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    1、渗透检测工艺规程penetrantinspectprocedure渗透检测工艺程序编号Report No.Q/OH(Q) 03.006-2009浙江欧华造船有限公司Zhejiang OuHua Shipbuilding Co.,LtdPenetrant Inspect Procedure页数Pages14编写:Wrtten by审核:Checked by确认:Approved by目 录 Content章节 Chapter 题目 subject 页码Page1 目的 Intent 22 适用范围 Scope 23 引用标准 Quoted standard 24 检测时机 Test time 3

    2、5 检测人员 Inspector 46 检测材料 Inspection material 47 试块 Comparative reference panel 58 检测前的准备 Preparation before test 69 渗透探伤检验程序Test procedure 610 渗透显示的评定Classification of indications 1011 验收标准Acceptance criteria 1112 返修 Repair 1213 安全 Safety 1214 检测报告格式 Inspection report 131. 目的 Intent本工艺是根据LR规范及IACS焊接

    3、质量和无损探伤检测指南要求制定的焊缝渗透检测质量控制程序。The workmanship is based on the quality control procedure of seam penetrate testing of the rule of LR and IACS guideline of welding quality and NDT of ship steel welds.2. 适用范围 Scope本工艺适用于所有铁质材料和非铁质材料(非多孔性)表面开口缺陷的检测。This standard applies to all ferrous and nonferrous mate

    4、rials (non-porosity) for detecting open flaw on the surface.3. 职责 Obligation3.1 参照程序 The standards cited in this Standard are as follows:(a) LR 新建船入级及建造规范(b) EN ISO5817(2003)(c) 船舶钢焊缝渗透检测工艺和质量分级 CB3958-2004 (d) IACS Guideline Non-destructive testing of ship hull steel welds3.2合格标准 Acceptance criteri

    5、a(a) LR船舶入级规范和规则 (a) LR steel sea going ship classification and building rule (b)IACS焊接质量和无损探伤检测指南 (b) IACS Guideline Non-destructive testing of ship hull steel welds4. 检测时机 Test time4.1 渗透检测安排在焊缝冷却至环境温度并且在采用焊后热处理之后进行。 Test shall be arranged until welding seam is cooled down to environmental tempera

    6、ture and after welding heat treatment is executed.4.2 对有延迟裂纹倾向的焊缝或材料应在焊后24(强度大于400MPa或碳当量大于0.41的钢应在焊后48小时)小时以后进行。 Test shall be proceeded in 24(steel that s400MPa or Cev0.41 should be 48) hours after welding for the welding seams or material intended to delayed crack.5. 检测人员 Inspector 5.1 从事渗透检测人员应具

    7、有必要的专业知识,并经过技术培训,必须持有中国船级社或有关部门颁发的并与其工作相适应等级的无损检测技术资格证书,在有效期范围内。The inspectors who perform the test shall have the required qualification or sufficient knowledge, skill, and experience equal to that of the qualified engineer and shall hold non destructive testing qualified certificate issued by CCS

    8、or relative authorities, it should be in valid time.无损检测人员应取得按有关规程或技术条件的规定严格的培训和考核,并持有国家有关部门(CCS等)颁发的并与其工作相适应的等级资格证书。进行检测的人员应当根据国家公认的认证计划或按照等同于ISO 9712, SNT-TC-1A, EN473或ASNT ACCP 进行二级资格鉴定和认证。一级资质的操作人员可以二级或三级资质人员的管理下进行测试。获得国家公认的认证计划或按照等同于ISO 9712, SNT-TC-1A, EN473或ASNT ACCP 认证的三级资质人员有责任准备和认可无损探伤操作程序

    9、。 Operators should be qualified according to a nationally recognised scheme with a grade equivalent to level II qualification of ISO 9712, SNT-TC-1A, EN 473 or ASNT Central Certification Program (ACCP). Operators qualified to level I may be engaged in the tests under the supervision of personnel qua

    10、lified to level II or III.Personnel responsible for the preparation and approval of NDT procedures should be qualified according to a nationally recognised scheme with a grade equivalent to level III qualification of ISO 9712, SNT-TC-1A, EN 473 or ASNT Central Certification Program (ACCP).5.2 检测人员的视

    11、力应每年检查一次,矫正视力不低于1.0,无色盲和色弱。 The inspectors shall test eyesight annually. Their corrected vision shall not less than 1.0, no achromatopsia or color weakness. 6. 检测材料 inspection material6.1 探伤剂包括渗透剂(着色)、清洗剂、显像剂。应具有足够的缺陷检测能力,对被检件无腐蚀作用、对人体无害。 Test agent includes penetrant (dyeing), rinse and observation

    12、. It should be sufficiently able to detect the flaws.6.2 对奥氏体不锈钢制件检测时,每种探伤剂的氯和氟含量之和不得大于1%。 Testing the austenitic stainless steel elements, the content of chlorine and fluorine shall not more than 1% for each type of test agent.6.3 探伤剂应配套使用,不同厂家、不同型号的探伤剂不能混用。 Test agent shall be applied according to

    13、 the specified and shall not mixed with other types or other makers.6.4 探伤剂应放在温度为1050的暗处保存,并应避免阳光照射。 Test agent shall be kept in shadow place at temperature between 1050 and to avoid from sunshine.7. 试块 reference piece 7.1 铝合金试块(A型对比试块)Aluminum alloy reference piece (A type)铝合金试块尺寸如图1所示,试块由同一试块剖开后具有

    14、相同大小的两部分组成,并打上相同序号,分别以A、B记号,A、B试块上均应具有细密相对称的裂纹图形。 Dimension of reference piece as shown in Fig.1, divided into two equal parts and marked with A and B separately.Type A and Type B are opposite in cracks.主要用于:Mainly used for :a) 在正常使用情况下,检验渗透探伤剂能否满足要求,以及比较两种渗透探伤剂性能的优劣。Normally, the reference piece is

    15、 used to examine the performance of the test agent and whether it can fulfill the requirement or not.b) 对于非标准温度下(大于52、小于10,但大于4)的渗透探伤方法作出鉴定。 In the abnormal temperature condition (more than 52 or less than 10,but not less than4), test the penetrant-inspection.图1 铝合金试块 Fig.1 Aluminum alloy comparativ

    16、e reference panel 7.2 不锈钢镀铬试块尺寸如图2所示,主要用于检验操作工艺正确性和检测系统灵敏度。 Stainless chrome plated steel reference piece as shown in Fig. 2. It is purposed to test correctness of operation procedure and its sensitivity. 图2 不锈钢镀铬试块 Stainless chrome plated steel reference piece7.3 试块使用后要用丙酮进行彻底清洗。清洗后将其置于11的丙酮和乙醇溶液的密

    17、闭容器中保存。 After using the reference piece, it should be rinsed thoroughly with acetone. Then keep it in a closed container of 1:1 proportion of acetone and grain alcohol solution. 7.4 当发现试块有堵塞或灵敏度与原先比较有下降时,应及时更换。 In case of any blockage or less sensitive than before, the reference piece shall be immed

    18、iately renewed. 8. 检测前的准备 Preparation for test8.1 工件表面不得有铁锈、氧化皮、焊接飞溅、铁屑、毛刺以及各种防护层。 All rust, oxide skin, welding splash, iron scurf, bur and kinds of protection.8.2 被检工件机加工表面粗糙度Ra值为6.3m;被检工件非机加工表面粗糙度Ra值为12.5m.但对不能打磨的工件可适当放宽。 The machining surface roughness of test object Ra value shall be 6.3m, and

    19、for un-machining surface roughness of test object Ra valve shall be 12.5m. For the test object which can not be grinded, the Ra value can be even more.8.3 局部检测时,准备工作范围应从检测部位四周向外扩展25mm。 When making partial test, the area of preparation shall be from test object and to spread out of 25mm. 9. 渗透探伤检验程序

    20、Test procedure9.1 检测方法的选用原则 Selection the test method(a)渗透检测方法的选用可根据被检工件表面粗糙度,检测灵敏度、检测批量大小和检测现场的水源、电源等条件来决定。 Selection of the test method shall be based on the surface roughness of test object, test sensitivity, quantity of test object and the condition of water and power supply in test cite.(b)对于表面

    21、光洁且检测灵敏度要求高的工件宜采用后乳化型着色。 For the clean surface and high test sensitivity of test object, the post-emulsification dyeing shall be applied.(c)对于表面粗糙且检测灵敏度低的工件宜采用水洗型着色法。For the rough surface and low test sensitivity of test object, the hydrophilic dyeing shall be applied.(d)对于现场无水源、电源的检测宜采用溶剂去除型着色法。 Fo

    22、r the condition of no water, power supply at test site, then the solvent removal dyeing shall be applied.(e)对于批量大的工件检测,宜采用水洗型着色法。 For the large quantity of test object, the water washable dyeing shall be applied.(f)对于大工件的局部检测,宜采用溶剂去除型着色法。 For the partial test of large scale test object, the solvent

    23、removal dyeing shall be applied.9.2 操作过程 Test operation9.2.1 预清洗 Pre-cleaning检测部位的表面状况在很大程度上影响着渗透检测的检测质量。因此,在进行过表面清理之后还要进行一次预清洗,以去除检测表面的污垢。清洗时,可用溶剂、洗涤剂等进行。To a great extent, the condition of testing surface will affect the quality of penetrant inspection. So, after finishing the cleaning job of surf

    24、ace, one more task of pre-cleaning will be demanded to clear away the dirty from surface. The cleaning shall be carried out by solvent cleaning, steam cleaning, paint remover, alkaline detergent, acid cleaning, etc., considering the kind and extent of adhering matter, and the quality of test object.

    25、干燥过程:自然干燥和风吹方式Dry procedure: nature and blow method.9.2.2 施加渗透剂 Penetration treatment(a)渗透剂施加方法 penetration treatment method施加方法应根据零件大小、形状、数量和检测部位来选择。所选方法应保证被检部位完全被渗透剂覆盖,并在整个渗透时间内保持湿润状态。 The penetrant shall be applied by dipping, spraying, brushing or the like, according to the quantity, dimensions

    26、and shape of the test object as well as the kind of penetrant, and the surface to be tested shall be wetted with penetrant for the time required for penetration.(b)渗透时间及温度 penetration time and temperature 在(1052)的条件下,渗透剂的渗透时间一般不少于5min。当温度低于10时内要适当增加渗透时间,当温度在大于4并小于10或高于52时,用对比试块进行比较,并在检验报告中必须加以说明。The

    27、 penetration time shall be determined considering the kind of penetrant, quality of the test object, kind and size of flaw anticipated, and the temperature of the test object and penetrant. Generally, in the range of (1052), the time shall not less than 5min. For the temperatures are above 52 or bel

    28、ow 10 but not less than 4, then comparative reference panel will be used for comparison and must be stated in the inspection report. 9.2.4 清洗多余的渗透剂 Rinse and solvent wiping removal(a)在清除工件被检表面多余的渗透剂时,应注意防止过度清洗而使检测质量下降,同时也应注意防止清除不足而造成对缺陷显示识别困难。 Rinse and solvent wiping removal shall be so carried out

    29、 that only the excess penetrant adhering on the surface is removed. Over rinse that might drain out the penetrant penetrated into flaws shall not be carried out and insufficient rinse might also cause the trouble to reveal the flaws.(b)水洗型和后乳化性渗透剂均可用水清洗。冲洗时,水射束与被检面以30为宜;在无冲洗装置时,可采用干净不脱毛的抹布蘸水依次擦洗。采用冲

    30、水方法时,如无特殊规定,冲洗装置喷嘴处的水压应不超过0.34Mpa。 Both water-washability and post-emulsifiable penetrants can be cleaned with water. When cleaning, it is preferable that 30 between water spray beam and test object surface. In case of no washing device used, penetrant shall be removed by clean, un-detersile rag. In

    31、 case of using a spray nozzle, the water pressure shall be 0.34Mpa or under, unless otherwise specified.(c)溶剂去除型渗透剂用清洗剂清洗。除特别难于清洗的地方外,一般应先用干净不脱毛的布依次擦拭,直至大部分多余渗透剂被清洗后,再用蘸有清洗剂的干净不脱毛的布或纸进行擦拭,直至将被检面上的多余渗透剂全部擦净。但必须注意,不得往复擦拭,不得用清洗剂直接在被检面冲洗。Solvent-removable penetrants shall be removed by solvent cleaner.

    32、Except in case that the removal is difficult, the penetrant shall basically be wiped off by clean rag with solvent cleaner, however dipping of the test object into solvent cleaner or the use of excessive quantity of solvent cleaner shall not be applied.9.2.5 干燥处理 Drying(a)施加快干式显像剂之前或施加湿式显像剂之后,检测面须经干燥处理。一般可用热风进行干燥或进行自然干燥。干燥时,被检面的温度不得大于52。In case of using quickly dried developer, drying shall be carr


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