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    1、浅谈提升自我价值感双语演讲双语讲稿 | 怎样快速提升自我价值感?中英文对照翻译I have struggled with feelings of unworthiness for as long as I can remember.从我记事起,我就一直与不值得的感觉作斗争。 From the outside, my life looked pretty perfect when I was growing up.从外表上看,我的生活在我成长过程中看起来非常完美。My parents had a happy marriage,我的父母婚姻幸福, were supportive and earne

    2、d enough for us to be more than comfortable.他们支持我,挣的钱足够让我们过得很舒服。 I was mostly happy.我很高兴。 But I also had a deep sense that something was wrong with me.但我也深深地感觉到自己出了问题。 My most painful moments were at parties.我最痛苦的时刻是在聚会上。 When I went to black parties my friends made fun of me当我去参加黑人聚会时,我的朋友们取笑我, bec

    3、ause I was rhythmically challenged and I couldnt get my awkward middle-school body to mimic the latest dance moves.因为我跟不上节奏,我不能让我笨拙的像初中生的身体模仿最新潮的舞蹈动作。 As the only black girl at parties associated with my predominantly white school,作为唯一一个参加与大多是白人的学校舞会的黑人女孩, I was never chosen to dance. I was never th

    4、e object of anyones attention.我从未被选中跳舞。我从来不是任何人关注的对象。 I felt like I didnt belong.我甚至觉得自己不属于自己。 So around age 12, I decided that the way to cure these feelings of unworthiness was perfection.所以在12岁左右,我决定治愈这些不值得的感觉的方法是完美。 Simple, right? If I was just perfect then I would fit in,很简单,对吧?如果我是完美的,那么我就会融入其

    5、中, I would be chosen, I would really be happy.我会被选中,我会很开心。 So I threw myself into formal dance classes, worked hard in school,所以我开始去上些正规的舞蹈课,在学校里努力学习, and tried to be a supportive and selfless friend.努力成为一个支持自己、无私奉献的朋友。 My self-esteem was high when I got good grades and felt included,我的自尊心很高,当我取得好成绩

    6、,感觉自己被包括在内, but crashed when I didnt do well academically, or was left out.但崩溃时,我的学业不好,或觉得被全世界抛弃了。 In college, busyness became my key strategy for trying to feel worthy.在大学里,忙碌成为我努力让自己有价值的关键套路。 I juggled classes and tutoring in the Black Student Union and the student government is already a gospel c

    7、hoir, a step team barely giving myself time to breathe, to think, to be.我在黑人学生会的课堂和辅导中混日子,而学生会已经变成一个福音合唱团,团队就像打了鸡血一样几乎没有给自己时间去呼吸,思考,成长。 After college my attention turned to trying to find a relationship to feel the void.大学毕业后,我的注意力转向寻找一段感情来填补空虚。 The anxiety, and ups and downs, I experienced in this

    8、quest were exhausting. 我在这次探索中所经历的焦虑和起伏让我筋疲力尽。 I remember going out to bars and clubs and just like in junior high was rarely the one chosen to dance.我想起当时去酒吧和俱乐部,就像初中时很少有人选择跳舞一样。 I began to question my attractiveness with my brown skin and kinky hair be accepted by a potential partner.我开始质疑我棕色皮肤和古怪

    9、头发的吸引力是否会被潜在的目标对象接受。 Despite these questions, I held on to the hope that if I could just find someone to love me, then I would finally feel worthy.尽管有这些问题,我还是抱着希望,如果我能找到一个爱我的人,那么我最终会觉得自己值得。 Ill let you in on a secret. None of it worked!我会告诉你一个秘密。都没用! Not the perfectionism, the busyness, the relation

    10、ships.不是完美主义,忙碌,关系等等问题。 Well! Maybe some of it did for a moment.好!也许有一部分只是暂时的。 Right after starting a new relationship or getting a good grade I felt worthy.但刚开始一段新的恋情或得到一个好成绩后,我觉得自己值得。But soon enough my feelings of self-worth slipped away and I was on to pursuing the next thing.但很快我的自我价值感就溜走了,我开始追求

    11、下一件事。As soon as I reached the bar I had set for my worth, it was raised.我一达到我为自己设定的价值标准,它就被抬高了。Have you ever experienced that?你有没有这种经历?Im standing here today because after several years of therapy, spiritual growth and a PhD in clinical psychology,我今天站在这里是因为经过几年的治疗、精神成长和读了临床心理学博士学位, I have begun to

    12、cultivate an unconditional self-worth. 我已经开始培养无条件的自我价值。 Im shedding the belief that Im not good enough.我不再相信“我不够好”。The anxiety that not doing things perfectly, or meeting the right person means that Im not okay.不把事情做得完美,或者遇到对的人就怀疑自己“不够好”。Im embracing myself quirks and all.我拥抱自己,包括怪癖和所有一切。And this ne

    13、w path is liberating, enlivening and life-giving.这条新的道路是解放的,活跃的和赋予生命。Let me share what Ive learned with you in the hopes that youll join me on this journey to unconditional self-worth.让我和你们分享我所学到的,希望你们能和我一起踏上无条件自我价值的旅程。You may be wondering if this is just another talk on self-esteem.你可能想知道这是否只是另一个关于

    14、自尊的话题。No. Self-worth is distinct from self-esteem.不,自我价值和自尊是不同的。Our self-esteem is derived from our abilities,我们的自尊来自于我们的能力,accomplishments, social positions and things we believe, we can achieve. 成就,社会地位和我们相信,我们能够实现的事情。We can bolster our self-esteem by improving our skills or performance;我们可以通过提高我们

    15、的技能或表现来增强我们的自尊心;and our self-esteem goes up and down depending on how were doing in various aspects of our lives.我们的自尊心高低取决于我们在生活中各个方面的表现。In contrast, unconditional self-worth is distinct from our abilities and accomplishments.相反,无条件的自我价值与我们的能力和成就是不同的。Its not about comparing ourselves to others.不是把自

    16、己和别人比较。Its not something that we can have more or less of.这不是我们能或多或少拥有的东西。Unconditional self-worth is the sense that you deserve to be alive, to be loved and cared for to take up space.“无条件的自我价值”是指你值得好好活着,值得被爱和被关心。 As a clinical psychologist, I believe that pervasive low self-worth is a root cause o

    17、f mental illness.作为一名临床心理学家,我认为普遍的低自我价值感是精神疾病的根源。 And over the last decade, weve seen a rise in mental illness throughout the US and the world.在过去的十年里,我们在美国和全世界看到了精神疾病的比例上升。 According to the World Health Organization, depression is the leading cause of ill-health and disability worldwide.据世界卫生组织称,抑郁

    18、症是全球健康不良和残疾的主要原因。 Think about that for a moment?想想看吧?The leading cause of illness and disability is not diabetes, physical injury, or cancer.导致疾病和残疾的主要原因不是糖尿病、身体伤害或癌症。The leading cause of ill health and disability throughout the world is depression.在全世界造成健康不良和残疾的主要原因是抑郁症。Additionally, according to t

    19、he Anxiety and Depression Association of America,此外,根据美国焦虑和抑郁协会的统计,40 million people over the age of 18 suffer from anxiety disorders.有4000万18岁以上的人患有焦虑症。Thats almost five times the number of people living in New York City!这几乎是纽约市人口的五倍!Low self-worth can lead to anxiety and depression.低自我价值感会导致焦虑和抑郁。

    20、It can lead people to opt out of life and numb out on drugs and alcohol.它会导致人们用消极的态度面对生活,对毒品和酒精失去知觉。 Even attempt suicide. Because the pain of feeling unworthy is too much to bear.甚至企图自杀。因为觉得自己不配所承受的痛苦太多了。I have sat with hundreds of students at one of the top universities in the country and when we

    21、explore their concerns and dig to the root, we often find that they are struggling with a deep sense of unworthiness.我曾与数百名学生在美国一所顶尖大学里共事,当我们探究他们的担忧并从根源上挖掘时,我们常常发现他们正与深深的不配感作斗争。 So how did we get here?我们为什么会变成这样?How do we get to a place where so many of us struggle with low self-worth?我们周围是怎样变得有那么多人

    22、自我价值感低下?A place where more and more people are living with mental illness and addiction?变成一个越来越多的人患有精神疾病和上瘾的地方?I believe there are many factors that cause us to feel this way.我相信有很多因素导致我们有这种感觉。Advertisements tell us that we need to buy things to be loved, accepted or to succeed.广告告诉我们,为了被爱、被接受或成功,我们

    23、需要买东西。Our educational system teaches us that our worthiness as students is based on our grades or test scores.我们的教育体系告诉我们,我们作为学生的价值取决于我们的成绩或考试成绩。Our parents may have implied that theyd love us more if we made the honor roll or the varsity team.我们的父母可能暗示,如果我们进了荣誉榜或校队,他们会更爱我们。Those of us, who have exp

    24、erienced abuse, sexual assault and trauma, may question our personhood and very right to exist.我们这些经历过虐待、性侵犯和创伤的人,可能会质疑我们的人格和生存的权利。And as social media pervades our lives,随着社交媒体渗透到我们的生活中,we have begun to feel that our worthiness is based on the number of followers we have and likes we get.我们开始感觉到我们的价

    25、值是建立在我们拥有和喜欢的粉丝数量的基础上的。Whatever the cause for many of us, our self-worth is tied to our accomplishments and possessions.无论对我们许多人来说是什么原因,我们的自我价值与我们的成就和财产息息相关。And as soon as we fail or lose approval we experience low self-worth.一旦我们失败或失去认可,我们就会感到自我价值低下。Unconditional self-worth is the antidote to low s

    26、elf-worth.无条件的自我价值感是低自我价值感的解毒剂。Unconditional self-worth is a way out of self-criticism, shame and unhealthy behavior. 无条件的自我价值是一种摆脱自我批评、羞耻和不健康行为的方法。It is a way out of depression, anxiety and substance abuse. 这是一种摆脱抑郁、焦虑和滥用药物的方法。It is time for us to base our worth on the fact that we are human to cul

    27、tivate a worth that persists even when life does not go as we hoped.是时候让我们把自己的价值建立在这样一个事实上:我们是人类,即使生活没有如我们所希望的那样,我们也有继续存在的价值。So what keeps us from cultivating unconditional self-worth?那么,是什么妨碍我们培养无条件的自我价值?Some people may fear that if they get too satisfied with themselves, they wont be motivated to

    28、grow and change.有些人可能会担心,如果他们对自己太过满意,他们就不会有动力去成长和改变。 Others may feel that accepting themselves as worthy would be arrogant.其他人可能会觉得接受自己的价值是傲慢的。And some may simply believe that feeling worthy is impossible.有些人可能只是认为觉得有价值是不可能的。I often wonder我经常想What the world would look like if we all cultivated uncon

    29、ditional self-worth?如果我们都培养无条件的自我价值,世界会是什么样子?What would you find the courage to do if you knew you were worthy?如果你知道自己配得上,你会有什么勇气去做?What would you dare to dream if your self-worth wasnt at stake?如果你的自我价值没有受到威胁,你还敢梦想什么? What would you stop doing if you knew you were already worthy?如果你知道你已经配得上了,你会停止做什

    30、么?I believe people would resolve conflicts without violence that more people would dare to do amazing things.我相信人们会在不使用暴力的情况下解决冲突,这样更多的人会敢于做出惊人的事情。I believe that if our self-worth wasnt on the line, the world would look a lot better and more peaceful for all of us.我相信,如果我们都能有自我价值感,这个世界对我们所有人来说都会变得更好

    31、、更和平。Now thats a reimagining worthy of our consideration.这是一个值得我们考虑的重新设想。So how do we make this vision real?那么,我们如何实现这一愿景呢?Cultivating unconditional self-worth is an ongoing practice.培养无条件的自我价值是一种持续的战斗。Here are four ways you can begin to feel more worthy starting right here, right now!这里有四种方法可以让你开始觉得更有价值,从现在开始!First, forgive yourself. Many of us struggle to feel worthy, because we are angry with ourselves about past mistakes. 首先,原谅自己。我们中的许多人都很难感到自己有价值,因为我们对自己过去的错误感到愤怒。Forgiveness involves acknowledging and accepting what has happened!宽恕包括承认和接受所发生的一切!Acceptance releases us fr


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