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    1、北京丰台区初三二模英语2018北京丰台区初三(二模) 英 语 2018.05.31考生须知1. 本试卷共 12 页,共五道大题,39 道小题,满分 60 分。考试时间 90 分钟。2. 在试卷和答题卡上认真填写学校名称、姓名和考试号。3. 试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。4. 在答题卡上,选择题用 2B 铅笔作答,其它试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。5. 考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。知识运用(共 14 分)一、单项填空(共 6 分,每小题 0.5 分)从下面各题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Hi, Peter, is thi

    2、s _ bike? Oh, yes. Its a birthday gift from my parents. A. your B. my C. his D. her2. My brother always goes to the library _ Saturday. A. in B. on C. at D. to3. Ill have an exam tomorrow, _ I want to go to bed early. A. so B. or C. but D. for4. How do you come to school every day, by bus or by bike

    3、? By bus. Its much _ than by bike. A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. the fastest5. Do you know Mr. Smith? Yes, I _ him since 2008. A. know B. knew C. have known D. will know6. _ is the Yangtze River? Its 6397 kilometers. A. How much B. How heavy C. How long D. How big7. The students of Class 5 _ trees

    4、 in the park every year. A. plant B. will plant C. planted D. plants8. May I speak to Judy? Sorry, she _ a speech in the hall now. A. makes B. has made C. made D. is making9. Peter and Linda _ Beijing for Shanghai yesterday afternoon. A. leave B. left C. are leaving D. will leave10. My grandma _ din

    5、ner when I got home yesterday. A. cooks B. was cooking C. is cooking D. will cook11. These nice photos _ in Science Museum last year. A. take B. were taken C. are taken D. took12. Do you know _ tomorrow? Yes, the Great Wall. A. where they went B. where will they go C. where did they go D. where they

    6、 will go二、完形填空(共 8 分,每小题 1 分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。The Empty Easter EggJeremy was born with a twisted body and a slow mind. At the age of 12 he was still in second grade. He would make 13 ,and his teacher, Doris Miller, often became angry with him.One day, the children tal

    7、ked 14 about the coming of Easter (复活节). Their teacher Doris told them the story of Jesus, and then to 15 the idea of new life springing forth, she gave each of the children a large plastic empty Easter egg. She asked them to bring it back tomorrow with something inside that shows new life.The next

    8、morning, 19 children came to school, laughing and talking as they 16 their Easter eggs in the large basket on Miss Millers desk. It was time to open the now filled empty eggs. In the first egg, Doris found a flower. “Oh yes, a flower is certainly a 17 of new life,” she said. The next empty egg shell

    9、 contained a plastic butterfly, which looked very real. Doris held it up. “We all know that a caterpillar changes and grows into a beautiful butterfly. Yes, thats new life, too.”Suddenly, Jeremy spoke up. “Miss Miller, arent you going to talk about my Easter egg?” Impatiently, Doris replied, “But Je

    10、remy, your Easter egg is 18 .”He looked into her eyes and said softly, “Yes, but Jesus tomb (坟墓) was empty,too.” Time stopped. When she could speak again, Doris asked him, “Do you know why the tomb was empty?”“Oh, yes,” Jeremy said, “Jesus was killed and put in there. Then His Father raised Him up.”

    11、 “And thats how Easter 19 !”The recess bell rang. While the children excitedly ran out to the schoolyard,Doris cried. The cold inside her melted completely away. Three months later, Jeremy died. Those who paid their respects were 20 to see 19 Easter eggs on top of his casket (棺材), all of them empty.

    12、13. A. noises B. friends C. eggs D. plans14. A. worriedly B. proudly C. excitedly D. sadly15. A. guess B. explain C. check D. change16. A. pushed B. dropped C. threw D. placed17. A. name B. picture C. sign D. shape18. A. empty B. small C. big D. broken19. A. ended B. started C. changed D. developed2

    13、0. A. happy B. angry C. disappointed D. surprised阅读理解(共 36 分)三、阅读短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共 26 分,每小题 2 分)AMcDonalds Wants You!Join us at McDonalds one of the best fast food restaurants in the world.We are now looking for people interested in working with us. 3 Cooks At least one years w

    14、ork experience in a western restaurant kitchen Able to work weekends Work 16:00 21:00 every day($600/week) Waiters/Waitresses At least one years work experience in cafes or restaurants Part-time welcome Like fast rhythm work and able to adapt to change shift Work 18:00 1:00, 1:00 18:00 or 4:00 11:00

    15、 ($16/hour) Cleaners No experience needed Part-time welcome Work 12:00 15:00 or 17:00 22:00 ($12/hour) Were also looking for delivery workers who are good at riding a bike.Tips: All the workers in McDonalds should be above 18 years old and in goodcondition.Call 654-589-7859 Mr. Zhou.21. Cooks need t

    16、o work _. A. from 4:00 to 11:00 B. from 16:00 to 21:00 C. from 18:00 to 1:00 D. from 12:00 to 15:0022. _ need to be good at riding a bike. A. Cooks B. Waiters C. Delivery workers D. Cleaners23. All the workers in McDonalds should be _. A. under 15 years old B. under 18 years old C. above 18 years ol

    17、d D. above 20 years old初三英语 第 5 页(共 12 页) 初三英语 第 6 页(共 12 页)BFast Food Courier Wins Poetry CompetitionLei Haiwei, a 37-year-old fast food courier (送急件的人)from Hunan province won the championship in a televised Chinese poetry knowledge competition, winning fans overwith his true love for poems.“My int

    18、erest in poems began as early as I was 6 years old,” Lei said after winning the competition.Lei Haiwei was born in a village of Dongkou county, Shaoyang city. Heinherited (继承) his father Lei Changgens love of poems. The elder Lei put poetryon the kitchen wall for his son to read throughout childhood

    19、.“My father hoped I would grow up to be a man who keeps the mountains,rivers, lakes and seas in mind,” the courier said.In the fathers small house, there is a four-story bookshelf, the top of which isfilled with poetry books. Lei Haiwei showed great interest in Chinese culture when he was a child. E

    20、very time his father told him the stories behind each poem, he was totally attracted. He enjoyed reading poems.In 2001, the younger Lei graduated from a technical secondary school and found a job in Shanghai. Lei began to read books related to poems at bookstores or libraries in his spare time, sinc

    21、e he didnt have enough money to buy many. The young man also developed a habit of reciting poems he liked, writing down them after returning home.Though Lei came to Hangzhou city in 2008 and works as a fast food courier, his love for poems hasnt faded (减退). On his busiest work days, the courier has

    22、to deliver more than 50 orders a day, earning up to 9,000 yuan a month. Even so, he seized any available moment to recite poems.“For example, I am used to reciting poems when I wait for food at restaurants, and traffic lights on my way to deliver food. Reciting poems not only enriches my knowledge,

    23、but also makes my job less boring,” the courier said.As for his future plans, the courier said he will stick to reading and reciting poems.24. When did Lei Haiwei begin to be interested in poems? A. At the age of 6. B. At the age of 37. C. At the age of 50. D. At the age of 16.25. Why did Lei Haiwei

    24、 read books at bookstores or libraries? A. Because he could write down poems there. B. Because he won the championship in a competition. C. Because he could talk about poems with others there. D. Because he didnt have enough money to buy many books.26. What does Lei Haiwei think of reciting poems? A

    25、. It helps him get more money. B. It makes his job more boring. C. It makes him busier with his job. D. It helps him get more knowledge.CLearning vocabulary doesnt have to be boringMany students have problems with vocabulary when preparing for tests like the SATs. Last week, TEENS offered advice on

    26、how to memorize new words. If youre now familiar with those methods, why not try moving on to the next stage by using the following tips to build up your English vocabulary.Repeated encounters (反复遇见)The usual way of “memorizing” new material is through repeating it while its still in your mind. Howe

    27、ver, simply repeating a word seems to have little long-term effect.But one kind of repetition is effective: repetition of encounters with a word. Words stand a good chance of being remembered if theyve been met at least seven times in your reading, at intervals (相隔一段时间). So, read English magazines,

    28、newspapers, and websites regularly.Spacing and reviewIts better to distribute (分配) memory work over a period of time rather than do it in a single session (一段时间). This is known as the “principle of distributed practice”, where new vocabulary introduced in one lesson is reviewed in the next, and then

    29、 in later lessons.Use it or lose itPutting words to use in interesting ways helps add them to your long-term memory. In a study of vocabulary learning, students who made up their own sentences with new words and read them aloud remembered them better than those who learned the words separately and s

    30、ilently. Best of all, students were given the task of silently imagining a picture in their minds to go with a new word. So it might help if learners link words with a mental image.Mix it upLets face it learning words can be really boring, but it doesnt have to be. Thanks to the Internet, there are

    31、more interesting ways to get the job done. Try watching videos from English-speaking social media celebrities and copying the way they speak. You could even upload your own videos and try becoming a star yourself.27. According to the passage, a good way of memorizing new words is _. A. simply repeating them B. learning the words silently C. reviewing them in one lesson D. reading English magazines regularly28. To make learning words more interesting, we can _. A. try to become a famous star


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