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    1、人教版六年级英语下册专项阅读理解2022年人教版六年级英语下册专项阅读理解班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读理解。Mr White is our English teacher. He is a tall man. He likes wearing a white shirt and black trousers. He likes Chinese very much. He likes flying a kite. We often see him fly kites in the park. His home is near the school. He often walks home. He

    2、 has two sons. They are twins and look the same. They often wear the same clothes. We usually play table tennis with them. We love the twins very much.( )(1)Mr White is a(n)teacher.A. Chinese B. Maths C. English( )(2)Mr White likes wearing ashirt andtrousers.A. black; black B. black; white C. white;

    3、 black( )(3)Mr White often goes home.A. by car B. on foot C. by bus( )(4)The twins often wear theclothes.A. same B. different C. colourful( )(5)We usually playwith the twins.A. basketball B. football C. table tennis2. 阅读理解。The Greens have two girls, Annie and Jenny. Jenny is eight. Annie is ten. The

    4、 two girls like riding bikes. One day, they were riding bikes in the park. Annie fell down from the bike. There was a big cut on her right leg. Jenny helped her to get up and took her home.Their mother cleaned the cut and bandaged(包扎) it. Then Mother asked Father to take Annie to see a doctor. After

    5、 Annie heard that, she got up and went to the kitchen and took out an apple from the fridge.Jenny came into the kitchen and asked Annie, Why are you eating an apple in the kitchen? Annie said, I am afraid of doctors. Our teacher says that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, so I am eating an apple

    6、. 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。( )(1)How old is Annie?A. Six years old. B. Eight years old C. Ten years old.( )(2)What happened to one of the girls?A. Annie fell down from the bike.B. Jenny fell down from the bike.C. Annie broke her bike.( )(3)The father would _.A. clean the cut for Annie B. take Annie to see a d

    7、octor C. eat an apple( )(4)Annie ate an apple because _.A. she wanted to eat itB. she liked applesC. she didnt want to go to see a doctor( )(5)Annie doesnt like _.A. doctors B. her father C. her mother3. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Hello, Im Amy. I have got a postcard. Its a picture of the Huangshan Mountain(黄山).

    8、It is very beautiful. And its very famous in China. It is in the south of Anhui. Its more than 1,860 metres high. Every year thousands of Chinese and foreigners(外国人) visit it. Its really a nice place to visit. I will visit the Huangshan Mountain one day.( )(1)The postcard is about _.A. the Great Wal

    9、l B. the Huangshan Mountain C. the Yellow River( )(2)The Huangshan Mountain is in _.A. Anhui B. Hubei C. Henan( )(3)The Huangshan Mountain is about _ metres high.A. 1,680 B. 1,860 C. 1,608( )(4)Is the Huangshan Mountain a beautiful place?A. Yes, it does. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it isnt.( )(5)Will Amy

    10、visit the Huangshan Mountain one day?A. No, she wont. B. Yes, she will. C. Yes, she does.4. 阅读对话,选择正确的答案。Mum: Whats this?Dad: Its a letter. It says, Youve won a free holiday!Lily: Amazing! I hope its to the sea. I can swim and play with sand.Dad: No! I hope its a camping holiday. I can sleep in a te

    11、nt and get lots of fresh air.Ben: No! Id like to go to the sea in a ship. I can watch fish and eat nice food.Mum: Well, Id like to go to a big city. I can go shopping.(The phone rings.)Grandma: Hello! This is Lucky Holidays. Youve won a holiday to sunny Dalian.Lily: Dalian? Thats where Grandma lives

    12、!Grandma: Haha! This is Grandma!Lily: Oh, Grandma! You tricked us!Grandma: Come and have a nice summer holiday with me, will you?Lily: Sure! Thats great!( )(1)Where did the letter come from7It came from.A. a travel company B. Grandma C. a friend( )(2)Who would like to go to the sea?A. Dad. B. Lily a

    13、nd Ben. C. Mum.( )(3)Where are they going this summer holiday?Theyre going to.A. Dalian B. the countryside C. the sea( )(4)What does tricked mean?A.想念 B.捉弄 C.邀请( )(5)What do you think of Grandma?Shes.A. kind B. bad C. funny5. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。This is a picture of my friends. We took it in Shanghai. We

    14、went hiking in a nature park. The park is in front of a zoo. At first, all of us were happy and excited. We had a picnic near a lake. We played games, sang songs and danced. Then John flew a kite. Suddenly, the kite fell down into the lake. John was very sad. Peter is stronger than the other of us a

    15、nd he can swim, so he jumped into the lake. He took the kite oust and returned it to John. John was very happy.( )(1)We had a picnic in a nature park.( )(2)The zoo is in front of the nature park.( )(3)John was sad because he fell down into the lake.( )(4)John helped Peter to take the kite out.( )(5)

    16、John and Peter went to Shanghai on their holiday.6. 读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。Mrs. Jones was a teacher. Her house was not far from her school, and she often walked there in the morning. All the students in the school were very young.One cold and windy morning in October, Mrs. Jones walked to school. The col

    17、d wind went into her eyes and big tears (泪) began to run out of them. She reached (到达) the school, opened the door and went into the classroom.It was nice, warm there and Mrs. Jones was happy. But then a small boy looked at her for some time, put his arms round her and said (说): “Dont cry, Mrs. Jone

    18、s. School isnt very bad.”( )(1)Mrs. Jones was a teacher and she usually went to school _.A. on foot B. by train C. by bus( )(2)_ when she went to school one morning.A. It was hot B. It was windy and cold C. It was sunny( )(3)Why did big tears begin to run out of her eyes?A. Because she was very cold

    19、.B. Because she was very sad.C. Because the cold wind went into her eyes.( )(4)The classroom was _.A. cold B. cool C. warm( )(5)The small boy wanted to _.A. make Mrs. Jones sad B. make Mrs. Jones happy C. make Mrs. Jones angry7. 阅读理解。A Dads Grand PlanIt was holiday time. Everyone was excited. Floppy

    20、 was running round and round. Dad has a Grand Plan. Dad made a long list of jobs. Everyone looked at the list. They all had jobs to do, and they started working. It was time to go. Dads Grand Plan had worked. Nothing had gone wrong. Mum drove the car. “Wheres Floppy?” gasped Mum.” We cant have forgo

    21、tten him”. said Mum. But it was true. They had forgotten Floppy.” That wasnt in Dads Grand Plan,” said Biff. They went back and got Floppy. But now they were late. Mum drove fast. “What was that?” asked Dad. A bag fallen off theroof rack.Mum stopped the car. There were clothes everywhere. “Oh, no, t

    22、hey are my clothes.” said Dad “.This wasnt in Dads Grand Plan,” said Mum. At last they got to the holiday cottage. “It looks great!” said Kipper. Everyone went inside. “Whats that?” said Mum. “Its a crow!” said Dad. “It came down the chimney,” said Mum. Dad caught the crow. “Im glad its gone.” said

    23、Biff. “what a mess it made!” “Cleaning up soot wasnt in Dads Grand Plan,” said Biff. “Nor was having my pants in a tree!” laughed Dad.Read and choose.(阅读文本,选择正确答案)1Dads Grand Plan is for the_. ( )A.dog B.crow C.holiday D.car2How many things werent in Dads Grand Plan in this passage? ( )-_.A.3 B.4 C.

    24、5 D.63The words “roof rack” mean_. ( )A.房顶 B.行李架 C.后备箱 D.车头4They forgot Floppy so they had to_. ( )A.leave Floppy alone B.go back and get FloppyC.go back home D.go to the holiday cottage5The holiday cottage was in a mess so they had to_. ( )A.cleaning up B.clean up C.cleaned up D.cleans up8. 阅读短文,选择

    25、正确答案。Dear Mummy,How are you? I am fine at school. Tomorrow is National Day. We dont have to go to school. I am going to take a trip with my friends in the morning. I am going to Zhongshan Park. I am going there by bike. Its near our school. In the afternoon, I am going to the bookstore and buy some

    26、new books. In the evening, I am going to watch TV. What are you going to do tomorrow? Can you tell me?Your son,Tom1Whats the date tomorrow?( )A.Oct. 1st B.Nov. 1st2Where is Tom going on National Day morning?( )A.The bookstore. B.Zhongshan Park.3How is Tom going to the park?( )A.Ride a bike. B.On foo

    27、t.4Is the park far from Toms school?( )A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isnt.5What is Tom going to do in the afternoon?( )A.Buy some new books. B.Take a trip.9. 阅读短文,回答问题。Mr Whites family is busy this weekend. Mr White is going to the post office in the morning. Mrs White is going to buy some food for next we

    28、ek. Their son Sam is going to finish his homework. Sams brother Tom is going to play computer games. And then, theyre going to visit Sam and Toms grandparents in the afternoon. Theyre going there by bus, because the Whites house is far from theirs.1Wheres MrWhite going to in the morning?2What is Mrs

    29、 White going to buy?3Does Tom have a sister?4Do Mr and Mrs White have two children?5How are they going to visit Sam and Toms grandparents?10. 根据短文内容判断句子正误。Im Jack. Im very happy every holiday. I usually go to the library. Sometimes I go to the park .The library is not far. I usually go on foot. I wa

    30、lk straight for fifteen minutes. Then I turn left, the library is on the right. The park is very far. lts near the post office .1 often get there by the No.206 bus, get off at the post office. Its easy to find it.( )(1)I have a good time every holiday.( )(2)I usually go to the library on foot.( )(3)

    31、Jack usually goes to the park on holidays.( )(4)I go to the park by bus .( )(5)The park is near the post office.11. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。Its a sunny morning. Its warm but not hot. Jack sees an old man with a black umbrella walking on the street.Jack is very curious (好奇的). So he asks the old man, Hello. Would you tell m


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