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    1、研究生英语多维教程探索ExercisesB部分1 Some people are very sensitive about what others might think of them.2 Between Christmas and New Years day, many stores have a long list of goods on sale. This is known as New Years sale.3 Statistics reveal that traveling during ones vocation is becoming prevalent as money a

    2、nd spare time increase.4 A deficiency in educational resources puts at risk the intellectual development of our children.5 The applicants documents required for immigration were withheld by the local police station because of his criminal record.6 During the interview, Mary told the interviewer that

    3、 she would like to do something interesting but Tom said with certainty that he would choose the job which pays well.7 It is important that the elevators be functional before the Spring Festival.8 In spite of a good harvest, farmers were confronted with many difficulties in selling their grain, whic

    4、h they alone could not overcome.9 Foreign language learners should know that the way of expressing courtesy will be quite different from country to country.10 You will be spared the fine if you tell us who else was involved.11 One evening, I was running after a robber in the nearby woods. Suddenly,

    5、I was hit by a stroke of a heavy thing from behind and lost my consciousness.12 A survey shows that ambitious companies will provide the customer with high-quality goods as well as first-class services.13 Some scientists and doctors claim that purified water, which is popular in the market, may be h

    6、armful to children.14 This book is worth buying for it highlights all the famous American writers and their works.It is a very demanding job to be a soap-opera writer because the novelty of a soap-opera wears off quickly.C部分1. People who are sensitive in character my have difficulty in making friend

    7、s.2. He is loved by his students, for he is not only a learned person but also has a sense of humor.3. Many discoveries resulted from the sensitivity of scientists to seemingly common things.4. The Chinese government has issued a law that nine years of education is compulsory for every child.5. Many

    8、 teenagers have no weekends nowadays. They undertake extra training or remedial classes under the compulsion of their parents.6. Those who plan to study abroad have to take a compulsory examination of language proficiency.7. Many new and tall buildings have big posters on their front windows saying

    9、“For lease or Sale” but the real estate prospects are still quite bleak.8. In order to make some money Mr. Wilson moved his family to the first floor and started to lease the ground floor.9. Sometimes, leasing an apartment can be cheap and easy for a person who wants to settle down in a new place.10

    10、. Because he was driving his car at a speed of over 180 miles an hour, a tiny rock was enough to deviate his car off the road.11. Long time tension and pressure may cause people to behave deviantly.12. The investigation shows that the air crash was caused by a deviation from normal airport procedure

    11、.13. The prevalence of complaints about the bad weather all over the world may make people aware how serious air pollution is.14. It is very interesting that some styles of clothes that were prevalent in the last century have again become a fashion now.15. Nowadays the tradition of three generations

    12、 of a family living under the same roof is no longer prevalent in many cities of China.16. All the children in kindergarten are required to drink at least one glass of milk a day because rickets can result from a diet deficient in vitamin D.17. The demerits of the present educational system are reve

    13、aled by college graduates who are deficient in practical experience.18. There is no need to read the whole novel. Sometimes people may benefit a lot from reading just a few extracts.19. It is reported that some peasants have made a fortune by extracting poison from snakes they raised.20. Examples ex

    14、tracted from our daily life are vivid and easy for people to understand.21. Two U.S. Army experts were sent from Germany to join the air force officers in the search for answers to the mystery that confronted them.22. More than twenty years confrontations between the two countries have solved by dip

    15、lomatic negotiations.23. Although he was confronted with many difficulties in setting up a new company, he did not give up.24. The proverb “Spare the rod and spoil the child” means that discipline is necessary for children; otherwise they may grow up to be spoiled.25. You need to bring a spare tire

    16、with you just in case your car breaks down in the middle of somewhere.26. Could you spare me a few minutes? I have something important to talk with you.27. I couldnt believe he had a stroke last month because he can walk like a normal person now.28. People feel sorry for some young women who think t

    17、hat a happy life means to spend their time at home watching TV and stroking their pets.29. It is really amazing that he could write complicated Chinese characters with one stroke.改错1 If our friends cannot take us, we must make alternative arrangements to get to the airport.2 No one in this departmen

    18、t has ever accused the governor of taking advantage of his position; he is hard-working and considerate.3 The pet dog died when it was fifteen, not of old age, but of a head injury when it fell down a flight of stairs.4 Casualties are said to be very high and in some villages, where older and less s

    19、ubstantial buildings predominate, it is said that not a house remains standing.5 It was an accepted custom in western countries for men to open the door for women and always to let ladies go first on social occasions.6 Early industrial people used three times as much energy as their agricultural anc

    20、estors; modern people are using three times as much as their industrial ancestors.7 Geothermal sources, though in a sense free, in order to be maintained, would end up using more energy than they produced.8 Ever since the invention of the two-day weekend, where-to-go-for-the-holiday has been a live

    21、topic for people in this city.9 When we speak of leisure nowadays, we are not thinking of securing time or opportunity to do something; time weighs less heavily on your hands, and the problem is how to fill it.10 There is absolutely no reason for saying that there are no regularities in Nature with

    22、which our statements of natural law correspond.完形填空Whatever else people do when they come together whether they play, fight, or make automobiles they talk. We lie in a world of language. We talk to our friends, our associates, our wives and husbands, our bosses, our teachers, our parents and in-laws

    23、. We talk to bus drivers and total strangers. We talk face to face and over the telephone, and everyone responds with more talk. Television and radio further swell this torrent of words. Hardly a moment of our waking lives is free from words, and even in our dreams we talk and are talked to. We also

    24、 talk when there is no one to answer. Some of us talk aloud in our sleep. We talk to our pets and sometimes to ourselves. We are the only animals that do so.The possession of language, more than any other attribute, distinguishes humans from other animals. To understand our humanity we must understa

    25、nd the language that makes us human. According to the philosophy expressed in the myths and religions of many peoples, it is language that is the source of human life and power. To some people of Africa, a newborn child is a kuntu, a “thing”, not yet a muntu, a “person.” Only by the act of learning

    26、does the child become a human being. According to this tradition, we all become “human” because we all come to know at least one language.翻译在过去,当探险者或商人们走出家园到外面的世界去寻找新的领地、市场或原材料资源时,他们通常与跟他们打交道的当地人说的不是同一种语言。遇到这种情况时,他们一般采取以下三种方法之一来对付,吕口:(1)外来人学习说当地主人的语言(或反之),(2)他们使用当地作为贸易用的第三种语言,或(3)产生一种新的语言这种语言是由使用者的不

    27、同母语的一些成分合成的。在说不同语言的人群中用来作为他们共同的交际工具的语言叫混合语(交际语)。这个名称是由在地中海地区使用的中世纪时的贸易语言派生而来的。这种贸易语言主要基于日耳曼语(意大利语、法语和西班牙语),但也包括了一些希腊语、阿拉伯语和土耳其语的成分。在当今世界,将英语称为最主要的交际语是合适的,因为英语是大部分说不同语言的人的交际工具。1 One theory refers to the sensitivity to the target language as being one of the most important factors in language learning

    28、.2 In order to help students in their study of English, the library has decided to lease the original editions of English films.3 On weekends, if one shop puts up discount notices, other shop, big or small, will come up with more discount notices.4 When ungrammatical expressions of a language become

    29、 prevalent in society, they will gradually become accepted by the public.5 The closing of the company was not caused by a shortage of capital but by management deficiency.6 Advertisements usually highlight the product or service they advertise to attract customers.7 It is argued that we should withh

    30、old the speed of language change; otherwise we may have to learn a new language every twenty years.8 I am grateful to him because every time I encountered difficulties in my study he would help me.9 It will take great pains to improve/change the financial situation of the factory.10 Those who advoca

    31、te the purification of a language protect the language for the sake of their culture.Unit 2 Lies and TruthExercisesB部分1 Many people in China now cannot forget what had happened in the 10-year turmoil and no one can bear going through that again.2 If you want to quit your job, you have to move out of

    32、 the apartment, which goes with the job.3 The documents came in response to various suggestions put forward by the public.4 I was born and grew up in a world of silence, a world of hard work and necessary patience.5 He met with some trouble when he was reported to have had an affair with/be having an affair with his secretary.6 We should not turn a blind eye to the fact that her marriage would not break up if love and loyalty count for anything.7 Some people believe that some lies are necessary to hold our people tog


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