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    学年高中英语译林版选修7江苏专版Unit 2.docx

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    学年高中英语译林版选修7江苏专版Unit 2.docx

    1、学年高中英语译林版选修7江苏专版Unit 2Unit 2单元质量检测(二)(时间:100分钟满分:100分本卷共4页).单项填空(满分15分)1Were trying to come to a(n)_ about who should pay the legal fees.AcontributionBexpectationCarrangement Dsituation2Happy birthday, Alice! So you have _ twentyone already.Abecome BturnedCgrown Dpassed3The teacher told us that she

    2、would _ the theory and play us some classical music before the next test.Atry on Btry forCtry out Dturn out4The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took _ pictures of them.Amany of Bmasses ofCthe number of Da large amount of5About 40 million teenagers in China have tr

    3、ied smoking, and 15 million of them have become _Aconfused BembarrassedCaddicted Damused6He is _ this house while that house is _ his elder sister. Ain possession of; in possession ofBin the possession of; in possession ofCin possession of; in the possession ofDin the possession of; in the possessio

    4、n of7Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?Yes, on _ her I gave it to her.Asee BseeingClooking Dlook at8(湖北高考)Clinical evidence began to_, suggesting that the new drugs had a wider range of useful activities than had been predicted from experiments in animals.Aoperate BstrengthenCappr

    5、ove Daccumulate9We shouldnt naturally _ Moutai to the use of public funds as both the government and individuals are consumers.Aexchange BrelateCapply Dcompare10_ for old men to read newspapers, but it is also a great way to improve their minds.ANot only for pleasure is itBNot only it is for pleasur

    6、eCNot only is it for pleasureDIt is not only for pleasure11Karen, can I talk to you for a minute?Sure, _?Ahow come Bwhats upChows that Dwhat for12(湖南高考)An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a persons character; however, they are not always_Apractical BavoidableCpermanent Dbeneficial

    7、13(湖南高考)_ I always felt I would pass the exam, I never thought I would get an A.AWhile BOnceCIf DUntil14Only after they had discussed the matter for several hours _ a decision.Athey reached Bdid they reachCthey reach Ddo they reach15(重庆高考)It was with the help of the local guide _ the mountain climbe

    8、r was rescued.Awho BthatCwhen Dhow.完形填空(满分20分)I grew up with my best friend, who was just like a sister to me. It wasnt until the spring of 1987 that I noticed a change in her. She was quick to anger, and her attitude was _16_. It was not like her at all. I asked her many times what was wrong. Her _

    9、17_ each time was “Im fine”As time went on, she became more _18_ and became a person I did not know anymore. All I wanted to do was to help her. Every time I tried, she would get _19_ and say she was fine.I felt so helpless, so alone, I was _20_ her and I didnt know why. This seemed to be a _21_ I w

    10、ould not get an answer to.The summer of 1988, I finally got my answer. My best friend had _22_ because of the effects of drugs. My mother _23_ put her arms around me, and told me my best friend died because of a lethal dose. Well, for a minute my _24_ stood still, along with my heart. There was noth

    11、ing to say or do. There were just tears in my eyes in _25_My best friend was a _26_ kid who made a mistake. I spent that whole summer trying to figure out why I didnt pick up on what was going on. _27_ over and over again, if only I had spent time noticing the signs. Maybe I could have _28_ her.My m

    12、other, seeing my _29_, sat me down, and told me this.“Some things are not in our control. Sometimes _30_ arent enough. You cant blame yourself for the path your friend _31_. What you can do is learn from her mistake, volunteer at school for drug prevention and let other children know what happened t

    13、o your friend, and _32_ it made you feel. It makes sense, doesnt it? Prevention _33_ education.”Shes right, and it does make sense. Since then Ive never once _34_ myself for her death. Instead I _35_ for the programs of SADD and DARE. Each year, at an assembly I tell new students what happened and t

    14、he danger of drugs, making sense with “Prevention with Education”16A.poor BpositiveCkind Dflexible17A.reaction BideaCsentence Dresponse18A.generous BbitterCcowardly Dmodest19A.silent BhesitantCdefensive Dconfident20A.ignoring BhatingCmissing Dlosing21A.question BgameCchallenge Dbattle22A.suffered Bc

    15、hangedCsurvived Dchoked23A.tearfully BfearfullyChopefully Dfirmly24A.mother BsisterCworld Dfriend25A.fear BanxietyCterror Dsilence26A.naughty BgoodCshy Dbold27A.Thinking BTurningCLooking DShouting28A.comforted BsupportedCsaved Dpersuaded29A.suspicion BangerCattitude Ddistress30A.concerns BsignsCdoub

    16、ts Dcomplains31A.chose BbuiltCled Ddeserted32A.who BwhetherCwhat Dhow33A.for BinCwith Dof34A.devoted BblamedCenjoyed Dbehaved35A.volunteer BspendCwaste Dspare.阅读理解(满分30分)ACatching a common cold in the summertime can be even more miserable than suffering the average winter cold. Although a person is

    17、four times more likely to catch a cold in the more frigid months of the year, cold viruses are in the environment seven days a week, and 365 days a year. The common cold never takes a holiday, although it may end up destroying yours.The common cold can be caused by any one of hundreds of different v

    18、iruses. Thats why there is no vaccine (疫苗). In the warm and wet summer months, it is harder for airborne illnesses to spread, since water drops in the air are attracted to tiny viruses, weighing them down and ultimately grounding them. The influenza (流行性感冒) virus survives better in chilly, rather th

    19、an warm weather. This is why influenza is a winter illness.The common cold, although it can be spread through the air, is more often spread through touch. People are also more often in close, indoor contact during colder months, making it easier to spread viruses both by air and by touch.Summer cold

    20、s do still occur. The air in airconditioned environments dries out your nose, where cold viruses grow, making it easier for them to influence your health. On hot days, people flock to airconditioned environments. The workplace is one example, where many people repeatedly touch the same objects, leav

    21、ing behind viruses.How to prevent a summer cold? One of the easiest and best defenses against many types of diseases that spread by touch is thorough and frequent hand washing. Clean frequentlytouched surfaces in the home or in the office, such as doorknobs, handles, and light switches. When the wea

    22、ther is nice, spend time outdoors enjoying summer!36What can we learn from the first paragraph?AIt is near impossible for people to catch a cold in summer.BCold viruses exist around us all the time.CPeople are more likely to catch a cold during a holiday.DSummer colds are totally different from wint

    23、er colds.37According to the passage, influenza viruses _Asurvive better in dry environmentsBspread more quickly through touchCprefer outdoor environments to indoor environmentsDspread more easily in summer38What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?AHow to cure a cold.BWhat causes a cold.CWhere to stay in su

    24、mmer.DWhy people get summer colds.39In the last paragraph, in order to prevent colds in summer, you are advised to _Ause airconditioners less frequentlyBwash your hands every time you touch the doorknobCdo outdoor activitiesDgo to crowded places less oftenBHave you ever placed your cup of coffee on

    25、top of your car, only to forget about it and drive away, your cup still steaming on top? Have you ever placed your babys car seat, with your baby tied up inside it, on top of your car, only to forget that your little one is still up there so you drive away?19yearold Catalina Clouser put her 5weekold

    26、 baby on top of her car in his car seat and drove away, apparently forgetting he was there, not even noticing when the seat fell off the car and landed in a crossroad, police said.The baby was discovered in the roadway, uninjured and still tied up in his car seat, by neighbors. The police believed t

    27、hat Clouser was under the influence of something, most likely cannabis (大麻), which damaged her judgment.The baby is now in the care of Child Protective Services.Ive forgotten a water bottle on top of my car.And when I was younger, I had an outdoor cat that liked to sunbathe on the top of my mothers

    28、van; and he once stayed up there while my mother began driving to the grocery store (he jumped off at the first stop sign)Forgetting that your baby is on top of the car and driving away seems unbelievable! Not hearing the car seat fall off and continuing to drive still forgetting seems much crazier.

    29、He was 5 weeks old.How do you forget that? You dont if you cant be responsible enough to keep your judgment entirely right at all appropriate times, you should not have children.Whats the craziest thing you placed on top of your car but forgot about, and then drove away?40Where did the baby fall dow

    30、n from the running car?ANot far from her home.BExactly where the car started.CIn a grocery store.DIn the Child Protective Service.41What caused the accident?AThe mothers carelessness.BThe mothers inexperience.CPoor driving skill.DThe effect of drug use.42Hearing that the baby is left on the running car, the author may feel _Ashocked BsurprisedCunbelievable Damazed43In order to take good care of a child a mother should _Abe responsible Bbe wealthyCtake no drugs Dnot be forgetfulCIt was the day after Halloween when my grandmother was admitted to


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