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    1、中考阅读训练之新闻报道类中考阅读训练之新闻报道类(一)On May 23, Shenzhen introduced tough new rules n加油in order to discourage the “Chinesn加油e style of crossing the road”. “Chin加油nese people cross roads witn加油hout thinking about traffic n加油lights, so long as thn加油ey are part of a crowd,” saidn加油 a post on Sina Weibo. A CCTV n

    2、加油news program showed that in only n加油an hour, more than 600 people jumpedn加油 red lights when crossing a road in Shin加油jiazhuang, Hebei. Many peopln加油e say that they jaywalk (乱穿马路) because tn加油he red light lasts too long. Such an on加油pinion is supported by a resn加油earch team at Tongji Universityn加油.

    3、 The team did research onn加油 peoples waiting times an加油t different road crosn加油sings for three years. Theyn加油 found that Chinese people won加油uld wait for 70 to 90 seconds n加油before they lost their pn加油atience. “People are likely n加油to ignore (忽视) the lighn加油t when the waiting time is longn加油er than

    4、they can bear,” said Ni Ying, an加油 member of the research team. Hon加油wever, a survey on Sina Weibo suggn加油ested that people jaywalk mn加油ainly because they ignore rulesn加油. “I always obey traffic n加油rules. Time is importantn加油 but safety should come first,” somn加油eone wrote on his Weibo.n加油 Many coun

    5、tries give out pn加油unishments to jaywalkers. In Singaporn加油e, the maximum can be n加油three months in prisonn加油. Some Chinese cities have stan加油rted taking some actin加油ons, too. For example, the first thren加油e people in a jaywalking grn加油oup will be fined 50 yuan in Shijiazhun加油ang. But calling on加油n

    6、people to respect rules is more impon加油rtant. To completely solve the n加油problem, everyone should ren加油alize the importance of obeying the tran加油ffic rules.1. Which of the followingn加油 is the “Chinese style n加油road crossing”? A.n加油 To cross a road slowly. B. Tn加油o follow the basic traffic rulen加油s.

    7、C. To wait for tn加油he traffic light to turn gren加油en. D. To cross roads withon加油ut looking at traffic lighn加油ts.2. What does the phrase n加油“the team” in Paragraph 3 refer n加油to? A. A CCTV nn加油ews program. B.n加油 A research group at Tongji University.n加油 C. A post on Sina Weibo.n加油 D. A daily nn加油ewsp

    8、aper.3. How long will Chn加油inese people wait for to cross n加油the road before they lon加油se patience? A. An加油bout five minutes. n加油 B. Less than one minute.n加油 C. Less than one and a han加油lf minutes. D. More than加油n ten minutes.4. Why do people n加油jaywalk according to the sn加油urvey on SinaWeibo? A. Be

    9、cause pn加油eople dont pay much attention to n加油rules. B. Because there are ton加油o many people on the ron加油ad. C. Because the ren加油d light lasts too long.n加油 D. Because people han加油ve less patience.5. The writern加油 suggests that we should n加油_ to solve the n加油problem of jaywalking.n加油 A. punish the ja

    10、ywalkers B. n加油reduce (减少) the time on加油f red lights C. ign加油nore the traffic rules D. call on加油n people to obey the traffic rulesn加油(二)A report from the United Nan加油tions said that around 60 mn加油illion people across the n加油world, with 80% of them in加油n Asia, are drinking pollun加油ted water. Some 4,5

    11、00 chn加油ildren die every day bn加油ecause of polluted water.A reportn加油 showed that environmental n加油problems kill 3 million childrenn加油 under five years old each year, makn加油ing them one of the key contributorn加油s in more than 10 million加油n child deaths worldwide each year.n加油Dangerous factors includ

    12、e indon加油or and outdoor air pollutn加油ion, water pollution, lack of good hyn加油giene facilities and pn加油oor ecological systems , it said.n加油Another study showed than加油t parents and experts fron加油m seven countries including the Unn加油ited States, India and Nigeria, regarn加油ded pollution as the bign加油ges

    13、t threat to childrens n加油natural living environment.n加油Many parents say that chin加油ldren today are being brougn加油ht up with fewer blue skies n加油than when they were little kidn加油s.Mrs. Green triesn加油 to teach her daughter Su san加油n by setting a personal examplen加油. She picks out recyn加油clable waste a

    14、nd uses the wn加油ater from the washing machine to wash tn加油he toilet.Chinese childrn加油en mostly learn about envirn加油onmental protection in n加油school.Some non-governn加油mental organizations and child centern加油s also teach kids to proten加油ct the environment. More parents haven加油 become aware of it. Fami

    15、ly n加油is now playing a more impn加油ortant role, says a Chinese official.n加油Vera Lehmann, an expert from Gen加油rmany says many Chinese are n加油increasingly aware of polluted.n加油 I was surprised to find how n加油much schools in China are willn加油ing to contribute to educating the chiln加油dren on environment,

    16、n加油 Lehmann said. There n加油has been a big change between now andn加油 ten years ago when I first tran加油veled here.1. What in加油s the main cause of childn加油 deaths?A. polluted watn加油er B. poor en加油cological systemsC. in加油ndoor and outdoor air n加油pollution D. environmental problen加油ms 2. How m any danger

    17、ous facn加油tors are mentioned in the an加油rticle?A. three n加油B. four C. sixn加油 D. five 3. From thn加油e example of Mrs. Green加油n ,we can know that she is a woman n加油who .A. is strict with her daughtern加油. B. takes good care of her daughtn加油er.C. likes housework very mn加油uch. D. pays mucn加油h attention to

    18、 recycling.4.n加油 Which is right according tn加油o the article?A. 80% of the pen加油ople in Africa are drinkinn加油g polluted water.B. n加油Not only developed countries ren加油garded polluted as thn加油e biggest threat to childrens n加油natural living environment.C. The gn加油overnment now plays a more important rn加

    19、油ole in protecting the environment.n加油D. Vera Lehmann thinks n加油China still pays no more attentn加油ion to the poor condition as usual.n加油5. Whats the best title on加油f the article?A. Teaching childrenn加油 to stay green.B. Children todayn加油 are in poor condition.Cn加油. Children died of environmen加油ntal p

    20、ollution.D. The biggesn加油t problem in the world.(三)Newn加油s 1 : Have you ever thought of n加油being able to fly aron加油und the world in a few hours though it in加油s about 40,000 kilometers? n加油One day,maybe you can. Last Saturday,thn加油e American X43A airplane n加油made its first flight. It reachen加油d a spe

    21、ed of 8,000 kilometres an hon加油ur. This makes it the fastest pn加油lane in the world. The X4n加油3A is only three to four metren加油s long,but its very hn加油eavy:it weighs(重)1,270 kilogran加油mes. News 2 : Have youn加油 ever got angry at books thatn加油 are full of mistakes? Dont worn加油ry,things will get better

    22、soon. Lasn加油t week,China started checkn加油ing textbooks,dictionarien加油s and childrens books all over tn加油he country. The government(政府)saidn加油 the results of the checkin加油ng would come out at tn加油he end of June. News 3 : There n加油will be a new “star” in the sky n加油soon. China plans to send a satellit

    23、n加油e(人造卫星) into space by December 2019. In加油t will stay in space for on加油ne year. It will go aroundn加油 the moon and take pictures. It must ben加油 very expensive,right? Thats for suren加油1. 4 billion yuan! News 4 :Floods(洪水)n加油across the northern Mexican(墨西n加油哥的) state of Coahuila killedn加油 at least 32

    24、 people andn加油 left100 more missing. It was rn加油eported on Monday. Then加油 heavy rain hit the stn加油ate all night last Friday,so son加油me banks of the river wen加油re broken. Along the river about n加油3,000 families were seriously affn加油ected(受影响) 1. News 1 talks aboutn加油 _. A. people cant gon加油 around th

    25、e earth in a few hourn加油s B. the American X43A airplann加油e traveled around the earth n加油in a few hours C. the n加油American X43A airplane is then加油 fastest one in the wn加油orld D. only Americann加油s can make such a fast plane 2. If thn加油e X-43A goes around then加油 earth,it will take about _ hourn加油s to f

    26、inish the trip. n加油A. 3 Bn加油. 5 C. 8 n加油 D. 12 3. Which of the fn加油ollowing about News 2 is TRUE? n加油A. There are many mistakes inn加油 most of the textbooks,dictn加油ionaries and childrens bookn加油s. B. All the students have to use n加油the books full of mistaken加油s till the end of June. C. Aftn加油er the c

    27、hecking books will become ben加油tter and better.n加油 D. A few mistn加油akes are not serious for childrenn加油. 4. Which of the follown加油ing about the new “star is NOT n加油TRUE? A. It will help us knon加油w more about the moon. B. Itn加油 will go around the earth n加油for one year. C. It wiln加油l cost 1. 4 billion

    28、 yuan.n加油 D. It will be sent un加油p by the year 2019. 5. Many n加油families were affected becausn加油e of _. A. the heavy rain n加油on Monday B. the broken banks n加油of the river C. the floodsn加油 across Mexico D. the death on加油f 132 people(四)News 1: A gas exn加油plosion (瓦斯爆炸) happened n加油on October 20 in a c

    29、oal minn加油e in Daping, Henan. Itn加油 has killed 129 peopln加油e so far. Another 19 are still n加油missing. More than 40n加油0 workers were at the mine at the time. n加油Only 298 ran out.News 2: n加油Scientists have found some caves inn加油 the north part of the Mogao Grottoes n加油(莫高窟) of Dunhuang in Gansu. Now t

    30、he norn加油th part has 248 caves in all. Alton加油gether there are 735 Dunhuang n加油Mogao Grottoes. People began加油n to make Mogao Grottoes from 366 AD.n加油 Pictures in the caven加油s show what peoples n加油lives were like in the past.News 3: n加油Are girls cleverer than boys? Maybn加油e. In a new study, scientist

    31、s found thn加油at female chimps used sticks twon加油 years earlier than male chimps in Afrn加油ica. Female chimps watched tn加油heir mums look for food. The maln加油es climbed trees. The same thinn加油g also happens in the world of people.n加油 Girls learn to write and dn加油raw before boys, while n加油boys learn to play with balls beforen加油 girls.1. Which of tn加油he above news stories talks aboutn加油 an accident?A. News 1 n加油B. News 2 C.n加油 News 3 D. Nonen加油2. We can tell from thn加油e Mogao Gr


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