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    1、南外英语模拟训练南外英语综合一、Try to find an animal given below:.Lets have picnic at five oclock p.m. this afternoon. 1. That will be a real help. _2. He is going to America today. _3. We made errors in each one. _4. If I shout, hell hear me. _5. they will go at two oclock. _B找出每组字母组合中隐藏的一对反义词.e. g. finthat thin

    2、+ fat 1.bgismall _ + _ 2.talslhort _ + _3.sappydha _ + _ 4.ynoes _ + _5. dcheapear _ + _IIA( )1. Which is the largest civil passenger plane in the world?A.747 B. 757 C. A380 D. A330( )2. Which country will host the 2016 Olympic Games?A. The USA. B. the UK C. Japan D. Brazil( )3. When did Nanjing mas

    3、sacre happen?A. In 1937 B. In 1939 C. In 1936 D. In 1935( )4.After the foundation of PRC, the first mayor of Nanjing was _. A. Chen Yi B. Liu Bocheng C. Peng Dehuai D. Xu Shiyou( )5.The surface area of the earth is about _ square kilometers.A. 510,000,000 B. 51,000,000 C. 5,000,000 D. 51,000( )6. Th

    4、e images of the front and back side of a 100-yuan note are_.A. Mao Zedong, the Great WallB. Mao Zedong, the great hall of the peopleC. Mao Zedong, Tiananmen Square D. Mao Zedong, The Summer palace( )7. The cat has _ bones, _ more than a human.A. 220;14 B. 206;6 C. 230;14 D. 240;14( )8. China,_ are t

    5、he permanent members of the UN Security CouncilA. France, the UK, Japan and the USA B. Switzerland, France, the USA and the UKC. France, the UK, Russia, the USAD. the UK, the USA, Germany and FranceB1. Who is your mothers brothers mothers husband?2. Where does afternoon always come before morning?3.

    6、 Which two words have the most letters?4. What number gets bigger when you turn it upside down?5. How many sides does a house have?6. What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy?7. Whats the longest English word in the world?8. What will you break once you say?9. What time is it wh

    7、en a man is chased by ten dogs?10.Why are Sunday and Saturday the strongest in a week?C:1. Which number should come next in this series?1,3,4,7,11, .2. Put the numbers 1 to 9 in the blanks. You can use every number only once. = = 3. Find the regularity of the equality: a b (ab)/(ab).a b = 3, a = b=

    8、.4. The quantity of the students from Grade 6 is between 80 and 100. If 8 students make a group, one of the groups would have 5 more; if 12 make a group, 3 groups would need 1 more separately. How many students are there in Grade 6? II1. You put some water into a glass in the morning. You use 20% of

    9、 water during the day, and use 29 liters at night. At this time, the water left is 1 liter more than half of the glass. How much water did you put in the morning? 2. It takes 50 seconds for a train to pass a 1000-meter bridge and 70 seconds to pass a 1500-meter bridge. If the speed of the train slow

    10、s down 20%, how long will it take for a train to pass a 1950-meter tunnel? 3. Jias store of cameras is equal to Yi in an electronic marketplace. Then, Jia sold 46 cameras; Yi sold 19 then Yi has 4 times of cameras as Jia. How many cameras did Jia and Yi store respectively at first? 4. Children are p

    11、laying beadings. There are 180 beadings in the first plate and 40 beadings in the second plate. If they 14 beadings out of the first plate and put them into the second plate at one time, when will the number of the beadings be equal in the two plates? B一、( )1. Before doing physical exercise, we shou

    12、ld .A. have large amount of foodB. make warm-up preparationsC. drink enough waterD. All the above ( )2. What is the main reason of being overweight?A. Too much nutrition. B. Lack of physical exercise.C. Too much sleeping time. D. A and B( )3. You need to lose weight if your weight is over the standa

    13、rd.A. 5% B. 15% C. 25% D. 10%( )4. After dinner, one needs to have a rest for at least minutes before doing exercise.A. 30 B. 60 C. 90 D. 120( )5. When you are watching TV, the proper distance(距离)between you and the TV is no less than meters.A. 2.5 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5二、智力英语:( )1. How many rooms are there

    14、 in the White House?A. 102. B. 132. C. 66. ( )2. How many items are there in a dozen(打)?A. 24. B. 36. C. 12. ( )3. Which country is in South America?A. Canada. B. Chile. C. Costa Rica ( )4. Which person was a painter?A. Da Vinci. B. Bach. C. Beethoven. ( )5. How many muscles are there in the human b

    15、ody?A. Over 200. B. Over 400. C. Over 600. ( )6. Which of the following is a month with thirty days?A. August. B. September. C. May. ( )7. Which of the following is a primary color?A. Purple. B. Green. C. Yellow. ( )8. How many degrees are in a right angle?A. 60. B. 90. C. 120. ( )9. Bees go to flow

    16、ers to.A. sleep B. make food C. build their homes. ( )10. Which person is not one of the characters in the film Harry Potter?A. Ron Wesley .B. Hermione Granger.C. Professor Philips.D. Lord VoldemortB 1. What fly looks like a little dragon? 2. Whats the poorest bank in the world? 3What is open when i

    17、t is raining? 4What does everybody do at the same time?5Im an animal. I have a face like a cats, feet like a cats and a tail like a cats. but Im not a cat. What am I? 6An old woman has lived in one-story house before. She is very short. Afterwards, she moves into a big building and lives on the nint

    18、h story. However, when she comes back home each time, she always takes an elevator to the sixth story and gets off, then she walks to the ninth story. Why? 7. How do we know a play has a happy ending? 8. How can we turn a bat into a cat? 9.Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? 10. What is the

    19、 smallest bridge in the world? 三A1. Among 18 children, were born in the same month.A. 2 only B. at least 2 C. 7 D. at most 72. A car traveled 28 miles in 30 minutes. How many miles per hour was it traveling? 3. Two cars start off the same point on a straight highway facing opposite directions. Each

    20、car drives for 6 miles, takes a left turn, and then drives for 8 miles. How far apart are the two cars? 4. Someone puts 12 plastic eggs into a plastic bag. There is a 2-yuan coin in one plastic egg. Each person touches one egg from the bag. If this man touches first, whats the probability to get the

    21、 egg with 2-yuan coin in it?A. 1/9 B. 1/10 C. 1/11 D. 1/12 5. A series of regular numbers 1, 5, 14, 30, 55, 91 is known. Count the numbers from left to right, what is the 9th number? 6At a stores grand opening , every 15th customer gets 10. Every 50th customers gets a mug. Which customer will be the

    22、 first to get both 10 and a mug? 7Fred is making a collage of geometric shapes. He has 4 more triangles than circles and the squares are 3 times of the triangles. If Fred has 36 shapes in all, how many of each kind does he have?Triangles: ;Circles: ;Squares: 8 In 2115, there are 100 aliens from the Mars among which 85 have a eyes; 75 have 4 legs; 80 have 2 noses. How many aliens have 3 eyes, 4 legs and 2 noses? 9. If the last six numbers of the product of the formula 175225275 are all “0”s. Whats the smallest number expressed by ?


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