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    1、littlemisssunshine经典对白阳光小美女经典对白 巫毒d 发布于: 2007-12-16 16:49Miss Little Sunshine1 Richard的一番“成功学”演讲There are two kinds of people in this world, winners and losers. Inside each and every one of you at the very core of your leading is a winner waiting to be awakened and unleashed upon the world. With my

    2、nine-step “Refuse to Lose” program, you now have the necessary tools and the insights and the know-how to put, your losing habits behind you and to go out and make your dreams come true. (Sighs) No hesitating. (Chuckles) No complaining. And no excuses. I want you to go out in the world, and I want y

    3、ou to be winners! Thank you.2 一家人热闹非凡的晚餐Grandpa: Whats that? Chicken? Every night its the fucking chicken! Holy God Almighty! It is possible just onceRichard: Dad!Grandpa: we could get something to eat around here thats not the goddamn fucking chicken?Richard: Hey, Dad! Dad!Grandpa: Im just sayinRic

    4、hard: Dad!Grandpa: Christ.Richard: When you want to start cooking your own food, youre welcome.Grandpa: At Sunset Manor, you knowRichard: If you like Sunset Manor, you shouldnt have got kicked out.Frank: (to Dwayne) So when did you start with the vow?Richard: Been nine months, Frank. He hasnt said a

    5、 word. Not one. I think it shows tremendous discipline.Sheryl: Richard.Richard: I really do. Really, I think we could learn something from Dwayne. Dwayne has a goal. He has a dream. It may not be my dream, may not be yours, but hes pursuing it with great conviction(深信) and focus. In fact, I was thin

    6、king about the nine stepsGrandpa: Oh, for crying out loud!Richard: The nine steps, and how Dwaynes utilizing(利用) seven of them in his personal quest to self fulfillment.Sheryl: Richard, please.Richard: Well, Im just saying Ive come around. I think he could use our support.Oliver:(to Frank) How did i

    7、t happen?Frank: How did what happen?Oliver: Your accident.Sheryl: Honey, here.Frank: Oh, no, its okay. Unless you object.Sheryl: No, Im pro-honesty here. I just think, you know, its up to you.Frank: Be my guest.Sheryl: Olive, um. Uncle Frank didnt really have an accident. What happened was he tried

    8、to kill himself.Oliver: You did? Why?Richard: Im sorry. I dont think this is a appropriate conversation. Honey, lets Uncle Frank finish his dinner, okay? Shh.Oliver: Why did you want to kill yourself?Richard: No, dont answer the question, Frank.Sheryl: Richard! Richard!Richard: Hes not gonna answer

    9、the question. Frank.Frank: I wanted to kill myselfRichard: Dont listen to him. I was very unhappy. Hes sick in his head.Sheryl: Richard!Richard: Im sorry! I dont think its an appropriate conversation for a seven-year-old.Sheryl: Shes gonna find out anyway.Richard: Okay.Sheryl: Go on, Frank.Oliver: W

    10、hy were you unhappy?Frank: Um, well, there are a lot of reasons. Mainly, though, I fell in love with someone who didnt love me back.Oliver: Who?Frank: One of my grad(毕业生) students. I was very much love with him.Oliver: Him? It was a boy? You fell in love with a boy?Frank: Yes, I did. Very much so.Ol

    11、iver: Thats silly.Frank: Youre right. It was silly. It was very, very silly.Grandpa: Theres another word for it.Richard: Dad.Oliver: So, thats when you tried to kill yourself?Frank: Well, no. The boy that I was in love with fell in love with another man - Larry Sugarman.Sheryl: Whos Larry Sugerman?F

    12、rank: Larry Sugarman is, perhaps the second most highly regarded Proust scholar in the U.S.Richard: Whos number one?Frank: That would be me. Rich.Richard: Really?Frank: Mm-hmm.Oliver: So thats when.Frank: No. What happened was I was a bit upset, so I said some things that I shouldnt have said, and I

    13、 did some things that I shouldnt have done and subsequently I was fired from my job and forced to move out of my apartment and move into a motel.Oliver: And thats when you tried toFrank: Well, no. Actually, all of that was okay. What happened was two days ago the MacArthur Foundation, in its infinit

    14、e wisdom awarded a genius grant to Larry Sugarman. And thats when IGrandpa: Decided to check out early.Frank: Yes. Yes. And I failed at that as well.Richard: Olive, the important thing to understand here is that Uncle Frank gave up on himself. He made a series of foolish choices Im sorry and he gave

    15、 up on himself which is something winners never do.Sheryl: So thats the story, okay? Now, everyone, just lets move on and, uhFrank:(to Dwayne) Is he always like this? How can you stand it?3 Oliver谈到自己要去竞选Miss Little SunshineFrank: Well, what do you think your chances are?Oliver: I think I can win, b

    16、ecause some of the other girls theyve been doing it longer, but I practice every day.Frank: Yeah. Good luck.Richard: Not about luck, Frank. Luck is the name losers gave to their own failings. Its about wanting to win, willing yourself to win. Youve got to want it badder than anybody else.Oliver: I d

    17、o.Richard: Then youre gonna be a winner.4 在车上Grandpa: Jesus, Im tired. Im so fucking tired. Do you know how tired I am? If some girl came up to me, begged me to fuck her. I couldnt do it.Richard: Dad! Watch the language, huh?Grandpa: Thats how tired I am. Shes listening to music. Olive, Ill give you

    18、 a million dollars if you turn around. See?Richard: All right. But the rest of us.Grandpa: Oh, the rest of you. (to Dwayne) Can I give you some advice? Well, Im gonna give it to you anyway. I dont want you making the some mistake I made.Richard: Cant wait to hear this.Grandpa: Dwayne Thats your name

    19、, right? Dwayne? This is the voice of experience talking. Are you listening? Fuck a lot of women, Dwayne.Richard: Hey! Dad!Grandpa: Not just one woman. A lot of women.Richard: Thats enough, all right?Grandpa: Are you getting any?Richard: Day!Grandpa: You can tell me, Dwayne. Are you getting any?Rich

    20、ard: Come on, please.Grandpa: No? Jesus. Youre what. 15? My God, man!Richard: Dad!Grandpa: You should be getting that young stuff. That young stuff is the best in the world.Richard: Dad, thats enough! Stop it!Grandpa: Will you kindly not interrupt! See, right now youre jailbait(未成年少女, 导致犯罪入狱的诱因). It

    21、s perfect. I mean, you hit 18 Man, youre talking about three to five.Richard: Hey, I will pull this truck over right now!Grandpa: So pull the truck over! Fuck you! I can say what I want. I still got Nazi bullets in my ass!Richard: Ah, the Nazi bullets!Grandpa: Youre as bad as those fuckers at Sunset

    22、 Manor.Frank: What happened at Sunset Manor?Sheryl: Frank, dont encourage him.Grandpa: Ill tell you what happened. I paid my money. They took my money. I should be able to do what the fuck I want!Sheryl: He started snorting heroin(海洛因, 吗啡).Frank: You started snorting heroin?Grandpa: Im old!Frank: We

    23、ll, that stuffll kill you.Grandpa: What am I, an idiot? (to Dwayne)And dont you start taking that shit. When youre young, youre crazy to do that stuff.Frank: What about you?Grandpa: Im old. When youre old, youre crazy not to do it.Sheryl: Weve tried. Believe me. The intervention(干涉) was a fiasco(惨败)

    24、. Hes worse than a two years old.Richard: Can we please talk about something else?Frank: I take it you didnt like at Sunset Manor.Sheryl: Frank.Grandpa: Are you kidding me? It was a fuckin paradise. They got a pool. They got golf. Now Im stuck with Mr. Happy here, sleepin on a fuckin sofa. Look, I k

    25、now youre a homo and all, but maybe you can appreciate this. You go to one of those places, theres four women for every guy. Can you imagine what thats like?Frank: You mustve been very busy.Grandpa: Whoa! I had second-degree burns on my Johnson. I kid you not.Frank: Really?Grandpa: Forget about it.O

    26、liver: What are you guys talking about?Grandpa: Politics.Oliver: Oh.Grandpa:(to Dwayne)Fuck a lot women, kid. I have no reason to lie to you. Not one woman. A lot of women. You heard what I said? Did it go in anywhere?Richard: Yeah, I think we get the point. Dad.Grandpa: Dont show me the pad. I dont

    27、 want to see the fuckin pad.5 在餐厅里Oliver: Mom, how much an we spend?Sheryl: I would say four dollars. Anything under four dollars.Frank: Actually, Olive, “a la mode” in French translates literally as “in the fashion.” A la mode. “Mode” is derived(起源) from Latin modus, meaning “due or proper measure.

    28、”Richard: Frank, shut up.Sheryl: Richard!Richard: Olive, can I tell you a little something about ice cream?Oliver: Yeah.Richard: Well, ice cream is made from cream which comes from cows milk and cream has a lot of fat in it.Sheryl: Richard.Richard: What? Shes gonna find out anyway, remember?Oliver:

    29、What? Find out what?Richard: Well, when you eat ice cream, the fat in the ice cream becomes fat in your body.Sheryl: Richard, I swear to GodRichard: Its true.Oliver: What? Whats wrong?Sheryl: Nothing, honey. Nothings wrong.Richard: So if you eat a lot of ice cream, you might become fat. And if you d

    30、ont, youre gonna stay nice and skinny, sweetie.Oliver: MomGrandpa: Olive, Richard is an idiot. I like a woman with meat on her bones.Oliver: I dont Whys everyone so upset?Sheryl: No, no ones upset, honey, I I just want you to understand its okay to be skinny, and its okay to be fat, if thats what yo

    31、u want to be. Whatever you want, its okay.Richard: Okay, but, Olive, let me ask you this. Those women in Miss American Are they skinny, or are they fat? Honey?Oliver: Well, theyre skinny, I guess.Richard: Yeah, I guess they dont eat a lot of ice cream.6 Dwayne说的第一句话Fuck!7 Oliver见到加利福尼亚小姐Oliver: Hmm, Miss California? Do you eat ice cream?Miss C: I love ice cream. My favorite flavor is Chocolate Cherry Garcia, although, technically, I think thats a frozen yogurt(酸奶酪, 酵母乳). Okay?Oliver: Okay. Thanks. Bye.Miss C: Bye.Oliver: Mo


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