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    1、六年级下册英语复习检测题一、选择填空。( )1、I go to schooi by bike. What about you?A、Yes,I do. B、I go by bus. C、I have a bike.( ) 2、You can _a No.5 bus to get there. A、by B、take C、on( )3、Turn left _the cinema. A、at B、for C、 off( )4、In Australia,drivers drive on the _side of the road.A、right B、left C、every( )5、Look at t

    2、he children.They _near the lake. A、fly kites B、are flying kites C、are going to fly kites( )6、I _the Great Wall next month.A、am visiting B、 visit C、am going to visit( )7、They _shopping this weekend.、are going C、are going to( )8、Im going to the bookstore _my friend.A、to B、and C 、with( )9、A:_are you go

    3、ing? B:I am going at 3 oclock tomorrow. A、When B、Where C、What( )10、_he like swimming ?A、Do B、Is C、Does()11、Amy and Betty _singing and dancing. A .like B、likes C、liking( )12.Look,he is_actor and his mother is_TV reporter.A、an,a B、a,an C、a, a( )13.A:What does she do? B:She_.A、is a teacher B、teaches ma

    4、th C、is a mother( )14_does he go to school? A、Where B、How C、What( )15.Does the water come _the cloud?A.in B.at C. from( )16.Where _the vapour come from?A. do B.does C.is( )17.Can you go with _?A. he B.hers C. me( )18.Whats your father like? A.He likes swimming.B.Hes a doctor.C.Hes tall.( )19A:.What

    5、does she do? B: She_. A .teaches English B.likessinging C.issinging( )20.She often plays _piano,but she doesnt play_football. A. , B.the , C. , the( )21.We _to visit our grandparents yesterday afternoon.A.go B.goes C. went( )22.The _ are running on the grass. A .sheep B. goat C.monkey( )23._?Its blu

    6、e .A.What colour is your bag? B.Where is your bag ? C.How much is your bag?( )24.A:_?He sang and danced.A.What did he do in Xinjiang? B.What does he do in Xinjiang?C.What is he doing in Xinjiang?( )25.The sun is _than the moon. A.big B .bigger C.biger( )26.Her bag is heavier than_. A.my B.mine C me(

    7、 )27.Whats the matter _you? A.with B. of C .( )28.There are _on the lake .A.agoose B.some geese C. white goose( )29.Did you help them _the room?A.cleaned B. clean C.cleaning( )30.Are you thin and tall? A.Yes,Im. BNo,I am. C。Yes,I am.( )31.Whats the date today? A.ItsSunday. B.Its June 8 th. C.Its on

    8、June 8th.( )32.Thank you for _me with my lesson. A。help B. to help C. helping( )33.Hello!7789523.-Hello!_Tom?No,_Jim.A.Is that, this is B.Are you, ,I am C.Is that,Im( )34.Id like _some English stories. A. read B.to read C.reading( )35.I like _stamps. A. to collect B.collecting C.collect( )36.Dont re

    9、ad _the sun. A. in B.on. C.at( )37._ your pen pal _TV at night? A .Dowatch B.Doeswatches C .Doeswatch( )38.I _the clothes yesterday morning. A.wash B.washed C.am washing( )39.Did you have a party? A.Yes ,I did. B.Yes,I do. C. Yes,I am.()40I am going _an accountant. A.to be B.be C.being二、判断划线部分发音是否相同

    10、,用T或F表示。1 .plane have ( ) 2. stop post ( ) 3. find right( ) 4.watch wash( )5.south th ere( ) 6.fresh she( ) 7.visited played()8.school peach( ) 9.bus under( )10.know now( )11.book food( ) 12.this nine( )三、把下列句子变成否定句。1. I am a doctor. _2.My mother is a TV reporter._3They are sheep. _4.That is an Engl

    11、ish book. _5.Its a dog _6.here is a computer in my room._7.There is some milk in the box._8.There are clouds in the sky._9.I can sweep the floor._10.Tom can water the fiowers._11.I watchTV on Saturday._12.She goes to school on foot._13.I climbed mountains last weekend._14.I was sad yesterday._15.Mik

    12、e did his homework last night._16.Im going to read books this evening ._17.Shes watching TV now。_18.My sister works in a hospital._19.He is a TV reporter._20.Tom likes riding a bike ._21. I have a blue bag ._四、把下列句子改成一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答。1.I am a teacher ._2.My father is an engineer._3Zhang Peng is a stud

    13、ent ._4.This is a ruler ._5.These are apples._6.I can swim in the sea._7.John can drive a car._8.The boy is playing the piano._9.Im going to visit my grandparents next weekend._10.I go to school by bike._11.Sarah likes Chinese._12.There is some water in the box._13.There are four windows in the clas

    14、sroom._14.He read books yesterday ._15.I had a good time last weekend._五、把下列句子变成陈述句。1.Is this a pear?_2.Is he making a kite?_3.Do you often read in the library?_4.Has John any brothers?_5.Does she watches TV at night?_6.Is summer your favourite season?_7.Did you visit your grandparents last weekend?

    15、_8.Can you play football?_9.Are you taller than your sister?_10.Is there any milk in the bottle?_11.Do they climb mountains every day?_12.Was it rainy yesterday?_13.Can Mike wash the clothes?_14.Are the students having English class?_15.Is the tiger sleeping?_16.Are you reddingbooks?_六、就划线部分提问。1.Thi

    16、s is a pen._2.My name is Tom ._3.They are horses.4.It is 2:00 _5.My bag is red. _6.I like black._7I get up at 6:30 in the morning._.8.I go to bed at 10:00._9.T oday is Monday. _10.Its May 28th._11.My birthday is in June._12.March 8th is womens Day._13.My mother is short and thin._13.Mike is tall and

    17、 stronger._14.Its hot today._15.Its sunny and warm in spring._16.She is a TV reporter。_17.My father is an actor._18.I am going to be a teacher. one day . _19.I am a student ._20.I can make the bed ._21.Tom can cook dinner. _22.I am doing my homework now._23.The bird is singing in the tree now._24.Th

    18、ere are many books on the shelf._25.There is some water in the cup ._26.There are two pencils on the desk._27.There are 4 seasons in a year._28.The pen is 12 yuan._29.These apples are 35 yuan._30.I am from Luoding._31.The rain comes from the clouds._32.The book is on the shelf ._33.The post office i

    19、s next to the cinema._34.I went to Guangzhou last weekend._35.I visit my grandparents on the weekend._36.They are going to play basketball after school ._37.She likes collecting stamps._38.I like swimming._39.I like fall best._40.My favourite season is winter._41.I like summer because I can swim in the sea._42.Id like some fish for dinner._43.My brother works in a bank._


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