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    人教版高一英语期必修一Unit5 Nelson Mandela 阅读学案.doc

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    人教版高一英语期必修一Unit5 Nelson Mandela 阅读学案.doc

    1、人教版高一英语上学期必修一Unit5 Nelson Mandela Reading 导学案附详细答案Step I: Pre-readingMake a guess according to the title before reading: Whats the relationship between Nelson Mandela and Elias?Step II: Fast readingRead fast to prove your guess and get the main idea/1.Whats the relationship between Mandela and Elias

    2、?A. Strangers B. Friends C. Father and son D. Teacher and student2.Elias story is mainly about _ .A. the poor life of black people in South Africa.B. the life of Mandela.C. how Mandela helped black people.D. how Elias met Mandela.Step III. Reading strategies: It is a story so we should find out the

    3、essential items in a story.Time ( )Place ( )Characters( )Events( )Step IV:Detailed-reading:Read the story carefully and do some exercises.Exercise 1: Comprehending exercises (True or False) 1.Elias went to see Nelson Mandela when he was in trouble.2.Elias left school because the school was too far f

    4、rom his home.3. Nelson Mandela helped him keep his job.4. Elias trusted Nelson Mandela and he joined the ANC Youth League.5. Elias was willing to blow up government buildings.6. Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to help the black people.A. Elias began school.B. Elias was twelve years ol

    5、d and met Mandela.C. Elias left school.D. Elias was born.E. Elias helped Mandela blow up some government buildings.F. Elias was a two-year-old baby.Exercise 2:A timeline of Elias life and other events in his life.Make a timeline of Elias life. Not all years will have information to be added.1.1940_

    6、2. 1942_ 3. 1946_4. 1948_ 5. 1952_6. 1963_Step V: conclusionNelson Mandela, 1_ (bear) on July 18,1918, is the 2_ (one) black president of South Africa. He studied law 3 _ he entered university. Then in 1952 he set up _ law office to help poor black people. Because of his fight 5_ the government and

    7、anti-black laws, he 6_ (sentence) to five years of hard labor. After that he formed ANC Youth League. Fighters from ANC began 7_ (blow) up buildings in 1963 and he was sentenced to life imprisonment on Robbin Island. Twenty seven years 8_, he was freed by the white government. In 1993 he was made pr

    8、esident of South Africa 9_ the government by and for the black people was 10_ (final) set up. Nelson Mandela was really a great man!参考答案(红色字体已标明)Step I: Pre-readingMake a guess according to the title before reading: Whats the relationship between Nelson Mandela and EliasStep II: Fast readingRead fas

    9、t to prove your guess and get the main idea1.Whats the relationship between Mandela and Elias? BA. Strangers B. Friends C. Father and son D. Teacher and student2. Elias story is mainly about _ .CA. the poor life of black people in South Africa.B. the life of Mandela.C. how Mandela helped black peopl

    10、e.D. how Elias met Mandela.Step III. Reading strategies: It is a story so we should find out the essential items in a story.Time ( inthe middle of 1900s)Place ( South America)Characters( Elias and Mandela)Events(how Mandela helped Elias and black people in South America)Step IV:Detailed-reading:Read

    11、 the story carefully and do some exercises.Exercise 1: Comprehending exercises (True or False) 1.Elias went to see Nelson Mandela when he was in trouble.T2.Elias left school because the school was too far from his home.F3. Nelson Mandela helped him keep his job.T4. Elias trusted Nelson Mandela and h

    12、e joined the ANC Youth League.T5. Elias was willing to blow up government buildings.F6. Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to help the black people.FB. Elias began school.B. Elias was twelve years old and met Mandela.C. Elias left school.D. Elias was born.E. Elias helped Mandela blow up

    13、some government buildings.F. Elias was a two-year-old baby.Exercise 2: A timeline of Elias life and other events in his life. Make a timeline of Elias life. Not all years will have information to be added.1.1940_D2. 1942_ F3. 1946_A4. 1948_ C5. 1952_B6. 1963_EStep V: conclusionNelson Mandela, 1_born

    14、_ (bear) on July 18,1918, is the 2_first_ (one) black president of South Africa. He studied law 3 _after_ he entered university. Then in 1952 he set up _a_ law office to help poor black people. Because of his fight 5_again_ the government and anti-black laws, he 6_was sentenced_ (sentence) to five y

    15、ears of hard labor. After that he formed ANC Youth League. Fighters from ANC began 7_blowing_ (blow) up buildings in 1963 and he was sentenced to life imprisonment on Robbin Island. Twenty seven years 8_later_, he was freed by the white government. In 1993 he was made president of South Africa 9 and_ the government by and for the black people was 10_finally_ (final) set up. Nelson Mandela was really a great man!


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