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    1、历年解析高考英语考前指导 掌握NE5000E/80E/40E产品的体系结构 掌握NE5000E/80E/40E的单板构成 掌握NE5000E/80E/40E换板操作 了解NE5000E/80E/40E升级操作2006年高考英语考前指导与 试 题 猜 想武汉市第十四中学 程少兵当一份高考英语试卷拿到手时应该做些什么?考生应该怎样从这份试卷尽可能得到较为满意的分数呢?本文就这些问题以及答题技巧以2004年及2005年的高考题为例来与考生们谈谈。一.如何做好听力题? 首先,尽力调整好心态,在听力开始前,放松、再放松。试音部分开始时,就应该开始适度紧张,并精力集中,万万不可到正式播放试卷上的第一题时才

    2、开始集中注意力。听力开始前要认真看清1-5小题中的每个问题和选项。因为只放一遍,所以通过选项听关键词再确定答案。做好这5个小题,下面的题就好做多了。 其次,听听力时,不要只是老是注意某个听不懂的词语或句子,有些词语或个别句子是次要信息,大可不必深追不放。即使是事关某个题和选项在听第二遍时,认真校对一下,应该答得出来。一些学生认为听完第一遍后就懂了,就贸然作答,而不重视第二遍,这是万万要不得的。最后,需要特别提醒的是,一定要记住每段对话或读白只有一个主题,前后内容是一致的,因此一定要充分利用所给的那几秒乃至一二十秒钟的读题时间,从问题和选项中去预测段落内容,这样听的时候就更有目的性了,准确度相应

    3、也会增加。实际上只看有些题的问题和选项就已将答案猜个八九不离十了。猜想:预计今年高考的听力难度不会太大,语速也不会比平时听的内容快,主要考查考生熟悉的话题。试题注重语境,因而考生要注重上下文的整体理解。二.如何做好单选题? 15个单选题并不多,但不可忽视。一些考生往往是其他几个大题做得不错,就是单选题失分多,很难超过10分,最终可能导致总分不能上档次。下面本文将对可能出现的考点细说一番:1.冠词 湖北省连续三年没有考冠词的用法,今年有可能会涉及。冠词的考查以两个空的多见,而且常常为一个空填,一个空不填,或一个空填定冠词(the),另一空填不定冠词(a/an),具体情况当然要看实战时的题目,以下

    4、的例题请大家仔细观察和分析:1)(2004北京卷)_on-going division between English-speaking Canadians and French-speaking Canadians is _ major concern of the country.A. The; / B. The; a C. An; the D.An;/ (答案为B)2)When he left _ college, he got a job as _reporter in a newspaper office. (2004天津卷24题)A. /; a B./; the C. a; the

    5、 D. the; the (答案为A)3)(2004湖南卷)For a long time they talked without saying word. Jim was the first to break silence. A. /; a B. a; the C. a; / D. the; the (答案为B )4)(2005北京卷)It is often said that _ teachers have _ very easy life. A.不填;不填 B. 不填; a C. the; 不填 D. the; a (答案为B)5)(2005湖南卷)I cant remember wh

    6、en exactly the Robinsons left _ city. I only remember it was _ Monday.A. the; the B. a; the C. a; a D. the; a (答案为D)6)(2005辽宁卷)This book tells _ life story of John Smith, who left _ school and worked at the age for a newspaper at the age of 16.A. the; the B. a; the C. the; 不填 D. a; 不填 (答案为C)2.相似动词的区

    7、别与搭配首先是要明白一些动词的含义,因为它们意义相近,所以易混淆,例如,reach与touch; great与big; wear与dress; draw和pull等等。其次是要弄清楚一些动词的常见搭配,记住常见动词短语的不同含义(至少2-3种).比如说set out (to do something),set about doing something, set off;而set off一词语至少应该知道 “1.出发 2.点缀 3.燃放”这三个意思。再如:hang on, hang out(到熟悉的地方去玩) ;hold on(不放下电话),hold back,隐瞒(消息);至于hold up

    8、,至少应该知道“ 1.举起 2.支持(政府) 3.阻止,妨碍”这三个意思,比较常见的动词搭配也就 十个左右,要尽力回忆一下,万一不好选择就用排除法,即首先把你确认不大可能填的答案划去,那么你不能确定的那一个也许就是答案。例如:1) 相似动词(1) (2004湖南卷)Theyve _ us 150,000 for the house. Shall we take it? A. provided B. supplied C. shown D. offered (答案为D。含义为“为出价”。provided和supplied与with搭配,且含义相同。)(2)(2005湖北卷)They starte

    9、d off late and got to the airport with minutes to _ . A. spare B. catch C. leave D. make (答案为B。含义为“多出多少时间”。)(3)(2005浙江卷)-How did you do that?- I _ a hot pot.A. touched B. kept C. felt D. held (答案为A。含义为“触摸”)(4)(2005天津卷)-Sorry to _ you, but could I ask a quick question?-No problem.A. worry B. prevent

    10、C. trouble D. disappoint(答案为C。含义为“ 打扰、麻烦”)2)动词的搭配:(1) (2005辽宁卷)Could you tell me where you bought the shoes you _ yesterday?A. tried on B. put in C. had on D. pulled on(答案C。含义为“穿着”。表示状态)(2)(2005安徽卷)Kathy _ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.A. picked up B. took up C. made up

    11、D. turned up (答案为A。含义为“偶然学会、非正式获得”) 形容词副词考查:此内容的考查主要集中在比较级以及多个形容词修饰一个名词上,(注意使用osacomu规则,2004年江苏、浙江、2005年部分省均考了词序),有些句子考查比较级时会放在语境中考查,不一定出现than从句,而有些句子虽有比较含义,但不能用比较级,例如:1)Compared to other children, she knows a lot. (不可用more than) 2)(2004湖南卷)That doesnt sound very frightening, Paul. Ive seen _. What

    12、did you like most about the film? Abetter B. worse C. best D. worst (答案为B)3)(2004 江苏卷)The little white wooden houses smells us if it hasnt been lived in for years. 4)(2005湖北卷)What a table! Ive never seen such a thing before. It is _ it is long.A. half not as wide as B. wide not as half asC. not half

    13、 as wide as D. as wide as not half(答案为C。asas结构的修饰语总是在其前面。) 代词(含关系代词)的考查主要以it, that, one, which 等词为主。it指代上文提过的事或东西(单数)后不接定语。one指代上文提过的单数名词(加the为特指)。that指代上文提过的特指单数名词或不可数名词。有时也考查it的其他用法。例如:He dislikes it when he is asked to speak in public.He saw a lot of bikes in the shop, and he wanted to buy one.再例

    14、如:-Who took it away?-_ the children.A. They are B. Those are C. It is D. That is此题答案是C,它是It is the children who took it away. 这一强调句式的省略。特别要注意it句型中连词的选用,细读下面的句子:1) It is (high) time that we went now.2) It is the first/secondtime that I have been to Beijing.3) It was midnight(不带介词) when we arrived the

    15、re.4) It was at midnight (带介词) that we arrived there.(这是强调句)再例如:It is upstairs(副词) that we found the old lady.5) It is/has been three years(不带介词) since he left the village.6) It will (not) long/doesnt take long before he comes back.(没过多久就/过了好久才) 连接词的考查,注意连词所在的句型及其特殊用法,下面举几例说明:a. Hard-working as he i

    16、s, he cant catch up with others. (不可用although)b. _ respected , he is not likedA. As B. While C. When D. Although (答案为B, 含义相当于though)c. He came to is called the USA. A. what B. which C. that D. where(答案为A。等于the country that)d. It is three days _ he served in the air force.A. since B. after C. before

    17、D. when (答案为 A)e. _ he met her ,he felt shy.A. For the first time B. The first time C. At the time D. In the time(填B.做连词用,相当于when)f. He walks _ he might ride.A. when B. if C. while D. as (答案为A。含义为“即便是”,相当于“although”)g. How can they learn anything _ they spend all their spare time playing games?A. wh

    18、en B. while C. as D. until (答案为A。含义为:既然;考虑到)h. Three years have passed _ we realize it.A. when B. After C. Before D. Until(答案为C。含义为“还没来得及就”) 此外了解in case(万一),for fear that(惟恐),unless(除非),immediately/the moment/the minute(一就),等连词的用法. i. (2004 浙江卷 尽管但仍然.) modeling business is by no means easy to get in

    19、to, the good model will always be in demand. A While B Since C As D If (答案为 A表示“尽管”引出让步状语从句) 情态动词注意以下几点。a. shall用于一、三人称问句,表征求意见。b. was/were able to用过去时中,表示当时已成功能够做某事。Only after World War II was over was he able to go back to his work. c. 所有情态动词后加不定式完成式表动作发生在过去。 d. could have done 可用于肯定句、否定句、及问句中。 ca

    20、n have done 不用于肯定句。 1)-Tom is never late for work. Why is he absent today?- Something _ to him.(江西卷2005)A. must happen B. should have happened C. could have happened D. must have happened(答案D)2)I _ have been more than six years old when the accident happened.(2005天津卷) A. shouldnt B. couldnt C. mustn

    21、t D. neednt (答案B)e. shall用于二,三人称的肯定句及否定句,表允诺、命令、法律(规)上的要求。 “The interest(利益)_be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides .”declare the judge.(2004重庆卷)A. may B. should C. must D. shall (答案D) f. It is suggested/require/demanded/ordered等+that, 后接should +动词原形。 g. should表示预计

    22、:They should be here by twelve.h. must表示“偏偏”。Must you make so much noise?(2005安徽卷)Helen _ go on the trip with us, but she isnt quite sure yet. A. shall B. must C. may D. can (答案C。表示可能性在50%左右,根据后面一句话应该选答案C,因为must的可能性在90%以上。i. can 用于否定句、疑问句。(2005湖北卷)-Do you know where David is? I couldnt find him anyw

    23、here. - Well. He _ have gone far-his coats still here.A. shouldnt B. mustnt C. cant D. wouldnt 答案C。)7.做状语的-ed分词(不要加being)含被动意义,句子中的主语是承受者。V-ing分词则是由句子的主语发出。 1) Given a beat, the child was not naughty any longer.(孩子被打,是一次性动作) 2)(2005全国卷I)The storm left, _ a lot of damage to this area. A. caused B. to

    24、 have caused C. to cause D. having caused (答案为D。先引起了巨大损失,然后风暴再离开,因此动作发生在left之前。)8.省略句:1)-Lets go and have a good drink tonight.- Have you got the first prize in the competition? (2004重庆卷)A What for? B Thanks a lot C Yes, Id like to D Why not?(答案:A 干吗?为了何事?) 2) -You havent lost the ticket, have you?.

    25、-I hope not , I know its not easy to get another one at the moment. (2004江苏卷)9.倒装句:1)(2004重庆卷)I failed in the final examination last term and only then the importance of studies.A I realized B I had realized C had I realized D did I realize(答案为C。only+状语置于句首时,后面的句子中的谓语助动词移至主语前。) 2)(2004广东卷)Of the mak

    26、ing of good books there is no end; neither any end to their influence mans lives. A there is B there are C is there D are there (答案为C。as表示让步,引导的从句其表语或谓语要部分倒装)3)(2005广东卷)_ , Carolina couldnt get the door open.A. Try as she might B. As she might tryC. She might as try D. Might she as try (答案为A。这时要将动词提

    27、前。)4)(2005重庆卷)_ , he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class. A. A quiet student as he may be B. Quiet student as he may be C. Be a quiet student as he may D. Quiet as he may be a student. (答案为B。这时,做表语的名词前不用冠词。)10定语从句。今年高考必有对定语从句的考查,以下几种情况要引起注意: (1)关系代词在限制性定语从句中做表语时,无论是指人还是指事物,只用that,而在非限

    28、制性定语从句中则要用which。例如: 1)His brother is a dancer, _ he is not. (which指代前一个句子,由于是否定句,故用which)A. while B. as C. who D. which (答案为D, 不能用who(m),也不能用while, 因为while后的句子不可以省去表语)。2) His uncle is not the one that he was. (不用who) (2) whose 引导定语从句时可以指人也可指事物,做名词的定语。例如: He lives in a nice house whose door (=of whic

    29、h the door) faces south. (3) 不要养成定向思维,以为只要先行词是时间或地点就以为一定用when或where引导。例如: 1)The hours _ I spent with him would never be forgettable.A. what B. that C. in which D. how (答案选B,that做spent的宾语。不能用when)。 2)The village _ we visited last year has disappeared now. A. in which B. which C. where D. what (答案选B,用

    30、which或that,做及物动词visit的宾语。) 3)The house _ we stayed in has been broken down. A. what B. where C. that D. in which (答案选C。因为stay是不及物动词,后面又有in)单项填空题的范围较广,有些内容如省略、数词的用法等等,就不在此一一列举了。猜想:单项选择题将会注重交际语言的运用,纯语法的题目会很少,而通常会把语法(包括词汇、短语等)的考查置于一定的语境(context)中,动词的用法、时态、搭配、非谓语动词的用法以及名词、颂词等词类的辨异都是考查的重点。三.如何做好完型填空?做好完型

    31、填空除了要有一定的语法语言基础和语感外,答题的方法和技巧也显得特别重要。 这里介绍的好方法是“三步法则”,技巧为“瞻前顾后,左顾右盼”的八字方针。 1.三步法则。完型填空是一篇优秀的寓德于文中的文章,读后让人震撼。 对于只有一个主题,故第一步(约需6分钟)是不看选项或跳过空格看全文,特别要留意首句、首行、首段。全文的主题思想、时态、作者的态度等等均在此可找到。在第一步对全文有了大致了解后,第二步(约需10分钟) 就是边看边选答案,这一步要求细致,认真思索,回忆老师讲的、你平时记的、特别注意一些相似词的区别,及不同词的风格意义。第三步(约3-4分钟)是认真核对检查,注意重点要查一查无把握的题,而不是所有的题。2“八字技巧” :由于全文只一个主题,故全文围绕一个中心分述,上文的提示下文设答案空格,反之亦然,仔细算一算,一般来说, 这种情况会出现3-5个空,


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