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    1、高考英语情景交际练习题库高考英语情景交际练习题库一、单项选择情景交际1You have a sweet tooth. It may be hard for you to lose weight. _, but I just cant help it.AYou cant be serious BYou must be jokingCI couldnt agree more DThat couldnt be better【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查情景交际。句意:你爱吃甜食。这可能很难减肥。我完全同意,但我就是忍不住。A. You cant be serious不是说真的吧;B. You mus

    2、t be joking你一定是在开玩笑;C. I couldnt agree more我完全同意;D. That couldnt be better那再好不过了。此处指同意对方说的爱吃甜食难减肥的观点,故选C。2 Shall we go for a drink downstairs? . Will two oclock be OK?ASorry, m not available now BSure, no problemCSorry, I cant make it today DSure, its up to you【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查情景对话。句意:-我们去楼下喝一杯好吗?-对不起

    3、,现在没空。两点可以吗? Sorry, Im not available now. 抱歉,现在没空;Sure, no problem当然,没问题;Sorry, I cant make it today对不起,今天不行;D. Sure, its up to you当然,由你决定。根据“两点钟可以吗”可知,现在没空,故选A。3-Hi, Bob! Thanks a lot for lending me the money!-_! Oh, by the way the interest rate is 10%.AWith regards BWith pleasure CNo sweat DNo way

    4、【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查交际用语。嗨,鲍伯!谢谢你借我钱!没关系,哦,顺便提醒一下利率是10%。A. With regards致以问候;B. With pleasure好的;没问题;C. No sweat没关系;D. No way绝不。注意with pleasure 用以对还没做的事情的回答。故选B 。4-Was he _when he got an A+ in the English exam?-Absolutely! He even went to the cinema with his classmates to celebrate it .AOn cloud nine Bhot

    5、under the collarCDown in the dumps Das cool as a cucumber【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查习惯用语。句意:当他在英语考试中得了A+时,他是不是非常高兴?当然!他甚至和同学一起去看电影院庆祝。A. On cloud nine乐不可支;B. hot under the collar愤怒的;C. Down in the dumps气馁;D. as cool as a cucumber冷静沉着。故选A。5Wow! You look funny in that sweater.My grandmother gave it to me for Chri

    6、stmas. You know,_.Aeach bird loves to hear himself sing Bbeauty is in the eye of the beholderCit is the thought that counts Dthe outsider sees the most of the game【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查谚语。哇!你穿那件毛衣看起来很滑稽。我奶奶送给我的圣诞礼物。 你知道,礼轻情意重,更重要的是心意。A. each bird loves to hear himself sing孤芳自赏 B. beauty is in the eye of th

    7、e beholder情人眼里出西施 C. it is the thought that counts礼轻情意重,更重要的是心意 D. the outsider sees the most of the game旁观者清。故选C。6- Arent you cold? - _. Im boiling.ATake it easy. BThats all right.CNot a little. DFar from it.【答案】D【解析】考查交际用语。Take it easy放松,别紧张;Thats all right不用谢;Not a little很,十分;Far from it远非如此,正相反。

    8、句意:难道你不冷吗?正相反,我很热。所以选D。7-Oh, this is so annoying. Where on earth did I put my keys?- You never _ .Alearn your lesson Bbite your tongueCeat your words Dcross your fingers【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查习语。句意:哎呀,烦死了。我到底把我的钥匙放哪儿了?你从来不吸取教训。A. learn your lesson从中吸取教训;B. bite your tongue欲言又止;C. eat your words食言;D. cross y

    9、our fingers祈祷好运。根据语境可知第一人经常找不到钥匙,所以第二人说“你总是不长记性(从来不吸取教训)”,故A项正确。8I guess this dress no longer fits me. I am almost 30. _ ? You look pretty in it!AWhat if BWhy notCHow about DHow come【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查习惯用语。句意:我想这件衣服不适合我了。我快30岁了。怎么会?你穿它很漂亮! A. What if假使将会怎样;倘若;B. Why not为什么不;C. How about如何;怎么样,用于提议,后接名词或

    10、动名词;D. How come为什么;怎么会(那样)。根据句意可知选D。9-Shall we go for a picnic this Saturday?-_. Will next Saturday be OK?ASure,its up to you BSure,its no problemCSorry,I cant make it DSorry,Im not available today【答案】C【解析】C。解析:句意:-这个周六野炊好吗?-对不起,我去不了,下周六可以吗?由Will next Saturday be OK?可知,这周六去不了。A当然,你来决定;B当然,没问题;C对不起,我

    11、去不了;D对不起,今天我没空。根据题意选C。10I probably shouldnt have any more cake.Oh, _. It wont kill you.Ago ahead Bhold on, pleaseCyoure welcome Dthatll do【答案】A【解析】【详解】本题考查交际用语。解题步骤:1. 确定各选项意思:A. go ahead吃吧;B. hold on, please请稍等;C. youre welcome不用客气;D. thatll do那行。2. 确定答案:根据后文It wont kill you.可知,空格处表示“吃吧”,故选A。句意:我可能

    12、不能吃更多的蛋糕了。啊,吃吧,它又不会要你的命。11Guess what? You are on the list of the exchange program for further study in Cambridge._! I never thought of that.AThank you BIts a piece of cakeCThats a surprise DI deserve it【答案】C【解析】【详解】本题考查交际用语。解题步骤:1.确定各选项意思:A. Thank you谢谢你;B. Its a piece of cake小菜一碟;C. Thats a surpris

    13、e真是一个惊喜;D. I deserve it我应得的;2.确定答案:根据空后I never thought of that.可知,此处指“真是一个惊喜”。句意:猜猜怎么了?你在去剑桥深造的交换项目的名单里。真是一个惊喜!我从没有想到过。故选C。12- Honey, I promise to take you to Hong Kong this summer vacation.- Really? _. Have you ever been there?AIts a deal BIts my guess CThats all right DThats terrible【答案】A【解析】【详解】考

    14、查情景交际用语。句意:亲爱的,我保证这个暑假带你去香港。真的吗?就这么说定了。你去过那儿吗? A. Its a deal就这么说定了;B. Its my guess我猜测;C. Thats all right好吧,没关系;D. Thats terrible太糟了。结合句意故选A。13Only those who have a lot in common can get along well._. Opposites sometimes do attract.AI hope not BI think soCI appreciate that DI beg to differ【答案】D【解析】【分

    15、析】【详解】考查交际用语。句意:只有那些有许多相同之处的人能和睦相处。恕我不能同意,意见相反的人有时会相互吸引。I hope not我可不希望这样;I think so我认为如此;I appreciate that我很感激;I beg to differ恕我不能同意。由答语后句Opposites sometimes do attract.(意见相反的人有时会相互吸引。)可知两个人的意见并不一致。故D项符合语境。故选D。14-Are you going to accept the offer?-You bet! The salary is not that good, but ,you know

    16、.Abetter late than never Bactions speak louder than wordsCa change of work is as good as rest Da bird in hand is worth two in the bush【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查习语。A. better late than never亡羊补牢;B. actions speak louder than words事实胜于雄辩;C. a change of work is as good as rest换个工作比休息更好;D. a bird in hand is worth tw

    17、o in the bush一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。句意:你要接受这个提议么?你说的没错,虽然薪水不是很高,但一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林(稳握在手的已得之物)。根据“but”判断第二人想要珍惜现在这个提议,不打算冒险看似更好却没有把握的东西,故D项正确。【点睛】对习语意思的理解是解题关键,a bird in hand is worth two in the bush一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林常用来表示珍惜现在所有,不冒险去争取看似更好却没有把握的东西。15 -May I open the window to let in some fresh air?- _ACome on. BTake care.CGo a

    18、head! DHold on!【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】考查交际用语。句意:我可以打开窗户放进点新鲜空气来吗?A. 来吧 B. 小心 C.继续吧 D. 坚持住。故选C最符合语境。故选C。16 Hi, Mary. Im coming, but its snowing and traffic is moving slowly. _, Jack. Well wait for you. Then we can have dinner together.ATake your time BDont be seriousCWhat a day DYou are kidding【答案】A【解析】【详解

    19、】考查情景交际。句意:Mary,你好!我马上就到,但是天正在下雪,交通拥堵,车速缓慢。不着急,Jack。我们会等你的。那时我们就可以一起共进晚餐了。A. Take your time 别着急;B. Dont be serious别当真;C. What a day是感叹语,需要与前后文相连来理解意思,可以是糟糕的一天,忙碌的一天,累人的一天,多么美好的一天等等。但是肯定这一天是要让人难忘的!多么糟糕的一天啊;D. Youre kidding开玩笑吧。根据后面的一句well wait for you可知,是安慰对方不用着急,时间还有的是;所以用take your time,故选A。17Shall

    20、we go out for a walk?_.AGood idea. BGood luck. CHave fun. DGood bye.【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查交际用语。句意:我们去散步吧?好主意!A. Good idea好主意;B. Good luck! 祝你好运;C. Have fun你玩得开心;D. Good bye再见。根据语境收到一块去散步的邀请,应该是接受,Good idea是接受邀请之意。故选A。【点睛】情景对话题主要考查英语的日常用语、习惯用语以及各种场合的交际性语言,并从实际出发,考查交际语言的运用能力。做题时仔细阅读上下文,找出上下文之间的联系。18Jack has

    21、admitted letting out the secret again.No surprise. However, admitting his problem but never making a change is just like _.Alanding on his feetBbursting on the sceneCscratching the surfaceDmaking the headlines【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查固定短语。句意:杰克承认又泄露了秘密。不意外。然而,承认自己的问题却从不改变,这只是表面现象。A. landing on his feet逢凶化吉;B.

    22、 bursting on the scene突然出现;C. scratching the surface只触及问题的表面;D. making the headlines成为头条新闻。根据句意及各选项意思,仅是承认自己的问题却不改变,只是表面现象。故选C。19 We d better invite Tom to the Friday meeting. Yes, _? Ill call him at once.Awhy not Bwhat for Cwhy Dwhat【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查情景交际。句意:我们最好邀请汤姆参加星期五的会议。是的,为什么不呢?我马上给他打电话。A. why n

    23、ot为什么不;B. what for为何目的;C. why为什么;D. what什么。此对话上句是在征求建议,根据回答,why not符合题意。故选A。20Im afraid I cant find the key to the car._ Ill wait for you. We have enough time.AHurry up. BAll right.CIt is up to you. DHold your horses.【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查情景交际。句意:我担心找不到汽车锁匙了。沉住气。我会等你的。我们时间足够。A. Hurry up.快点。B. All right.好的。

    24、C. It is up to you.这取决于你。D. Hold your horses.沉住气,别冒火。在情景对话中,前一句是担心,所以回答的应该是有关安慰的话,选项D切题。故选D。21My God! Look, you have made the same mistake._? Its none of your business.ASo what BWhat forCWhat if DWhats up【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查情景交际。句意:天哪!你有犯了同样的错误。那又怎样?不关你的事情。A. So what那又怎样?;B. What for为了什么?;C. What if假使将会怎

    25、么样?;D. Whats up什么事?由Its none of your business可知,A选项符合语境。故选A项。22 Would you like me to arrange a taxi for you when we finish our work? _AThats very kind of you. BWith pleasure.CYes, you would. DGood idea!【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查情景交际及习惯表达。句意:我们结束工作后,要不要我为你安排一辆出租车?你真是太好了。A. Thats very kind of you. 你真是太好了;B. With

    26、 pleasure. 我很愿意;C. Yes, you would. 是的,你可以;D. Good idea!好主意,A选项最符合语境,故选A。23 Id rather have some wine, if you dont mind._. Don t forget that youll drive.ABy all means BAnything but thatCTake it easy DI wouldnt say no to this【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考查交际用语。A. 务必;B.除了酒什么都行;C. 别紧张;D. 我不想对此说不。句意:如果你不介意的话,我想来点酒。除了酒什么

    27、都行。不要忘了你要开车的。故B正确。考点:考查交际用语24_ that I wouldnt support myself at that moment.AI was weak enough BI was too weakCSo weak was I DSuch weak was I【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查倒装句。句意:我如此的虚弱,以至于那一刻我无法支撑自己。so/such.that如此以至于,引导结果状语从句,so后紧跟形容词,such后跟名词,因此此处用so;so.that引导状语从句时,so位于句首时,句子要到装。故选C。【点睛】倒装句是高考特殊句式的其中一种,对于倒装,大家需要掌

    28、握倒装的两种形式和倒装的几个规则,什么词位于句首,如何倒装。本小题主要考查so.that,so位于句首,句子要构成部分倒装。25-Mum, can you tell me why some parents send their children to study abroad at a very young age?-_, darling. I have never thought about it.AYou have got me there BTake your timeCYou bet DDont be silly【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查交际用语。句意:-妈妈,你能告诉我为什么有些

    29、父母在孩子很小的时候就把他们送到国外学习吗?宝贝,你难住我了。我从没有想过这个问题。A. You have got me there 你难住我了;B. Take your time别急;C. You bet当然;D. Dont be silly别傻了。根据上文所问的问题,及下文的I have never thought about it.可知,妈妈不知道怎么回答,故选A。26The T-shirt I received is not the same as is shown online._?But I promise you well look into it right away.AWho

    30、 says BHow comeCWhat for DWhy worry【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查情景交际。句意:我收到的T恤和网上展示的不一样。怎么会这样?但是我向你承诺马上调查这件事。A. Who says?(表示反抗、怀疑、挑衅等的感叹语)谁说的?;B. How come为什么?怎么会这样?(表示说话人惊讶的语气);C. What for为什么?指“为了得到什么” 或“出于什么目的”;D. Why worry?着什么急?第一个说话人应该是个顾客,第二个应该是客服。顾客在投诉。根据客服后面的回答“但是我承诺马上调查”可以推知,客服对于顾客反映的问题感到很惊讶,但是承诺马上调查。故B选项切题。27Hi, Tom! I got a chance to be an exchange stu


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