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    1、山西省太原市高二英语上学期期中试题高二年级第一学期期中考试英语试题第一部分:阅读理解(共60分)第一节(每题3分,共15小题,满分45分)AState schools All children in England between the ages of 5 and 16 have the right to get a free place at a state school.Most state schools have to follow the national courses. The most common ones are:community schools, controlled

    2、 by the local government and not influenced by business orreligious groups foundation schools and voluntary schools, which have more freedom to change the way they do things than community schools academies(学校), independent from the local government - they can follow a different course grammar schoo

    3、ls, run by the government - they select all or most of their pupils based on academic ability and there is often an exam to get in Special schools Special schools with pupils at 11 and older can specialize in l of the 4 areas of special educational needs:communication and interaction cognition(认知) a

    4、nd learning social, emotional and mental healthsensory and physical needsSchools can further specialize in what. the students really need: autistic disorders, visual problems, or speech, language and communication needs and so on.Private schools Known as independent schools , they charge fees to att

    5、end instead of being funded by the government. Pupils dont have to follow the national curriculum. All private schools must be registered with the government and are inspected regularly. Free schoolsFree schools are funded by the government but arent run by the local council. They have more control

    6、over how they do things. Theyre all-ability schools, so they cant use academic selection processes like a grammar school.Free schools can: set their own pay and conditions for staff change the length of school terms and the school day dont have to follow the national curriculum 1. What is the author

    7、s purpose in writingA. To stress school education in English is freeB. To tell readers there are a few types of schools in EnglishC. To make an advertisement for England schools.D. To advise parents to send their children to a state school in England.2. What will you focus on as a special school tea

    8、cher?A. How to help children develop intelligence.B. How to treat visual problems in a better way.C. How to guide children to talk with each other.D. How to make children become healthier.3. What do you know about free schools mentioned above?A. The local council takes charge of them.B. They have th

    9、e right to decide the school terms.C. They have to adopt national curriculum.D. They educate clever and excellent students.B The most important lessons in life that we need to learn are the results of our poor decisions. Although time and experience are the best teachers, we also suffer from experie

    10、nces such as our sacrifices, suffering and the hardships. Good judgment develops only when we truly learn from our mistakes. However, many people keep repeating the same mistakes before learning their lessons because as they say, they are just humans who are subject to making mistakes. Our weaknesse

    11、s in life can be turned into our strengths if we immediately acknowledge and recognize the fact that we mess up and learn from them. Our good or bad experiences help us learn better judgment in life. Yet, too many people are in denial and place the blame on others without realizing that the minute t

    12、hey take responsibility for their action is when the learning process begins. Aside from learning from our own experience, we can also learn valuable lessons from the experience of others. It allows us to observe our behavior from another angle. When we recognize our mistakes and prevent them from h

    13、appening again, we are, therefore, learning.Quickly identifying our mistakes and changing behavior accordingly requires less time and energy than denying mistakes. However, acknowledgement of mistakes requires belief in the idea that the perfection is not possible. It is easier to analyze our mistak

    14、es especially when we talk to others, which can help people to sort out comments or criticisms after a mistake is made. Despite our tendency to avoid mistakes, timely acknowledgement is one of the best ways to prevent them from repeating.4.What does learning from the experience of others help us do?

    15、 A. Re-evaluate our behavior differently. B. Realize that mistakes are part of life. C. Recognize the results of mistakes. D. Learn better judgment in life.5. What should we keep in mind to admit our mistakes? A. Every man has his faults. B. Mistakes are great teacher. C. Behind bad luck comes good

    16、luck. D. As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.6. According to the author, how should we avoid repeating mistakes?A. Think twice before acting. B. Learn carefully from others comments.C. Have a timely talk with others for advice.D. Admit the existence of mistakes in time.7.Which of the followi

    17、ng opinions does the author intend to convey the most?A. Never be afraid of making mistakes. B. Learn wisdom from our mistakes.C. Learn from others to see our mistakes. D. Stop being ashamed of making mistakes. C I liked being a mess.My desk was always surrounded with bowls of food grain,sour milk a

    18、nd old magazines.My floor was full of sweaters,stuffed animals,socks,shoesI couldt always see these things,but I knew that they were safe,lying somewhere.One day in August,all of my friends and family members were doing their own businesses.I told my mom that I didnt know what to do and she advised

    19、me to clean my room.When I opened the door to my bedroom,everything was in its usual messy arrangement.I became aware of the moldy(发霉)smell and noticed a spider(蜘蛛)on top of my mirror.I suddenly felt terrible for everything in my room that I had buried and had an urge to make them reappear.In a box

    20、buried under old textbooks,I found a letter that my grandfather had written me at camp.I remembered my dad rocking me to sleep the night Grandfather died,and how the tears wouldnt stop.Tears began to roll down my cheeks again.In the drawer next to my bed,I found a friendship watchband from my childh

    21、ood best friend,Aubrey,who had given it to me before she moved to California.I had lost so many precious childhood memories over time,letting them slip away into the tide like grains of sand.Under my bed I even found that picture of my mom and me in Jamaica.I started at that girl,barely able to reco

    22、gnize this person who had drowned in the mess of my room so many years before.I decided to completely re-organize and clean my room so that all the books,belts.and baskets were in their right place.It was like finding the missing pieces of the puzzle.The finishing touch was framing that photo and ha

    23、nging it high up on my wall.After all,it was me I had been searching for.8.Paragraph 1 is mainly about the authors_.A.disorganized lifestyle B.regular study habits C.unusual hobbies D.busy life 9.How did the author feel when she saw a spider in her bedroom?A.Frightened B.Curious C.Ashamed D.Excited

    24、10.What did the author realize when she was doing the clean-up?A.Her mom loved her very much B.It was important to find her place C.She had lost many fond memries D.Friendship didnt change over time 11.What does the underlined word “It”in paragraph 5 refer to?A.Thinking of the past B.Tidying up the

    25、room C.Sorting through the photos D.Reading letters from friendsD The Ouch Podcast(播客)talks about news and issues affecting those with a disability,all with a humorous touch added to the mix.Ive been listening to it on off for a few months and their recent topic was about public transport.They share

    26、d some stories about rudeness and other about funny circumstances.While they were talking about their local transport system the opinions and stories they shared are common to all of us.Those of you that have a disability,and those of you who travel with people who do are aware of the problems that

    27、can arise.Many of the buses in my local area are the accessible kind.But some are the old kind with steps.If you have mobility issues it can be a great challenge each time you decide to catch the bus.Hopefully the old buses will be phased out over time.During the prodcast one of the hosts,Kathleen,t

    28、alks about the issues that affect her.I can empathise(产生共鸣)with her and her experiences.Im sure many of you will be able to.How often do you board a bus or a train and find there arent any seats available?I rarely experience this on the bus but its common on the train.Like Kathleen Id prefer to stan

    29、d than draw attention to myself and try to explain to someone why I need a seat.Theres no gurrantee theyd move anyway.This is my choice however so I cant blame others.My issue comes from the white knight behaviour of the other passengers.How many of you have received looks of disapproval when youre

    30、seated but there are others standing who look like they need a seat?When Im sitting down I look just as capable as everyone else,which leads to requests and demands to give up my seat.Its only when I stand up and they see me walk and watch me try to maintain balance that they realize Im not.Dont for

    31、get to check out the Ouch Podcast.Im sure theyll have something you can relate to.You can listen to them at audioBoom or on the BBC website.12.What is special about the Ouch Podcast?A.Its quite practical B.Its pretty inspring C.Its about the latest news. D.Its about disabled people.13.Which can best

    32、 replace the underlined part “phased out ”in paragraph 3?A.Shown off B.Stopped using C.Made full use of D.Introduced gradually 14.Why does the author prefer to stand instead of asking for help while on a train?A.To keep fit B.Because he is shy C.To avoid embarrassment D.Because he is considerate.15.What bothers the author according to paragraph 6?A.Receiving looks of sympathy B.Looking disabled while standing C.Having trouble keeping his ba


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