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    九年级英语第六单元测试题A B卷.docx

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    九年级英语第六单元测试题A B卷.docx

    1、九年级英语第六单元测试题A B卷九年级英语第六单元测试题卷. 听力理解从下列各题的四个选项中选出能回答你所听到的对话后问题的最恰当的答案,并将其字母标号填入题前括号内:1. A. In America. B. In China. C. In England. D. In Canada.2. A. Yes, he will. B. No, he wont.C. Yes, but a little later. D. Tony didnt tell us.3. A. In a supermarket. B. At a restaurant.C. On the beaches. D. In a tr

    2、ain station.4. A. She is fifteen years old. old. B. She is three years old. C. She is eighteen years old. D. She is fifty-three years old.5. A. Monkeys. B. Snakes. C. Sharks. D. Dolphins. . 根据释义写出单词,单词的第一个字母已给出。1. a _ _ _ _ say that someone can have or do something2. a _ _ _ _ fill someone with grea

    3、t surprise or wonder3. d _ _ _ not living; with no life4. p _ _ _ _ _ _ keep something or someone safe5. s _ _ _ _ in all the time after 6. c _ _ _ _ put one thing over another thing to hide it, keep it safe, keep itwarm, etc.7. g _ _ _ _ number of people or things together8. a _ _ _ _ in the same w

    4、ay9. a _ _ _ _ _ start fighting or hurting someone10. a _ _ _ _ _ be seen; come into view. 用括号所给词的正确形式填空,每个空格只限填一词。1. Have you ever gone _? (surf)2. Mr Zhang has been there several _. (time)3. There is a machine _ a person to breathe under water for a longtime now. (allow)4. The great man, Jacques C

    5、ousteau, became a famous _ at last.(explore)5. There are different kinds of _ in the sea. (shark)6. A shark has many _ from a fish. (different)7. Everybody should love our _ life. (colour)8. He was _ at what he saw from the newspaper. (amaze)9. The next morning I was surprised to find that all the f

    6、ish I bought yesterdaywere _. (die)10. My geography teacher keeps on encouraging people to take part in_ our environment. (protect). 单项选择: 从各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其字母填入题前括号内。1. They want to know _ you were at home yesterday evening. A. that B. whatC. whether D. how2. Ill go to visit my pen-friend

    7、 in Canada _ next year.A. some time B. some times C. sometimesD. sometime3. Little Tom became very _ in science when he was seven.A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interests4. She has been sitting before her computer _ four hours, so she felt quitetired.A. as far as B. as possible asC. as

    8、long as D. as quickly as5. Marys gone swimming and _.A. so is Tom B. so Tom is C. so has Tom D. so Tom has6. The waves at Makaha are great. Here great means _.A. warm B. tall C. big D. terrific7. What did Mike say _ his trip to Inner Mongolia?A. about B. of C. for D. on8. - Havent they visited the S

    9、ummer Palace before? - _.A. Yes, they have B. Yes, they havent C. No, they have D. No, they dont 9. When _ the traffic accident _?A. is, happened B. has, happenedC. does, happened D. did, happen10. The police _ in ten minutes.A. is getting B. are getting C. is coming D. are coming11. A number of bab

    10、ies _ born during just one minute. The number of the babies _ 259 every minute. A. was, are B. were, is C. were, are D. was, is12. - Could you tell me _? - Of course, Im glad to.A. Mrs King where lives B. where does Mrs King liveC. where Mrs King lives D. Mrs King lives where13. When _ your father _

    11、 for Canada? - Maybe next week.A. does, leave B. will, leave C. is, leaveing D. has, left14. Has Wei Hua come _? - Yes, she has _ been here for about twenty minutes.A. yet, already B. already, yet C. yet, yet D. already, already15. How long have you lived here? - _.A. Since I was six years old B. Si

    12、nce I have been six years oldC. Six years ago D. On December 1st,1996 . 用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空,每个空格所填词数不限。1. Tom _ in the city ever since his father came three years ago. (be)2. Its five years since she _ for New York. (leave)3. - Where is Bruce? - He _ to Australia. (go)4. How long have you been scuba _?

    13、(dive)5. My teacher told me that water _ most of the world. (cover)6. I dont know if it _ tomorrow. (rain)7. Dont make so much noise. Dad _ in the study. (work)8. Before we cross the road, we must stop _ around. (look)9. Mum! What _ over there? So many people are there. (happen)10. - John! _ you _ y

    14、our homework yet?- Yes, mum.- When _ you _ it? (do). 根据句意,在每个句子的空白处填入一个适当的词,使句子意思完整,语法正确。1. People usually call _ police when theres an accident.2. The boy is hurt in the accident, but not _, for he can still walk by himself.3. Everyone should protect our lakes, rivers, seas and _. 4. Dont pollute t

    15、he lake. Lets try our best to keep the water _. 5. - You help me with my English and I help you with your Chinese, OK? - Good. Thats a _. 6. Three quarters of the _ is covered with oceans. 7. - How _ have sharks been on earth? - Thousands of years.8. Snakes will not _ people if we dont go too near t

    16、o them.9. Watchtowers on the beaches _ people about sharks in the water. 10. Deer feed _ grass and leaves of plants in the forest. 改写句子 在改写后的句中空白处填入一个适当的词,使该句的意思与原句意思相同或相近。1. Theyll return next month.They are _ _ next month.2. The poor boy hasnt seen a train before even once. The poor boy _ _ _ a tr

    17、ain before.3. His grandma died two years ago. His grandma _ _ _ _ two years.4. We should make the dirty room clean. We should _ _ the dirty room.5. Have you been to any other places?Have you been _ _?6. My father often taught me how I should play basketball.My father often taught me how _ _ basketba

    18、ll.7. The children seem very happy._ _ that the children _ very happy.8. Have you ever seen so beautiful a park before?Have you ever seen _ _ _ park before?9. Can you find the information by computer?Can you _ the internet _ _ the information? 九年级英语第六单元测试题B卷. 根据你所听到的对话,从各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其字母

    19、标号填入题前括号内。1. Harry left Beijing to Dalian _.A. on July 20th B. on June 12thC. in a ship D. in a few days2. Its _ kilometers, _ hours and _ minutes from Dalian to Qingdaoby sea.A. 750 kilometers, hours and 20 minutes sB. 648 kilometers, 18 hours and 40 minutesC. 800 kilometers, 1 hour and 10 minutesD

    20、. 170 kilometers. It toom me three hours and 30 minutes 3. Which of the following is not true?A. Harry went to Qingdao in a ship.B. Harry flew from Qingdao to ShanghaiC. From Shanghai Harry went to Nanjing by carD. Harry traveled from Wuhan to Chongqing by ship4. Harry visited _ cities in all. A.8 B

    21、.5 C. 6 D.75. Harry lives in _.A. Beijing B. Nanjing C. Shanghai D. Dalian II根据你所听到的短文,从各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其字母标号填入题前括号内。1. How many kinds of horses are there in the world?A. a few B. few C. some D. different2. Where does a sea horse live? It lives _.A. on the land B. in the sea C. in a room D

    22、. on a farm3. A sea horse is _.A. a small horse on land B. a small seaC. a small fish D. a big animal4. Why do people call it sea horse ? Its because _.A. it is on the land. B. it lives in the sea.C. it is in the sea and its head looks like the head of a horse.D. it likes to live in warm water.5. Wh

    23、o looks after the eggs of the sea horse ? _.A. Father sea horse B. Mother sea horseC. No one D. The king.完成下列对话, A部分首字母已给出,每空只限填一词,缩写算一个词,A)A: Have you ever b_ to Chongqing, Linda? B: Yes, Ive been there twice.A: Chongqing is r_ a wonderful place.B: I like the city, but I dont like the w_ there. Its

    24、 very hot.Its not as i_ as Beijing or Shanghai.A: Well, I dont like e_ of those places.There are too many people there and its too n_.B: Then, Robert, you like Hangzhou b_.A: Yes, I like Hangzhou. Its nice and quiet and the West Lake looks b_. B: It certainly is.A: I also like Guilin very m_.B: S_ d

    25、o I.B)Hong Kong has about forty public beaches (公共海滩). Some _1_ the beaches are among the best in the world. People can go there for a _2_. You can go to most of _3_ by bus. To go to some beaches you must take a boat. There are toilets, changing rooms and places to buy food and _4_ on most of the be

    26、aches.You will swim there without _5_ if you remenber these instructions:1._6_ swim alone.2.Never swim _7_ a meal or when you feel hungry or tired3.Dont stay in the water too _8_. 4.Never go _9_ in a boat if you cannot swim.Remember: A red flag means that it is dangerous for _10_ to go into thewater.A green flag means that it is dangerous for children. .完形填空 WaterThere is water everywhere in the world. Water is the life _1_ of our earth. It is in every _2_ thing. It is in the air. It runs _3_ mountains. It makes lakes and oceans (海 洋). Water is _4_.


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