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    1、MBA联考英语试题2000MBA联考英语试题PARTStructure and Vocabulary (10%)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part .For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence .Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet With apenc

    2、il.c1.To my great surprise the food was still on the table ,_A. untouching B. no touchC. untouchedD. not to be touchedc2.We do not even know his name ; _ about his character .A. less we knowB. less know weC. less do we know D. less we do knowa3.She did not go to the North ,instead she remained here

    3、in the South . The doctor suggested that she _ there .A. not go B. go notC. couldnt go D. didnt gob4.I was ill that day ,Otherwise Ithe meeting .A. would have attended B. had attendedC. would attendD. attendeda5.This book will show you _ can be used in other contexts .A. how what youve observedB. ho

    4、w youve observedC. that youve observedD. the thing what youve observedd6. The statesman and writer you talked with last month _at todays conference .A. was present B. was presentingC. were presentD. were presentingb7.The science of medicine ,_ we owe a great deal , is perhaps the most important of a

    5、ll the sciences .A. in which B. to which C. at which D. for whichd8.Time for football games .Do you mind if I change to sports channel?_A.Yes ,I agree B. No ,no changeC .Yes , pleaseD. Not at all. Go aheadd9.Students at colleges in large cities ran into _ debts because it was easier for them to find

    6、 part -time jobs than those in rural areas .A. few B. fewer C. little D. lessc10. It is said that the New York area has more Jews than _ city outside Israel in the world .A. another B. other C. any other D. the othera11. My boss has always attended to the _ of important business himself .A. transact

    7、ion B. solutionC. translation D. stimulationb12. The government gets a (n)_ from taxes .A. income B. revenue C. fund D. paymentd13. The Japanese dollar-buying makes traders eager to _ dollars in fear of another government intervention .A. let in B . let out C. let go of D. let offa14. The response t

    8、o our financial appeal _ anything we expectedA. surpassed B. impressedC. surprised D. passedd15. Most of his great novels and plays were not published or known to the public_ his tragic death in 1786 .A. even before B. ever sinceC. until after D. until beforec16.Mass production is _ only in an econo

    9、my with a highly developed technology.A.feasible B. permissibleC. allowable D. receivabled17. Those nations that interfere in the internal affairs of another nation should be _condemned .A.commonly B. actually C . uniquely D. universallya18. The government has decided to reduce a (n)all imports .A.

    10、fee B. charge C. tariff D. expenditured19.The newly -elected president is determined to _ the established policy of developing agriculture .A.go for B. go on C. go by D . go upd20. As always , I had to fight the _ to take what she willingly offered .A.fascination B. attractionC. attentionD. temptati

    11、onPARTReading Comprehension (50%)Section ADirections : There are 5. passages in this part ,Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements .Foreach of then there are four choices marked A. B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken thecorresponding letter on th

    12、e Answer Sheet with a pencil .Questions 21 to 24 are based on the following passage :In recent years many countries of the world have been faced with the problem of how to make their workers more productive .Some experts claim the answer is to make jobs more varied . But do more varied jobs lead to

    13、greater productivity ? There is evidence to suggest that while variety certainly makes the workers life more enjoyable , it does not actually make them work harder . As far as increasing productivity is concerned ,then variety is not an important factor .Other experts feel that giving the workers fr

    14、eedom to do their jobs in their own way is important and there is no doubtthat this is true .The problem is that this kind of freedom cannot easily be given in the modern factory with itscomplicated machinery which must be used in a fixed way . Thus while freedom of choice may be important ,there is

    15、 usually very little that can be production lines rather than one large one , so that each worker contributes more to the production of the cars on his line .It would seem that not only is degree of worker contribution an important factor , but it is also one we can do something about .To what exten

    16、t does more money lead to greater productivity ? The workers themselves certainly think this important .But perhaps they want more only because the work they do is so boring .Money just lets them enjoy their spare time more .A similar argument may explain demands for shorter working hours .Perhaps i

    17、f we succeed in making their jobs more interesting ,they will neither want more ,nor will shorter working hours be so important to them.a21.Which of these possible factors leading to greater productivity is NOT true ?A.To make jobs more variedB.To give the workers freedom to do their jobs in their o

    18、wn way .C.Degree of worker contribution.D.Demands of longer working hours .b22. Why do workers want more money ?A.Because their jobs are too boring .B.In order to enjoy more spare timeC.To make their jobs more interestingD. To demand shorter working hours.d23. The last sentence in this passage means

    19、 that if we succeed in making workers jobs more interesting _.A.they will want more moneyB.they will demand shorter working hours are important factors .C.more money and shorter working hours are important factors .D.more money and shorter working hours will not be so important to them .a24. In this

    20、 passage , the author tells us _.A.how to make the workers more productiveB.impossible factors leading to greater efficiencyC.to what extent more money leads to greater productivityD.how to make workers jobs more interestingQuestions 25 to 28 are based on the following passage :The Internet can make

    21、 the news more democratic ,giving the public a chance to ask question and seek out facts behind stories and candidates , according to the head of the largest US on-line service .But the greatest potential for public participation is still in the future ,Steven Case ,Chairman of America On-line ,told

    22、 a recent meeting on Journalism and the Internet sponsored by the Freedom Forum (讨论会)。However , some other experts of ten say the new technology of computers is changing the face of journalism ,giving reporters access to more information andtheir readers a chance to ask questions and turn to differe

    23、nt sources .You dont have to buy a newspaper and be confined to the four corners of that paper any more ,Sam Meddis , on-linetechnology editor at USA Today , observed about the variety of information available to computer users .But the experts noted the easy access to the Internet also means anyone

    24、 can post information for others to see . Anyone can say anything they want ,whether its right or wrong ,said Case , Readers have to determine for themselves who to trust .In a world of almost infinite voices .respected journalists and respected brand names will probably become more important , not

    25、less, Case said .The Internet today is about where radio was 80 years ago , or television 50 years ago or cable 25 years ago ,he said .But it is growing rapidly because it provides people fast access to news and a chance to comment on it .c25.The main topic of this passage is _.A.the development of

    26、journalismB.the rapid development of the InternetC.the effect the Internet has on journalismD.the advantages of the Internetd26. It can be inferred from this passage that the fact that _ may NOT be regarded as an advantage of the Internet .A.the news can be made more democraticB.the public can turn

    27、to different sourcesC.the public can get a chance to ask questionsD.anything can be posted on the Internet for others to see b27. The correct order for the appearance of the four technologies is _A.Internet -cable -television-radioB.Radio-television-cable -InternetC.Radio-cable -television-InternetD

    28、.Television-radio-cable -Internetb28. Which of the following statements is true ?A.only respected journalists can post information on the Internet for others to see .B.Respected journalists will probably become more important than before.C.Everyone is using the Internet nowD.The greatest potential o

    29、f public participation of the Internet is in the near future .Questions 29 to 32 are based on the following passage : There is a range of activities which require movements of about one to four or five miles . These might be leisure activities ,such as moving from home to swimming pool , tennis club

    30、 ,the theater or other cultural centers ,or to a secondary or more advanced school ;or they might be movements associated with work and shopping in the central areas of cities .The use of cars capable of carrying five people at 80 mph for satisfying these needs is wasteful of apace and most producti

    31、ve of disturbance to other road users . The use of the bicycle ,or some more modern derivative of it ,is probably worth more consideration than has recently been given to it .The bicycle itself is a remarkably efficient and simple device for using human muscular energy for transportation .In pure energy


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