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    1、完整word版国际法期末题答案整理2015国际法期末考试题目答案整理一、 名词解释:1、 普遍管辖权(university jurisdiction)普遍管辖(university jurisdiction),是指所有国家都有权对国际法上规定的严重危害国际社会普遍利益的国际犯罪行为实行的管辖,而不论罪行发生在何处。 Certain crimes-piracy, slavery, torture, war crimes, genocide and other crimes against humanity-are so prejudicial to the interests of all st

    2、ates, that customary international law (in this case, often derived from treaty law) does not prohibit a state from exercising jurisdiction over them, wherever they take place and whatever the nationality of the alleged offender or victim.2、 外交保护(diplomatic protection)外交保护是指国家对其在外国的国民(包括法人)之合法权益遭到所在

    3、国家违反国际法的侵害而得不到救济时,采取外交或其他方法向加害国求偿的行为。Diplomatic protection (or diplomatic espousal) is a means for a State to take diplomatic and other action against another State on behalf of its national whose rights and interests have been injured by the other State.外交保护是国家的权利,因为国家基于属人管辖,将国民的权利视为国家权益的组成部分,所以对其在

    4、国外的国民有保护的权利。A State has the right to protect its nationals abroad, that is to say, to ensure that another state treats them in accordance with treaties binding on both states and the minimum standards for treatment of aliens.3、 国籍(nationality)国籍表示个人具有某个国家的公民资格或身份,与该国保持着永久的法律联系,处于该国的属人优越权之下。 National

    5、ity, in law, condition or status of belonging to, or having legal identity with, a nation or state.国籍是国家区分本国人和外国人的根据。4、 最惠国待遇(most favored nation treatment)最惠国待遇是指在相同条件下和特定范围内,一国给予某外国的国民的待遇不低于它现在或将来给予任何第三国国民的待遇。1.施惠国给予其邻国国民的待遇,如免除边民签证或边境贸易的优惠。(Preferences granted to countries which have common borde

    6、rs with one country aimed at facilitating the circulation of border goods on the basis of bilateral agreements.)2.关税同盟内的优惠,自由贸易区或经济共同体的待遇。(Trade agreements usually allow for exceptions to allow for regional economic integration.)3.发达国家给予发展中国家的 (Preferences granted to developing countries and to unde

    7、rdeveloped countries.)5、 国民待遇(nation treatment)国民待遇(national treatment):是指国家在相同条件下和特定范围内给予外国人与本国人相同的待遇。If a state provides certain rights and privileges to its own citizens, it also should provide equivalent rights and privileges to foreigners who are currently in the country.6、 引渡(extradition)引渡(ex

    8、tradition) ,是指国家把当时在其境内的而被别国指控为犯罪或判罪的人,应该国的请求,移交该国审判或处罚的行为。它是国家间的一种特殊刑事司法协助,目的是能使请求国对其指控的犯罪嫌疑人进行审判,以追究他的刑事责任,或对已经依法判未有罪的人执行刑罚。引渡的主体通常都是国家,请求引渡的国家可以是犯罪行为发生地国或受害国,也可以是犯罪嫌疑人或罪犯的国籍国。Extradition is the procedure by which a person accused or convicted of a crime is formally transferred to a state where he

    9、 is wanted for trial or to serve his sentence.7、 庇护(asylum)国际法上庇护(asylum)的一般意义是指国家对于因政治原因被追诉或受迫害而请求避难的外国人,准其入境、居留,并给予保护的行为。国家庇护外国人是其属地优越权的表现,虽然依国际法人人都有权寻求外国的保护,但是否庇护外国人,则属国家自由决定的事情。国际实践中,各国庇护的对象主要是被外国追诉的政治犯罪者或因从事政治活动而遭到迫害的人。因此,庇护又称“政治避难”,庇护国实际上为避难者提供了避难所。8、 或起诉或引渡(aut dedere aut punire)9、 难民(refugee

    10、)难民(refugee) 是指符合1951年难民公约和1967年难民议定书共同承认的难民条件的人,即有正当理由畏惧由于种族、宗教、国籍、属于某一社会团体或具有某种政治见解原因的迫害而留于本国之外,并且由于此种畏惧而不能或不愿受该国保护的人;或者不具有国籍并由于上述事情而留在他以前经常居住的国家之外,而现在不能或者由于上述畏惧不愿返回该国的人。10、先占(occupation)11、国际地役(international servitude)国际地役是指依据国际条约,一国有关领土在一定范围内满足他国需要或为他国利益服务。国际地役的主体是国家,其客体是受限制的有关国家领土。 积极地役:国家承担义务允

    11、许别国在自己的有关领土上从事某种行为。 消极地役:国家承担义务承诺不在其有关领土上从事某种行为。国际法上的国际地役与国内民法上的地役有所区别:它依据国际条约而设定,并不绝对以相邻关系为前提,它对属地管辖权的限制具有相对永久性。 A servitude exists where the territory of one state is under a particular restriction in the interests of the territory of another state. Examples of servitudes would include the right t

    12、o use ports or rivers in, or a right of way across, the territory so bound, or alternatively an obligation not to fortify particular towns or areas in the territory.12、全民公决(referendum)是指国际法承认在特定条件下,由某一领土上的居民通过投票来决定该领土的归属。 1.殖民地争取独立的民族或地区根据民族自决原则可通过全民投票和平地取得独立。 2.原战败国被占领土。 3.一国内部某一地区的居民通过投票决定是否分离。13、

    13、领海基线(baseline)领海基线(baseline) 是指作为测定领海宽度的起算线,划分一国领海与海岸或内水的界限的测量线。以基线为准,向陆地一面的海域是内水,向海洋一面的海域是领海。基线可以分为正常基线、直线基线、混合基线三种。14、登临权(right of visit)登临权(right of visit):又称临检权,是指一国军舰或经授权的国家公务船舶靠近和登上被合理地认为犯有国际罪行或其他违反国际法行为嫌疑的商船进行检查的权利。 15、紧追权(right of hot pursuit)紧追权(right of hot pursuit):沿海国主管当局在有充分理由认为外国船舶在其内水

    14、、群岛水域、领海、毗连区、专属经济区内或大陆架上,包括大陆架上设施周围的安全地带内,违反该国法律和规章时,可对该国船舶进行紧追。行使紧追权的飞机和船只中途不能中断,且必须为政府服务并经授权。当被追逐的船舶进入其本国领域或第三国领海时,紧追应立即停止。紧追权只可由军舰、军用飞机或其他有清楚标志可以识别的为政府服务并经授权紧追的船舶或飞机行使。16、国际海底区域(international seabed area)国际海底区域(international seabed area),或简称“区域(the Area)”,是指国家管辖 范围以外的海床和洋底及其底土,一般包括领海、毗连区、专属经济区和大陆

    15、架以外的(即公海)深海洋底及其底土。 The Area of the International Seabed, shortly, the Area, just refers to the area of the seabed beyond the continental shelf, which ,with its resources, is stipulated as the common heritage of mankind17、公海(high sea)公海(high seas)是指不包括国家的专属经济区、领海和内水或群岛国的群岛水域的全部海域。High seas is defined

    16、 as the areas of the sea within which no State sovereignty or jurisdiction may be claimed or exercised.High sea is open to all States, whether coastal or land-locked States, for their utilizations as permitted under international law.The flag State has exclusive jurisdiction over its ships navigatin

    17、g through the high sea.18、无害通过权(right of innocent passage)无害通过权:是指外国的船舶可以在不损害沿海国和平、安全或良好秩序的原则下通过一国领海的权利。通过是指穿过领海但不进入内水,或从内水驶出或驶入内水的航行。航行必须的继续不停和迅速进行。 Foreign Vessels were given the right of innocent passage through any territorial waters. Ships of all States, whether coastal or land-locked, enjoy th

    18、e right of innocent passage through the territorial sea.Passage shall be continuous and expeditious. However, passage includes stopping and anchoring, but only in so far as the same are incidental to ordinary navigation or are rendered necessary by force majeure or distress or for the purpose of ren

    19、dering assistance to persons, ships or aircraft in danger or distress.Passage is innocent so long as it is not prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the coastal State. Such passage shall take place in conformity with this Convention and with other rules of international law.19、过境通行(tra

    20、nsit passage)过境通行(transit passage) :专为在连接公海或专属经济区一个部分与公海或专属经济区另一部分的海峡以继续不停和迅速过境(continuous and expeditious transit)的目的而行使航行和飞越自由(freedom of navigation and overflight)。船舶和飞机在行使过境通行权时应遵守如下义务:(1)毫不迟疑地(without delay)通过或飞越海峡;(2)不对海峡沿岸国的主权、领土完整或政治独立进行任何武力威胁或使用武力;(3)除因不可抗力遇难外,不从事其通过所附带发生的活动以外的任何活动;(4)船舶应遵守

    21、一般接受的关于海上安全的国际规章、程序和惯例;(5)飞机应遵守国际民用航空组织制定的适用于民用飞机的航空规则。(二)过境通行制度的例外(1)在公海或专属经济区的一部分和外国领海之间的用于国际航行的海峡;(2)虽为连接公海或专属经济区的一部分和公海或专属经济区的另一部分之间用于国际航行的海峡,但该海峡是由海峡沿岸国的一个岛屿和该国大陆形成,而且该岛向海一面有在航行和水文特征方面(navigational and hydrographical characteristics)同样方便(similar convenience)的一条穿过公海或专属经济区的航道;(3)穿过某一用于国际航行的海峡有在航行

    22、和水文特征方面同样方便的一条穿过公海或专属经济区的航道。在前两类用于国际航行的海峡中,适用于无害通过制度;在后一类海峡中,适用航行与飞越自由制度。20、特别使团(soecial mission)“特别使团”是指一个国家,经另一个国家同意,为了就特别问题与该另一国交涉,或为了执行同该另一国有关的特别任务,而派往该国的、代表其本国的临时使团。A “special mission” is a temporary mission, representing the State, which is sent by one State to another State with the consent o

    23、f the latter for the purpose of dealing with it on specific questions or of performing in relation to it a specific task.21、条约必须信守22、加权表决制度(weighted voting)加权表决制 (weighted voting),是指依据一定标准和规则分别给予国际组织成员以不同票数或不等值的投票权的一种表决制度,以实现成员国的某些特别权益。23、联合国专门机构(specialized agencies)联合国专门机构(specialized agencies)是指根

    24、据政府间协定成立的并与联合国发生合作关系的全球性专门性国际组织。 它们是政府间国际组织,是由各国政府根据正式协定成立的。 它们是对经济、社会、文化、教育、卫生等特定业务领域负有责任的专门性组织。在成员组成上具有普遍性。 它们与联合国具有法律联系。 二、 简答题1、 简述国际法的基本原则与强行法的联系和区别2、 简述国家管辖权管辖权(right of jurisdiction)通常是指国家对与其有关系的人和物的统治和支配的权利。它一般是通过立法、司法和强制执行等措施保证实现的。从基本权利的意义上讲,国家管辖权的基本形式是属地管辖和属人管辖。此外,作为基本管辖权的补充,根据国际习惯和条约规定,还有

    25、保护性管辖和普遍管辖。(1)属地管辖(territorial jurisdiction),也称领土管辖,是国家领土主权的重要内容。依领土内的一切属于领土的规则,国家对其领土内的一切人、物和事有管理和支配的权力。The primary basis for jurisdiction. A State is free to legislate and enforce that legislation within its territory, the main exception being when that freedom is restricted by treaty. A state can

    26、 also apply its laws to ships flying its flag or aircraft registered with it, and persons on board. Although a state has sovereignty over its airspace, acts committed on board foreign-registered aircraft are primarily subject to the jurisdiction of the state of registration.(2)属人管辖(personal jurisdic

    27、tion),也称国籍管辖(nationality jurisdiction),一般是指国家对具有本国国籍的人的管辖,不论本国人的行为发生在何处。 A state can legislate to regulate activities of its nationals abroad, whether living there or merely visiting. One of the advantages of nationality is that the tax laws of your state may still apply to you if you live abroad, o

    28、r if you have foreign investments or conduct business activities. Unless a treaty allows for it, legislation cannot be enforced within another state. (3)保护性管辖(protective jurisdiction),一般是指国家为了保护本国的安全、独立、利益,包括本国国民的生命、财产、利益,而对于外国人在该国领域之外,对该国国家或其国民的犯罪行为实行的管辖。A state may establish its jurisdiction over

    29、a foreign national who commits an offence abroad prejudicial to the states security, even if the act is not an offence under the local law.(4)普遍管辖(university jurisdiction),是指所有国家都有权对国际法上规定的严重危害国际社会普遍利益的国际犯罪行为实行的管辖,而不论罪行发生在何处。 Certain crimes-piracy, slavery, torture, war crimes, genocide and other cr

    30、imes against humanity-are so prejudicial to the interests of all states, that customary international law (in this case, often derived from treaty law) does not prohibit a state from exercising jurisdiction over them, wherever they take place and whatever the nationality of the alleged offender or v

    31、ictim.3、简述国际法上国籍的意义4、简述国际法的渊源(一)国际条约:国家间、国家与国际组织间、或国际组织相互之间所缔结而以国际法为准的国际书面协定。(Treaty is a kind of agreement concluded by two international subjects with their common will.)Law-making treaties:造法性条约Treaty-contracts: 契约性条约条约包括一般国际条约与特殊国际条约。但这里应尤指谓造法性公约,即确立一般国际法规范的公约,如维也纳外交关系公约和联合国海洋法公约。(二) 国际习惯:经接受为法律

    32、的一般实践、惯例或做法。一项规则是否构成国际习惯需要两个因素(the constitutive conditions of custom):国家实践的一般性因素或所谓“物质因素”(material or physical element),即在某一方面的国家实践实际上一致而且参加实践的国家广泛而有代表性,包括了最有利害关系的国家;以及“法律确信” (Opinio juris)或所谓“心理因素”(psychological element),即这种实践是基于对一项法律规则或法律义务的一般承认。Custom refers to some certain rules of behavior derived from an early stage, which have not been written down or codified.(三)一般法律原则一般是指各国国内法、特别是私法中所共有的原则一般法律原则只有在条约和习惯缺位的情况下才使用Some of General Principles of Law:Principl


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