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    1、分享05网六年级英语课课练人民教育出版社小学英语PEP教材六年级上册整理表姓 名: 职业工种: 申请级别: 受理机构: 填报日期: A4打印 / 修订 / 内容可编辑人民教育出版社小学英语PEP教材六年级上册Unit 5 What does he do? (the 2nd period)【教学简案】第2课时课前预习预习听读书P 49 A Lets learn。教学内容Unit 5 What does he do? A Lets learn教学目标1.能够听、说、读、写本课时主要单词或词组:factory worker, postman, businessman, police officer。

    2、2.能够听、说、认读句子:What does he/she do? Hes /Shes a.并能够在实际情境中运用。教学重点3.学习单词或词组:factory worker, postman, businessman, police officer。4.学习句子What does he/she do? Hes/Shes a 并能运用该句型谈论职业。教学难点5.factory的发音和拼读。6.使用本部分核心句型谈论职业。教学用具7.PPT课件 2. 职业角色的卡片 教学过程导入8.Sing the song: What do you do?9.Hobbies and jobs.利用图片呈现He/

    3、 She likes . He/ She is a .10.Find the owner.看图说职业新授探究一:了解Career Day。探究二:学习句型What does your mother do? Is she a .?探究三:学习新职业:businessman, factory worker, postman, police officer。练习11.练习一:Talk about the careers of Olivers family.Zhang Peng: What does your . do? Oliver: He/ She is a .12.练习二:Talk about

    4、the careers of the Ss parents.13.练习三:Listen, match and say.小结He is a worker. My uncle is a postman. The policeman is very kind and helpful. The businessman is always very busy. Key sentences: What does your father do? What does your mother do?作业1. 听音跟读书P 49 三遍。2. 抄写factory worker, postman, businessm

    5、an, police officer 每个三遍并背诵拼写。*3. 搜集了解更多其它职业的单词。【教学详案】课前预习:预习听读书P 49 A Lets learn。 教学内容:Unit 5 What does he do? A Lets learn教学目标:14.能够听、说、读、写本课时主要单词或词组:factory worker, postman, businessman, police officer。15.能够听、说、认读句子:What does he/she do? Hes /Shes a.并能够在实际情境中运用。教学重点:16.学习单词或词组:factory worker, postm

    6、an, businessman, police officer。17.学习句子What does he/she do? Hes /Shes a 并能运用该句型谈论职业。教学难点:18.factory的发音和拼读。19.使用本部分核心句型谈论职业。教学用具:20.PPT课件 2. 职业角色的卡片教学过程:一、Warming up1. Sing the song: What do you do?T: Lets enjoy the song together: What do you do?设计意图:歌曲导入,引出话题,营造轻松学习氛围。21.Hobbies and jobs.利用图片呈现He/ S

    7、he likes . He/ She is a .T: Look. What are his hobbies? What does he do?课件呈现句型结构He likes . He is a .同理呈现已学的几种职业:football player, writer, dancer, singer.末尾的er用红色标注。设计意图:通过图片复习学过的职业,并了解职业表达的一般规律,为新课学习作铺垫。22.Find the owner.T:Please look at the picture and find the owner as quickly as you can.看图快速说职业。T:

    8、What about this? Guess, what does she do?S: Is she a .?T:Yes, she is. / No, she isnt. She is a housewife.学生相互问答:Is your mother a housewife? Yes, she is. /No, she isnt.设计意图:在前一个环节的基础上,提升难度,要求既对又快。呈现的图片也由易到难,先说直接词尾加r或er比较有规律的职业,再看特殊的一类,比如doctor, nurse, cook,在潜移默化中帮助学生分类记忆,同时激发学生思维,拓展housewife,一方面尊重学生实

    9、际,很多学生妈妈是家庭主妇,另一方面,渗透一般疑问句的表达。二、Presentation探究一:了解Career Day。T: Look, they are all careers. In the school, we have a career day.Follow me, career day.学生听音跟读。设计意图:career day在中国的学校并不是很普遍,所以图片方式呈现careers,再从careers过渡到career day,通过图片和教师的解释,创设学习环境,了解本课主题内容。探究二:学习句型What does your mother do? Is she a .?T:Zh

    10、ang Peng and Oliver are talking about careers. Lets listen, what does Zhang Peng say?学生听音,回答。S: What does your mother do?Who can be Zhang Peng? S: Is she a .?教师根据学生回答,点击图片触发器,显示Yes, she is. / No, she isnt.设计意图:通过触发器的使用,将一般疑问句的问答变得更新鲜有趣,小组回答正确积两分,回答错误积一分,学习积极性高。探究三:学习新职业:businessman, factory worker,

    11、postman, police officer。23.学习businessman。T:Now, what does Zhang Peng say? Listen.S: What does your father do?T: What does Oliver say?S: He is a businessman.T: What is a businessman?S1: A businessman is very busy.S2: A businessman has a lot of money.T: Who is a businessman? Can you make an example?T:

    12、 Good, listen and read. Businessman.开火车跟读,纠正学生发音,引导学生关注man的口型,并用自然拼读法拼读单词,板演。T: He is a businessman. What about her?S: She is a businesswoman.S:My is a businessman/ businesswoman.结合实际,在句子中操练单词。设计意图:businessman的教学,让学生说说自己对businessman意义的理解,举例说说哪些人物是耳熟能详的businessman,另学生对该词的意义掌握更深刻,再从性别上拓展到businesswoman

    13、,迁移的学习方法,便于学生接受,最后结合身边的例子,说一说家里人的情况,学以致用。24.学习factory worker。同理,听音,完善Zhang Peng 和Oliver的对话。What does your aunt do?She is a factory worker.呈现真实的,不同场景的图片,帮助学生理解词汇含义。factory worker开火车跟读,强调factory尾音的发音,以及worker单词中or的发音,并用自然拼读法拼读单词,板演。S:My is a factory worker, too.结合实际说一说。设计意图:不同的图片,真实呈现生活中场景,比卡通图片更让人印象深

    14、刻。25.学习postman。Zhang Peng: What does your uncle do?Oliver: He is a postman.听音,完善句子。T: He is a postman, she is a .S: postwomanpostman,强调man的口型,用自然拼读法拼读单词,扮演。设计意图:合成词的教学,通过引导学生观察构词方法,对单词的拼写有很大帮助。26.学习police officer。T: Can you read these words: post office, postcard, businessman, policemanT:Look, this

    15、is a policeman, this is a .S: PolicewomanT: Policeman or policewoman, we can call it police officer.Police officer开火车跟读,纠正学生发音,引导学生尾音er的发音,并用自然拼读法拼读单词,板演。T:Police office is a place. Police officer is a people. They are different.Do you want to be a police officer?组织学生开火车一问一答,教师纠正发音。设计意图:从postman拆分合成

    16、词,发散读单词自然过渡到postman, 帮助学生理解和记忆。所有的词汇教学时,都融入到句子中进行,做到词不离句。27.Consolidation28.练习一:Talk about the careers of Olivers family.T: Do you remember what does Olivers father do?S: He is a businessman.T: What does Olivers mother do?S: She is a head teacher.T: What about his uncle, aunt and sister?Lets ask and

    17、 answer.Zhang Peng: What does your . do? Oliver: He/ She is a .学生角色扮演,相互问答。设计意图:通过问答,将整堂课散的知识点进行整理,综合呈现,巩固知识点。29.练习二:Talk about the careers of the Ss parents.T: What does your mother do?S: She is a .T: What does your father do?S: He is a .提供不同职业,结合学生实际,相互问答。设计意图:从课本情境回到生活情境,根据学生真实情况相互问答,提高学生综合语言运用能力

    18、。30.练习三:Listen, match and say.T: You did a good job, now lets listen, match and say.T: What does Jiao Jies mother do?S: She is a businesswoman.根据配对情况,相互问答。设计意图:练习巩固先听音连线,提高听力提取信息能力;再利用练习材料,一问一答,操练句型。四、Summing upT: We learnt new careers on Career Day. Look and say: He is a worker. My uncle is a postm

    19、an. The policeman is very kind and helpful. The businessman is always very busy. Key sentences: What does your father do? What does your mother do?31.Homework1. 听音跟读书P 49 三遍。2. 抄写factory worker, postman, businessman, police officer 每个三遍并背诵拼写。*3. 搜集了解更多其它职业的单词。32.Blackboard design整理丨尼克本文档信息来自于网络,如您发现内容不准确或不完善,欢迎您联系我修正;如您发现内容涉嫌侵权,请与我们联系,我们将按照相关法律规定及时处理。


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