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    1、译林版八年级上册英语词性转换专项训练附答案八年级上册英语词性转换专项训练1. May I have some milk?(much)2. He is my friend. (good)3. How does he know his friends?(good)4. He enjoys toys with other children.(share)5. Are you going to join a competition?(write)6. The boy looks .(fun)7. John is a young man.(help)8. We should be to each oth

    2、er. (friend)9. The present made me .(happily)10. His voice sounds .(music)11. She is in her class.(pretty)12. I am tall but my brother is still ?(tall)13. He plays football as as, if not than I .(well)14. His brother studies hard but he is . (lazy)15. I think fishing is than hunting.(interesting)16.

    3、 Alice is of the three daughters.(beautiful)17. Which is , china or America?(large)18. He sings but he dances much .(well)19. Are you feeling any ?(well)” “No, even .(bad)”20. This problem is very .that one is .(easy)21. Who (have) a long ruler?22. The children (not play) football on the playground

    4、now.23. your sister often (listen) to the radio?24. Thank you for (teach) us so well.25. My father (not have )lunch in the factory.26. Mike (not do)his homework on Saturday.27. Look! The boy (fly) a like in the field.28. They (work )on the farm next week.29. I am clever but my brother is . (clever,

    5、cleverer)30. I have few friends but he has friends. (fewer, few)31. What is your job? (idea, ideal) 32. They try to more about china. (find, find out)33. We have sheep than you. (fewer, less)34. He is one of the people in the village. (kinder, kindest)35. Please the words with the pictures. (match,

    6、go)36. Why did your mother go to ? (school, the school)37. After you the book, please lend it to me. (finish, complete)38. Do you know what to ? (write, write about)39. He is much (strong) than I .40. John is good at (swim).41. How many (play)are there in a football team?42. Be (care). The road is v

    7、ery busy.43. They are learning the (nice )lesson.44. I have the (little)money of all.45. There are ten (monkey) in the zoo.46. My brother often (carry) water for Granny Wang. 47. He (come) from Japan?48. Thank you for (tell) me about it.49. Wei Dong enjoys (play) football.50. My father (not have) lu

    8、nch in the factory51. We are going to have great fun (sing) this song.52. Would you like something (eat)?53. There (be ) a desk and three chairs.54. Listen! Who (cry)?55. (not come) late again. Tom.56. Nothing (happen) yesterday.57. Who (not be )here yesterday?58. It takes me 20 minutes (wash) my sh

    9、oes.59. He keeps a diary (remember)things.60. (do )eye-exercises is good for your eyes.61. When can you finish (read)the book?62. Would you like (watch) TV?63. He (not come) here yesterday.64. What do you want (be )when you grow up?65. All of them are good at (swim).66. She wanted lily (ring) her.67

    10、. The water in this river is to us, if you drink it you will be in (danger)68. Liu Hulan a great .(die)69. I love football but basketball . (much / little)70. Shall I bring you food, if you dont have .(some / any)71. We were with joy and jumped .(wild)72. His father died he was only three months old

    11、.73. When did you meet her the first time?74. It is hard me to work out the maths problem.75. Do you know how to survive the wild?76. what do you want to kill the sheep?77. At an early age, the boy lived his own.78. four months, the baby weighed 10 kilograms. 79. He will stay here for to 14 days 80.

    12、 Who has taken my pen ?81. We should cut too many trees. 82. I,d like you (come) to supper.83. Is he good at (run)?84. My sister usually (wash) her clothes on Sundays.85. Mr Zhang (not work) in Beijing.86. The book isnt easy (read)87. She (have) an apple now.88. What size you (need)?89. (swim) is go

    13、od for our health.90. Why not (sing) an English song?91. Next week we (have) a math exam.92. He (teach) us English well, doesnt he?93. The temperature (fall) below zero in the night.94. Please ask him (not watch) TV before he finishes his homework.95. Its best (read) English in the morning.96. The s

    14、now (stop) an hour ago. 97. Why not (clean) the room?98. Mrs Smith (like) wearing red dresses.99. What time you (leave) yesterday?100. How about (go)to see a film?101. He has a lot of homework (do)102. Im not sure whether I (be) on time. 103. If we (take) good care of the young trees, they will grow

    15、 up quickly.104. Have you read the book (call)“Gone with the wind?”105. We (come) if it doesnt rain tomorrow.106. You have to spend half an hour (read) English every day.107. Here (come) the bus!108. Is that house large enough for all of us (live) in ?109. When school was over yesterday, it (snow).1

    16、10. Im too tired. lets (stop) to have a rest.111. Look! The children (swim) happily in the river.112. How about (fly) a kite, Kate?113. Next week we (have) an English evening.114. Thank you for (ask) me to come here.115. They each (have) a new bike.116. My father often (smoke)in the evening.117. Wou

    17、ld you like (go)running with me?118. Lets (take) that one.119. Listen! Mary (read) Chinese in the next room.120. I want (learn) how to mend the bike.121. The old man dislikes (live) in the city.122. My plane (take) off at 5 p. m.123. I wonder if you (buy) a stamp for me. 124. I want to know where he

    18、 (go) for his holiday.125. Hurry up, please, the train (leave) in a minute.126. We (have) rice for lunch today.127. Where you (spend) Christmas this year?128. Who (see) you off tomorrow?129. The train (arrive) in five minutes.130. Dont worry. Your son (be ) all right.131. What you (bring) to the pic

    19、nic?132. Everything is beginning (grow) now.133. Jim wants to go home, so he needs (find) the bus stop.134. you (watch) the football game tomorrow?135. they (have) dumplings for supper yesterday?136. Look! They boys (play) football on the playground.137. He (not know) much about china.138. When your

    20、 brother (buy) the computer?139. The farmers are all busy (get)in the rice.140. Its very hot today, but quite .(cloud)141. That was one of the days in 1998.(bad)142. We have rain this year than last year. (much)143. The question isnt so hard. everyone can answer it (easy)144. Everybody needs help.(o

    21、ther)145. “What can we do for the people?” they often ask . (they)146. We mustnt hunt the animals.(protect)147. Who jumps in your class?(high)148. It isnt to talk to him . he wont listen to you. (use)149. I dont know why he isnt coming to the party tonight. (real)150. How it is snowing! (heavy)151.

    22、Alice is the best in her school.(sing)152. Where does she now? does she enjoy in china? (live)153. Who will be the to speak at the meeting this afternoon? (three)154. Could I have one of your , please? (photo)155. What do these usually do on day? (child)156. Ann is thinking about what to her friend.

    23、 (write)157. You can get this kind of in that shop. (shoe)参考答案1. more 2. best 3. well 4. sharing5. writing 6. funny 7. helpful 8. friendly9. happy 10. musical 11. the prettiest 12. taller13. well, better 14. lazy 15. more interesting16. the most beautiful 17. larger 18. well, better 19. better, wors

    24、e20. easy, easier 21. has 22. are not playing 23. Does, listen24. teaching 25. does not have 26. does not do 27. is flying28. will work29. cleverer (后省略了than I ) 30. fewer (后省略了than I ) 31. ideal (ideal是名词,意为“想法”;ideal此处作形容词,意为“理想的”) 32. find out (find out 意为“弄明白”;find意为“找到”“发现”) 33. fewer (sheep是可数

    25、名词,单复数同形,sheep此处是复数概念) 34. kindest (one of 后应用the+最高级+复数名词)35. match (go作不及物动词,应用sth. Goes with sth. Else)36. the school (go to school意为“去上学”;go to the school意为“去学校”)37. finish (finish the book意为“读完书”, complete the book 意为“写完书”)38. write about (write about意为“写有关的内容, write sth. 意为“写什么”)39. stronger 4

    26、0. swimming 41. players 42. careful43. ninth 44. least 45. monkeys 46. carries47. Does, come 48. telling 49. playing 50. doesnt51. singing 52. to eat 53. is 54. is crying 55. Dont come 56. happened 57. wasnt 58. to wash59. to remember 60. Doing / To do 61. reading 62. to watch63. didnt come 64. to be 65. swimming 66. to ring 67. dangerous, danger 68. died, death


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