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    1、辽宁省东北育才学校0910学年高二上学期第一次月考英语辽宁省东北育才学校09-10学年高二上学期第一次月考英 语答题时间:120分钟 满分:150分 命题人:高二英语备课组 校对人:高二英语备课组第一部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. The New York Times started _ new text messaging service that delivers _ latest news to mobile phones. A. /; / B. the; th

    2、e C. a; the D. the; a2. The trip to Beijing left him a deep _ and he began to complain everything around him. Aoccasion Batmosphere Cimprovement Dimpression3. -Do you mind if I open the window? -_. I feel a bit cold.A. Never mind B. Id rather you didnt C. Go ahead D. Why not.4. Another new factory h

    3、as been built near _used to be a village.A. what B. that C. which D. where5. What do you think of the book Harry Potter?Harry Potter is a world of magic and wonders, _ anything can happen.A. that which B. that where C. one which D. one where6. The government has taken some measures to solve the shor

    4、tage of electricity, but it may be some time _ the situation improves.A. since B. when C. that D. before7. Why didnt you tell me there was no meeting today? I _ all the way here _the heavy snow. A. neednt have driven;through B. didnt need to;acrossC. mustnt have driven;through D. shouldnt have drive

    5、n;cross 8. Although the necklace is not made of real diamond, it still _ me.A. attracts to B. appeals to C. reacts for D. responds at9. By nine oclock, all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Everest, _ appeared a rare rainbow soon.A. of which B. on which C. from which D. above wh

    6、ich10. The journalist immediately _to obtain these important facts.A. set about B. set down C. set out D. set up11. _ all over the hills and around the lake are wild flowers of different kinds.A. To grow B. Growing C. Grown D. Grow12. Tom, can you answer my question? Er, Im very sorry, Miss Evens. I

    7、 _ about something else. A. have thought B. was thinking C. will think D. had thought13. Once entering the university, the students are not expected to devote all their hours to studying. _, they should learn to divide their time between clubs and studies. A. Whats more B. Therefore C. In addition D

    8、. Otherwise14. _ these suggestions will help you become more cooperative and achieve more. A. Followed B. Following C. To follow D. Being followed15. We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballs, _ that all children like these things.A. thinking B. think C. to think D. thought第二

    9、节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。As an engineering student, I had a degree and three good job offers. I couldnt help trembling when I heard about studies which showed that women are at a(n) 16 when it comes to math. However, I discovered: just becau

    10、se a subject is 17 to learn, it does not show you are not good at it. You just have to grit your teeth and work harder to get good at it. 18 you do, theres a(an) 19 chance you will enjoy it more than anything else.In eighth grade I took algebra(代数). On one test I got only 36 percent of the 20 answer

    11、s. I failed the next one, too. I started to 21 maybe Im just not good at this. I was lucky enough to have a teacher who didnt take my bad grades as a judgment of my 22 , but 23 as an indication that I should study more. He 24 me aside and told me he knew I could do better. Success grows out of strug

    12、gles to overcome difficulties. I 25 the following tests, and pulled my grade up to an A.I studied a lot in college, too. I had moments of fear while sitting below the fluorescent lights in the 26 library on Saturday afternoons, when I 27 that the estrogen(雌性激素)in my body was 28 me from understanding

    13、 thermodynamics(热动力学). But the 29 in my class had to work just as hard, and I knew that I couldnt 30 to lose confidence in myself. I didnt want to choose between my femininity(女人气)and a good career. 31 I reminded myself that those 32 , the ones that say math comes more naturally to men, are faulty.H

    14、eres a secret: math and science dont go 33 to most people. No one was 34 born knowing calculus(微积分). But as a famous saying goes: Y nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. A woman can learn anything a man can, but first she needs to know that she can do it, and then takes a leap of 35 .1

    15、6Aadvantage Bdisadvantage Ctrouble Ddiscomfort17Aenjoyable Bhumorous Csimple Ddifficult18AOnce BWhere CAlthough DUntil19Astrong Bpoor Cimpossible Dfew20Awrong Bcomplete Ccorrect Dmissing21Athink Bastonish Cknow Ddecide22Amarks Bstandards Ccharacteristics Dabilities23Aextremely Bsimply Cslightly Desp

    16、ecially24Apulled Bled Cput Dpushed25Adesigned Battended Cgot Dtook26Achemistry Bengineering Cbiology Dgeography27Aworried Bagreed Cknew Drealized28Aprotecting Bawaking Cpreventing Dattempting29Agirls Bboys Cstudents Dclassmates30Aafford Btry Chelp Dmanage31AAlso BBut CThough DSo32Astudies Bgrades Cs

    17、tudents Dexperiments33Aactively Beasily Cdifficultly Dgradually34Anever Bever Ceven Doften35Ahonesty Bknowledge Creality Dfaith第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AA study of art history might be a good way to learn more about a culture th

    18、an is possible to learn in general history classes. Most typical history courses concentrate on politics, economics and war. But art history focuses on much more than this because art reflects not only the political values of a people, but also religious beliefs, emotions and psychology. In addition

    19、, information about the daily activities of our ancestors can be provided by art. In short, art expresses the essential qualities of a time and a place, and a study of it clearly offers us a deeper understanding than can be found in most history books. In history books, objective information about t

    20、he political life of a country is presented; that is, facts about politics are given, but opinions are not expressed. Art, on the other hand, is subjective: it reflects personal emotions and opinions. The great Spanish painter Francisco Goya was perhaps the first truly “political” artist. In his wel

    21、l-known painting The Third of May, 1808, he criticized the Spanish government for its abuse of power over people. In the same way, art can reflect a cultures religious beliefs. For hundreds of years in Europe, religious art had been almost the only type of art that existed. Churches and other religi

    22、ous buildings were filled with paintings that described people and stories from the Bible. Although most people couldnt read, they could still understand the Bible stories in the pictures on church walls. By contrast, one of the main characteristics of art in the Middle East was(and still is)its abs

    23、ence of human and animal images. This reflects the Islamic belief that statues are not holy. 36. We learn from the first paragraph that _. A. history class concentrates on religious beliefs and emotionB. history books focus on personal emotions and opinionsC. art history shows us something about emo

    24、tions and beliefsD. art history shows us nothing but the political values37. It can be inferred from the text that _. A. history teachers must be quite subjectiveB. artists paint people from the Bible to show their political beliefsC. you can hardly find animal and human images in Islamic paintingsD

    25、. painters in Europe only painted Bible stories for centuries38. Francisco Goya and his painting are used as an example to show_. A. art is subjective, which is different from history booksB. Spanish government abused its power over peopleC. in history books, facts about politics are givenD. Francis

    26、co Goya was the first “political” artist39. The text mainly discusses _. A. the development of art historyB. what can we learn from artC. the influence of art on art historyD. the difference between general history and art historyBThink of some of your favorite singers. When you listen, they can mak

    27、e you happy or sad, peaceful or angry. They can make you relax or want to get up and dance. Gifted singers have the power to affect us in many ways emotionally, physically and mentally.But becoming a great singer isnt as easy as listening to one. It takes practice, devotion and strong lungs! Just as

    28、k the well-known American opera star Carol Vaness.At the Metropolitan Opera in New York City where she often sings, Carols voice must be loud enough to be heard by four thousand people. It must reach every person in the theater, without a microphone, even when shes singing softly. The reason Carol c

    29、an project her voice that far is the way she breathes. “When you breathe, its like a swimmer taking a deep breath before going underwater, ” Carol explains. “You have to take a lot of air into your lungs.”According to Carol, the main difference between pop singing and opera is “how you breathe, how

    30、much air you take in, and how you control it coming out. Regular singing is more like speaking, and its a lot softer. When I sing for children, theyre often surprised by how the vibrations(震动)strike their ears like waves on a beach, ” Carol says. “In opera, the air doesnt just go out of your mouth i

    31、t vibrates in your chest, the way a guitar vibrates when its played.”Ever since she started piano lessons at the age of ten, Carol has loved music. As she got older, she decided to become a music teacher. When she went to college, she took singing lessons as part of her studies. Her voice teacher discovered that nineteen-year-old Carol had an exceptionally beautiful soprano voice the highest singing voice for women.Carol decided to make opera her goal, not


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