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    1、大工17秋大学英语2远程英语2在线测试1大工17秋大学英语2(远程英语2)在线测试1总分:100分92分一、单选题共20题,80分14分_ who lays down his life for his friends. There is no greater love than that of a man BThere is no greater love than a man CThere is no greater love than a mans DThere is no greater love than that of a mans学生答案:A得分:4分24分Football is

    2、() popular sport in the world. Athe more the most Cmost学生答案:B得分:4分34分Not only _ to us the importance of doing the work but they also told us the best way to do it. did they explain Bthey explained Cthey explain Dhad they explained学生答案:A得分:4分44分The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but hi

    3、s mother told him _. not to Bnot to do Cnot do it Ddo not to学生答案:A得分:4分54分We will have a meeting next week, but we dont know _. Awho where Cas Dwhich学生答案:B得分:4分64分They are friends of (). some of them are() friends. Aher,my Bhers,mine hers,my学生答案:C得分:4分74分The air in Beijing is getting much _ now than

    4、 a few years ago. Aclean cleaner Ccleanest Dthe cleanest学生答案:B得分:4分84分Emotional or mental problems can _ a physical cause. arise from Brise from Carise of Drise of学生答案:A得分:4分94分The population of China is _ than _ of any other country in the world. Alarger; the one Bmore; that larger; that Dmore; the

    5、 one学生答案:C得分:4分104分_, I enjoyed every minute. ABy contrast BBy contrary On the contrary DBy the contrary学生答案:C得分:4分114分What surprised me was not what he said but _ he said it. the way Bin the way that Cin the way Dthe way which学生答案:A得分:4分124分Television is not only a convenient source of _, but also

    6、a comparatively cheap one. Aownership Btransaction multifunction Dentertainment学生答案:C得分:0分134分It is a()house. little round wooden Bround little wooden Cwooden little round学生答案:A得分:4分144分 Will you go home tomorrow evening? No, Im going to a lecture, or at least, I am planning _. Ait Bthat to Don学生答案:

    7、C得分:4分154分The _ carefully you do your homework, the _ mistakes you will make. more; fewer Bmore; more Cmore; less Dless; more学生答案:A得分:4分164分Have you ()? Aate Beated eaten学生答案:C得分:4分174分This is () T-shirt and that ones (). Amy; your my; yours Cmine; yours学生答案:B得分:4分184分 I slipped on the stairs. I thi

    8、nk my arm is broken. Oh! I _. Ado not hope so Bdo not hope hope not so Dhope not学生答案:C得分:0分194分I try to go swimming at least () a week. once Bone Ca time学生答案:A得分:4分204分Some people are against the plan but _ support it. Aany more many more Cmuch more Dno more学生答案:B得分:4分二、判断题共10题,20分12分Has she play te

    9、nnis before? 错误 B正确学生答案:A得分:2分22分When I in trouble, I always turn to her for help. 错误 B正确学生答案:A得分:2分32分Wehavenoenoughglassesforeveryone. 错误 B正确学生答案:A得分:2分42分Teacherdivided us tofour groups to exercise English dialogues. 错误 B正确学生答案:A得分:2分52分If you climb tothe top of the hill, from where you can see t

    10、he whole city. 错误 B正确学生答案:A得分:2分62分Mobile commerce is entering peoples lifestep from step. 错误 B正确学生答案:A得分:2分72分The answerwas staring us on the face. 错误 B正确学生答案:A得分:2分82分Lets begin,shall we? A错误 正确学生答案:B得分:2分92分He wont come unlessinviting. 错误 B正确学生答案:A得分:2分102分Today is too busy. Lets discuss it some times next week. 错误 B正确学生答案:A得分:2分(学习的目的是增长知识,提高能力,相信一分耕耘一分收获,努力就一定可以获得应有的回报)


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