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    1、黄冈市23届语数外能力测评英语试题黄冈市第二十三届初中语数外三科综合测评英语试题注意事项:1、本试题卷共12页,其中试题10页,答题卷2页。 2、答案必须做在答题卷上,交卷只交答题卷。 3、本科测评时间为120分钟,卷面总分为100分。Part One Listening (30%)第一节(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)听下面10段对话,每段对话后面有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并填写在答题卷相应的位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. A. 87845119. B. 87854559. C. 87854

    2、119.2. A. Blue. B. Green. C. We dont know.3. A. At home. B. In a bookstore. C. In a workroom.4. A. Study for the test. B. Play table tennis. C. Visit her friend.5. A. Mary. B. Tom. C. Susan.6. A. Her aunt. B. Her father. C. Her mother.7. A. The traffic is heavy. B. The office is far away. C. There i

    3、s something wrong with the road.8. A. Steve broke his leg on his way to school. B. Steve lost his backpack on his way to school. C. Steve broke his arm on his way to school.9. A. Sally likes movies that are romantic. B. Sally likes movies that are about monsters. C. Sally likes movies that are about

    4、 the UFO and aliens.10. A. Kangkang likes books that are about history.B. Kangkang likes books that are about famous people. C. Kangkang likes books that are about school life.第二节(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)听下面8段对话或语篇独白。每段对话或独白后面有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并填写在答题卷相应的位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各题将给出

    5、5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第11、12小题。11. A. Because he eats some vegetables. B. Because he often takes exercise.C. Because he often goes to work on foot.12. A. Three times a day. B. Three times a year. C. Every day.听下面一段对话,回答第13、14小题。13. A. The newest type. B. A practical one. C. An expensive one.

    6、14. A. ¥1, 500. B. ¥5, 000. C. ¥1, 600.听下面一段对话,回答第1516小题。15. A. Because he doesnt like it. B. Because he had to look after his grandmother.C. Because he thinks its tiring to do the job.16. A. To teach kids basketball. B. To read to people at the hospital.C. To clean up the parks.听下面一段对话,回答第1718小题。17

    7、.A.Hesgoingtoschool. B.Hesgoingtosportscamp. C.Hesstayingathome.18.A.Takethetrashout. B.Gotoschool. C.Dontbelate.听下面一段对话,回答第1921小题。19. A. The Beyond. B. The Tang Dynasty. C. We dont know.20. A. The music he can sing along with . B. The music he can dance to. C. The music he can sing along with and t

    8、he music he can dance to.21. A. Because its noisy. B. Because its unfashionable. C. Because its boring.听下面一段对话,回答第2224小题。22. A. An old friend. B. A tour guide. C. One of her classmates.23. A. Three days. B. A week. C. Five days.24. A. In a big hotel. B. In an expensive hotel. C. In a small hotel.听下面

    9、一段对话,回答第2527小题。25. A. No. 26 Middle Schools. B. No. 64 Middle Schools. C. No. 62 Middle Schools.26. A. Jim. B. Tom. C. Sam.27. A. 21 B. 20 C. 32听下面一段材料,回答第2830小题。28. A. To have a holiday. B. To find a job. C. To see a friend.29. A. A ticket. B. Some money. C. A job.30. A. Ask Jack to work for him. B

    10、. Lend Jack some money. C. Ask for Jacks ticket.Part Two Reading (40%)第一节(共10小题;每小题1分,满10分)根据所学有关知识或背景,选择正确答案。31. _ is the most important festival in western countries. A. Thanksgiving B. Christmas C. Easter D. Halloween32. _ was invented around in 1927. It has changed our life a lot. A. The telepho

    11、ne B. The car C. The TV set D. The personal computer33. Chinese doctors believe people who are too_ should eat more yin foods.A. weak and tired B. stressed out and tired C. stressed out and angry D. angry and excited 34. In _English, people say “g day” instead of “hello”.A. Australian B. Canadian C.

    12、 American D. British35. You are supposed to visit Notre Dame Cathedral in _.A. London of England B. Paris of France C. Berlin of Germany D. San Francisco of the USA36. _ is an organization to help disabled people.A. Animal Center B. Animal Helpers C. Food Bank D. Old Peoples Home37. _stands for Chin

    13、ese history and fashion culture. A. Wedding dress B. The suit C. The coat D. The Tang Costume38. _ may do harm to statues and buildings.A. Light pollution B. Acid Rain C. Traffic pollution D. Loud noise39. Traveling _ is very convenient in Paris.A. on foot B. by taxi C. by bus D. by underground40. W

    14、hats the slogan for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games?A. New Beijing, New Olympic Games. B. Share the dream, Pass the passion.C. One World, One Dream. D. Hand in hand.第二节(共28小题;4166每小题1分,67、68每小题2分,满分30分)A) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以完成句子或回答所提问题的最佳选项。( 1 )Going to a friends house is very exciting.

    15、You may spend time with a friend and get to see where he lives. So remember to be polite.When to arriveThe first thing to remember is that when a friend invites you over, you need to arrive on time. If your friend tells you to come “around 3:00”, that means you can turn up a little bit after 3:00. B

    16、ut usually it is a good idea to arrive at the right time. What to bringOften it is also nice to bring something to your friends house. This could be a box of chocolates for you two to share, or maybe a movie that you can watch together. You can also bring some flowers. A little gift is a nice way to

    17、 show your friend that you are excited to be at his house. How to greetWhen you visit your friends house, you may also meet his parents. You should tell them who you are and they may tell you their names. As a child, I went to visit my friend Paul. I called his parents by their first names John and

    18、Mary. But now I know it is more polite to call them Mr. or Mrs. Smith. This will show them more respect and then they may tell you to call them by their first names. Another way to show respect is to call them Madam or Sir.It is a cool thing to visit a friends house. Be polite to your friend and you

    19、r friends parents, and you will be invited again!41. If you are told to get to your friends house around 5:00 p.m., it is polite to arrive at _ p.m. A. 5:02 B. 4:50 C. 4:30 D. 5:3042. The passage mainly tells us _.A. when to arrive at your friends house B. how to greet peopleC. what to bring to your

    20、 friend D. how to be a good visitor43. The passage may be from _.A. a notice on a wall B. a letter to a friend C. an article in a magazine D. a news story in a paper( 2 )Some teenagers think that newspapers are boring and only for adults. But thats not true. There are many interesting stories in the

    21、 paper. You just need to make clear what you are looking at. “I spend about half an hour reading newspapers every day,” said 15-year-old Gao Ming from Beijing. “Im interested in things happening at school.” School news is just one kind of news story in newspapers. Theres also world news: from intern

    22、ational problems to pop stars.Read the newspaper carefully, well find different types of articles on the pages:News stories these stories are about events. Reporters try to show all points of a story to help readers understand what happened. Reporters try to speak to as many people as possible. They

    23、 also use pictures and numbers to show the readers that the stories are true. The newspaper Teenagers has lots of news stories on the news page and front page. When we read them, we learn more about the facts, not the writers ideas.Opinion writing opinion writing is usually about something happening

    24、 right now. But it isnt just facts. Here writers add their own opinions to the news. Writers pick only the facts that help back up their ideas. They make readers believe that they are telling the truth. This is usually the kind of story that gets people thinking. Go to “Speak Out” on Page Two for an

    25、 example of opinion writing in Teenagers.Advertisement Dont get happy too early when you read them. Those sweet words and lovely pictures are just ways to get us interested in their products! People have to pay to put advertisements in newspapers!44. The underlined sentence “You need to make clear w

    26、hat you are looking at.” Means that the readers “_”. A. should understand interesting news stories B. ought to know which kind of things to read C. need to look at the school news first D. must know the contents of all the news45. Writers use some facts in opinion writings because they want us their

    27、 opinions. A. to understand B. to remember C. to agree with D. to speak out46. This passage mainly discusses how _. A. reporters write different kinds of news B. teenagers get interested in newspapers C. readers can read newspapers in better ways D. readers can deal with different kinds of news in n

    28、ewspapers( 3 )Tibet is among the most popular places for Chinese tourists. The number of travelers to Tibet has grown by 10 percent every year for a few years. What is the best way to go to Tibet for tourist trip, by plane, by bus or by train? People who want to go to Tibet always ask this question.

    29、 If you take the plane, you wont see the beautiful places on the way. If you take the bus, you will be very tired after the trip. If you take the train, you can enjoy the scenery along the way and sleep quite well. Now, since July 1, when the first train ran 1,956 kilometers from Xining to Lhasa, mo

    30、re and more people have been going to Tibet. The train stops at several famous places along the way, such as Qinghai Lake, Kunlun Mountain, and the Potala Palace. Passengers can enjoy many activities during the journey, like the Tibetan dancing and Karaoke. On the train, passengers can have tea, egg

    31、s and noodles for breakfast, and fried green vegetables and chicken for lunch. Unlike most Chinese trains which have open-hole toilets, this one has special toilets which can collect the waste. There is also a special garbage system in the train that keeps the environment clean.All the windows on the train can protect people from the bright sunlight. Other equipment, such as televisions and electrical sockets for computers and cell phones, can also be found


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