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    1、unit6beingthere练习答案Unit 6 Being There 练习答案(总11页)Unit 6 Being ThereConsolidation ActivitiesI. Text Comprehension1. Decide which of the following best states the authors purpose.A. To give a brief account of the history of travel.B. To present a picture of Americans traveling overseas.C. To explain pe

    2、oples unarticulated desires for travel.Key: C 2. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1). Travel is a means to escape what we are tired of in the modern world. T 2). When we travel abroad, we tend to put on a mask so that nobody can recognize us. F 3). One

    3、 of the pleasures during your travel is the fact that you can see things you are familiar with. F 4). According to the author, the various reasons for our travel are the sources for the survival of travel books. T 5). The classical ruins of antiquity enable some travelers to feel the ecstasy of spol

    4、iation. F 4. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.1) When we travel, we are not so much on the alert or less wary of what might happen to us, instead we show keen interest in what happened in the past. We release our desires that have long been suppressed.2) When we

    5、travel, we normally move out to see the exotic world, but now the traveler himself becomes something exotic in the place he visits, and modern travel books may focus on what we have “eliminated or edited out”, just as traditional travel books focus on what is still there.II. Writing StrategiesStruct

    6、urally, the essay develops along the thread that begins with an examination of conventional motivations for traveling, then moves on to a discussion of travel writings that offer useful insights into travelers psychology, and ends with a description of an unusual approach some contemporary travelers

    7、 adopt. Now try to find the cohesive devices the author employs to connect these three sections.Paragraph 12 serves as a transition from the examination of travelers motivations to a discussion of travel books. The first sentence “Because we travel for so many reasons some of them contradictory trav

    8、el writing is like a suitcase into which the writer tries to cram everything” establishes a cohesive tie between this and the preceding paragraph.Paragraph 15 indicates the authors move to the next topic. Cohesion is realized by the last sentence, “He underestimated the variousness of our reasons fo

    9、r traveling,” which nicely connects with what the reader will immediately come across in the subsequent paragraph: “There have always been travelers who went to look for the worst . ”III. Language Work1. Explain the underlined part(s) in each sentence in your own words.1). Were going to see in Europ

    10、e everything we have eliminated or edited out of our own culture in the name of convenience . have removed from; for the sake of2). . the lack of money and leisure had all restrained curiosity until the seventeenth century, when under pressure of scientific discoveries, the physical world began to g

    11、ape open. inhibited; open widely3). The frenzied shopping of some travelers is an attempt to buy a new life. spending sprees/wild shopping4). The places we visit are gold-plated by the sun. beautified5). We cling to the belief that other peoples are more passionate than we are. cherish/adhere to6).

    12、There have always been travelers who went to look for the worst, to find rationalizations for their anxiety or despair . find reasons or excuses for 7). Why else would Paul Theroux go to South America, which he so obviously detested For what other reason; disliked8). Shiva Naipauls worst fears were

    13、confirmed in Africa . proved to be well-grounded9). Graham Greene spent four months traveling in the Liberian jungle as a private penance. way to punish himself for the wrong things he had done10). Perhaps in the future we shall have to travel like James Holman, who, after being invalided out of the

    14、 British navy because he had gone blind, set out in 1819 to see the world leaving the British navy because he was an invalid; started traveling2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1). In the film, he is able to depict the sense of otherness (other) and alienation that

    15、many teenagers feel.2). The sophistication (sophisticate) of computers is increasing as their size decreases. 3). Dont be so impulsive (impulse) think before you act.4). The father-daughter relationship is a recurrent/recurring (recur) theme in her novels. 5). I keep getting contradictory (contradic

    16、t) advice some people tell me to keep it warm and some tell me to put ice on it.6). Talking about our past family reunions has made me feel quite nostalgic (nostalgia).7). The group has always been characterized by an uncompromising militancy (militantly).8). She has the distinction (distinct) of be

    17、ing one of the few people to have an honorary degree conferred on her by the university this year.9). There is increasing disillusionment (disillusion) with the management of the company.10). We are still awaiting confirmation (confirm) of the exact number of casualties.3. Fill in the blank(s) in ea

    18、ch sentence with a phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.be opposed to | in search of | stand out | put asidetempt | invalid | disengage from | cling toedit out | give way to | crusade | last-ditch attempt1). In a last ditch-attempt to save his party from electoral defeat, he resigned fr

    19、om the leadership.2). Youre tempting fate by riding your bike without wearing a bicycle helmet.3). Lets put our differences aside and make a fresh start.4). In some areas, modern intensive farming is giving way to the re-introduction of traditional methods.5). She was shot by a sniper when she went

    20、out in search of firewood.6). Most of the violent scenes were edited out for television.7). The number-one rule for being a good colleague is to disengage your emotions from the working relationship.8). She is opposed to religious education in schools.9). She clings to the hope that her husband will

    21、 come back to her.10). We had lots of good applicants for the job, but one stood out from the rest.11). She crusaded against sex and violence on television.12). She was invalided out of the service because of injuries she received in a fire.4. Explain the meaning of the underlined part in each sente

    22、nce.1). In old movies, the police shouted “Open up in the name of the law” before they broke the door down. by the right of2). When the post fell vacant, Dennis Bass was appointed to fill it. became available3). The party leader is said to be concerned about the slippage in the recent opinion polls.

    23、 decline (of popularity)4). Her voice heavy with irony, Simone said, “Were so pleased you were able to stay so long.” Sounding highly ironical5). As she was waiting to go into the examination room, he squeezed her hand and wished her good luck. pressed her hand affectionately6). Yields on gas and el

    24、ectricity shares are consistently high. Profits7). Its plain reporting of the facts theres not much editorial content. opinion of the editors 8). We must get to the root of this problem find out the cause of9). She dresses very provocatively. seductively10). She started laughing hysterically. wildly

    25、/without control5. Correct the errors in the following passage. The passage contains ten errors, one in each indicated line. In each case, only one word is involved. Corrections should be done as follows: Wrong word: underline the wrong word and write the correct word in the blank. Extra word: delet

    26、e the extra word with an “.”Missing word: mark the position of the missing word with a “” and write the missing word in the blank.The BalkansWhere the great plates of the Earths crust met, the great stresses and strains cause terrible earthquakes. Something similar is happening when the Earths major

    27、 peoples, languages, religions and cultures meet. One such area is the eastern end of the Mediterranean. The southeastern corner of the Europe is mountainous, and rarely at peace. The Balkans were at the edge of the Roman Empire, and when in the 4th and 6th centuries ., huge migrations of people fro

    28、m Central Asia lead to the collapse of that empire, many of them settled in that area. The Roman Empire split to two before its final disappearance. The western half was basedRome and followed the Roman Catholic version of Christianity. The eastern half, with its capital in Constantinople, believed

    29、in the Orthodox Church. Some of the tribes became Catholic; others became Orthodox, and thus the complex jigsaw became even more complex. Then the Muslim Turks marched into the area, sweeping side the remains of the Roman Empire. During their rule in the Balkans, many of the inhabitants converted to

    30、 Islam, and yet another division came into being. When the Turkish empireturn disappeared, the Balkans exploded, and the result was the First World War. Later, the Germans tried to hold down the region, but they failed. Peace came temporarily under the rule of the Communist Tito, but after his death

    31、 and the break-in of the Soviet Union, the old divisions surfaced again, and a bitter civil war broke out in Yugoslavia, new nations emerging, as neighbors killed and tortured other with a savagery that shocked the world. The Balkans seem likely to remain a center for politic earthquakes.(1)meet(2)t

    32、he (3)led (4)into(5)in (6)aside (7)in (8)break-up (9)each (10) political 6. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE appropriate word.Why We TravelWe travel, initially, to lose ourselves; and we travel, (1) next, to find ourselves. We travel to (2) open our hearts and eyes and learn more about the world than our newspapers will accommodate. We travel to b


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