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    1、外研版七下英语期末书面表达精讲精练实用文档 文案大全 外研版七下英语期末书面表达精讲精练 Module7主题作文 如何介绍他人过去的生活 范文赏析: 下面表格中是李飞读小学时的个人信息。请根据表格内容写一篇不少于60词的英语短文,简单介绍一下小学时期的李飞。 Name Li Fei Birthday 16th January,1995 Birthplace Guangzhou Character Outing Primary school Guangming Primary School First friend Zhang Qi First teacher Mr. Lu(strict, fr

    2、iendly) 思路点拨: 体裁:记叙文。 时态:一般过去时。 人称:介绍表格信息,应使用第三人称。 注意事项:注意be的过去式。 Li Fei was born on 16th January, 1995 in Guangzhou. He was tall and strong. He was outing. He was also very clever. He was in Guangming Primary School when he was young. His first friend was Zhang Qi. Mr. Lu was Li Feis first teacher.

    3、 He was strict with the students, but he was very 实用文档 文案大全 friendly after class. 学以致用: 根据表格所提示的信息,写一篇60词左右的短文。可适当发挥想象。 Name Li Fang Born in Jinan, the capital of Shandong Province Born on June 2nd, 1996 Primary School Yuying Primary School First English teacher Mrs. Gao Character Friendly and well-

    4、behaved Li Fang is my new friend. She was born in Jinan, the capital of Shandong Province. She was born on June2nd, 1996.The name of her first school was Yuying Primary School. Mrs. Gao was her first English teacher. At that time, Li Fang was very friendly and also well-behaved. I think all her clas

    5、smates liked her very much. Module8 Story time 主题作文 如何讲故事 范文赏析: 从前,森林里住着狐狸妈妈和小狐狸。一天小狐狸饿了并且哭了,狐狸妈妈去给他找食物,她来到一个村庄,抓了一只鸡匆忙往家走。当它到家附近的时候,猎人来了。狐狸妈妈大声喊:“危险,快跑”。小狐狸跑了,但是狐狸妈妈死了。 实用文档 文案大全 思路点拨: 此篇作文以讲故事为主线,以介绍故事的发展为主要内容,在写做过程中始终渗透着本模块的话题故事。我们可确定在写做过程中要运用的主要时态为一般过去时态。 模块常用短语及举行储备:once upon a time, in the for

    6、est, decide to get, hurry to Once upon a time, there was a fox and her baby in the forest. One day, the baby fox was hungry and cried. Mother Fox decided to get some food for her baby, so she went to village. She got a chicken and hurried to her house. When she was near her house, the hunter came. M

    7、other Fox shouted, “Its dangerous. Run quickly.” Baby Fox ran away but Mother Fox died. 学以致用: 上一个周末你是怎样度过的?一定过得很开心吧!请用一般过去时写一篇短文,描述一下上周末的活动。 要求:文笔连贯,不少于60词。 I had a happy weekend last week. In the morning, I got up very early and did some reading. At ten, I cleaned my house. After lunch, my friend c

    8、ame to visit me and we played chess for one hour. Then we went to see a film. The film was very interesting. When I got home at six thirty, the dinner was ready. My mum cooked for us. In the evening, I played games with my brother and we enjoyed ourselves. 实用文档 文案大全 Module9 Life history 如何描述自己和他人的经历

    9、 范文赏析: 刘伟,无比钢琴演奏者。他十岁时在一次意外事故中失去双臂,但他并没有放弃成为一名钢琴家的梦想。经过刻苦用脚练习钢琴,他最终在中国达人秀的舞台上实现了自己的梦想。请根据以上信息写一篇英语短文。 要求:1.简要描述刘伟的经历; 2.谈谈从他的经历中你得到的启示; 3.词数80个左右。 思路点拨: 介绍人物应以叙述任务的经历为主线,而该书面表达就是以刘伟的经历为写作的主要内容,因为描述刘伟的过去,故时态主要使用一般过去时。 Liu Wei, an armless piano player, has a very special experience. He lost his arms i

    10、n an accident at the age of 10, but he didnt give up his dream of being a pianist. He began to practice playing the piano with his feet. Finally, his dream came true in “Chinas got Talent”. As a student, I learnt a lot from his story. We man meet a lot of difficulties in our life, but we should beli

    11、eve that our dream will come true by working hard. 学以致用: 实用文档 文案大全 写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍你爸爸过去的生活情况。包含下列信息: 1.他住在哪里; 2.他喜欢看电视还是听收音机; 3.他玩什么游戏; 4.怎样旅行等等。 例文: Yesterday I asked my father about his past life. He said when he was young, he lived in a small village and he was born there, too. At that time he did

    12、nt have a TV, so he liked listening to the radio. There werent computers then, but he played games like chess. He didnt travel by car because he didnt have a car. He had to travel by train. Father said he wasnt rich in the past but he was very happy. Module10 A holiday journey 如何介绍假期旅行 范文赏析: 假如你叫李华,

    13、是某中学九年级的一名学生。你计划毕业考试后去英格兰旅行。请根据下列提示给你的英格兰笔友写一封信,告诉他你的安排并就相关问题向他询问。词数60个左右。 1.考试结束后和父母去英格兰旅行; 2.计划在英格兰停留十天; 实用文档 文案大全 3.向他询问英格兰的风俗习惯; 4.请他建议去英格兰哪些地方旅行。 参考词汇:毕业考试the final exam;风俗习惯customs 思路点拨:1.此篇作文以描述假期的旅行计划和询问信息为主线,主要内容包括行程安排、询问风俗习惯和英格兰的旅游地点等,符合本模块话题假期旅行。因为是谈论旅行计划,所以时态以一般将来时为主。 模块实用短语、举行储备:do sth.

    14、 with sb.; for + 一段时间;learn about; I hope + (that)从句. 例文: Dear Ben, How is everything? I am going to travel to England with my parents after finishing the final exam. Wed like to be away for about ten days. But I dont know about England, so I want to learn about the country. I hope you can tell me s

    15、ome information about the customs of England. I would like travel to exciting places in England. Please introduce some interesting places to me. I am looking forward to your reply. Yours truly, Li Hua 学以致用: 假如你是Tina, 给Mary写一封电子邮件,告诉她你和你的同学实用文档 文案大全 上周去泰山(Mount Tai)旅游了,要求用到下面的提示词。 提示词:classmates, mee

    16、t, at 6:30 in the morning, by bus, at the foot of the mountain(在山脚下), have a party, play games, the top of, happy 例文: Dear Mary, Last week I went to Mount Tai with my classmates. At6:30 in the morning, we met at the school gate. Then we went there by bus. At the foot of the mountain, we had a party

    17、and played games. Then we climbed to the top of it. It was very wonderful. We were very happy. Love, Tina Module11 Body language 肢体语言 范文赏析: 中国课堂 美国课堂 不称呼老师的姓名 认真听讲,做笔记 举手发言 学生面对面作者 比较放松,可以喝饮料 自由谈论 要求:1.短文必须包括表格中的所有信息,但是不要逐条翻译。2.80词左右。 提示词:面对面face to face, 自由地freely 实用文档 文案大全 思路点拨:1.该书面表达以比较中美两国的文化差异

    18、为主线,主要内容是两个国家的学生在课堂上的所作所为,时态为一般现在时为主。 模块实用短语、句型储备:listen to the teacher, want to say sth., be different from, Its +形容词+of sb.+ to do sth. There are some differences between a Chinese class and an American class. Now lets have a look. In China, students call their teacher “Mr.” or “Mrs.” In class, th

    19、ey always listen to the teacher and write down notes carefully. If they want to say something, they should put up their hands first. But in America, Its very different from that in China. The students sit around the desks face to face. They are more relaxed than students in China. They can drink in

    20、class and they can talk freely, too. But I think Chinese class is better. Its polite of students to obey some strict class rules. 学以致用: 请以Different countries, different greeting ways为题写一篇70词左右的短文。 例文: Different countries, different greeting ways People in different countries greet each other in diff

    21、erent ways. If you greet people in right ways, you may make them happy and they may think youre polite. In America and Britain, people often shake hands when they meet for 实用文档 文案大全 the first time. Friends and family members often hug or kiss the cheek. In Japan, people usually bow to greet each oth

    22、er. In Russia, people usually kiss three times, left , right, left. In India, people put their hands together and nod their heads when they meet. Module12 Western music 如何写关于名人介绍的短文 范文欣赏: 郎朗是当今世界最杰出的钢琴家之一,被誉为“一位改变世界的青年”。请以“Lang-LangA well-known Pianist”为题,写一篇80次左右的人物简介。 时间 年龄 地点 主要事件 1982 0 沈阳 出生 19

    23、85 3 沈阳 开始弹钢琴 1987 5 沈阳 参加钢琴比赛,均获得第一名 1991 9 中国 1993 11 德国 1995 13 日本 1996 14 美国 继续深造 2000 18 / 显现出非凡的音乐才华 2005 23 美国 应邀在白宫专场演出 Lang LangA Well-known Pianist Theres a well-known pianist called Lang Lang. He was born in 实用文档 文案大全 Shengyang in1982. He began to play the piano when he was 3. From 1987 t

    24、o 1995 he took part in a lot of piano competitions and won all the first prizes. In 1996, Lang Lang went to America to continue his study. At the age of 18, he began to show his unusual talent for understanding music. In 2005, he was invited to give a concert at the White House. Lang Lang has became

    25、 one of todays most outstanding pianist in the world, and is named as “a young person changing the world”. 学以致用: 迈克尔.杰克逊(Michael Jackson)是继猫王之后西方流行乐坛最具影响力的音乐家。其成就超过猫王,被誉为流行音乐之王。 1.出色的音乐天才 2.唱片销量过亿 3.全球范围拥有许多歌迷,最受欢迎的艺术家之一 4.一生为穷人捐款共计三亿美金 要求:不少于80词 提示词:流行音乐之王King of Pop, 天才genius, 一亿a hundred million

    26、例文: Michael Jackson is one of the greatest musicians in the world. He is called King of Pop. He is an excellent music genius. He can do well in both singing and dancing. His records were sold over a hundred million. He has a lot of fans and he is one of the most popular artists. He is also a 实用文档 文案

    27、大全 kind man. He offered three hundred million dollars to the poor. Its really a pity that he died. However, people will miss him forever. 作文练习: .请你根据提示内容,写一篇英语短文,叙述你和同学们一天的活动。 要点: 1.早晨8:00骑自行车去叔叔农场,8:30到达; 2.上午参观农场,干农活; 3.中午野餐; 4.下午画画,钓鱼; 5.下午4:30准备回家。 要求:1.内容必须包括以上要点,可适当发挥; 2. 80个词左右。 例文: Today I w

    28、ent to my uncles farm with my classmates. We started at eight oclock and went there by bike. We arrived there at half past eight. In the morning my uncle took us around the farm and did some farm work. At noon we had a picnic near the river. After a short rest, we drew pictures and went fishing. We

    29、played happily. When it was four thirty in the afternoon, we prepared to go home. What a wonderful day ! .下个星期日是你的15岁生日,你想邀请你的同学来参加你的生日实用文档 文案大全 聚会。请你写一封80词左右的邀请信,信中必须说明到达你家的路线。要点如下: 1. 时间:周日中午12:00开始。 2. 地点:你家。 3. 内容:聚餐、唱歌、跳舞等各类活动。 4. 路线:走出校门,向右拐,一直往前走,在第三个路口向左转。经过中国银行并穿过人民路,在路的左边有一幢高楼,你家在504室。 例文:

    30、 Dear friends, Is everything going well? Next Sunday is my birthday. Could you come to my party? I plan to hold the party at home. It will begin at 12 oclock Sunday noon. We can have dinner, sing and dance. Of course, we can do some other things. Now, let me tell you the way to my home. First, go ou

    31、t of our school. Then turn right and go along the street all the time. When you see the third turning, turn left. When you see the Bank of China, go and cross Renmin Street. There is a tall building on the left of the street. Im in Room 504. Im looking forward to seeing you next Sunday! Yours, Jim 实用文档 文案大全 .根据表格内容,描述一下音乐家冼星海的生平。可以适当发挥。 姓名 冼星海 出生 1905年,澳门 卒 1945年 学习经历 1918年岭南大学附中(attached middle school of Lingnan University)学小提琴;后在巴黎学习。 代表作 黄河大合唱The Yellow River 称号及评价 人民音乐家,最伟大的古典音乐家和传


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