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    1、研究生高级英语教程191句Unit 1 Waking Up from the American Dream1. Dead-end jobs and the high cost of college could be choking off upward mobility. 没有出路的工作和昂贵的大学学费可能阻断社会地位的提升。2. But for years, even during the 1990s boom, much of Corporate America had already embraced Wal-Mart-like stratagems to control labor c

    2、osts. 但多年来,即便在经济迅速发展的20世纪90年代,企业文化盛行的美国社会早已普遍在控制劳动力成本方面引入了沃尔玛式的策略3. While these tactics have the admirable outcome of holding down consumer prices, theyre costly in other ways. 尽管这些策略在降低消费品价格方面成效显著,在其他方面却造成严重损失4. More than a quarter of the labor force, about 34 million workers, is trapped in low-wag

    3、e, often dead-end jobs. 超过劳动力人口总数1/4的约3400万名工人因工资低、工作没有前途而陷入困境5. The number of workers progressing upward began to slip in the 1970s, when the post-World Warproductivity boom ran out of steam.二战后生产的繁荣消退之际,社会地位提高的劳动者人数开始减少。6. Upward mobility diminished even more in the 1980s as globalization and tech

    4、nology slammed blue-collar wages. 80年代,随着全球化和科技的发展,蓝领阶层的工资大幅度下滑,向上升迁的减弱趋势更甚于以往7. Many experts expected the trend to reverse as productivity rebounded during the heated economy of the 1990s. 在生产力回升、经济蓬勃发展的20世纪90年代,许多专家曾指望上述趋势可以逆转8. College enrollment boomed, too, and home ownership shot up, extending

    5、 the American dream to more families. 大学入学率和房屋拥有量快速飙升,“美国梦”惠及更多的家庭9. Surprisingly, the best economy in 30 years did little to get Americas vaunted upward mobility back on track. 令人惊讶的是,30年中最好的经济态势都没能重振美国人一向自吹自捧的“向上升迁”的传统10. The big finding in recent years is that the notion of America being a highly

    6、 mobile society isnt as true as it used to be. 近些年的一大发现就是过去美国社会有很强的上下流动性,而现在不是了11. Its hard to find a job with a career ladder these days, and a B. A. would be an edge. 如今很难找到可以逐步得到提升的工作,而有个文学学士学位就多些竞争力12. Today, upward mobility is determined increasingly by a college degree thats attainable mostly

    7、by those whose parents already have money or education. 如今能否晋升越来越取决于大学学历,而取得大学学历的大多数人的父母已具备经济实力或受过文化教育13. Problem is, that all-important sheepskin is out of reach for most students from low-income families. 问题是,大多数低收入家庭的学生只能对至关重要的学历文凭望洋兴叹14. Although college enrollment has soared for higher-income s

    8、tudents, more children from poor families can only afford to go to community college. 15. Sons from the bottom three quarters of the socioeconomic scale were less likely to move up in the 1990s than in the 1960s. 16. Restoring American mobility is less a question of knowing what to do than of making

    9、 it happen. 17. There have been plenty of warnings about declining college access, but finding funds was difficult even in eras of large surpluses. 18. If the U.S. couldnt shake off a creeping rigidity in the best of times, it will take a conscious change to reverse course now. Unit 2 Move Over, Big

    10、 Brother1. Big Brother, they have long warned, is watching. Now there is the possibility that citizens are being watched.2. Thanks to the spread of mobile phones, digital cameras and the internet, surveillance technology has become far more widely available. 3. Surveillance abilities that used to be

    11、 limited to governments are now, or soon will be, in the hands of everyone.4. A digital image, unlike a conventional photograph, can be quickly and easily copied and distributed around the world. 5. The democratisation of surveillance is a mixed blessing, however. 6. Germanys parliament has passed a

    12、 bill that outlaws unauthorized photos within buildings. 7. In Saudi Arabia, the import and sale of camera-phones has been banned, and religious authorities have denounced them for “spreading obscenity”. 8. South Koreas government has ordered manufacturers to design new phones so that they beep when

    13、 taking a picture.9. Cheap surveillance technology facilitates other sorts of crime.10. But the spread of surveillance technology also has its benefits. In particular, it can enhance transparency and accountability. 11. Camera-phones could have a profound effect on the news media. 12. Camera-phones

    14、make everyone a potential news photographer. 13. Unsurprisingly, old media is starting to embrace the trend.14. A photographically armed society could turn out to be more polite.15. The omnipresence of cameras and other surveillance technologies might end up making individuals more conformist.16. Th

    15、e surveillance society is on its way, just as privacy advocates have long warned. 17. Increasingly, it is not just Big Brother who is watching but lots of little brothers, too. Unit 5 The Rise of the Green Building1. It is officially known as the Swiss Re Tower, or 30 St Mary Axe. 2. As a typical ex

    16、ample of green architecture, what is most remarkable about the building is its energy-efficiency. 3. Thanks to its artful design and some fancy technology, it is expected to consume up to 50% less energy than a comparable conventional office building. 4. Green architecture is changing the way buildi

    17、ngs are designed, built and run.5. Green architecture, a term which only came into use in the 1990s, has its origins in the energy crisis of the 1970s.6. These forward-looking architects began to explore designs that focused on the long-term environmental impact of maintaining and operating a buildi

    18、ng. 7. As green architecture moves into the mainstream, more green buildings came up. 8. In China, the Beijing Organising Committee of the Olympic Games aims to host the first zero-net-emissions games.9. The Swiss Re Tower reduces its environmental impact by using natural lighting and ventilation wh

    19、erever possible. 10. The buildings shape maximizes the use of natural daylight, reducing the need for artificial lighting.11. The highest-profile green building currently on the drawing board is the Freedom Trade Centre in New York. 12. The main tower, which will rise 1,776 feet, will include solar

    20、panels and a wind farm, the turbines of which are expected to deliver around one megawatt of power. 13. Going green saves money by reducing long-term energy costs.14. The traditional approach of trying to minimize construction costs, by contrast, can lead to higher energy bills and wasted materials.

    21、15. The use of natural daylight in office buildings, for example, as well as reducing energy costs, also seems to make workers more productive. 16. Green buildings can also reduce legal liabilities for their owners, since they are less likely to give rise to “sick building” lawsuits.17. Despite its

    22、benefits and its growing popularity, green architecture is still the exception, not the rule, however. 18. The main problem is co-ordination, for green buildings require much more planning by architects, engineers, builders and developers than traditional buildings. 19. Green architecture will help

    23、to reshape the construction industry over the next five years, with ever more innovative, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly buildings. Unit 6 At What Cost Beauty1. Plastic surgery may have lost some of its stigma, but that doesnt mean the risks have vanished too.2. It was not that long a

    24、go that the term makeover suggested little more than a new eye shadow or a dye job. 3. The vast majority of cosmetic proceduresboth surgical and nonsurgicalconclude without incident. 4. Many doctors dont bother with the special training and practice the surgery anyway to supplement their incomes. 5.

    25、 Only two of the five doctors in the fatal Florida cases were board-certified. 6. The woman who died after a breast augmentation was operated on by a doctor who specialized in dentistry.7. Technological advances have made it possible to perform intricate surgeries in nonhospital settings on an outpa

    26、tient basis. 8. Some are done in private, freestanding surgical centers, others in doctors offices.9. Patients often enjoy a doctors office because it feels more personal; many doctors prefer it because they exercise complete control over their surroundings and costs. 10. It is not uncommon for peop

    27、le to have multiple procedures performed at once, and when the patient is in good health, it is not especially perilous. 11. But generally, undergoing more than one procedure not only prolongs recovery but also increases the time a patient is anesthetized, which can be risky. 12. The show has genera

    28、ted good p.r. for the field, but it raises unrealistic expectations. 13. Sometimes a patient can appear to do everything right but still end up paying the ultimate price. 14. Doctors across Florida, California and New York said they received a few concerned calls from patients that week. 15. But vir

    29、tually no surgeons reported any cancellations. And the phones kept ringing for new appointments. Unit 8 Too Much Too Soon1. On more than one occasion I have paused to reflect on that very question given some current trends and ideas about children as little sponges of learning. 2. Interestingly, man

    30、y of these children were also in the throngs of extracurricular overload.3. Moreover, in order to ensure that children have skills and knowledge needed for the future, schools are increasing academic demands on children.4. The truth of the matter, however, is that any agenda which forces learning up

    31、on young children may actually be doing more harm than good. 5. One of the most fascinating neurological findings in recent years is the recognition of the important influence of experience on brain development and learning. 6. What is truly amazing is how experience actually shapes the architecture

    32、 of the brain.7. Upon birth, Johnnys learning really begins to take off with the growth of connections (synapses) between some 100 billion neurons. 8. The more repetitive an experience the greater the opportunity for connections to become permanently hardwired. 9. Importantly, over-stimulation and activities that are introduced to Johnny too early can actually hinder his learning. 10. In other words, “appropriate” does not necessarily mean more and much of this is dependent on the growth of a fatty material


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