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    英语必修2 导学案.docx

    1、英语必修2 导学案Book2 Unit 1词汇学习导学案 【预习目标】课前预习背诵P89:从rare到 in return的单词,待课上检测并进行合作探究。【基础知识目标】熟记 18 个单词、短语的用法。【基本技能目标】通过“佳句必背”记单词、通过典型词汇和短语的例句,探究要点用法,并能灵活运用【情感目标】激情投入,全力以赴, 踊跃展示,主动质疑,挑战自我,体验成功学习的快乐。【学习重点】通过合作探究, 掌握survive, in searcher of, in return, belong to 的用法。【学习难点】会学了同时也学会了。学习过程:一、预习检测(易词扫描) C层必会1稀有的_2

    2、贵重的_3幸免_4花瓶_5朝代_6寻找_7使吃惊_8令人吃惊的_9挑选_10蜜_11设计_12奇特的_13风格_14装修_15珠宝_16艺术家_17属于_18回报_二、自学导引(佳句探究必背) B层必会1. Does a cultural relic always have to be rare and valuable?2. It was a treasure decorated with gold and jewels.3. The design of the room was in the fancy style. The experiment is designed to test t

    3、he new drug by design .The book is designed for children4. The amazing news amazed me.5. An artist selected a Ming Dynasty vase whose color is like honey.6. A troop of children came into the park, singing and laughing.7. I cant fancy him doing such a foolish thing! =imagine Do you fancy going out th

    4、is evening? =like三、拓展、延伸(根据例句,探究用法) A层必会1 survive n. 幸存者 survivor U n 幸存 survival(1) The custom has survived for thousands of years. 词性_含义_(2) Only ten people survived the fire. 词性_含义_(3)He survived his wife by 3 years. 词性_含义_(4)After the traffic accident, no one _except a few people who were not ba

    5、dly injured.A survive B survived C was survived D was surviving2 1)search: n in search of 搜索, (以)寻找 They are in search of the missing girl.(表语)I looked everywhere in search of my glasses.(状语)2)search v search搜查 search for寻找 search for在中寻找(1). The police_ him to see if he had a gun. A. searched for B

    6、. searched C. in search of D. looked for(2). Many farmers go into towns and cities in search_ good jobs and higher pay.(3). They searched the whole house _ the book.3 in return作为回报, 作为回馈He bought me a present for my birthday. I gave him a dictionary in return._ in return for 作为的回报; 以报答I bought him a

    7、 drink in return for his help._What should I do in return for his kindness?_4 belong to没有被动语态形式,也没有进行时态形式 belongings n 财产 (1)This book belongs to me._ I belong to Shanghai. _ This lid belongs to this jar._ (2)China is a developing country_(belong to) the third world(3)Professor Williams keeps tellin

    8、g his students that the future _ to the well-educated. A. belongs B. is belonged C. is belonging D. will be belonged当堂检测1. Ron, I congratulate you on your success.Thanks, but the honor _ to all the people here. A. is belonged B. belongs C. is belonging D. belonged2. The parents are _ their son who h

    9、as been away from home for days.A. in search of B. to search C. searching D. searched for3. The little boy was the only one who _ the earth- -quake in his village, and the government sent him to a city school after that. A. experienced B. escaped C. survived D. suffered4. Before New Years Day , I se

    10、nt my teacher an e-mail _.A in the return B in a return C in return D by return5. His brother, _ the car belongs, decided to sell it. A. to which B. to whom C. whose D. who6. They _ the forest to _the escaped prisoner(犯人). A. searched for; search for B. searched; search for C searched; search D. sea

    11、rched for; search 7. The special clothes are _ for the children who are disabled. A. designed B. planned C. changed D. expected8. Id like a room _ window looks out over the sea. A. that B. in which C. whose D. whichBook2 Unit 1词汇学习导学案【预习目标】课前预习背诵P89:从troop到 debate的单词,待课上检测并进行合作探究。【基础知识目标】熟记 25 个单词、短

    12、语的用法。【基本技能目标】通过“佳句必背”记单词、通过典型词汇和短语的例句,探究要点用法,并能灵活运用【学习重点】通过合作探究, 掌握 remove, doubt, worth的用法。【学习难点】会学了同时也学会了。学习过程:一、预习检测(易词扫描) C层必会1军队_2招待_3处于交战状态_4移动_5少于_6木制的_7怀疑_8以前的_9值得的_10本地的_11分离的_12拆开_13绘画_14城堡_15审判_16证据_17爆炸_19入口_20水手_21下沉_22少女_23看重_24非正式的_25讨论_二、自学导引(佳句探究必背) B层必会1. In less than two hours, a

    13、troop took apart all the former local wooden boxes.2. In the trial , the painting from the castle is the key evidence.3. The sailors in the sinking ship thought highly of the informal debate.4.The country was at war . A maid heard something explode at midnight. The entrance to the reception hall was

    14、 closed.5 The hero was highly thought of by the local people 三、拓展、延伸(根据例句,探究用法) A层必会1 remove 1) Please remove your bag from the seat so that I can sit down. 词性_ 句意_2) There a doctor asked him to remove his trousers so that he could examine his legs. 词性_ 句意_3) We must do all we can to remove his doub

    15、ts. 词性_ 句意_区别 move (位置的变化)辨析 Who has _ the book from the shelf? Dont _, or Ill shoot.The doctor tried to _the patients fear.2. doubt (1)vt I doubt the truth of it. 词性_ 词义_I doubt whether we can get the first place in the competition._I dont doubt that he will tell us the truth._Do you doubt that she

    16、 will succeed? _在肯定句中常接_引导的从句,在否定句和疑问句中常接引导的_从句(2) n There is no doubt that 毫无疑问。There is some doubt whether。还有疑问毫无疑问你能成功。_他明天是否能来还有疑问。_3 worth adj只能做表语(1) be (well) worth doing (很)值得做(主动形式表被动意义)=It is (well) worth doing sth 做某事是值得的The book is _.(很值得读)= It is worth _这个博物馆值得参观。_.=_ (2)be worth +钱数或相当

    17、于钱数的名词这辆自行车值50英镑。但是我认为它值得更多。_.(3) be (well) worth +n / pronIt is worth our work._We work hard but it is worth it._n. 价值 the true worth of ones friendship某人友谊的真正价值当堂检测1 I am going to do all I can _ the bad impression you have of me.A. to remove B. remove C. to leave D. leave2. _ the watch and see if

    18、you can find out whats wrong with it.A. Pack up B. Break down C. Dig out D. Take apart3. Though he is a murderer, he should receive a fair _. How can you put him in prison in a rush?A. experiment B. trial C. doubt D. test4. I dont think the film you told me about this morning is worth _.A. seeing B.

    19、 being seen C. to see D. to be seen5. Mr. Brown not only works hard, but also is always ready to help others, so all the teachers in our school think _ of him.A. strongly B. possibly C. loudly D. highly6. There is no doubt _ you can succeed by working hard.A. whether B. if C. that D. whichUnit 1阅读导学

    20、案 【双基目标】1、通过快速阅读提炼主要信息,完成阅读任务,训练阅读能力 2、通过仔细阅读提炼重要知识点,训练发现问题能力 3. 充满激情,体验成功。【学习重点】学会自主学习:赏读课文,发现疑难问题,以备课上探究。【方法引导】细读:1)用红笔标出每段中重点短语及精点句式,以备课上共享。踊跃展示,主动质疑 2)用蓝、黑笔标出疑、难点,待课上质疑、探究、解答。【课前复习小测】:翻译1.不到十分钟的时间他就完成了作业。(less than) 2. 你和我属于不同的班级。 (belong to) 3. 我送给他一份礼物以回报他对我的帮助。(in return for) 4. 这个国家与邻国已打了两年仗

    21、了。 (at war) 5. 毫无疑问他会来帮助你的。(there is no doubt) Pre-reading1. Have you ever seen a piece of amber? What do you know about it?2. Look at the title and the picture of the reading passage and predict what it is about. Then skim it quickly and see if you were right.Reading Task 1: Fast reading(C层必会)Read

    22、the passage quickly and finish .doing Ex.1 on page2Task 2: Careful reading(B层必会)Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers.1. The king of Prussia who gave the Amber Room as a gift to Russia was _ A. Frederick I B. Frederick William I C. Peter the Great D. Catherine II2. The king of Pr

    23、ussia gave the Amber Room to Russia because _. A. he wanted to marry Catherine II B. he was kind C. he needed better soldiers D. he wanted to make friends3. The Amber Room was stolen by _. A. Russian soldiers B German soldiers C. People in Konigsberg D. People in St Petersburg4. In1941,the city of K

    24、onigsberg was in . A. Germany B. Russia C. Sweden D. France5. The Russians didnt hide the Amber Room because _. A. they were at war B. the couldnt find a place C. the German soldiers arrived too soon D. no train could take it awayTask 3: Main idea of each paragraph(A层必会)Finish doing Ex .2 on page 2(

    25、当堂检测) (C层必会)Check some details in the text.1.以一种奇特的风格_2. 一件用金银珠宝装饰起来的珍品_3.为设计 4.作为小型会议室 _5.把琥珀屋搬到宫殿外_6.增添了更多的精细_7.被认为是世界奇迹之一_8.一直是个迷_知识点拓展(A层必会)(1) at war/work/home/table on show/duty/sale/holiday/fire/watchIn trouble/danger/battle/doubt under repair/discussion/construction/attack (2) add to _ add u

    26、p_ add to_ add up to_ (3) Do you doubt _ she will succeed?I doubt _ he will keep his word.I have no doubt_ he will win the game. =Theres no doubt that_Theres no need to do / for sth. / sb.Theres no possibility that(Its) no wonder (that) 难怪(4) in return _ in return for in turn _ by turns _in need _ i

    27、n trouble _in particular_ in general _ Unit I 课文知识点导学案I.学习目标1)通过仔细阅读提炼重要知识点,训练发现问题能力 ,充满激情,体验成功。2)熟练掌握文中重点单词和短语,并了解重要句型的表达法。II.过程与方法:-小组讨论 - 合作探究 - 分组展示 - 巩固训练 1 .课前复习检测(Ask the students to recite the important sentences)2、Reading部分重点知识聚焦(1).(原文重现)Frederick William I, the king of Prussia could never have imagined (绝不可能想到) that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. (Par.1)用法点拨: 情态动词+have done (表对过去发生的动作的评价) could never/not have done决不


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