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    1、Unit3OnReading练习答案Unit 3 On ReadingConsolidation ActivitiesI. Text Comprehension1. Decide which of the following best states the authors purpose.A.To recommend some masterpieces for pleasurable reading.B.To let the readers share his experience of reading.C.To urge the exercise of personal taste in t

    2、he selection of what to read from the books he is going to recommend.Key: C 2. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1). If books can fulfill your utilitarian purposes, you will find reading them enjoyable. F2). All masterpieces, due to their importance and

    3、 value acknowledged by critics, should be given priority on readers booklists. F3). The first criterion in book-selection is that the reader should get pleasure from his/her reading. T4). Reading habits vary from person to person, depending on individuals preferences. T5). The author does not believ

    4、e in skipping, because he often worries that he may have missed something important and valuable in reading as a result of skipping. F4. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.1. Even though many scholars highly praise a book, you dont have to read it at all if you don

    5、t find it interesting.2. Later on, when I finish my work, and I feel relaxed, and dont want to beat my brains, I usually read history, essays, criticism or biography, and in the evening I read a novel. II. Writing Strategies1) Read the following sentences that are structured in an inverted sequence.

    6、 a. Such books we read with resignation rather than with alacrity. (Paragraph 1) b. That, however, they cannot do unless you enjoy reading them. (Paragraph 1) c. Now of such books as this I mean to say nothing. (Paragraph 3) d. . but how you are to learn it I cannot tell you .(Paragraph 6)Try to giv

    7、e the normal order of these sentences and comment on their stylistic functions.a. Normal sequence: We read such books with resignation rather than with alacrity.Function: To create a closer relation between “books” in this sentence and “them” in the preceding one.b. Normal sequence: However, they ca

    8、nnot do that unless you enjoy reading them. Function: To achieve emphasis by putting “that” at the beginning of the sentence.c. Normal sequence: Now I mean to say nothing of such books as this.Function: Both to achieve emphasis and to create a closer relation between “this” in the sentence and what

    9、has been discussed in the preceding one.d. Normal sequence: . but I cannot tell you how you are to learn it .Function: Both to achieve emphasis and to create a closer relation between “it” in the sentence and “to know how to skip” in the preceding one.2) With the exception of Paragraphs 1 and 4, the

    10、 author supplies his own experiences in the second half of each paragraph to shed more light on the suggestions he puts forward. Read these experiences again, and identify the authors viewpoints.The authors viewpoints involved in his personal experiences:a. The authors experience in reading George E

    11、liots Adam Bede (Paragraph 2) to indicate that masterpieces do not necessarily bring enjoyment in reading.b. Reading certain books makes the author feel the richer (Paragraph 3) to suggest that what pleases one person does not necessarily please another.c. The authors reading habit (Paragraph 5) to

    12、advise people that they need to read according to their own interests.d. The authors experience as a bad skipper (Paragraph 6) to prove that reading could be more enjoyable, if you know how to skip.III. Language Work1. Explain the underlined part(s) in each sentence in your own words.1). Such books

    13、we read with resignation rather than with alacrity. read with unresisting acceptance because we know we have to; eagerness2). The books I shall mention in due course will help you neither to get a degree nor to earn your living. later, after these introductory remarks3). I wish to deal only with the

    14、 masterpieces which the consensus of opinion for a long time has accepted as supreme. for a long time have generally been accepted as the most important books4). Dont forget that critics often make mistakes the history of criticism is full of the blunders the most eminent of them have made . full of

    15、 mistakes; famous and respected5). . I would not go so far as to pretend that to read a book will assuage the pangs of hunger or still the pain of unrequited love . ease the painful feeling; kill 6). But who is going to acquire the habit of reading for readings sake, if he is bidden to read books th

    16、at bore him. told to7). It sets me off for the day. warms me up and gets me ready for a whole days work8). Later on, when my work is done and I feel at ease, but not inclined for mental exercise of a strenuous character, I read history, essays, criticism or biography . ready for; a toilsome / diffic

    17、ult nature9). . I am aware I have not done it justice . have not treated the book in a way that is fair10). I am apt to think that I might just as well never have read it . tend to; it might have been equally good if I had never read it (Note: it is a phrase used to mean that another course of actio

    18、n would have an equally good result.)2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1). They received the news with resignation. (resign)2). The company has begun to challenge the supremacy (supreme) of the current leading manufacturers in the textiles industry.3). All four prop

    19、osals to the committee were unanimously (unanimous) approved.4). Having achieved eminence (eminent) as an actor, he now intends to perform a comparable feat in politics.5). This part of the law is only applicable (apply) to companies employing more than five people.6). The museum houses a fascinatin

    20、g miscellany (miscellaneous) of nautical treasures.7). Im not sure of the chronology (chronological) of the events.8). The children sat listening attentively (attention) to the story.9). My own inclination (incline) would be to look for another job.10). He strenuously (strenuous) denies all the alle

    21、gations against him.3. Fill in the blank(s) in each sentence with a phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.incline | resign | class as | with equanimity | rob of | stall off | apt | dip into | apply to extract | do justice to | set off1). She didnt really do justice to herself in the inte

    22、rview.2. He resigned from the company to take a more challenging job.3). A last-minute injury robbed me of my place on the team.4). Its the sort of book you can just dip into now and again.5). That bit of the form is for foreigners it doesnt apply to you.6). No one seemed inclined to help.7). Im 17,

    23、 but Im still classed as a child when I travel by bus.8). Shes in her eighties now and apt to be a bit forgetful.9). Shes finally stopped crying now dont set her off again.10). The oil which is extracted from olives is used for cooking.11). The thief broke into the office while his accomplice stalle

    24、d off the security guard.12). He received the news of his mothers death with remarkable equanimity.4. Explain the meaning of the underlined part in each sentence.1). There is a supreme moment at the end of the opera. a moment which causes great excitement2). The air was so still that not even the le

    25、aves on the trees were moving. There was so little wind3). He bade them to leave at once. ordered or told4). If symptoms persist, seek medical attention. visit a doctor5). The kitchen roof is apt to leak when it rains. likely to6). She felt that life had lost most of its savour. pleasure and interes

    26、t7). Somebody set the alarm off. made the alarm bell ring8). I incline to disagree with you on that point. I more disagree than agree9). Ive only dipped into the book. read a few pages of the book, not from cover to cover10). The winner has been disqualified for cheating, so justice has been done. f

    27、airness has been achieved5. Correct the errors in the following passage. The passage contains ten errors, one in each indicated line. In each case, only one word is involved.Corrections should be done as follows:Wrong word: underline the wrong word and write the correct word in the blank.Extra word:

    28、 delete the extra word with an “.”Missing word: mark the position of the missing word with a “” and write the missing word in the blank.Joseph ConradJoseph Conrad led a fascinating life. Born in Poland, he moved around the world as a sailor and eventually settled in England. He must have been an exc

    29、ellent languages learner as he soon became a famous English writer. He wrote a large number of short stories and a lot of novels, mainly about the sea. Many also, as he lived around 1900, were concerned colonialism. Nostromo exposed the way Western capitalism sometimes exploiting the third world, an

    30、d Lord Jim was about a ships officer who lost his honor when he abandoned passengers on a sunk ship. Perhaps his most famous and powerful book is The Heart of Darkness. A decent man, Marlow, is sent to investigate what has happened to Kurtz, an ivory trader, based a long way up one of the great Afri

    31、can rivers. Kurtzs behavior has become increasingly odd, and his employers want to know what has happened. As Marlow travels up to the river, moving into the heart of Africa, through thick, dangerous jungle, he finds himself also traveling into the heart of darkness, mans savagery and evilness. But

    32、at the very heart he finds, not an African, but Kurtz, the representative of white civilization, who has turned himself over into a god-king, ruling over his own tribe. Terrible things happen, and eventually the mad Kurtz dies whispering, “Oh, the horror, the horror.” The story has been filmed for a number of times, and was used by Coppola as the base for his film A


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