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    词汇 第5单元历年试题.docx

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    词汇 第5单元历年试题.docx

    1、词汇 第5单元历年试题英语词汇学试题 课程代码:008322002年4月3.It is a general belief that the meaning does not exist in the word itself, but it rather spreads over( ) A. the readers interpretation B. the neighbouring words C. the writers intention D. the etymology of the wordKey: B, p 876.Which of the following statements

    2、is Not true? A. Reference is the relationship between language and the world. B. The relationship between a word and its referent is arbitrary. C. Concept is universal to all men alike. D. Sense denotes the relationships outside the language.Key: D p8316._meaning refers to the part of speech, tenses

    3、 of verbs, etc.Key: grammatical p8642.pejorationKey: p 902003年4月3.The relationship between the linguistic sign and a referent is . ()Aconventional Bnon-conventionalCconcrete DspecificKey: A p8113.Which of the following statements is true? ()A Every word has reference.B Every word has sense.C Every w

    4、ord is semantically motivated.D Every word is conceptually motivated.Key: B p8315.The relationship between words and things in the world is established by means of . ()Areference Bsense Cconcept DmeaningKey: A p8120 Conceptual meaning is also known as meaning.Key: denotative p8745.semantic motivatio

    5、nKey: p852004年4月2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Connotative meaning refers to associations suggested by the conceptual meaning. B. Stylistic meaning accounts for the formality of the word concerned. C. Affective meaning is universal to all men alike. D. Denotative meaning can alw

    6、ays be found in the dictionary. Key: C p9048. Cite ONE example to illustrate what grammatical meaning is. Key: p862005年4月6. Which of the following groups of words is NOT onomatopoeically motivated?()A. croak, drum B. squeak, bleatC. buzz, neigh D. bang, trumpetKey: A p8450. Connotative meaning is no

    7、t stable. Comment on this statement with one example.Key: p882006年4月11. Motivation accounts for the connection between the word-form and _.()A. its referent B. its referring expressionsC. its meaning D. its conceptKey: C p8344. conceptual meaningKey: p8750. Collocation can affect the meaning of word

    8、s.Comment on the statement with your own example.Key: p912006年7月Key: D p83Key: p86Key: p872007年4月13Which of the following words is morphologically motivated? ()ABlack market. BGreenhorn. CHopeless. DNeigh. Key: C p8448What is the difference between associative meaning and conceptual meaning?Key: p87

    9、2007年7月7Which of the following words is semantically motivated? () AAirmail. BHiss. CMouth in the phrase “the mouth of a river”. DLaconic in the phrase “a laconic answer”. Key: C p8518. Associative meaning is open-ended and indeterminate, while _ meaning is constant and relatively stable. Key: conce

    10、ptual p8747. What is collocative meaning? Please illustrate your point with an example. Key: p912008年4月7. Associative meaning of words comprises the following except _. ( )A. connotative meaning B. lexical meaningC. affective meaning D. collocative meaningKey: B p8718. “Pavement” in British English

    11、and “sidewalk” in American English have the same _.Key: sense p8343. collocative meaningKey: p9149. Explain the meaning of the phrase “a laconic answer”, using the theory of motivation.Key: p852008年7月13. So far as stylistic meaning is concerned, “residence” is _. ( ) A. neutral B. informal C. colloq

    12、uial D. formalKey: D p8914. Words which are used to show the attitude of approval are _. ( ) A. appreciative B. pejorative C. connotative D. collocativeKey: A p9015. “Pavement” in British English and “sidewalk” in American English have the same _. ( ) A. motivation B. collocation C. sense D. connota

    13、tionKey: C p8345. _ indicates the speakers attitude towards the person or thing in question.Key: affective meaning p8953. pejorationKey: p9057. What is conceptual meaning of a word? Give an example to illustrate your point.Key: p872009年4月13The types of meanings include the following EXCEPT _.()Agram

    14、matical meaning Bconceptual meaningCassociative meaning Dliteral meaningKey: D14By _ motivation, we mean that the meaning of a word is related to its origin.()Aonomatopoeic BmorphologicalCsemantic DetymologicalKey: D15_ is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mi

    15、nd.()AReference BConceptCSense DMotivationKey: B p8245Semantic _ refers to the mental associations suggested by the conceptual meaning of a wordKey: motivation p8553connotationKey: p872009年7月13. “Pen” and “sword” in the sentence “The pen is mightier than the sword.” are _ motivated words. ( )A. sema

    16、ntically B. etymologicallyC. morphologically D. onomatopoeicallyKey: A p8514. “Tables, men, potatoes” have the same _ meaning, for they have the same plural meaning. ( )A. lexical B. grammaticalC. conceptual D. associativeKey: B15. Stylistic features of words include the following EXCEPT _. ( )A. fo

    17、rmal B. literaryC. argumentative D. slangKey: C p8845. Lexical _ of a word has two components: conceptual meaning and associative meaning.Key: meaning53. onomatopoeicKey: p842010年4月 13. Which of the following is NOT one of the meanings of “word meaning”? ( ) A. Reference. B. Concept. C. Sense. D. Pr

    18、onunciation.Key: D 14. Such synonymous pair as “die-pass away” has the same _but different stylistic values. ( ) A. reference B. concept C. motivation D. styleKey: B 15. The word “airmail” is _motivated. ( ) A. onomatopoeically B. etymologically C. semantically D. morphologicallyKey: D45. Though hav

    19、ing little lexical meaning, _words have strong grammatical meaning.Key: functional53. motivationKey: 8357. What is grammatical meaning of a word? Give an example to illustrate your point.2010年7月13. _ is the relationship between language and the world. ( )A. Reference B. ConceptC. Sense D. Motivation

    20、Key: A14. Motivation accounts for the connection between the linguistic symbol and its _.( )A. form B. pronunciationC. spelling D. meaningKey: D15. The word“_”is an onomatopoetically motivated word. ( )A. miaow B. swordC. laconic D. airmailKey: A45. Lexical meaning of a word has two concepts: _ mean

    21、ing and associative meaning.Key: conceptual 58. What is concept? Give an example to illustrate your point.Key: p822011年4月10. 30% to 40% of the total number of new words in English vocabulary are produced through _ .( )A. affixation B. clippingC. compounding D. shorteningKey: A11. The formation of ne

    22、w words by converting words of one class to another class is called _. ( )A. prefixation B. suffixationC. acronymy D. conversionKey: D12. The method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes is called _. ( ) A. back-formation B. clipping C. blending D. suffixationKey: A34. The process of c

    23、hanging the word possible into impossible is called _.Key: prefixation47. Both initialisms and acronyms are formed to a certain extent from initial letters. Is there any difference between them? Illustrate your point with examples.Key: p6650. Comment on the following groups to illustrate the differe

    24、nce between partial and full conversion.Group 1: white a white, final finalsGroup 2: rich the rich, wounded the woundedKey: p582011年7月1. There are two approaches to the study of polysemy. They are()A. primary and secondary B. central and peripheralC. diachronic and synchronic D. formal and functiona

    25、l2. Which of the following is NOT a stylistic feature of idioms?()A. Colloquial B. SlangC. Negative D. Literary3. Synonyms can be classified into two major groups, that is:()A. absolute and relative B. absolute and completeC. relative and near D. complete and identical4. In the early period of Middl

    26、e English, English,()existed side by side.A. Celtic and Danish B. Danish and FrenchC. Latin and Celtic D. French and Latin5. A monomorphemic word is a word that consists of a single ()morpheme.A. formal B. concreteC. free D. bound6. Which of the following groups of words is NOT onomatopoeically moti

    27、vated?()A. croak, drum B. squeak, bleatC. buzz, neigh D. bang, trumpet7. LDCE is distinctive for its()A. clear grammar codes B. usage notesC. language notes D. all of the above8. From the historical point of view, English is more closely related to()A. German B. FrenchC. Scottish D. Irish9. Which of

    28、 the following is NOT an acronym?()A. TOEFL B.ODYSSEYC. BASIC D. CCTV10. In the course book, the author lists()types of context clues for inferring word meaning.A. eight B. sixC. seven D. five11. Sources of homonyms include()A. changes in sound and spelling B. borrowingC. shortening D. all of the ab

    29、ove12. The written form of English is a(an)()representation of the spoken form.A. selective B. adequateC. imperfect D. natural13. Structurally a()is the smallest meaningful unit of a language.A. morpheme B. stemC. word D. compound14. Unlike affixes,()are often free morphemes.A. suffixes B. prefixesC. inflectional morphemes D. roots15. The four major foreign contributors to the English vocabulary in earlier times were French, Latin,()A. Scandinavian and Italian B. Greek and ScandinavianC. Celtic and Greek D. Ital


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