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    1、八年级上阅读理解八年级上阅读理解(A)In almost every big university in the United States, football is a favorite sport. American football is not like soccer.Players sometimes kick (踢) the ball, but they also throw (扔) the ball and run with it. They try to take it to the other end of the field; they have four chances

    2、to move the ball ten yards (码). They can carry it or throw it. If they move it to the end of the field, they can receive six points. This is called a touch-down (持球触地).Its difficult to move the ball. Eleven men on the other team try to stop the man who has the ball. If the man does not move the ball

    3、 ten yards, his team kicks the ball to the other team.Thousands of people come to watch it when there is a football game. They all yell for their favorite team. They dance and jump while they are yelling. Each team plays ten or eleven games each season. The football season usually begins in Septembe

    4、r and ends in November. If a team is very good, it may play another game after the season ends. The best teams play again on January lst. Many people go to see these games and many others watch them on TV.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )26. In America, football players can _. A. only kick the ball B. only throw th

    5、e ball C. only carry the ball D. kick, throw and carry the ball( )27. There are _ on each team. A. ten players B. eleven players C. twelve players D. thirteen players( )28. If the man does not move the ball ten yards, his team has to _. A. go home B. carry the ball ten yards C. run with it D. kick t

    6、he ball to the other team( )29. The best teams play again _. A. on Christmas B. after the season ends C. on New Years Day D. on Sunday( )30. The underlined word “yell” in the passage means “_”. A. shout (喊) loudly B. jump C. talk loudly D. sing(B)There are many kinds of ball games in the world, bask

    7、etball, volleyball, football, baseballIn my opinion (观点), the most popular game is football. When the important matches begin, all the audience cheer for one side or the other. Football started in England. Now its very popular in many countries, such as France, Germany, Italy and so on. It is surpri

    8、sing that very small kids in England know a lot about football. They can tell you the names of the players in most of the important teams. They can show you the photos of their favorite players. They can remember clearly the results (结果) of the most important matches. They can even expect (预料) which

    9、 team will win or which team will lose. Can you believe it?However, in China, Chinese students work hard for higher grades and they have no time for sports. The schools should arrange (安排) some games and matches for their students. Its good for children it. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )31. Which sport does the

    10、writer think is the most popular in the world? A. Basketball. B. Football. C. Baseball. D. Volleyball.( )32. From the passage, we know . A. its surprising that Chinese students know much about football B. all the audience only cheer for one side in a matchC. in fact (事实), no one knows for certain (确

    11、切的) who will winD. in China, students dont like football( )33. The underlined (画线的) word “audience” in the first paragraph means . A. 体育馆 B. 成年人 C. 观众 D. 小孩子( )34. According to (根据) the passage, football comes from _. A. China B. England C. France D. Germany( )35. Whats the passage about? A. Music.

    12、B. Custom. C. Sport. D. Culture (文化).(C)Ai Fukuhara (福原爱),the Japanese table tennis star, was born on Nov.11, 1988. She started playing ping-pong when she was three. At that time, she was too small. She couldnt see over the tabletop (桌面). She had to stand on boxes to play against adults (成人) in exhi

    13、bition (展览) matches.Now she is a very famous player. But she still works very hard and she practices for five hours a day during the weekdays after morning school lessons and eight hours a day at the weekends.In May, 2003, Fukuhara made the quarterfinals (四分之一决赛) of the World Championships.At the ag

    14、e of 15, she was the youngest player in Japan at the 2004 Olympic Games. She joined the Liaoning Team in 2005.“I hope I can learn from my Chinese teammates and improve (完善) my preparation for the 2008 Olympics,”said Ai Fukuhara.根据短文内容,完成表格。NameAi FukuharaBirthdayNov.11, 1988Nationality36._Jobping-po

    15、ng playerCareerjoined 37._ in 2003joined 38._ in 2004joined 39. _ in 2005Word or phrase to describe her40. _(A)Most people make their living (谋生) with their hands, but Bob makes his living with his feet. Bobs story began in a small city in England. His parents were poor. Seven people lived in a smal

    16、l house. Bob had no place to play but on the street. Bobs father often played football. Little Bob wanted to play football, too. So his father made a soft (柔软的) ball for him to kick. It was a sock full of old cloth. He kicked it every day. At last Bob learned to kick a real football. And after a few

    17、 years he could play football very well. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )26. People usually make their living _. A. by learning by themselves B. with their feet C. by playing football D. with their hands( )27. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Bob was born in a small village. B. Bobs house was very big. C. There

    18、were eight people in the family. D. The little boy often played on the street. ( )28. Why did the father make a soft ball for his son? A. Because the family all liked football. B. Because Bob also liked to play football. C. Because they had lots of old cloth. D. Because he didnt want to throw the so

    19、ck away. ( )29. The word “kick” in the story means _. A. 踢 B. 玩 C. 射门 D. 弹起( )30. From the story we can see _. A. Bobs age B. its about an American boy C. Bobs mothers name D. the boy became a good football player at last(B)Almost everyone will meet some problems when they come into a new environmen

    20、t. When you enter a junior high school, everything is new: new school, new teachers, new studentsThen what should you do? Now I give you some advice. When you meet problems, you should speak them out. You can tell your problems to your parents. They can help you with your problems. Of course, you ca

    21、n also let your teachers know. I am sure they will be glad to help you. Most of time we work and play with our classmates. You can communicate with your classmates. You will find you are not alone because they have the same problems as you. Another way is to take an active part in the school activit

    22、ies. Its good for you to make more friends. If you are good at swimming, you can join the school swimming club. If you do well in English, you can go to the English corner often. One day, you will leave school and come into the society (社会). You will also meet many problems. The advice above will he

    23、lp you. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )31. The passage mentions (提到) _ ways to solve the problems. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5( )32. The underlined (划线) word“environment”in the first paragraph means _. A. 社会 B. 学校 C. 环境 D. 城市 ( )33. You cant _ when you are in trouble (麻烦) at school. A. ask your teachers for help B. tell

    24、your parents C. take part in the activities D. stay alone and solve the problems by yourself( )34. How many new students have the same problems in a new school? A. None. B. Some of them. C. Almost everyone. D. Everyone.( )35. The passage tells us _. A. how to solve the problems in a new environment

    25、B. how to swim C. how to take part in the swimming club D. how to make friends(C)In China, many young people like playing soccer. Its very popular. But the Chinese dont call it soccer. They call it football. Are they different?In fact, there are two kinds of football games. One is American football,

    26、 and the other is soccer. There are 11 players in a soccer team. And the soccer is round. Only the goal-keeper can play the ball with hands. The others cant play the ball with hands, and they can only play it with their feet. In the U. S. A. , soccer is not very popular. They prefer American footbal

    27、l to soccer. There are also 11 players in an American football team. The ball is not round. Its oval. All the players can play the ball with hands and feet. And the goal is bigger than the one of soccer games. American football is quite different from soccer. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )36. An American foo

    28、tball team has the same number of players as a soccer team. ( )37. Most Americans like soccer. ( )38. The two kinds of balls look the same. ( )39. Only the goal-keeper can play the ball with hands in an American football match. ( )40. The goal of soccer games is smaller than that of American footbal

    29、l games.阅读理解。(30分)(A)There is an Asian (亚裔的) American basketball player in the NBA. Do you know who he is? Yes, he is Lin Shuhao. His English name is Jeremy Lin. He is another basketball star after Yao Ming. So many people call him the second Yao Ming. But he doesnt like it. In the 1970s, his family

    30、 moved to America from Taiwan, China. He is twenty-five years old. His elder brother is Josh and Joseph is his younger brother. He studied at Harvard University (哈佛大学) from the year 2006 to the year 2010. His father, a fan of the NBA, taught him to play basketball when he was young. Now Lin Shuhao p

    31、lays for the Houston Rocket (休斯敦火箭队). He works hard and plays very well. Now he is popular with many people. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 ( )26. Lin Shuhao was born _. A. in 1982 B. in 1984 C. in 1986 D. in 1988( )27. Li Shuhao learnt to play basketball from _. A. his father B. Yao Ming C. his elder brother D. his classmates and teachers( )28. He _ from 2006 to 2010. A. lived in Taiwan with his family B. played for the Houston Rocket C. studied at Harvard University D. began to learn basketball( )


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