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    1、Unit 1 Whats the matter?The First Period (Section A 1a-2d)教学设计教学目标一. 知识目标(1)语言功能: 学习谈论健康问题。学习给人提出恰当的建议。(2)重点词汇和短语: matter, sore, throat, stomachache, foot, neck, stomach, fever, lie, rest, cough, toothache, headache, have a sore back, have a stomachache, have a cold, lie down, see the dentist, get a

    2、n X-ray, take ones temperature, have a fever, have a headache.,(3)目标语言: Whats the matter? I have a stomachache. / I have a sore back. / I have a cold. She has a sore throat. My head feels very hot. You should lie down and rest.(4)语言结构: have a+疾病 should+动词原形 (5)学习了解医疗事故处理条例的第九条 第十条 第十一条 培养学生知法、懂法、守法的

    3、优良品质。二. 能力目标学生能用所学的语言知识点来谈论健康问题并给健康患者提出合理的建议。三. 情感目标(1)通过小组活动培养学生的团结协作精神。 (2)通过学习让学生学会关心家人和朋友,培养学生成为有爱心的人。教学重点难点(1).学习、掌握身体部位的名称、疾病的表达。(2). 学会用“Whats the matter? I have a” 句型来谈论健康问题。用“should”来给出合理的建议。 教学方法任务型教学法, 合作学习法,多媒体辅助教学和学习方法教学准备 疾病的教学图片; PPT.教学步骤Step1 Introducing the tasks of this class本堂课我们主

    4、要谈论健康问题,当我们身边有人不舒服时,我们应该问What the matter ?/Whats the matter with you? (怎么了/你怎么了). 或者当我们被问到这个问题时,我们可以回答I have a cold ./ I have a cough./ I have a headache./.(我感冒了/我咳嗽/我头痛/.)。那么应该采取怎样的措施呢?我们可以这样给建议:You should take your temperature. /You should drink hot water. /You should see the doctor./.(你应当量一下体温/你应

    5、当喝热水/你应当看医生/.)Step2 Learning the law医疗事故处理条例同学们,谈到就医问题,有时会发生一些意外的医疗事故,我们要学会法律来保护自己。现在我们一起来学习相关的法律知识医疗事故处理条例中的第九条、第十条、第十一条。第九条 严禁涂改、伪造、隐匿、销毁或者抢夺病历资料。 第十条 患者有权复印或者复制其门诊病历、住院志、体温单、医嘱单、化验(检验报告)、医学影像检查资料、特殊检查同意书、手术同意书、手术及麻醉记录单。病理资料、护理记录以及国务院卫生行政部门规定的其他病历资料。 第十一条 在医疗活动中,医疗机构及其医务人员应当将患者的病情、医疗措施、医疗风险等如实告知患者

    6、,及时解答其咨询;但是,应当避免对患者产生不利后果。(设计说明:培养学生知法、懂法、守法,学会用法律来保护自己的合法权益。)Step3 Review and learn the parts of body Show a funny picture of Pan Changjiang on the screen (This picture will interest students). Teacher asks Whos this man? Students answer loudly Hes Pan Changjiang. Then let students tell Whats Pan C

    7、hangjiang like? After that, with Pan Changjiangs body, teacher leads students to review the parts of body: head eye nose mouth tooth back arm face hand ear leg. Then help students learn the new parts: stomach neck throat foot. (设计说明:展示潘长江的一张滑稽图片来激发学生的兴趣,从而借助潘长江的身体引导学生复习所学过的身体部位的名称,并学习新的身体部位的名称。)Step

    8、4 Check the students preparation1. Show some sick persons pictures with words about illness on the screen and ask students to read the words . 2. Then teacher help students correct their wrong pronunciation. 3. With the illness words, teacher leads students learn the sentences I have a(疾病) ,You have

    9、 a(疾病),He/She has a(疾病) Step 5 Presentation1、Show a picture of a sick boy who has a stomachache on the screen, Teacher asks students: If you see the sick boy , how will you care about him? Teacher tells students you should ask Whats the matter? /Whats the matter with you? 怎么了?/你怎么了?(Show the sentenc

    10、es on the screen. Students repeat with teacher ). Then help students to give the sick boys answer I have a stomachache.我胃痛(Show this sentence on the screen). Then lead students to give proper advice You should lie down and rest.你应当躺下来休息 (Show this sentence on the screen). Teacher leads students to u

    11、nderstand the conversation on the screen. Then students read the conversation after the teacher. 2、Teacher shows some sick persons pictures on the screen one by one and leads students to learn conversations like this A: Whats the matter?/ Whats the matter with you? B: I have a A: You shouldStep 6 Pa

    12、ir Work Ask students to read the Activity Request (活动要求): Two person together ,one is A ,the other is B, A is sick ,B cares about A and gives proper advice. Then act out the dialogue like this :A: Whats the matter with you?B: I have a A: You should B: Thats a good idea.(If necessary teacher offers s

    13、ome help) Step 7 Listening 2a-2b1、Play the recording, students listen carefully and match the problems with the advice.2、Teacher check the answers with studentsStep 8 Exercises一、根据括号中的汉语提示写单词, 完成句子。 1. I didnt go to school yesterday, because I had a _(发烧)2. My _(脚) is a little sore.3. Please open yo

    14、ur _(眼睛).4. There is a ring around the dogs _(脖子).5. I need to _(休息) for an hour.二、翻译下列句子: 1、我头痛。 I_ _ _. 2、你应当去睡觉。 You _ go to bed.3、他肚子痛。 He_ _ _.4、他不应当吃任何东西。 She _ eat anything.5、她牙痛。She_ _ _6、她应当看牙医。She should_ _ _.(设计说明:该练习活动,学生先自己思考,自己完成,然后由学生扮演老师的角色为大家核对答案。这给学生提供了展示自我的机会,有助于提高学生的自信心)Step 9 Su

    15、mmarySummary1表达病症的结构1、身体部位+ache 如:toothache 牙痛 headache 头痛 stomachache 胃痛2、sore +身体部 如:sore throat喉咙痛 sore foot脚痛 sore back背痛3、病症 如: cold 感冒 fever 发烧 cough 咳嗽某人患病的句型主语+ have a +病 如:1、I have a toothache. 我牙痛 2、You have a sore throat.你喉咙痛 3、 She has a headache 她牙痛Summary2问病症的句型Whats the matter with sb? =Whats the trouble with sb?=Whats wrong with sb?主语+ should + 动词原形. . You should lie down and rest. 你应该躺下休息一会儿。 You should drink hot water 你应当喝热水Step10Homework and enjoying music1、熟记本课的生词2、创设病人到医院看病的情景,编一个病人和医生之间的对话(设计说明:在学生记下家庭作业的同时,播放轻音乐,给学生缓解压力,使学生紧张的学习情绪得到放松)Step 11 Say goodbye


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