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    1、信用证单据练习和答案信用证单据练习答案一、选择题(包括单项和多项选择题)1.代表货权凭证可流通的单据是( )。A、海运提单B、航空运单C、邮包收据C、货物收据分析:正确答案应为A。备选答案都是国际贸易中的运输单据,只有海运提单才是货权凭证,且可以转证。2.提单承运人的英文表述为()。A. ShipperB.ConsignorC.ConsigneeD.Carrier分析:正确答案应为D。这纯是一种习惯作法。3.品质证明书是出口货物的质量和规格的鉴定和证明,在我国一般由( )出具。A.出口商或厂商B.商检局C.贸促会D.公证处分析:正确答案应为B。品质证明书必须是有权威的机构出具的,国际上习惯由各

    2、国商检机构出具。4.信用证单据的审核以()为中心单据。A.汇票B.商业发票C.提单D.保险单分析:正确答案应为B。5.信用证要求商业发票的日期应()。A.略早于汇票日期B.迟于汇票日期C.与汇票日期相同D.迟于运输单据签发日期分析:正确答案应为A。按规定商业发票的签发日期应略早于汇票日期,但不得迟于信用证的有效期。6.G.S.P Form A 是一种()证明书A.品质证明书B.产地证明书C.纺织品出口单据证明书D.动植物检疫证明书分析:正确答案应为B。7.商业单据包括()。A.支票B.发票C.付款收据D.提单分析:正确答案应为BD。单据分为金融单据和商业单据,金融单据主要指汇票、本票、支票、付

    3、款收据等,商业单据是指金融单据以外的任何单据。8.提单的记名抬头表述方法有( )。A. Consigned to ABC CorporationB.Deliver to ABC CorporationC.To order of ABC CorporationD.Consigned to the order of ABC Corporation分析:正确答案应为AB。提单有记名、不记名和指示性三类。备选取答案中的A、B都是记名提单的作法,C、D是指示性提单的作法。9.根据UCP500的规定,信用证单据审核的原则有()。A.银行只负责审核单据表面上的一致性。B.银行对任何单据的形式、完整性、准确性

    4、、真实性、伪造或法律效力、或单据上规定的或附加的一般及特殊条款,不负任何责任。C.在任何情况下,银行都不能接受日期早于信用证开证日期的单据D.银行对于单据所代表的货物的描述、数量、重量、品质、状况、包装、交货、价格或存在等不负任何责任。分析:正确答案应为ABD。10、在英美票据法中transfer是指物权凭证的转让,转让人(d)。A、应征得债务人的同意,受让人获得的权利要优于出让人。B、. 无须征得债务人的同意,受让人获得的权利要优于出让人。C、应征得债务人的同意,受让人获得的权利要受到出让人权力缺陷的影响。D、. 无须征得债务人的同意,受让人获得的权利要受到出让人权力缺陷的影响。11. Su

    5、ppose an L/C says one shipment of 500 cars. Which quantities would fail to comply with the L/C?a. 400 carsb. 495 carsc. 500d. 515 carse.600 cars (UCP500第39条款)12. Suppose an L/C says one shipment of 100,000 yards of wire. Which quantities fail to comply with L/C?a. 94,000 yards of wireb. 96,000 yards

    6、 of wirec. 104,000 yards of wired. 106,000 yards of wire(UCP500第39条款)13. Suppose an L/C says that drafts may draw up to 10, 000. If the commercial invoice shows a total amount of 9, 600, what kind of shipment has been made?a. partialplete14. Suppose an L/C says that drafts may be drawn up to a maxim

    7、um of 10, 000.a. Would a commercial invoice for 4, 000 necessarily considered a discrepancy? (Yes or No)b. Would a commercial invoice for $10,001 necessarily be considered a discrepancy? (Yes or No)如果信用证没有规定商品数量,只规定最大金额,装运的货物金额少多少也没有关系,但是不可以多。15. Suppose an L/C says circa (=about) 1,000 pounds. Whic

    8、h quantities fail to comply with the L/C?a. 890 poundsb. 900 poundsc. 1,100 poundsd.1, 102 pounds(UCP500第39条款)16. Suppose an L/C addressed to R.C.Williams & Co. It calls for ocean bills of lading consigned to order of Bank in Argentina, and marked Notify National Industries. The following appears on

    9、 the B/L:Shipper: R.C.Williams & Co.Consigned to order of: National IndustriesNotify: National IndustriesWhat discrepancies do you find?a. Shippers name not identical to beneficiary of L/Cb. Consignees name not as specified on L/Cc. party to be notified of arrival of goods not as specified on L/C17.

    10、 Which of the following show a discrepancy?a. from the top of the insurance documents:place and date: New York, August 2, 19xxfrom the bottom of the B/L: dated at Yew York, August 6, 19xxb. from the top of the insurance document: (保险单日期必须与提单日期相同或在其之前)Place and Date: Boston, July 15, 19xxfrom the bot

    11、tom of the B/L: Dated at Boston, July 14, 19xx18. Which of the following must be identical on the commercial invoice and the L/C?a. buyers name (account party of L/C)b. sellers name (beneficiary of L/C)c. merchandise description(商品描述,UCP500第37,C条款)19. The commercial invoice showed: Country of Origin

    12、(产地): E.E.C.The certificate of origin indicated: Country of Origin: E. E. C. countries. The issuing bank considered that the inconsistency existed between the words “country” on commercial invoice and “countries” on certificate of origin, therefore, it based on such discrepancy to reject the documen

    13、ts,A. Claiming a discrepancy was justified.B. Claiming a discrepancy was not justified.20. The Credit called for insurance document in duplicate for 110 of CIF value of goods. The insurance document presented was issued for 111.17A. Claiming a discrepancy was justified.B. Claiming a discrepancy was

    14、not justified.21.A credit required a certificate duly signed by the captain (船长)of the vessel stating the cleanness of the tank steamer(油轮). Beneficiary presented a Ships Tanks Inspection Report, which did not show the term certificate, and the signature thereon did not appear to be made by the capt

    15、ain.A. The document must be rejected.B. The document may be accepted.22.Whether a document needs to be marked as original or not dependsA. on it being manually signed.(最新规定;只要是手签单据均可视为正本)B. on the manner in which it has been produced.23. A document may be accepted as an original without marking orig

    16、inal if it was produced.A. by original handwriting.(手填写)B. by originally typing.(打字机打印)C. by reprographic system.D. by automated or computerized system.E. as carbon copies.24. A document may be accepted as an original, which has been marked original if it was producedAby original handwriting.Bby ori

    17、ginally typing.C. by reprographic system.(复印)D. automated or computerized system.(电脑打印)E. as carbon copies.(复写纸)25.Presentation of 4 copies of invoice and 2 photocopies instead of 6 copies invoice requested in the credit.A. There is a discrepancy.B. There is no discrepancy. (信用证中未规定交几份正本单据时,至少要有一份正本

    18、)26. A Documentary Credit states that shipment must be made on or about 27 June. Which of the following shipment dates would be acceptable? (UCP500第46,C 条款)1. 20 June.2. 27 June.3. 02 July.4. 03 July.A. 1 and 2 only.B. 1 and 4 only.C. 2 and 3 only.D. 3 and 4 only.28. Where a Documentary Credit inclu

    19、des a shipping schedule and an installment is NOT shipped within the stipulated period, which of the following statements concerning the Documentary Credit is correct?A. It continues to be available for that installment only.B. It continues to be available for that and other installments.C. It cease

    20、s to be available for that installment only.D. It ceases to be available for that and other installments.(UCP500第41条款)29. A Marine Bill of Lading acts as1. an acknowledgement of receipt of the goods by the carrier.2. evidence of a contract of carriage.3. a document of title for the goods.4. evidence

    21、 of the contract between the seller and the forwarding agent(货运代理)?A. 1 and 3 only.B. 2 and 4 only.C. l, 2 and 3 only.D. 2, 3 and 4 only.30. A Documentary Credit is received without a stipulation of whether partial shipments are allowed. Which of the following statements is applicable?AThey are allo

    22、wed(UCP500第40条款A分条) BRefer to the Issuing BankCRefer to the Beneficiary DThey are prohibited31Delivery of goods has been made to the buyer on 08 October. The relevant documents were presented in order, including a CMR dated 15 days prior to delivery. The Documentary Credit terms state that payment i

    23、s to be effected 30 days after shipment. On which date will payment be made? (There are NO bank holidays and Saturdays and Sundays are NOT banking days) AFriday 22 October BMonday 25 October(节假日顺延)CFriday 05 November DMonday 08 November33. A documentary Credit that will become available(可使用的)for pre

    24、sentation of shipping documents to the Issuing Bank only after it has received and approved a performance guarantee is usually described as:AStandby BRevocableCInoperative (无效的)(软条款)DAdvance Payment34In accordance with UCP, what is the maximum number of banking days (inclusive of presentation date)

    25、that a Confirming Bank is allowed to refused the documents?AOne B. Three C. Seven D. Eight(UCP500第13条款,本题讲的是算头不算尾)35In accordance with UCP all the following statements relating to commercial invoices under a non-transferable Documentary Credit are correct EXCEPT they must:Abe manually signed by the

    26、Beneficiary(UCP500第37条款)Bbe made out in the name of the ApplicantCappear to have been issued by the named beneficiaryDindicate the description of goods corresponding with the Documentary Credit.运输单据练习和答案一、填空题:(每空1分)1、()是国际贸易中最主要的运输方式。2、根据船舶经营方式的不同,海洋运输可分为()和()。3、在商定合同时,如明确规定一个或几个装运港和目的港有困难,可采用()的规定办

    27、法。4、买卖双方按CFR或CPT条件成交时,()具有特别重要的意义。5、我国出口贸易通常采用凭指定空白背书提单,习惯上称之为()。6、海上运输货物保险的保障范围包括()、()、()。7、共同海损的牺牲和费用,应由船方、货方、运费方按最后获救价值共同按比例分摊,这叫做()。8、我国海运货物保险险别划分为()和()两类。前者又称主险,包括()、和();后者包括()和()。9、基本险的责任起讫,采用国际保险业所惯用的()条款。10、战争险的保险责任期限仅限于()的危险。二、选择题:(不定向选择,每小题2分)1、就收货人抬头而言,国际上普遍采用的是()A、Straight B/LB、Order B/L

    28、C、Bearer B/LD、Stale B/L2、CIF条件下交货()A、装运时间先于交货时间B、装运时间迟于交货时间C、装运时间与交货时间一致D、其先后次序视运输方式而定3、班轮运费()A、包括装卸费,不计滞期、速谴费B、包括装卸费,应计滞期、速谴费C、包括装卸费、滞期费,不计速谴费D、包括装卸费、速谴费,不计滞期费4、滞期费是()A、买方向卖方收取的因卖方延期交货而造成损失的补偿费B、卖方向买方收取的因买方延期付款而造成损失的补偿费C、租船人未按约定日期完成装运,延误了船期而付给船方的罚款D、船方装卸太慢而向货方支付的赔偿费5、买方和银行通常不接受的提单有()A、已装船提单B、备运提单C、



    31、、班轮运费的计费标准若为“W/M or A.V”是表示“W”、“M”及“A.V”中任意一个计收都可以。()4、按惯例,滞期费是速谴费的一半。()2、若信用证未表示禁止转船及分批装运,应理解为不许转船,但可以分批装运。()3、托运出口玻璃制品时,被保险人在投保一切险后,还应加保破碎险。()4、水渍险的责任范围是除平安险责任范围内的全部责任外,还包括由于自然灾害引起的部分损失。()5、海上保险业务中的意外事故仅限于发生在海上。()6、载货船舶发生搁浅,致使船底破裂,急需修补,到附近港口将全部货物卸至岸上并存仓。卸货过程中有部分货物受损,所发生的船底破裂及修理费用属共同海损,卸货费、存仓费及部分货损属单独海损。()10、保险凭证与保险单具有同等效力,若信用证要求提供保险单时,一般可以凭保险凭证代替。()四、名词解释:(每小题2分)1、清洁提单:2、指示提单:3、共同海损4、W/W Clause:五、简答题:(每小题5分)1、UCP500有关分批装运的规定有哪些?


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