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    1、英语选修牛津译林Unit2教学课件4共23张Period FourProjectLanguage Focus1.and a needle like a small sword, used for letting liquid out of body parts which had swollen up有一种像小剑的针$ 是 用来让液体从脓肿部位流出。归纳拓展let.out of.让 从 中流出/出去let out相当于及物动词,后面必须加宾语,out为副词,意为“让(人等)出去;放出(水、空气等);放宽、放大衣服等;发出(叫喊声等);泄露(秘密等),不留神说出;放过某人免受某事之累(尤指不愉快

    2、之事)” o语境助记(l)The device lets sunlight in, but doesn,t let heat out.这个装置让阳光进入,但是不放热量出去。(2)She let out a scream of terror at the sight of a figure in the darkness.她在黑暗处看到一个身影时,发出了恐怖的尖叫声。(3)He let out the secret by chance that she was leaving here.题组训练用let out (of)的适当形式填空1When the bird got well, we let

    3、 it out .2He,s getting so fat that his trousers have to be let outround the waist.3The teacher said only Janet, George and Sue were to bepunished, so he let m 4She let herselfutof the house very quietly.(2)He accidentally A that he had quarrelled with his wife and hadn t been home for a couple of we

    4、eks.A. let out B. took careC made sure D. made out解析let out泄密。句意为:他无意间透露他和妻子吵架了, 已经几周没有回家了。2.The main needle now used for acupuncture is fine and sharp.如今.用于针灸的主针都很好,很锋利。归纳拓展IIsharp adj.锋利的;尖的;急剧的,猛然的;敏锐的; a励.准时地;(某时)整语境助记(1)1 cut my foot on a sharp stone. 我的脚被一块尖石头割破了。(2)After the storm there was a

    5、 sharp drop in temperature. 暴风雨过后,温度急剧下降。(3)Tell her I 11 be there at nine o clock sharp. 告诉她我9点整到那里。题组训练The bell rang 吐 12 oclock slwg (在 12 点整).(2)It was very c of you to have noticed that.lt is only aB. helpfulvery small fault.A. wiseC. sharp D bright解析 根据答语“这只是一个小小的瑕疵”可知,上文指目 光敏锐,这和wise, bright

    6、u聪明无关;也和helpful “有 帮助的”无关,应该用sharp “敏锐的”才符合句意。3.Acupuncture uses stainless steel needles that are put into the skin at certain points on the body so that a disease can be cured or a health problem solved.针刺疗法用不锈钢针插入身体的某些点,以治疗疾病或解 决健康问题。归纳拓展本句是复合句,SO that引导目的状语从句,意思是“以便, 为了,这时从句中常含有can, could, may, m

    7、ight等情 态动词。(l)S0 that还可引导结果状语从句,从句中往往没有情态动词,而且主从句之间常用逗号隔开。(2)除so that外,in order that也可用来引导目的状语从句,用法同so thato语境助记(l)My old father began to study the computer at the age of sixty so that/in order that he might keep up with the times.我的老父亲60岁时开始学电脑,以便跟上时代。(2)She had not planned her time well, so that s

    8、he did not finish her homework on time.她没把时间安排好,所以她没按时完成家庭作业。(3)Bob turned off the alarm so that/in order that he could sleep late in the morning.鲍勃关掉闹钟以便早上能睡懒觉。题组训练We try to get close to the dangerous animals _2 Wecan take some good photos.A. so that B. such thatC. even if D as if解析句意为:我们努力靠近危险的动物,

    9、以便能拍到一些 好照片。sothot表示“以便”,在句中引导目的状语从句。(2)He failed to finish the task in the time allowed ahe wasn t offered the job.A. so that B as long asC. even if D. on condition that解析句意为:他没有在规定时间内完成这一任务,因此他 没有得到那份工作。so that因此,所以,用于引导结果状语 从句;as long as只要,用于引导条件状语从句;even if即 使,尽管,用于引导让步状语从句;on condition that只要,

    10、条件是,用于引导条件状语从句。结合句意和选项可知本题 应选A项。4.These points are called acupuncture points.这些穴位称为针 灸穴位。归纳拓展point vt.&次指向,瞄准;指引,指导;ft论点,要点;目的;地点;得分 point of view 观点on the point of正要 的时候to the point中肯,扼要,切中要害three point nine 三点九there s no point (in) doing sth.做某事是没有用的 point at 指着point out 指出 point to 指向语境助记(l)She m

    11、ade several interesting points in the article.她在文章中提出了几个有趣的观点O(2)1 wish he would get to the point.但愿他快点说正题。(3)He pointed the gun at her head.他举枪对准了她的头。(4)He pointed to the spot where the house used to stand.他指出那所房子原来所在的地方。题组训练(1)翻译句子我们队获得了 80分。Our team scored 80 points 同他争辩是没有用的。There is no point (i

    12、n) aiuing with him(2)1 like the girP s speech in the debate ; it was clear and _the pointA. atBonC. toD. off解析句意为:我喜欢那个女孩在辩论中的发言。她的发言明 白易懂,且切中要Wo to the point中肯,切中要害,符合句意。5.Some people have also used acupuncture to treat smokers,alcoholics and people who are addicted to drugs.有些人也用针灸来治疗有烟瘾、酒瘾及毒瘾的人。归

    13、纳拓展addicted a妙上瘾;入迷be addicted to 对 上瘾addict机使上瘾addict oneself to沉溺于 ,醉心于addictive。莎.使人上瘾的 addiction n.上瘾;入迷语境助记(1)What do you think made him addicted to drugs? 你认为是什么使他沉迷于毒品?(2)Her son is addicted to computer games. 她儿子对电脑游戏入了迷。(3)He is now fighting his addiction to cigarette. 他现在正努力戒烟。题组训练(l)Itdoe

    14、sn t take long for her to become addicted to drugs 她不久就沉溺于毒品。(2)He is a man addicted to drinking.他是一个酗酒成性的人。(3)The problem with video games is that they are addictive.Once you are c to them, you just can,t stop playing.A. absorbed B. admittedC. addicted D. attached解析 be absorbed in被吸引到;be admitted t

    15、o被录用/取;be addicted to上瘾;be attached to附属于。由句意可知C项正确。6.Another theory relates acupuncture to the production ofchemicals in the body which reduce pain.另一种理论把针灸与体内能减轻病痛的化学物质的产生联系了起来。归纳拓展有联系(=be connected with = becombined with=be linked to)语境助记(l)In no way can we relate him to this matter.我们如何也不能把他和这件事

    16、联系起来。(2)1 can t figure out what I have learned is related to my life.我不明白我所学的与我的生活有什么联系。题组训练(1)介词填空His fear of people is deeply related to his unhappychildhood.She is connected with the Smiths.(2)Some weight problems an addiction of sugarand fat.A relate to B. related toC are related to D are relate

    17、d解析be related to与 有联系。relate是及物动词,其宾语作主语时,要用被动结构。7.A lot of people now subscribe to these theories.现在许多人 赞成这些理论。归纳拓展subscribe to同意,赞成;订阅语境助记(l)We subscribe to all the English papers. 我们订阅所有的英语报。(2)1 subscribe to the view that children benefit from being independent.我赞同孩子们能从独立中获益这一观点。题组训练(1)一Are you for this opinion?Yes, I b it.A agree to B. subscribe toC. apply to D. devote to解析 subscribe to = agree with 同意,赞成。(2)1 have to Time for years.A. subscribed B. linkedC. referred D turned解析subscribe to Time订阅时代周干Ll。


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