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    1、新概00003新概念复习题新概念复习题Key words and expressions:1.London Eye 伦敦眼 2.believe 相信 3.pass递给 4.binoculars望远镜 5.Isnt this fun? Can you believe it?这多有趣啊!你能相信吗?6. Thats the River Thames. Its grey and silver! 那是泰晤士河。它是灰色和银色的!Pass me the binoculars! 把望远镜递给我!Can you see any ships there? 你能看到那里有轮船吗?7.There are some

    2、 boats, too. 还有几只小船。some 和any 均表示一些,但some用于肯定句 ,any 用于疑问句和否定句 。 Key words and expressions: 1.church 教堂 2.cinema 电影院2.3.Are there any children in the classroom?Yes, there are. / No, there arent.4.Can you see any children in the park? Yes, I can. / No, I cant, but I can see some children in the classr

    3、oom.Exercise:按要求改写下列句子:1. Can you see any people on the bridge?作肯定回答: 2. There are seven football players in the park. (就划线部分提问) 3. I can see some boats on the beach. (就划线部分提问) Key words and expressions:1.balance 保持平衡 2.as well 也 3.on ones knees 跪着 4.useless 差劲的 5.gym 体育馆6. Can you balance like this

    4、?你能像这样保持平衡吗?7. Youre both good at gymnastics, but Im useless.你们都很擅长体操,但是我很差劲。8. Take a photo on your mobile. 用你的手机拍张照片。9. Are there any children in the classroom?Yes, there are. / No, there arent.10. Can you see any children in the park? Yes, I can. / No, I cant, but I can see some children in the c

    5、lassroom.Key words and expressions:1.drive 驾驶 2.tennis 网球2.3. Can you do math? Yes, I can. / No, I cant, but I can do gymnastics.4. Can Lucy do math? Yes, she can. / No, she cant, but she can do gymnastics.Exercise:指出并改正句中的错误1. I am useless on gymnastics. 2. Are you see Matt over there under the tre

    6、e? 3. Are there some people in the park?Key words and expressions:1.pan 平底锅 2.spoon 勺子 (fork叉子) 3.drawer 抽屉 4.restaurant 餐馆 5.jug 罐子,通常有塞子或盖子(jar广口坛子,通常无柄的容器)6.chop 切开7.Pass me a knife, please. 请递给我一把刀。(pass sb sth=pass sth to sb)8.Is there a big spoon over there? 那边有个大勺子吗?9.I cant get a spoon and c

    7、hop an onion!我不能又拿勺子又切洋葱!Key words and expressions:1.scanner 扫描仪 2.packet 小包 3.fridge 冰箱4.Is there a scanner in the office?Yes, there is. /No, there isnt.5.I cant see a computer.6.Pass me a cup, please. Here you are.Exercise:一把下列句子翻译成英语1. 桌子上有一把刀 2. 请给我一些橙汁。 3. 抽屉里有勺子吗? 二选择填空:1. A: Can you see coffe

    8、e in the packet? B: No, I cant.A. some B. any C. one2. A: in the bowl? B: Its rice.A. What is B. What are C. Where is3. A: I cant see a bottle on the table. B: No, there isnt A. one B. some C. anyKey words and expressions:1. Why not? 为什么不? 2. Lots of 很多(=a lot of)3. help yourself! 请自便吧! 4. There are

    9、 lots of good things here. 这里有很多好东西。5. I can drink some water, but I mustnt eat. 我可以喝点水,但是我不能吃东西。6. I cant eat and be beautiful. 我不能又吃东西又保持漂亮。情态动词can,must后跟动词原形Key words and expressions:1.cheese 奶酪 2.butter 黄油 3.Are there any peaches? Yes, there are, but there arent any grapes.4.Can you see any meat

    10、 in the window?No, I cant see any meat in the window, but theres lots of fish.5.Dont buy any grapes.Why not? There arent any in the bowl.Exercise:一按要求改写下列句子:1. Buy some oranges. (改成否定句) 2. Its five oclock. (就划线部分提问) 3. There is a lot of cheese in the fridge.(就划线部分提问) 二选择填空:1. A: Dont buy any butter.

    11、 B: ? There isnt any in the jar.A. Why not B. What C. How2. A: the problem?B: Oh, food is the problem.A. Whats B. Hows C.WheresKey words and expressions:1. surprise 惊奇、意外 2. half past 点半 3. a quarter 一刻 4. look for 寻找5.Your music lesson is at half past six, and its a quarter to six now! 你的音乐课是6点半,现在

    12、已经是5点三刻了!6.I must find my book! 我必须找到我的书。Grammar:(1)区别a quarter pass 和 a quarter to. a quarter pass,表示几点过了一刻a quarter to表示差一刻几点。(2)在某一个具体时刻前用介词at Key words and expressions:1.homework 家庭作业 2.wash 洗 3.A: What time is it? B: Its two oclock. A: What times your English lesson? B: Its at a quarter past tw

    13、o.4.When is your lesson? Its at one oclock.5.I/We must Exercise:一指出并改正下列句子的错误:1. Its Emmas English lesson in half past seven. 2. There is about twenty books on the shelf. 3. How a surprise! 二选择填空:1. A: Im sorry, I go now. Im late.B: OK. Bye!A. can B. must C. may2. A: is your lesson?B: Its at three o

    14、clock.A. When B. What C. HowKey words and expressions:1.breakfast blues 早餐忧郁 2.train 训练 3.pot 壶4.yoghurt 酸奶 5.canteen 餐厅(restaurant餐馆,饭店)6.terrible 可怕的 7.stomach 胃 8.I must eat something. 我必须吃点儿东西。9.I mustnt train on an empty stomach. 我不能空着肚子训练。10.Do you want any coffee?你想来点儿咖啡吗?how much与how many的区别

    15、:均为“多少”how many后接可数名词复数形式,而how much 后接不可数名词。how much意思为“多少”,表示数量,其后面接不可数名词1.用来询问事物的数量;2.用来询问数字计算的结果;3.用来询问事物的重量;4. how much 意为“多少钱”时,可单独使用,也可构成词组how much money,但英语中常省略money,用来询问某物的价钱、价格。Key words and expressions:1.chocolate 巧克力 2.something 某事,某物 3.string 细绳 4.spare 空闲的(spare time空闲时间、业余时间)5.Have we/

    16、they got any coffee?Yes, we/they have. Weve got some coffee, but we/they havent got any tea.6.How much coffee have we got?We havent got much./Weve got lots. Help yourself!7.Do you want any coffee?Yes, please./No, thank you. I dont want any coffee.Exercise:把下列句子翻译成英语:1. 冰箱里有一些食物。 2. 请自便。 3. 你想要多少橙汁?

    17、Key words and expressions:1. a lot of 很多(lots of, many)2. shy 害羞的3. introduceto向某人介绍某人/某物 4. studies 学习,研究5.Has she got a lot of friends now? 她现在有很多朋友吗?6.He can introduce her to them. 他可以把她介绍给他们。7.Theyre both busy with their studies. 他们都忙于自己的学习。Key words and expressions:1.magazine 杂志 2.video 录像带 3.b

    18、louse 女士衬衫 4.relative 亲戚5.Paul has got some CDs. Yes, he has, but he hasnt got many DVDs.6.Has Paul got any DVDs?Yes, he has, and hes got lots of CDs, too.7.How many DVDs has Paul got?Not many.What about CDs?Oh, hes got lots of CDs.Exercise:按要求改写下列句子:1. There are twenty books on the shelf.(就划线部分提问)

    19、2. Mary is always very busy.(就划线部分提问) 3. Men can cook, too. (对划线部分提问) I. 读一读,选出划线部分和所给音标的不同的一个选出划线部分和所给音标的不同的一个。 ( ) 1. / / A . mother B. famous C. cat D. neighbour ( )2. / i / A . dear B. video C. ear D. near ( )3. / e / A . fair B. where C. chair D. watch ( )4. / u / A . Lucy B. poor C. sure D. ju

    20、ry ( )5. /ju:/ A . music B. new C. five D. useless II. 根据提示写出正确的单词根据提示写出正确的单词。 1. Do you _(想要) some milk? 2. You must eat _.(某物) 3. Im sorry I dont have _. (金钱) 4. Paul can _(介绍) Claire to his friends. 5. Claire is _. (害羞的) 6. Please _ it (记住)。Its very important. 7. I dont _ (喜欢) potato. 8. I _(讨厌)c

    21、ream and dessert, they make me fat. 9. This book is _(令人厌烦的)。 10. I think I _ (需要) an ice cream. III. 按要求变化句型.1. 肯定句:I like fish 一般疑问句: _? 否定句: _.2. 肯定句: He likes potato very much. 一般疑问句: _? 否定句: _. 3. 肯定句: Lucy has got a cheap watch. 一般疑问句: _? 4 特殊疑问句: _? 肯定句:I want some tea. IV. 选择合适的短语填空。 How muc

    22、h How many What kind of busy with tell . about at any time 1. _ _ _ TV has William got? He has got an expensive one. 2. I think Paul cant come, he is _ _ his studies. 3. Lucy! Can you _me _ the competition (竞赛)。 4. _ _ books are there on the table? There are ten. 5. _ _ milk do you want ? Just a lit

    23、tle bottle. 6. I am free this afternoon, so you can come _ _ _读一读,选出划线部分和其他三个单词不一样的,把序号写在括号里。 ( )1. A . shy B. watch C. show D.sugar ( )2. A. pleasure B. treasure C. show D. television ( )3. A . chair B. English C. teacher D. watch ( )4. A. juice B. child C. jar D. gym ( )5. A . dry B. try C. look D

    24、. orange II. 根据提示写出正确的单词。 1. Do you want some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (西红柿)? 2. Whats on the _ _ _ _ (菜单)? 3. I go to the movie on _ _ _ _ _ _.(星期一) 4. You _ _ _ _(看起来)terrible. Have you got a _ _ _(流感)? 5. _ _ _ _ _ _is hot and Winter is_ _ _ _(冷的)。 6. He feels m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Hes got a headache. 7. Plea

    25、se call the d_ _ _ _ _ _,I have a toothache. 8. Its s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rains here in winter. III.交际表达。 一、用B栏的正确词语完成A栏的句子(搭配起来)(6分): A B ( )1. Can you show me A. do you want? ( )2. How much salad B. the menu? ( )3. There isnt much C. half past twelve ( )4. Lunch is at D. coffee in the jar. ( )5. His bi

    26、rthday is on E. January ( )6.My sisters birthday is in F. September 15th. 二、选择单词和短语完成对话(4分): Paul: Hello, Claire. _ ? Are you well? Claire: No, Im not. I _ . Paul: You _ . Whats the matter? Have you got _? Claire: No, I havent got flu, but _ a very bad cold. Paul: You must see _ .Can I _ for you? Cl

    27、aire: No, thank you. Ive already_ at two oclock today. A. make an appointment, B. the doctor, C. Ive got, D. how are you, E. feel awful, F. look miserable. G. flu H. got an appointment IV.问答搭配。on at in past 1. five fifteen = a quarter _ five 2. My birthday is _ Sunday. 3. Lucys music lesson is _ nin

    28、e oclock. 4. The race is _ September. Which When What How Where Who 5. _ does Bruce come from? He comes from Brazil. 6. _old are you? Im 45. 7. _ is your math lesson? Its at 8:30. 8. _ month comes after October? November. 9. _ can swim very well? Paul. 10. _ color are these jeans? They are blue.V.句型练习。 E.g. this book John A: Can you give John this book? B: Yes, of course. Give it to me, and I can pass it to John. 1. this CD Karen. A: _? B:_.Give_. 2. these newspapers Bob A:_? B:_. 3. these shoes Claire A:_? B:_


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