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    1、广州市越秀外国语学校高一英语中段考广州市越秀外国语学校高一英语中段考(全卷满分150分;120分钟完成)一. 听力(共15分)第一节 听力理解(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)听下面一段对话,回答第12题。1. Why doesnt the woman want to go hiking?A. Its cold outside. B. Its not exciting. C. Its quite tiring.2. What do the speakers decide to do at the weekend?A. Do some shopping. B. Go out for dinn

    2、er. C. Go to the museum.听下面一段对话,回答第35题。3. How old is the man now?A. 15 B. 16 C.174. Who taught the man how to swim?A. His father. B. His mother. C. His brother.5. When will the speakers meet? A. At 2:45pm. B. At 3:15 pm. C. At 3:45 pm. 听下面一段对白, 回答第68题。6.Where will the swimming competition be held? A

    3、. At the Madison Sports Center. B. At the school swimming pool. C. At the new town swimming pool.7. When will Grade 7 and their teachers gather? A. At 9:30. B. At 9:35. C. At 9:45.8. What do the students need to prepare themselves? A. Lunch. B. Cold drinks C. Light snacks.听下面一段对话,回答第910题. 9. How oft

    4、en does Hayley learn to play the guitar? A. Once a month. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week10. Who will the woman talk to next? A. Hayley. B. Tiger C. Mark.第二节 听取信息(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)Americans food and earing waysWhat they eat A lot of fast food, such as_11_ All kinds of foods from all over the world, s

    5、uch as bread and rice as potatoes, bread and rice A lot of red meat- _12_ A lot of _13_ Fresh vegetables and fruit Large amounts of chocolates and ice cream.How they eat Usually eating with _14_ Using 15 for certain fast food.二语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的

    6、正确形式填空。Walking around the town 16._ I live in France is a little like stepping back in time. There are hardly any cars on the street. Since I 17. _ (arrive) two weeks ago I have taken the opportunity to explore the town by bike or on foot.A beautiful canal 18. _ (call) “le canal du Berry” runs throu

    7、gh the centre of the town. The canal19. _ (surround) by sandy paths, large chestnut trees and old-fashioned street lamps I was lucky enough 20. _ (be) able to borrow a bike and take 21. _evening bike ride through the town. This was 22. _ (especial )interesting as there is a pathway of lights that gu

    8、ides you around the historical sights of the town. The path also lights up many old houses which really show the 23. _(tradition)style of the town. I love going on this bike ride as I got to learn a bit about the history of the town. The best part of it is 24. _ it was free! The weather is great wit

    9、h an average of 20oC and I spend much time 25. _ (walk )a lot each day .It is a great way to keep fit and discover places close by and further away if you are feeling energetic,三、完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Kindness is not always a straight line. I was travel

    10、ing in a city of Central America with a friend, and we were 26 a post office. We were standing on a street corner and did not know what the Spanish word for “post office” was. Some 27 guy could see we were 28 and came up to us. We tried to 29 what we were looking for, and he said, “Oh, yes, yes,” an

    11、d 30 us, with our backpacks on in the middle of the heat of the day, down all these little crooked (弯曲的) streets. It seemed like we walked for miles. 31 , he pointed us toward a 32 without any name on it. But when we 33 , it turned out not to be the post office. When we came out and were 34 standing

    12、 around looking 35 , someone else soon came up. She asked if we 36help. Again, we tried to explain 37 we were going. The woman said she 38 where the post office was. We headed off as she 39 us to another building which also had no 40 and which also turned out not to be the post office.At this point

    13、we decided that 41 we didnt know where we were, we were not going to listen to anybody else. But then another person came up and said, “I can 42 you.” We said “No, thank you,” 43 he was very insistent (坚持的). He actually grabbed me by the hand and dragged (拉着) me through the streets. Circling around,

    14、 we came back to the first 44 we had been standing on when we began. The 45 pointed across the street, and there was the post office.26. A. fixing up B. looking for C. cleaning up D. working for27. A. kind B. brave C. poor D. proud28. A. excited B. surprised C. pleased D. confused 29. A. doubt B. ex

    15、plain C. consider D. guess30. A. warned B. begged C. persuaded D. led31. A. Luckily B. Gradually C. Finally D. Secretly32. A. line B. word C. building D. city33. A. took part B. turned around C. gave up D. went in34. A. again B. only C. also D. even35. A. late B. hurt C. lost D. busy36. A. offered B

    16、. needed C. accepted D. refused37. A. when B. why C. how D. where38. A. forgot B. knew C. wondered D. dreamed39. A. followed B. called C. guided D. welcomed40. A. door B. owner C. sign D. step41. A. even though B. as long as C. as soon as D. as if42. A. promise B. help C. remember D. understand43. A

    17、. or B. so C. and D. but44 A. office B. corner C. floor D. circle45. A. friend B. postman C. stranger D. boss四、 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AA dog named Ace is being praised as a hero for licking (舔) the face of a sleeping, deaf 13-year-old Indianapolis b

    18、oy to warn him that the house was on fire. Indianapolis Fire Department Officer Rita Reith said Nick Lamb was home alone and sleeping without his hearing aids (助听器) when the fire began Wednesday.“My dog licked my face and woke me up,” Lamb said. “I was like, Stop it! What? You want to be fed? I thou

    19、ght he wanted to be fed or go outside.” The dog didnt stop licking Lamb until the teen got up. Thats when he realized the house was full of smoke. “I couldnt hear anything because I had my hearing aids off. My dog Ace smelled it,” Lamb said. “I just wanted to get out.” Without his shoes but with Ace

    20、 by his side, he covered his nose and mouth with his T-shirt, and rushed out of the back door, catching one of his hearing aids along the way. He then called his mother and 911.Lindsay Bernard, Lambs mother, praised Ace for saving her sons life. “Its amazing, because if Ace hadnt been there, Lamb pr

    21、obably wouldnt have even woken up,” Bernard said.Lamb, who was born deaf, told firemen that this was the first summer he was old enough to stay home alone and that he had returned from summer camp just three days earlier.46. According to Paragraph 1, Nick Lamb _.A. lives alone B. is a healthy boyC.

    22、was bitten by his dog D. didnt know there was a fire 47. How did Nick Lamb survive the fire?A. Using his hearing aids. B. With the help of firemen.C. Under the guidance of Ace.D. With the help of Lindsay Bernard.48. Which of the following words can best describe Ace? A. Polite. B. Careful. C. Clever

    23、. D. Proud. 49. What was Lindsay Bernards attitude towards the dog?A. Surprised. B. Worried. C. Hopeful. D. Thankful. BThe story “Building Bridges” is about a girl who lives with her grandmother, Mama Lil, and who dreams of someday becoming an engineer. The girl is now waiting for her grandmother to

    24、 sign an agreement for her to take part in a summer program a bridge project (工程) in which a group of students would work with a team of engineers to help fix the Brooklyn Bridge. Ahead, in the distance, stood the Brooklyn Bridge. Id come to this place and studied the bridge a million times. And on

    25、every one of those times, I was taken by what Id come to call Brooklyn Belle. I never got tired of looking out at Belle, who carried all kinds of people to all kinds of places, day after day. On a cloudless night like this one, she was a sight like no other sight in the whole city. She was so beauti

    26、ful. My heart was full of energy. I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out my pencil. I looked through my sketchbook (速写簿). Id drawn Belle in the high-noon light, on snowy days, and on early mornings. My favorite sketches were those of Belle during rush hour. Tonight I sketched slowly at first

    27、, then faster. I was proud of my drawings I liked to think of them as portraits (肖像), but each page showed a sad truth about Belle: She had become old. She was some forty years older than Mama Lil. She should be as lovely as she had been. That bridge project needed me, and I needed it. 50. For the g

    28、irl, to join in the bridge project, _. A. she must first complete a summer program B. her grandmother must first sign an agreementC. her grandmother must first visit a team of engineers D. she must first help engineers fix the Brooklyn Bridge51. When did the girl draw Belle? A. In the morning. B. At

    29、 noon.C. In the afternoon. D. At night.52. What can we infer from the underlined sentence?A. The girl wanted to become an artist. B. The girl was pretty pleased with herself. C. The girl liked drawing portraits the most.D. The girl loved the Brooklyn Bridge deeply. 53. We learn from the text that th

    30、e Brooklyn Bridge _. A. was in need of repair B. carried too much traffic C. had a history of forty years D. was more beautiful than before CWhat is the most popular way to travel in the whole world, not counting a human beings two legs? You say by car? No. Train? Wrong again. Airplane? Im sorry, bu

    31、t youre not even close. The most popular way of going from one place to another is by bicycle. And it is a surprise to most Americans. After all, we see thousands of cars each day. We dont see nearly as many bikes.In the United States most bike riders are either young people or adults bicycling for exercise. About nine million bikes are sold in America eac


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