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    1、自考本科高级英语上下册答案(高等英语上)Lesson Fourteen I Would Like to Tell You Something By John F. Kerry A. Answer the following questions on the text :1. Who took part in the Detroit investigation ?2. What did the participants tell at the investigation ?3. What was the purpose of their telling about the war crime i

    2、n Vietnam ?4. Who should be held responsible for war crimes ,according to the author ? Do you agree with him ?5. What did the author want the writer for a national magazine to write about ?6. Why did the chairman of the large firm refuse to give financial aid to the veterans ?7. How were the America

    3、n soldiers made insensitive to war crimes the US army committed in Vietman ?8. What made the author say that Agnews statement made at West Point was a distortion ?9. How were the veterans treated back in the US ?10. What are the main things that the author wishes to convey to the reader ?Key A1. Ove

    4、r 150 honorably discharged veterans took part in the Detroit investigation . 2. The participants told war crimes committed in Indochina . 3. They wanted to prove that the policy of the United States in Indochina was tantamount to genocide . They wanted to show that you didnt start making things righ

    5、t by prosecuting William Calley and there was not just one Mylai but countless Mylais and they were continuing every single day . 4. According to the author , not only the soldiers are responsible for the war crimes , but also everyone here in America who has allowed the brutalization and depersonal

    6、ization to go on is responsible . Yes , I do . 5. The author wanted the writer for a national magazine to write the story of war the American people should have heard . 6. Because the chairman of the large firm did not think the author could market war crimes and it was nothing new of what they had

    7、done . 7. At boot camp the American soldiers were presented with a poster in the barracks of a crucified Vietnamese and underneath it says , “ kill the gooks. “They were trained to jump up and yell “ kill !”at the end of the four-count of calisthenics . Before they departed for Vietnam , the sergean

    8、t took a live rabbit , skinned it ,tore it open and pulled out the entrails . He ordered them to do the same to the Vietnamese . 8. It was a distortion because the veterans in no way considered themselves the best men in this country , because those he called misfits were standing up for them in a w

    9、ay nobody else in this country dared to , because so many who died would have come back to join the misfits , and because so many had actually returned to this country to demand an immediate withdrawal from Vietnam. 9. They were unemployed and received little care when they were back in the U.S.10.

    10、The author wants to convey to the reader the true story of the war and the American policies were the cause of the war . The author also wants to tell the reader the reasons that the veterans are against the war . B. Translate the following into Chinese :1. over 150 honorably discharged veterans , m

    11、any of them highly decorated ,testified to war crimes committed in Indochina. 2. The investigation was not staged so that veterans could spill out their hearts or purge their souls .3. Everyone here in America who has allowed the brutalization and depersonalization to go on is responsible . 4. If yo

    12、u dont cover the war you dont sell magazines , and if you dont sell magazines then nothing happens because thats the American way . 5. But what this country doesnt know is that America has created a monster in the form of millions of fighting men who have been taught to deal in violence , and who ha

    13、ve been given a chance to die for the biggest nothing in history . 6. Now we are told that we have to watch quietly while the American lives are lost so that we can exercise the incredible arrogance of Vietnamizing the Vietnamese . 7. The problem of the veteran doesnt just end with his anger. 8. The

    14、n suddenly one day he woke up in Vietnam and he found himself doing to the Vietnamese exactly what had been done to his people and what he had been conditioned by America to applaud . Key B1. 150多名光荣退役的老兵,其中许多人曾被授予过各种高级别的勋章,证明了他们在印度支那犯下的战争罪行.2. 这项调查并不是为了让老兵们倾吐心声,净化灵魂.3. 允许这种残忍/失去人性的行为继续进行的每一个美国人都应该负

    15、责任。4. 如果不报导战争,杂志就卖不出去,如果杂志卖不出去,那就什么事情也没有发生,因为这是美国的一贯做法。5. 但是这个国家的人民还不知道美国制造一个怪兽,它以几百万受过暴力的训练的战斗者的形式出现,他们得到了为历史上最大的无谓之举去牺牲的机会。6. 现在要求我们静静地注视着美国人丧生,我们就能实施令人难以置信的“越南战争越南化”的计划了。7. 老兵的问题不只是愤怒。8. 突然有一天,他在越南觉醒了,他发现他对越南人所做的一切就如同自己民族所遭受的一样,这正是美国故意让他鼓掌的。 C. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best wor

    16、d or expression from the box below , changing its form when necessary :Glamorize differentiation be tantamount to rampant rationalize revulsion indignation dormant hypocrisy accreditation arrogance distortion 1. I dont think you need accreditation to go and interview the people working in the commun

    17、ity center . 2. What America and NATO did in Yugoslavia was tantamount to mass murder . 3. This car manufacturer aims for the greatest possible differentiation of their product from those of other manufacturers .4. He is a very capable manager , but his arrogance makes it hard for others to cooperat

    18、e with him . 5. Nowadays some of the magazines make a point of glamorizing the life styles of actors and actresses in order to boost the sale of their journals . 6. He was filled with indignation when he found that decision had been made behind his back . 7. The willful distortion of history in some

    19、 of the films is appalling . 8. He rationalized quitting school by saying that what he needed was practical experience . D.Choose the right word or expression in the brackets to complete each of the following sentences :1. He knows that his parents have to work very hard in order to provide for his

    20、education , so he never ( spends , squanders )money . 2. He wanted a ( transcript , manuscript ) of the report to show to his friends . 3. The workers were filled with ( indignity ,indignation ) when they discovered that they were secretly watched during working hours . 4. people should ( clean , pu

    21、rge ) their minds of too strong a desire for money . 5. The policemen risked their lives in order to ( preserve ,protect ) the children . 6. In the past year, quite a few (dormant ,unimportant ) womens organizations became active again. 7. The newspapers ( mistake , distortion) of the incident needs

    22、 to be looked into . 8. The heroic deeds of the firefighters should be ( glamorized , praised ) .E.Explain the underlined words in English :1. over 150 honorably discharged veterans ,.2. a crucified Vietnamese3. The country seems to be lying down and accepting something .4. .a differentiation fed us

    23、 by .5. .those he called misfits were standing up for us .6. .while America blamed it all on the Viet Cong. 7. .unimportant battles to be escalated into .8. The war is part and parcel of everything .KeyE1. the soldiers who have served the army for a long time 2. be put to death by nailing to a cross

    24、 3. to be failing to protest or resist 4. given by force 5. were supporting / defending 6. fixed the responsibility on 7. to be developed into 8. an essential part F.Translate the following into English:约翰克里是一名越南战争退伍老兵,参加了1970年12月在底特律市举行的调查会。他认为老兵们去参加此会的目的不仅仅是为了坦白自己的战争罪行以清除心灵上的负罪感。对战争罪行应该负责的是美国政府,而不

    25、仅仅是个人。他希望通过本文唤起美国民众的责任感。他批评了美国各界人士的漠然态度,指出美国政府的政策的虚伪性。 他揭示了美国越战退伍老兵回国后的悲惨处境: 种族歧视/吸毒成瘾/失业/得不到好的医疗服务等等。最后他告诉读者,越南战争退伍军人反战组织的成员将向华盛顿进军,向国会进军,他们最主要的要求是,政府规定出从越南撤军的日期,否则他们将安营扎寨,决不离开。Key FJohn F. Kerry was a discharged veteran from Vietnam War and took part in the investigation held in Detroit in Decembe

    26、r in 1970 . He thought the purpose for the veterans to attend the investigation was not only to confess their war crimes in order to purge their souls . It was not the individual but the American government that should have been responsible for the war crimes . He hoped to arouse the sense of respon

    27、sibility of American people by this text . He criticized that the mass of people in America literally didnt give a damn and pointed out that the policy of the American government was hypocritical. He revealed the veterans miserable conditions after they came back : racial discrimination ,drug taking

    28、 , unemployment , no good medical care , etc. In the end he told the readers that members of Vietnam Veterans Against the War would march on Washington to the Capitol . Their most important demand was that the government set a date for withdrawl of troops from Vietnam, otherwise , they would camp an

    29、d stay there and wont move . G.Write a short passage of about 150-200words in English on the topic “ The main Issues That the Author Is Trying to Convey to the American people . “You should cover the following points :1. The whole American people are responsible for the war crimes in Vietnam ;2. but

    30、 the American people are indifferent ;3. the American government has lied to the people ;4. veterans are suffering in America . The Main Issues That the Author Is Trying to Convey to the American People An investigation was held in Detroit where over 150 honorably discharged veterans testified to wa

    31、r crimes committed in Indochina .They proved that the policy of the United States in Indochina was tantamount to genocide . Many Aemricans died in Asian rice paddies. The government said this kind of loss of life was linked to the preservation of freedom . but the veterans found it untrue when they

    32、got to Vietnam . Many veterans returned to this country to demand an immediate withdrawl from Vietnam. Some of them returned as amputees and quadriplegics to lie in rancid hospitals they had to sue the veterans Administration to get their artificial limbs . 22.5 percent of them were unemploged . 57percent of them had thought about suicide and 27percent had tried . 68percent were on dope and receive little care from the government . So the veterans wanted to make his fact open


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