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    1、自从人类进入商品经济社会以来,贸易即已成为人们日常活动的主要部分,并成为一国经济增长的主动力。国际分工的深化、大量国际统一标准规则的建立英文配音大赛主持稿篇一:外语影视配音大赛主持词(修改后) 外语影视配音大赛主持词 (开场白) A:Ladies and Gentlemen. B:Dear Teachers and Friends. Toghther:Good evening! C:Welcome to the Eighth Foreign Language Film Soundtracks Contest of m your host XX. D:Im your host XX. A:Im

    2、your host XX. B:Im your host XX. D: As known to us all, movie is the art of life in the form of sound, costume, scenario, and photography. Its also a very important source for oral English practice. Tonight we have such a movie dubbing competition which is the high time to feel the magic of sound an

    3、d to show the power of our tongue. A: Its a spectacular platform for us to appreciate the classic movies and get our language ability improved. Surely tonight could be unforgettable experience for everyone. B: Tonight we have 16 crews on the department basis to bring their wonderful shows to our sta

    4、ge, which have gone through fierce competitions to reach the final. C: Firstly, Lets extend warm welcome to our honorable judges. They are. D: Now, lets go over the rules of the competition. Before dubbing, every crew have one-minute show time, and another one minute to go over the description of th

    5、e certain film. A:Principles of judging are mainly based on pronunciation, intonation, emotional expression, and team work. B:Id like you to pay attention to synchronization between film picture and your dubbing. 1 C:I think all of us cant wait to see their shows. So lets get started. Please be all

    6、ears and all eyes. D:Now,lets welcome contestant . (中间是三个节目报一次分数,为了节省时间,中间报幕都在台下,只报几号选手来自哪个系,报分数时是在台上,所以这里台词就省略了。第八组完了之后是嘉宾节目,陈浩博带来的歌曲。) 孔繁博:Ladies and gentlemen, since all the first 8 crews have finished theirs hows, now lets have a short breath,and welcome our superstar CHB to bring a song XXX. (后

    7、8组选手表演。完了之后是一个商家活动,这里比较随意,用的是中文与观众互动。这部分完了之后是嘉宾点评。) 李雪洋:Thanks for all your wonderful performance, you have done a really good job. Now lets invite XX to make some comments.Thank you XX for your comments. Now, the final results have come out, let me invite my partners to announce the final results.

    8、(颁奖) A:Ok, ladies and gentlemen, hold your breath, the most exciting moment is coming. Right now, what I am going to announce is the winners of the third prizes. They are XXX. Now, lets welcome XXX to confer excellent awards to our contestants. (为三等奖颁奖) B:The winners of the second prize go to XXX. L

    9、ets welcome XXX to confer the second prize for the contestants. (为二等奖颁奖) C: The first prize goes to XXX, lets welcome XXX to confer the first prize for our champion. Congratulations! (为一等奖颁奖) 2 D: Also, the Prize for Best Dubbing Award goes to XX. Lets welcome XXX to confer the prize for them.(为最佳配音

    10、奖颁奖) A: This is the end of the Eighth Foreign Language Film Soundtracks Contest of CISISU XX. B:Its really hard to say good bye,I do hope you had a wonderful experience tonight. C:Thank you all the wonderful conteatants and our distinguished judges. D: Wish you have a good memory and see you next ye

    11、ar. 附:评委老师(顺序待定) 英语经贸系:谢力帆 English Department of Economics and Trade. 英语师范系:周佳 English Normal Department 英语翻译系:何欣 English Department of Translation 英语旅游系:唐丽莎 English Department of Tourism 英语外管系:李玲瑞 English Department of Foreign Affairs Administration. 日语系:罗黎Japanese Department 俄语系:甄静茹 Russian Depart

    12、ment 西班牙语系:吴欣舫 Spanish Department 朝鲜语系:黄锐 North Korea Department 泰语系:曹文 Thai Department 越南语系:杨同静 Vietnam Department 德语系:张桦German Department 法语系:梁若冰 French Department 3 4篇二:配音大赛 主持稿 男:尊敬的各位嘉宾。 女:亲爱的各位同学。 合:大家晚上好! 男:岁月满溢诗情,天籁流转盘桓。驻足回首,一切尽在你我之 间。 女:时间的掌纹划过,轻轻地触碰了我们心中最柔软的角落,在 放肆的青春中寻找单薄的年华,在凡世的喧嚣中寻找心灵的慰

    13、藉。 男:在这美丽的夜晚我们在此迎来了由化工院文艺部科技部合办 的“经典旋律”配音大赛, 女:在这里,我(们)谨代表化工院科技部、文艺部,欢迎大家 的到来,下面,请允许我介绍出席本次活动的嘉宾,他们是: 合:欢迎你们的到来! 女:此次配音大赛,我们希望各位选手展现自己的风采,发挥自 己独有的优势,并借机发掘了解配音方面的一些相关知识,为大学现在略微枯燥的学习生活增色添彩。 男:下面,由我来为大家介绍比赛流程: 比赛分为两个环节,第一环节由各个参赛队进行现场表演,第二 环节为参赛队进行现场配音 女:好了,话不多说,下面让我门以热烈的掌声欢迎第一组选手 登场,他们为我们带来的是: 男:前面一组的选

    14、手真是表现地非常精彩,下一组的表演会不会 更加让人兴奋呢?好,那么下面有情我们的第二组选手带来的参赛作品 ,第三组选手请做好准备 女: 刚刚的两组都表演得非常精彩,会不会让第三组感到压力 很大呢?那么下面让我们请出我们的第三组参赛队,看看他们为我们带来了什么精彩的表演。下面有请他们为我们带来节目 男:接下来出场的参赛队是我们本环节最后一组参赛队了,不知 道他们是会给我们一个伤感的结尾还是捧腹大笑的结尾呢?现在就让我们拉开他们神秘的面纱吧。有请第四组参赛队为我们表演 女:第一轮的表演结束了,看得出各个参赛队都使出了自己的浑 身解数,我想大家都很期待下一环节的表演吧。 男:不急不急,我们这还有另一

    15、个精彩的表演等着为大家展示, 那么下面有请由化工院文艺部科技部为我们表演手偶剧 女:下面请由我为大家宣布上一环节各个参赛队的最后得分 男:刚刚经历了激烈的比赛,下面我们进入下一环节现场配 音,有请第一组参赛队为我们进行现场配音。 女:刚才的配音比赛真的是太精彩了,有搞笑翻版的,有模仿的 惟妙惟肖的。不过下面的互动环节也不会示弱哦。 男:那么下面让我为大家介绍一下互动环节的规则,首先有请 位观众来参加我们的互动游戏,所有参与观众都转过身,由工作人员为第一位参与观众展示词汇,然后从第一位开始依次用肢体语言传递词汇,两组参赛队猜对词汇最多的组获胜。 男:下面请由我宣布第二环节的各个参赛队得分。 女:

    16、下面有请嘉宾为我们颁奖。 男:有请 为我们的最佳团队奖颁奖 女:有请 为我们的三等奖颁奖,获得奖项的是 男:有请 为我们的二等奖颁奖,获得奖项的是 女:有请 为我们的一等奖颁奖,获得奖项的是 男:恭喜获奖的各位同学。此时此刻,方才的声律仿佛在滞留在 耳旁,大家不愧是多才多艺,今天,你们给大家呈现了不一样的自己,更风趣的自己,更完美的自己! 女:是啊,大家真的好有天赋,看来都是平日里不露山水的高手 啊 男:诶,这话不错,不过我相信,我们的水平不仅仅只体现在这 里,从这大门出去,我们依然是一等一的高手。那么在几天之后的期末测验,作为来到大学的第一份重要考试,我们一定会让大家看到我们化工院学子的娇人

    17、战绩,到那时候,我们不仅在这里说我们能行,我们更能拿着耀眼的成绩单,说;我能行,我牛逼!(淡定、低调。),我相信,我们每个人,都能做到! 女:好的,今晚我们度过了一个美好的夜晚。谢谢各嘉宾及观众 的到来 合:“经典旋律”配音大赛,化工院配音大赛到此结束! 篇三:英语配音比赛主持稿 Ladies and gentlemen. Good morning! Welcome to our competition today! Thank you for being here! To show English variety, to eich extracurricular activities, to

    18、 improve English level, and to cultivate the comprehensive abilities. Undoubted, everyone is a movie lover. From English dubbing we can speak perfect English, get rid of dumb English and rebuild themselves. This afternoon we will hold Best English dubbing competition. Let me introduce judges. The ju

    19、dges are composed of English teacher. The public judged is composed of the Sixth Grade excellent representatives in each class. The scorer are composed of_. 现在请大家上台抽签 Lets welcome contestant , please get ready. Please welcome judges to give score to Lets welcome contestant , please get ready. Please

    20、 welcome judges to give score to Now I would like to announce the score for contestant The score for contestant is_ Lets welcome contestant , please get ready. Please welcome judges to give score to Now I would like to announce the score for contestant The score for contestant is_ Lets welcome conte

    21、stant , please get ready. Please welcome judges to give score to Now I would like to announce the score for contestant The score for contestant is_ Lets welcome contestant , please get ready. Please welcome judges to give score to Now I would like to announce the score for contestant The score for c

    22、ontestant is_ Lets welcome contestant , get ready. Please welcome judges to give score to Now I would like to announce the score for contestant The score for contestant is_ Lets welcome contestant Please welcome judges to give score to Now I would like to announce the score for contestant The score

    23、for contestant is_ Now I would like to announce the score for contestant The score for contestant _ We are enthusiastic; we have dreams! Let us deduce a life with the movie of colorful。 Congratulation to all the contestants and our thanks to all the guests and judges! Thank for your coming! Ladies and Gentlemen: Best English dubbing Competition is over . Thanks again! This dubbing is really good, Let us give him a big hand . Thank you for your excellent perform! 随着信息化和全球化的发展,国家及地区之间的贸易也已成为拉动一国经济的三驾马车之一,甚至是三驾马车之首,奥巴马政府成立之日起


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