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    1、九年级上学期英语全册导学案上册 Unit 1 How do you study for a test? 九年级 主备课人: 审核人:九年级英语组 序号:1班级:_ 姓名:_Period 1导学内容:Section A导学目标知识点:重点单词:flashcard vocabulary aloud pronunciation specific memorize grammar differently frustrate frustrating quickly add重点句子:1. How do you study for tests?Well, I study by working with my

    2、 classmates. 2. Have you ever studied with a group?Yes, Ive learned a lot that way.课时安排:2课时导学方法:listening、Discussion导学过程:课前预习:Go through Section A and try to find ways of learning English in this part.eg:听磁带,做认读卡,做词汇表,朗读课文,和朋友一起学习,请老师帮忙,做笔记,和一个小组共同学习,看录像带,参加学习小组,和朋友一起练习对话,朗读练习发音,唱英语歌,学习语法,读英语报纸课堂探究:

    3、Step 1.重点词汇1.aloud/loud/loudly (1)aloud常与read,call等动词连用,强调为使人听见而发声。eg:Reading aloud every morning is a good way.(2)loud常与talk,speak,say,sing,laugh等词连用,主要指说话声或笑声等,意为“响亮地,高声地”。eg:They speak too loud.loud还可作形容词用。That music is too loud.(3)loudly有时可以与loud替换,但loudly含有“吵闹,喧闹”eg:Suddenly the bell rang loudl

    4、y.2.differently副词,“不同地,有区别地”符合adj.+-ly=adv.的词还有: quick-quickly,slow-slowly,complete-completely,clever-cleverly,soft-softly,final-finally,等3.frustrate动词,“使失望,使沮丧,使厌烦”frustrated形容词“人感到失望的,沮丧的”,常用来描述人的感受,frustrating“令人失望的,令人沮丧的”常用来形容事或物。Step 2.重点句型1. by 介词,表示“通过方法或途径”的意思,译成“靠、通过” by后面可以加名词或动名词短语e.g. (1

    5、)The house was destroyed by fire. 房屋被火烧毁了。 (2)travel by air (land , sea)航空(陆路、航海)旅行。 (3)go by train (boat , bus)乘火车(船,公共汽车)去 (4)shake sb by the hand 和某人握手 (5)I study English by watching English movies. 我通过看英文电影学英语。 另外,by做为介词的含义有很多,我们也已经学习过一些用法,总结如下 (1)在旁边、靠近eg. There is a power station by the river.

    6、 河边有一个电厂。 (2)沿着、经由eg. come by the highway 由公路来 (3)由于 eg. by mistake 由于差错 (4)被、由 e.g. some articles written by Luxun. 一些由鲁迅写的文章 (5)(表示面积)e.g. a room 5m by 4m 一间长五米宽四米的房间 (6)逐批 e.g. one by one 一个接一个 2. “How”questionsHow 引导特殊疑问句,有两种含义(1)表示问候 e.g. How do you do ? How are you ?Hows everything going ? (2)

    7、表示“怎样”e.g. How is your new house ? 你的新房子怎么样? Its great. 它太棒了。 How do you learn English ?你是怎样学英文的? I learn English by reading lots of English magazines. 我通过读大量英文杂志学习英文。 请同学们注意how和what引导的疑问句是不一样的,不能混淆。 how通常对程度或方式进行提问,意为“怎么样”,回答通常做状语或表语,what 常对动作的发出者或接受者进行提问,意为“什么”,回答通常主语或宾语。 试比较:(1)How is your summer

    8、 holiday ? It is perfect. (表程度,表语)(2)How did you travel around the world ? I travelled by bike. (表方式,状语)(3)What do you learn at school ? I learn Chinese , English , Maths and other subjects. (学习的科目,做宾语)3. Its too hard to understand the voices.太难听懂发音了。 too+adj./adv.+to do 太以至不能,表否定意义时,可用notenough to和

    9、sothat句式改写。 eg:He is too young to join the army.=He is not old enough to join the army.=He is so young that he cant join the army.他年龄太小了,不能参军。4.Many said they learnt by using English .许多(学生)说他们通过使用英语来学习。 Many在这里是代词,而不是形容词,意为Many students. Many is a large number of something. 例如:We can put away many

    10、of these plates . We dont need this many. 我们可以把许多盘子收起来,用不着这么多。5.not at all 根本不,全然不e.g. My brother did not like the scarf at all. not经常可以和助动词结合在一起,at all 则放在句尾6.She said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little. 本句含有一个宾语从句memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little.主句为一般

    11、过去时said,从句也要使用对应的时态helped. 从句的主语为memorizing the words of pop songs,动名词或动名词短语作主语时,谓语动词要使用第三人称单数形式。7.Sometimes ,however, he find watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly.然而,有时他发现看电影有点令人沮丧,因为电影里的那些人说的太快。however是副词,常用逗点和其它词隔开。but是并列连词,之后一般不使用逗点,而且but所表示的是非常明显得到对比,转折的意味比however强。f

    12、ind watching movies frustrating意思是“发现看影片令人沮丧”,该短语的结构是“find 宾语形容词(作宾语补足语)”。 eg:I find playing basketball interesting.8.She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all. add可解释为“补充说”not.at all 意为“一点也不” 否定语气更强烈eg: She doesnt like apples at all. 他一点也不喜欢苹果。 I am not angry at all. 我

    13、一点也没生气。 9.We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese.get excited变得兴奋起来,强调变兴奋的过程,get是系动词,有“逐渐变得”的含义get + adj e.g. get mad 生气 get clear变得清楚了eg:The long journey got the children all tired. 长途旅行使得孩子们疲惫不堪。be excited强调处于兴奋的状态。end up“结束,告终”,end up doing sth 终止做某事,结束做某事 后面加动名词短语 相当于f

    14、inish doing sth . 另外,end up with 以结束 The party ended up with her singing. 晚会以她的歌唱而告终。本课时练习一构词填空。A)选用方框里的词,构成短语。flashcardsskilltapesexamplealoud1.listen to _2.make _3.read _4.for _5.speaking _B)用以上搭配后的短语的适当形式填空,每个短语限用一次。6.Practicing with foreign friends can improve your _.7.-I cant get the pronunciat

    15、ion right. -Why dont you _ and read after them?8.-We cant understand spoken English. -What about _ in order to practice pronunciation?9.Have you ever _ to memorize the new words? 10.You can buy fruit hereoranges and bananas, _.二结合句意,用适当的介词或副词填空。1.Have you ever studied _ a group?2.He planned to go bo

    16、ating, but ended _ staying at home because of the bad weather.3.How do you practice listening _ listening to VOA Special English.4.We are very tired.What _ stopping here and having a rest?5.Some students think that studying grammar is not helpful _ all.三选词填空,补全句子。1.He finds _ (watch, watching) movie

    17、s is very interesting.2.I memorize new English words by using _ (flashcard, flashcards). 3.Just now a _ (loud ,aloud) voice went through the window.4.It is very _ (help, helpful) to have conversations with foreigners as much as possible.5.Most people think boys and girls may behave _ (different, dif

    18、ferently).四根据短文内容,用所给单词的适当形式填空。Here is a survey about the best ways (1) _ (learn)more English.Lillian Li said the best way was by (2) _ (read) English magazines.She said that (3) _ (memorize) the words of pop songs also helped a little,but she thought studying grammar (4) _ (be) too boring. Wei Ming

    19、 thinks differently.He (5) _ (be) learning English for 6 years.He often studies grammar.He likes watching English movies because he can watch the actors(6) _ (say) the words.Sometimes,however,he finds watching movies (7) _ (frustrate) because the people speak too (8) _ (quick). Liu Chang said that j

    20、oining the English club can improve her English.Students could get lots of practice.She added that having conversations with friends wasnt (9) _ (help) at all.She said they got excited about something and then end up (10) _ (speak) in Chinese.五将下列句子进行同义句转换,每空一词(含缩写)。1.I think learing English is easy

    21、 for me. I think _ easy for me _ learn English.2.Tom was so excited that he couldnt fall asleep. Tom was _ excited _ fall asleep.3.Reading aloud every morning improves my English. I improve my English _ _ aloud every morning.4.Joining an English club is the best way to improve your English. _ _ _ _i

    22、mprove your English is joining an English club.5.The writer finds taking notes is important. The writer finds _ notes_.课后反思:Unit 1 How do you study for a test? 九年级 主备课人:吴义萍 审核人:九年级英语组 序号:2班级:_ 姓名:_Period 2导学内容:Section B导学目标知识点:重点单词:1. pronounce v. 发音,正确吐音/字 2. spoken adj. 口语的,口头的 3. slowly adv. 慢的、缓

    23、慢的 4. mistake n. 错误;过失 5. comma n. 逗号 6. challenge n. 挑战 7. solution n. 解决、解答 8. realize v. 认识到,了解到 9.matter v. 重要;要紧;有关系 10. afraid adj. 害怕的;犯愁的11. complete adj. 完整的、完全的 12. secret n. 秘密、机密 13. learner n. 学习者 14. term n. 学期 15. impress v. 使感动,给深刻印象16. trouble n. 困难;苦恼;忧虑17. fast adv. 快地,迅速地 重点句子:I

    24、dont have a partner to practice English with. Maybe you should join an English language club.课时安排:2课时导学方法:listening and practice导学过程课前预习:在英语学习中你碰到过哪些困难,试在文中找找有和你一样的吗?并找出解决方法。 课堂探究:Step 1.重点词汇1.mistake n. “错误;过失” make mistakes/a mistake 犯错;出错make mistakes in在某方面犯错 eg:I often make mistakes in grammar.

    25、2.later on “随后;以后”,可指过去,将来 eg:At first things went well,but later on we ran into trouble.起初事情进展得很顺利,但随后我们遇到了困难。 Lets talk about it later on.以后再谈它吧。 一段时间+later 表示“之后”,常用于过去时。 eg:I arrived in Beijing on Friday.Two days later I left for Shanghai.我周五到北京,两天后就去了上海。3. realize v. “认识到;了解到”,后常接宾语从句 eg:He rea

    26、lized he was wrong.4. matter v. “重要;要紧;有关系”It doesnt matter“无所谓;不要紧” n. “麻烦事;毛病”Whats the matter with you? n. “事情;问题”Dont do that,it will make matters worse.5.afraid adj. 害怕的;犯愁的 be/feel afraid thatbe afraid to do sth.害怕,不敢去做某事,侧重由于主观原因而不敢做eg:She was afraid to go there.be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事,担

    27、心发生某种情况,侧重担心某种后果而害怕做某事 eg:The little boy was afraid of falling down.6.laugh at 动词短语”嘲笑;取笑” eg:Dont laugh at him.7. complete adj. 完整的、完全的 make a complete sentence v.完成;结束 侧重补足缺少的部分eg:When will you complete your homework? finish 侧重事情的结束,完成8. impress v. 使感动;给深刻印象,常与by/with/on等介词连用9. trouble n. 困难;苦恼;忧虑

    28、 have trouble(in)doing sth.做某事有困难 in trouble处于困难/危险/忧虑中v.使忧虑;苦恼 eg:Dont trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.Step 2. 重点句型1.I dont know how to use commas. how to use commas.是疑问词+动词不定式作宾语动词不定式常和what,when,where等疑问词连用,在句中作宾语或表语2.Why dont you join an English language club to practice speaking Engli

    29、sh. 这是否定式的特殊疑问句。Why dont you=Why not你为什么不呢?to practice speaking English作目的状语3. I dont have a partner to practice English with. to practice English with作a partner的定语,介词with不能省略4.在3a中,出现了大量的动名词。我们有必要了解动名词的结构及用法,动名词即动词的ing形式,相当于名词,在句子中可以做主语、宾语、表语定语等。eg.(1)I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of learning. doing 为动名词短语,做从句中的主语,而listening 做定语,修饰practice. (2)Im enjoying learning English . (动名词短语做宾语) (3)Seeing is believing 眼见为实(Seeing 做主语,believing 做表语)


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