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    1、毕业论文设计外文文献翻译毕业论文(设计)外文文献翻译教 学 点: 靖江党校函授点 专 业: 船舶与海洋工程 学 号: 153*5 姓 名: 吴 红 根 指导教师: 孔 慧 敏 江苏科技大学继续教育学院 2017年4月12日63500散货船规格书总则第一章 目的本规格书及附带的图纸是为了描述一型单螺旋桨、柴油机驱动、单甲板、单壳运输散货船的设计、材料、建造和设备.总布置图、中横剖面图和厂商表作为规格书整体的一部分。规格书和附带的图纸互相补充说明。被附上的总布置图、中横剖面图和其他相关图纸仅仅是初步的,经双方同意,可以修改、完善或者改进.承造方在船舶的设计、建造、装备、试验和交付给买方时,须与合同




    5、.除非规格书另有说明的,在规格书里面任何2次或多次提到的均认为仅提供或进行一次。厂商标准、建造方标准和/或另外公认的工业标准,只要这些标准和船级社规范不一致和/或本身有问题时,材料、机械、仪器和设备等必须由船级社认可和设计应符合中国工业标准(GB, CB)。第二章 总述2。1 总述“船东”和“建造方”提及的公司或者代理商同样在建造合同中详细说明.如果没有其它说明,总则部分的描述应用于规格书的所有部分,其它部分的描述应用于相应部分。如果规格书和图纸存在矛盾和不一致之处,以规格书为准。除船上不同部门或特别说明外,任何在规格书里提及两次或多次、但逻辑上为同一项目的设备只供应一次。船东任何超出规格书所

    6、列出的规则规范和/或规格书的要求,必须经双方同意后实施。如果必要,将对合同价格、载重量、航速等可能产生影响的部分进行调整.对规格书、图纸或其他已签署的书面文件的修改和变更,由承造方和船东的受权代表进行签署. 这些作为合同的补充。2。2 材料除特别同意和/或在规格书和厂商表中有明确规定,材料、机械和设备等一般采用国内厂家产品。所有的结构钢板用在船舶建造和轮机上的包括锻造和铸造应该符合正常的造船航海工程质量,试验,检查和证书都要由船级社或监管人适时认可。所有木材都要风干和没有瑕疵.所有使用的材料要满足安全循环使用的要求.限制使用对健康和环境有伤害的材料.石棉、制冷剂(R12/R22)和HALON、

    7、含铅油漆和含锡的防污漆也不允许使用。如有任何规格书中描述的材料在实际情况下无法取得,承造方有权选择船级社许可的合适的替代品。2.3 工艺所有用于本船的建造工艺应符合中国船舶建造标准和/或承造方标准惯例,如果需要应取得船级社的批准.承造方标准、惯例应提交给船东备查。应根据规格书和图纸,以及船级社和有关当局的要求进行施工。2.4 标准应尽可能采用以下标准进行船舶的建造,另外一些船级社适用的经公认的工业标准。a)ISO标准b)中国工业标准(GB, CSQS, CB, YB, etc.)c)承造方标准和承造方惯例2.5 测量标准原则上采用ISO标准.原则上船体、机械、设备等的设计和建造采用国际单位。所

    8、有测量单位诸如电力、压力表、温度计、容积表、舱柜标尺、水尺等应采用国际单位.2.6 图纸和文件所有的图纸,计算,说明书均使用英文.所有铭板、警示牌等均使用英文。承造方提交4份图纸给船东认可,船东退2份带船东签字和意见的认可图纸给承造方。送船东认可的图纸范围按照经船东认可的“认可图纸清单”提供认可。船东在收到图纸后14天退审认可图(排除邮寄时间)。如果承造方在14个工作日内没有收到船东的回复,承造方应先发传真提醒船东处理和认可图纸。船东在承造方发出提醒后6个工作日内给出意见.承造方在收到退审意见后14个工作日内答复船东的意见。如果承造方没能答复,船东将认为意见已经自动接受。如果第一条船认可的图纸

    9、与后来的姐妹船相同,承造方无需提交姐妹船的相关图纸给船东认可,但需注明姐妹船的船名/船号。在交船时,承造方提供3份完工图纸和主要机械设备的操作说明书给船东 ,并提供给船东一份所有可以提供的完工图纸和文件的光盘。完工图纸范围与船东认可的“完工图纸清单”一致.所有的完工图纸包括说明书/手册均使用英文,那些国外的设备除外。以下各两份图纸应放在船上,在通过苏伊士和巴拿马运河时使用.总布置图、舱容图、带设备清单的机舱布置图、中横剖面图、测深表、破损控制图应将以下带图框的图纸挂在船上,并放置在船东代表指定的位置。总布置图 1份带载重线标尺的舱容图 1份操纵性特性图 1份防火控制及安全图 1份美国海岸警卫队

    10、要求的油输送程序 1份无线电安全证书 1份救生衣说明书每层甲板1份2。7 分包商应按照技术规格书和厂商表进行材料、机械、设备和其它部件的订货。2。8 船东供品下列项目由船东供应,承造人负责安装到船上。承造人提供遮蔽的安全处所,贮藏并移交船上。超出规格书规定的缆绳。超出规格书规定的风动工具,皮管,钢丝绳等所有海图、航海和无线电书籍、公司旗和国旗所有消耗品除救生艇内的所有医药和医疗设备 例如立体声的娱乐设备,录像机和电视等,除了规格书中提到的用具。油画和图画承造方标准以外的水手长和木匠的工具。除床垫以外的所有床上用品(枕头、毯子,被单,被子等所有餐桌用布(餐巾,桌布等)所有烹调配餐用具(陶器,餐具


    12、和设备,除非生产商在与船东/承造方签订合同后,同意提供额外免费备用品的。2.9 备件和工具按照规范要求和供应商标准提供备件。工具按照承造方标准提供.除了安装在指定位置的,所有备件用不同的箱子存放,并在每个箱子上注明箱子里的内容。重的备件应存放在起吊设备可以吊到的地方。重的备件和工具应安装在辅机旁的架子/基座上2.10 干船坞在交船前无需进干船坞。2。11 船模交船前承造方提供每艘船一个1:200的船模。63500 DWT BULK CARRIER SPECIFICATION GENERAL PROVISIONSECTION 1 INTENT It is intent of this Speci

    13、fication (hereinafter called the Specification) and accompanying plans to describe and set forth the design, material, construction and equipment of a ocean going, single screw diesel driven single deck bulk carrier。General Arrangement Plan, Midship Section and Makers List to accompany and form an i

    14、ntegral part of the Specification。 The Specification and attached plans to be complementary to each other。The attached General Arrangement Plan, Midship Section and other relevant drawings are preliminary only, which are subject to further modifications or improvements or optimizations to be mutuall

    15、y agreed by the paritiesThe vessel to be designed, constructed, equipped, tested and delivered to the Buyer by the Builder in accordance with the Contract, these Specifications and Plan(s)The Builder to furnish all items required for the completion of the vessel in accordance with the specification

    16、except items specifically stated herein as to be furnished and supplied by the Owner.Details in design, fabrication, installation, inspection and workmanship not covered in this Specification, or not covered by the approved plans, to be performed under the Standard practice of the Builder。In case of

    17、 any discrepancy or inconsistency or contradiction between the terms and conditions of Shipbuilding contract and the SPECIFICATIONS, the former should govern and prevail。In case of any discrepancy or inconsistency or contradiction between the terms and conditions of this SPECIFICATIONS and associate

    18、d plans/drawings including General Arrangement Plan and Midship Section, the former should govern and prevail。 However, with regard to such inconsistency or contradiction between Specifications and associated plans/drawings as may later occur by any change or changes agreed by both parties aftersign

    19、ing of the SPECIFICATIONS, then such change or changes shall govern and prevail。In case of any discrepancy or inconsistency or contradiction between the terms and conditions of the SPECIFICATIONS and the standard of agreed vendor , the former can be adjusted in accordance with the vendors standard ,

    20、 if deemed necessary by builder. Such adjustment should be subject to buyers consent , which can not be unreasonably withheld.In design stage or construction period of the vessel, the Builder may correct any errors, mistakes or omissions contained in the SPECIFICATIONS and also make any changes or i

    21、mprovements or optimization to the SPECIFICATIONS if deemed necessary by the Builder, such corrections, changes and improvements should be subject to buyers consent, which can not be unreasonably withheld。It is to be understood that the descriptions in General provisions are to be applied to the who

    22、le of the subsequent parts of Hull , Outfitting, Accommodation ,Machinery and Electric parts, if there should be any discrepancy or inconsistency or contradiction between the “General provisions and Hull, Outfitting, Accommodation, Machinery and Electric parts, the “General provisions” shall prevail

    23、The general provisions of each subsequent part should apply to whole of the part, In the event of any conflict or inconsistency or contradiction between general provisions of each subsequent part and other paragraphs or sentence of the part, the general provisions should prevail and govern.If there

    24、should be any conflict or inconsistency or contradiction among the Hull, Outfitting, Accommodation, Machinery and Electric parts, the description in the part that specifically describes or governs the arrangement, installation or equipment shall prevail。Any amendment or change in the Rules and Regul

    25、ations as specified in Section 5-2” RULES, CONVENTIONS AND REGULATIONS , coming into effect after signing the contract, is to be carried out subject to the agreement between the Buyer and the Builder in terms of adjustment of the contract price, deadweight, delivery date or any other item, if any, a

    26、s the case may be。When words such as “or” “if necessary”, “when considered”, “may” and other similar expressions are used in the Specifications, their application shall be at Builders sole discretion。All dimensions to be in ISO system unless where explicitly stated otherwise。 Wherever the term “or e

    27、quivalent” to be understood to mean that any substitute shall be of the equal performance standard and quality.Anything twice or more mentioned or enumerated in this Specification is to be only supplied once or executed unless otherwise specifically mentioned.Materials, machinery and equipment etc.

    28、to be approved by Class as required and designed in accordance with the GB/CB standard , manufacturers standard , builders standard and/or other recognized industry standard as long as these standards are not inconsistent with the requirement of Classification and/or Regulatory body concerned。SECTIO

    29、N 2 GENERAL DEFINITIONS 2-1 GENERAL ARTICALS The terms ”Owner” and Builder refer to companies or their agents as defined in detail in the Building Contract。The description in Part I General Provision to be applied to all parts of the Specification, where as the descriptions in the other parts to be

    30、applied to the respective parts, if not described otherwise。In the event of any contradiction or any inconsistency between the descriptions of proper part and other parts in the Specification, the descriptions in the proper part to govern。Unless those for different department on board or specificall

    31、y described, repeated mention of the logically same item in the Specification does not mean that the item to be supplied more than once。Any requirement of the Owner, which is in excess of the requirements of the Rules and Regulations listed herein and/or the content of this specification, to be subj

    32、ect to agreement and possible adjustment to the contract price, deadweight, service speed, etc., which may be affected.Amendments and changes to the Specification, plans or other written documents to be signed by an authorized representative of the Builder and Owner。 These documents to be the supplement to the contract。22 MATERIAL Materials, machinery and equi


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