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    1、口腔科英语常用对话HOW TO PRACTICE MODERN DENTISTRYTHROUGH ENGLISH CONVERSATION牙科英语会话CONTENTSPart 1. The First Appointment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 第一次预约Part 2. Oral Prophylaxis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 口腔预防治疗Part 3

    2、. Operative Dentistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 牙科手术Part 4. An Explanation of Dental Caries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 有关龋齿的解释Part 5. Endodontic Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    3、. . 32 牙根管治疗法 Part 6. Apicoectomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 根尖切除术Part 7. Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49拔牙Part 8. Post-operative Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    4、 . 63手术后的护理Part 9. Fixed Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68固定桥Part 10. Periodontal Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73牙周的治疗Part 11. Hypersensitive Teeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    5、 . . . . . . . 86 牙齿过敏Part 12. Malocclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 咬合不正Part 13. Orthodontic Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 正畸Part 14. Dentures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    6、. . . . . . . 106 活动义齿(假牙)Part 15. New Dentures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 新义齿Part 16. Dental Implants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 牙齿种植Part 1The First Appointment第一章 第一次预约D-Doctor, H-Hygienist, P-PatientD-医生

    7、,H-医生助理,P-病人 H:Good morning, Doctor Smith. 早安,史密斯医生。D:Good morning, Miss Jones. Please come in. I see that you brought some new nurses uniforms with you. Theyre very attractive. Where did you buy them?早安,琼斯小姐。请进。我看见你带着新的护士服装。这些服装很好看。哪里买的? H:I bought them at Isetans at a bargain sale. They were very

    8、inexpensive. What would you like me to do first?是在伊势丹买来的廉价品。非常便宜。 我先干什麽好啊?D:You can begin by checking the treatment rooms. Be sure that theyre neat and clean. Then, you can prepare room number two for the first patient.你先检查一下治疗室。 可要做到整齐,干净。然后把二号房准备好,用来接待第一个病人。H:The first patient is expected at nine-

    9、thirty.第一个病人预计九点半到。D:When she arrives, write her name, address and telephone number in the record book. Be sure to ask her how she was referred to my office.她来了就在登记簿上写下她的,地址和。一定要问她是谁介绍到我们这边的。H:Theres a patient in the waiting room, doctor.医生,在候诊室有一个病人。D:Get the necessary information for our records f

    10、rom her. Then ask her to be seated. After I examine he Ill probably ask you to give her an oral prophylaxis (clean her teeth, col.)先把要登记的项目先登记下来。 然后请她坐下。我检查了她以后,可能会叫你给她进行口腔预防治疗。P:Good morning, Im Mrs. Williamson. I have an appointment with Doctor Smith.早安,我是韦廉森夫人。我已经和史密斯医生预约好的。H:Good morning, The Do

    11、ctor will see you soon. My name is Miss Jones.早安。 医生回头就见你。我是琼斯小姐。P:How long will I have to wait?要等多长时间?H:The Doctor will see you in 10 minutes.医生过十分钟就可以看病。P:What time is it now?现在几点了?H:Its twenty minutes past nine. Would you like to sit down?九点二十分。请坐下吧。P:Thank you.。D:I m ready, Miss Jones. Would you

    12、 please seat the patient? Ill examine her and tell you if she needs an oral prophylaxis.琼斯小姐,我准备好了。 你请病人坐下。我先给她做个检查, 然后告诉你要不要进行口腔预防治疗。D:Good morning, Mrs. Williamson, Im Doctor Smith. I understand that Mr. Hughes recommended me. Hes been a patient of mine for a long time早安,威廉森太太。 我是史密斯医生。我知道是休斯先生介绍你

    13、来的。他是我这边的熟客。P:Ive just moved to Tokyo and I expect to live here for five or six years. I havent seen a dentist for a long time. I thought it would be a good idea to have an examination (check-up, col.). I know that my teeth should be cleaned.我刚刚搬来东京,打算在这里住上五年或者六年。我想把牙齿检查一番还是好的。我想我的牙齿该洗一洗了。D:Id like

    14、to ask you some questions about your health and medical history. Have you ever been treated for a heart condition, or for a prolonged illness such as diabetes, liver disease or kidney disease?我想要问一问你的健康情况和病历。你有没有因为心脏情况接受过治疗?或者因为糖尿病, 肝病和肾脏病这些慢性疾病而接受过治疗?P:No, I havent.没有。D:Have you ever had rheumatic+

    15、 fever? If you have, please give me the details. It may be necessary to have a consultation with your physician before beginning dental treatment.你患过风湿病吗?要是有的话,请把详细情况告诉我。 在进行牙科治疗之前有必要去看一看科医生。P:Is that necessary, Doctor?有必要吗?D:If theres a history of rheumatic fever it may be necessary for me to presc

    16、ribe an antibiotic before and after dental treatment.假如有德过风湿热的历史,在进行牙科治疗前后,我必要给你开抗生素。P:I didnt know that, Doctor.这我可不知道。D:Bacteria can enter the bloodstream during certain dental procedures and cause serious complications.在做某些牙科治疗过程中,细菌可能会进入人血液里而引起严重的并发症。P:Why do you prescribe an antibiotic?为什麽你要开抗生

    17、素?D:The reason for giving an antibiotic to a patient with a history of rheumatic fever is to prevent a heart infection.给得过风湿的病人开抗生素是为了防止心脏感染。P:I understand now, Doctor.我明白了D:Have you ever been treated for a blood disorder such as anemia? Have you ever had prolonged bleeding from an injury or a tooth

    18、 extraction?针对一些血液疾病如贫血,你进行过治疗吗?你有没有因为受伤或拔牙而长期出血吗?P:Not that I can remember.记不清了。D:Have you ever had a complication after dental treatment? Have you ever had a bad reaction from a dental anesthetic (dental injection)?你有没有牙科治疗以后得并发症吗?你有麻醉反应吗?P:No, Doctor.没有。D:Do you have any allergies? Are you allerg

    19、ic to penicillin?你有什么过敏反应吗?你对青霉素过敏吗?P:No, I am not allergic to penicillin.我对青霉素不过敏。D:Are you under a doctors care? Are you taking medication? When was the last time that you consulted with a physician? Why did you see him?你现在还看医生吗?你在吃药吗?你最近一次看医生是在什么时候?是因为什么病看的医生?P:No, I am not under a doctors care.

    20、I just visited a physician when I caught a cold about 3 months ago.不,我现在没有看医生。我只是在3个月以前因为感冒去看过医生。D:Miss Jones, please hand me a mouth mirror and explorer.琼斯小姐,请你把口镜和探针拿来。H:Yes, Doctor.好。D:May I examine you now, Mrs. Williamson?威廉森太太,我现在给你检查,好吗?P:Certainly.好啊。D:Good. Could you open your mouth a littl

    21、e wider, please? Turn your head toward me a little bit. Thank you. I dont see any carious teeth (cavities col.).好。请你把嘴巴再开一些,把你的头向前伸过来一点点。没有发现什么龋齿。P:Good.太好了。D:However, well take X-rays this morning. Ill ask Miss Jones to clean your teeth. Theres much calculus (tartar) on your teeth and you should ha

    22、ve it removed.可是,今天早上还要拍X光。稍后请琼斯小姐为你洗牙。你牙齿有不少牙垢,需要清除掉。P:Please do as much as you can for me today. Im not busy this morning.今天你就尽量做吧。我今天上午不忙。D:Youll need two appointments for your cleaning. Ill review the X-rays and decide upon a treatment plan for your next appointment.洗牙需要预约做两次。我要看一下X光的结果,然后决定你下一次

    23、预约时的治疗计划。H:How much time should I take to do the oral prophylaxis, Doctor?医生,进行口腔预防治疗需要多长时间?D:We give 30 minutes appointments for oral prophylaxis, Miss Jones. It might take two or more appointments to complete this first part of the treatment.琼斯小姐,口腔预防治疗需预约30分钟。第一部分可能需要2次以上预约。H:I understand, Doctor

    24、.我明白了。D:Most dental diseases can be prevented. I believe that helping a patient to prevent dental diseases is just as important as treating dental disease after it occurs.大多数牙病是可以预防的。我认为帮助病人预防牙病和治疗牙病同样重要。P:What about the cleaning appointments, Doctor?医生,如何洗牙?D:During your cleaning appointments youll

    25、 be taught how to use your toothbrush and dental floss effectively, as a daily routine.在洗牙时,我们会教你在平时该如何有效地使用牙刷和牙线。P:What purpose is this?做这个目的是什么?D:The purpose of your daily home care is to prevent dental caries (tooth decay, col.) and gum disease. Without good home care my treatment could fail, bec

    26、ause of gum problems or recurring tooth decay. Miss Jones will apply a topical fluoride to your teeth to help prevent new cavities.每天在家对牙齿所做的护理,目的是要防止龋齿和牙龈疾病。没有良好的日常护理,我的治疗就会失效,因为牙龈会出问题或牙齿又发生龋坏。琼斯小姐会给你的牙齿局部涂氟,防止再长龋齿。P:Thats fine, doctor.好极了。D:Finally, I want to make follow-up (recall) appointments w

    27、ith you every 6 months for an examination and X-rays. Also, to clean your teeth as often as it is needed. Please begin to clean the patients teeth, Miss Jones.最后, 我想和你订出每6个月进行一次定期检查预约,进行检查和拍X光。此外,根据需要经常洗牙。琼斯小姐,你给病人先洗牙吧。H:Yes, Doctor.好的。D:Show the patient how to “brush” and use dental floss properly.

    28、 Ill see you later, Mrs. Williamson.你教病人如何正确使用牙刷和牙线。威廉森太太,我稍后再见你。Useful Sentences1.Prepare room number two for the first patient.2.Im expecting a new patient.3.Ill examine your teeth.4.Ill see you in few minutes.5.Whats you name?6. Where do you live? Whats your address?7. Please write your phone num

    29、ber on the record card.8. Would you please fill out this record card?9. Who referred you to my office?10Are you employed? What kind of work do you do?11How long will you live in Shanghai?12Can you wait for a while?13The doctor is with a patient.14Do you have an appointment?15My hygienist will give y

    30、ou an appointment.16Ill have to reschedule (cancel, col.) your appointment.17The Doctor can see you now.18Would you like to sit down?19The Doctor isnt here today.20The Doctor is out of lunch.21I want to ask you about your medical history.22Have you ever had a serious illness?23Did you ever have comp

    31、lications from dental treatment?Part 2第二章Oral Prophylaxis口腔预防治疗H:What kind of toothbrush do you use, Mrs. Williamson?威廉森太太,你用什么样的牙刷?P:I use a soft brush. I dont remember the brand name.我用的是软牙刷。我记不得身摸牌子的。H:Heres a sample toothbrush that you may keep. Please take it and show me how you “brush”.这是牙刷样品,你可以用。请拿着,做给我看你是怎样刷牙的?P:Thank you. This is how I “brush”.,我是


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