogue 2 How to

    14、 Make Almond Ice-cream?3. Acting out【Instructions】 ask the students to work in groups to 1) understand the short dialogues on Page 124 of the Textbook 2) to act outPat III. Further Practice1. Furthering and Practicing 【Instructions】: ask each group to choose one of the situations to 1) further the d

    15、ialogue 2) act out before the class2. Commenting【Instructions】 after the act of each group, the teacher will ask the fellow students to make comments on the performance and the appropriateness of their English; and then it is the teachers task to summarize this part3. Completing 【Instructions】 ask s

    16、tudents to work in groups to complete by filling in the blanks on Page 125 of the Textbook (Exercises 1 and 3), and then the teacher checks the answers in class.4. Responding 【Instructions】 practice Exercise 2 on Page 125 of the Textbook orally . Teacher offers the situation in Chinese, and ask the

    17、students to give the English equivalent , the whole class work together(The script for the dialogue: )You: 对了,简。咱们今天学习包春卷怎么样?这是中国的传统食品。Jean: Great! I like spring rolls very much. Are they difficult to learn?You: 不太难。我们可以从商店购买现成的春卷皮。Jean: Good. How about the fillings?You: 哦,我们可以用碎肉和虾自己做馅。Jean: Hmmm,

    18、The fillings smells good.You: 现在让我们把春卷馅这样包到春卷皮里。看!很容易吧?Jean: Let me have a try. Oh, mine doesnt look as good as yours.You: 没关系。下一步就是把春卷放到油里炸,直到春卷看上去金黄酥脆。Jean: Oh, they must be delicious. I cant wait to have one.【Instructions】: after each activity, the teacher will check the answers and comment promp

    19、tlyPart IV. Aptitude Test and Guidance1. Match after you listen【Instructions】 in this part a diagram will be given to each of the students, after they listen to a dialogue, thy are asked to match the information in Column A with the choices in Column B.2. Judge after you listen【Instructions】 in this

    20、 part the multiple choices to each of the questions will be given on the blackboard, after they listen to a dialogue, they are asked to make a choice from A, B, C or D.3. Respond you listen【Instructions】 in this part the students are asked to listen to a dialogue and then answer the teachers questio

    21、ns4. Self-assessment and Teachers Guidance 【Instructions】 in this part the teacher will mainly check the answers to 1 and 2, give brief explanations when students are in difficulty and ask students to score their own paper ; as for 3, the teacher will collect the paper and correct them after class.5

    22、. Assignment A. Workbook P 1051-6B. Read fluently the passage on page 133 of your Textbook New Practical English and try to understand it as possible as you can by using a dictionary. C. Recite Practical Sentences for Tourism and the Passage in Unit 8【Instructions】: in this part the homework is made

    23、 up of two parts: A is to reinforce what they have learned; B and C is to get ready for the next SectionSection II Reading ComprehensionPart I. Leading in1. Revision1) ask several students to recite the practical sentences for tourism in Unit 8 and the others repeat2) ask students to answer teachers

    24、 questions according to the Passage for tourism in Unit 82. Warming up for the new classask students to work in groups of four to talk about the cookery of their favorite food Part II. Comprehension and Practicing1. Checking and Explaining 1) teacher raises some questions and ask students to say tru

    25、e or false according to the passage on page 133 of the Textbook New Practical English to see how much theyve understood.2) teacher raises some questions and ask students to answer in details according to the passage on page 133 of the Textbook New Practical English, at the same time explaining some

    26、language points.3) Possible difficult words, phrases and sentencesWords:vary v. be different, change不同,变换Teachers: The price of vegetables vary with the seasons. The climate varies from area to area.Students: source n. starting point, place from which something comes or is got源头,起源,根源Teachers : Wher

    27、e does the Yellow River have its source? The news comes from a reliable source. prejudice n. opinion or idea formed before one has adequate knowledge偏见Teachers: Many people have a prejudice against modern jazz. As a teacher, you shouldnt have prejudice against any student.Students: appreciate v. und

    28、erstand and enjoy, put a high value on珍惜,懂得,喜欢Teachers: They appreciated the opportunity to apply the knowledge to practice.Students: regard v. consider, think of认为,被看成是Teachers: He is regarded as a hero by the people in his country.Students: contribute v. join with others in giving help for a commo

    29、n cause贡献Teachers: We want to contribute these data to this research project. They were busy contributing food and clothes to the Red Cross.Students: Phrases and sentences: (Para. 1) Studying the cuisine of different cultures is not only for fun, but also a valuable learning experience. 探究不同文化的烹调风格不

    30、但是一种乐趣。同时也是很有价值的学习经历。Studying the cuisine of different cultures: is a gerund phrase, used here as the subject of the sentence. The sentence can be paraphrased like this: It is not only fun but also a valuable learning experience to study the cuisine of different cultures.Doing morning exercises is n

    31、ot only refreshing but also a good way to keep you in shape.(Para. 2) Its customary to arrive on time for a dinner party and to bring along a bottle of wine or a small impersonal gift, such as flowers or candy.通常出席晚宴的客人要准时到达,并带一瓶酒或一点赴宴小礼物,例如鲜花或糖果。 It here is used as a formal subject. The actual subject is made up of two infinitive phrases to arrive on time and to bring , which is too lone to keep the sentence in good balance if it were put at the beginning of the sentence.


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