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    1、名词和名词词组第一讲 名词和名词词组一,名词的分类 classification of nounsNouns can be classified according to word formation, lexical meaning and grammatical form. 1. Simple, compound and derivative nouns2. Proper and common nouns3.Count and non-count nouns 个体名词 boy house tiger 集体名词 family team 可数名词普通名词 物质名词 air rice 抽象名词

    2、不可数名词专有名词二,名词的数 number forms of nouns Number is a grammatical category that indicates the change in the form of nouns and verbs, depending on whether one or more than one is talked about. 规则的复数形式构成法:一个名词如果表示一个或一样东西,它取单数形式,如pen,dog,church。如果表示两个或两个以上的这类东西,则需要名词的复数形式。构成复数,大多数是在单数形式后加-s或-es,有下面几种情况:1,在

    3、单数形式后直接加-s girl girls hat hats2,如单数名词以s,x,sh,ch或z结尾,需在后面加-es kiss kisses tax taxes brush brushes watch watches 3,以y结尾的词,变y为I,再加-es lady ladies story stories 如果y前面还有一个元音字母,则直接加-s day days monkey monkeys4,以o接尾的词,多数加-s demo demos inferno infernos 阴间,地狱 kilo kilos tempo tempos cello cellos memo memos ba

    4、njo banjos 班卓琴 octavo octavos 八开本piano pianos canto cantos 篇,章 dynamo dynamos 发电机 tobacco tobaccossolo solos photo photos cameo cameos浮雕贝壳或宝石 ratio ratios以“元音字母+o”结尾的词,一概加-scurios rodeos bamboos tattoos但有少数以o结尾的词后要加-esecho, echoes embargo, embargoes jingo, jingoes 沙文主义者 torpedo, torpedoes veto, veto

    5、es hero, heroes Negro, Negroes potato, potatoes mosquito, mosquitoes go, goes no, noes 其他以o结尾的此,一般既可加-s,也可加-eszero, zeros, zeroes halo, halos, haloes 日月周围的光晕 mango, mangos, mangoes motto, tornado, volcano, cargo, buffalo, commando 突击队5,以f或fe结尾的此,多数直接加-schief, chiefs reef, reefs 暗礁 cliff, cliffs cuff

    6、, cuffs 袖口 roof, roofs fife, fifes 横笛 belief, beliefs safe, safes gulf, gulfs strife, stifes但有几个名词,需变f为v,再加-es elf, elves leaf, leaves calf, calves thief, thieves shelf, shelves loaf, loaveshalf, halves life, lives self, selves wife, wives wolf, wolves knife, knives有个别名词,可加-s或-es hoof, hoofs, hooves

    7、 蹄 wharf, wharfs, wharves 码头 scarf, scarfs, scarves dwarf, dwarfs, dwarves beef, beefs, beeves staff, staffs, staves (二) 不规则的复数形式有些名词有不规则的复数形式 1,把单数形式稍加变化,成为复数形式:man, men alderman, aldermen 市议员 foot, feet foot, foots 残渣woman, women countrywoman, countrywomen goose, geese goose, gooses 熨斗mouse, mice

    8、dormouse, dormice (睡鼠 ) louse, licechild, children ox, oxen2,把单数形式用作复数形式(单复同形) 2.1动物名称通常用规则复数。然而,许多动物的名称有两种复数形式:-s和零复数。2.1.1规则复数bird, cow, eagle, hen, monkey2.1.2 通常是规则复数 elk(麋鹿) crab, duck2.1.3 规则复数与零复数并存 antelope, reindeer, fish, flounder(比目鱼) herring(青鱼 )2.1.4 通常用零复数 bison, 美洲或欧洲的野牛 grouse, quail

    9、, salmon(鳟) swine2.1.5 永远用零复数 sheep, deer, cod(鳕) 2.2 数量名词2.2.1 名词dozen, hundred, thousand, million有另一个数量词作前置修饰语时,他们用零复数形式。Three dozen glasses two hundred people 以上四个名词后面接-of短语时,不论它们前面是否有不定数量词,通常用复数形式。Many dozens of glasses thousands of spectators 另外,注意以下组合: tens of thousands of people hundreds of m

    10、illions of stars hundreds ( and hundreds ( and hundreds) of times2.2.2 表示长度的foot和表示重量的pound常用零复数,尤其是在它们之后接一个数词时:Shes only five foot two. 如果pound表示货币时,当它后面接一个数词时既可用零复数也可用规则复数。This ticket costs only two pound(s) fifty. 2.2.3 其他用零复数的数量名词 ten gross of nails gross=12 dozen a stand of pine. 高大植物或树的群丛: a f

    11、leet of 10 sail一支由十条船组成的船队2.3 国籍名词 以-ese结尾的国籍名词也用零复数形式 Chinese Japanese Vietnamese Burmese Swiss Portuguese Lebanese (三) 外来语的复数形式 许多名词原来是外来词,特别是一些科学上的术语,仍沿用原来的复数形式。但其中有些已经采用英语词尾-s或-es。 1. 拉丁语 1.1 以-us结尾的名词 大多数的复数形式是I/ai/ 如 stimulusstimuli alumnus-alumni bacillus-bacilli(杆菌) nucleusnuclei locusloci(地

    12、点,所在地;轨迹) cumuluscumuli(堆积;积云) corpuscorpora/ corpuses genusgenera(类,属) 用规则复数(-uses)的包括: apparatus, bonus, campus, caucus(政党的领导人秘密会议), census, chorus, circus, impetus(推动力), minus, prospectus(内容说明书,样张), sinus(窦, 穴, 湾, 凹处), status, virus, genius, magus(魔术家,占星师), narcissus, incubus(梦魇,沉重的负担), 具有两种复数形式的

    13、: focus, radius(半径), terminus, fungus, syllabus, octopus, hippopotamus 1.2 以-a结尾的名词 复数形式大多为-ae/I:/ alumnaalumnae algaalgae larvalarvae 仅用规则复数(-as)的有: area, arena, dilemma, diploma, drama, era 具有两种形式的: antenna, formula, nebula, vertebra(脊椎骨) 1.3 以-um结尾的名词 外来语复数为-a corrigendumcorrigenda(勘误表)ovumova(卵子

    14、)bacteriumbacteria datum-data erratumerrata(错字勘误表) addendumaddenda(附录) desideratumdesiderata(迫切需要得到之物) 仅用规则复数的: album, chrysanthemum, museum, premium(额外费用,奖金) 通常是规则复数的: forum, stadium 具有两种形式的: aquarium, candelabrum, curriculum, maximum, medium, memorandum, millennium, minimum, moratorium(延期偿付), podi

    15、um(乐队指挥台), referendum(公民投票), spectrum(光谱), stratum, symposium, ultimatum media常以“news media”的意义来指报刊,广播等,有时作单数看, 复数形式是medias。 strata是stratum常见的复数形式,有时strata也用作单数来指社会阶级。 除了单数的candelabrum(枝状大烛台)及其复数外,还有单数的candelabra,复数形式是规则的。 agenda和insignia(勋章)在英语里用作单数,复数形式是规则的。1.4 以-ex,-ix结尾的名词 复数形式是-ices。如index-indi

    16、ces。但是index和appendix具有规则和外来两种复数形式。规则复数形式indexes用来指一本书或其他出版物的索引;复数形式indices多半用来指indicators。Appendix作“附录”讲时,可用这两种里的任何一种;作“身体一部分”讲时,用规则复数。其他的还有:apex,vortex(旋涡),matrix。 仅用外来复数形式的有codex-codices (古代典籍的抄本;法律;规则;药典)2. 希腊语 2.1 以-is结尾的词 复数形式为-es oasisoases basisbases analysisanalyses axis, crisis, diagnosis,

    17、ellipsis hypothesis, paralysis, parenthesis, synopsis, synthesis, thesis, metropolismetropolises pelvis 2.2 以-on结尾的词 复数形式为-a criterioncriteria phenomenonphenomena 只用规则变化的: electron, neutron, proton(质子) 用两种变化的:automatonautomata/ automatons(自动机器)3.法语,意大利语和希伯来语 3.1 一些以-eau和-eu结尾的名词,如bureau和adieu,除了用普通的

    18、-s复数形式外,还可保留法语里的-x作为复数形式。同样的还有tableau(生动的场面;戏剧性局面),plateau,有些以-s和-x结尾的,单数形式的最后一个咝音不发音,其复数形式是规则的,读作/z/,但书写形式不变。如:corps, abatis, (铁丝网) chamois,(岩羚羊) rendezvous, faux pas, (失礼,失言) chassis, (底盘) patois (方言,行话) 3.2 以-o结尾的意大利词 外来语复数是-i,如tempotempi,只用规则复数的有:solo,soprano(女高音)。两者都可的有virtuoso(艺术品鉴赏家),libretto

    19、(歌剧等的剧本),tempo。Confetti(狂欢节撒的糖果,纸屑等)和其他意大利语的复数名词如ravioli,spaghetti等,通常在英语中作不可数名词处理,它们后面的动词用单数。 3.3 来源于希伯来语的名词:kibbutzkibbutzim (以色列的集体农场) 外来语复数是-im,通常两者都可的是:cherubcherubs/cherubim(小天使), seraph (圣经上的六翼天使)(四)其他复数形式1. 某些词,字母,数字,斜体字,缩略语的复数形式:before, befores; perhaps, perhapss ; s, ss ; p, ps 9, 9s; 765,

    20、 765s Tribune, Tribunes; liang, liangs; Macheth, Macheths M.P., M.P.s; Iou, Ious; Bro, Bros; Prof, ProfsP, PP;(pages) 2. 专有名词和人名的复数形式:Mary-Marys, Maries; CatoCatos, Catoes; CharlesCharles, CharlesesJanuaryJanuarys, Januaries 带头衔的人名可有两种复数形式Miss AndersonMisses Anderson (formal) , Miss Andersonsthe Lad

    21、ies Huntington or the Lady Huntingtons 3. 合成词的复数形式:最普通的方法,尤其在非正式用法中,是将复合词看作简单名词并将最后一个成分变为复数。3.1 复数通常在最后一个成分中表示: assistant directorassistant directors babysitterbabysitters breakdown-breakdowns merry-go-roundmerry-go-rounds forget-me-notforget-me-nots 3.2复数表示在第一个成分。这种情况尤其出现在复合词含有一个后置修饰语或词末小品词(particl

    22、e)的时候。Commander-in-chiefcommanders-in-chief fathers-in-law maids-of-all-workTenants-at-will men-of-war passers-by brides-to-be editors-in-chief3.3 同位复合词,其中第一个成分是man或woman的词,复数形式同时表示在两个上面。Man servantmen servants man saintmen saints woman singerwomen singersWoman writerwomen writers gentleman farmerge

    23、ntlemen farmers 数的分类名词类别单数复数单数不可变名词不可数名词gold抽象形容词中心词The unreal专有名词Henry 复数不变名词“二合一”名词scissors以-s结尾的复数词thanks无标记复数名词people人称形容词中心词The rich专有名词The Alps规则复数名词dogdogs不规则复数名词浊化(voicing)和-s复数calfcalves元音变化(mutation)footfeetEn复数childchildren零复数sheepsheep外来语复数StimulusStimulibureaubureauxcherubcherubim三,单复数形

    24、式的意义绝大多数复数形式的意义和单数形式相同,只有数量上的差别。但是有些名词只有复数形式有意义,单数形式不存在,如:tidings, news, oats, trousers, mathematics, bowels, dregs, summons.另有许多名词,特别是不可数名词,只有单数形式有意义,只能用单数。如:ink, pork, paste, soil, lumber, haste, quiet, thunder, might, wisdom, courage, hunger有些名词的单数形式和复数形式意思不同,如:单数形式复数形式iron铁irons锁链sand沙sands沙地air


    26、角斗场manner方式manners礼貌quarter四分之一quarters居住区scale刻度scales天平spectacle景象spectacles眼镜term学期terms条件part部分parts才干premise前提premises房屋建筑minute分钟minutes会议记录四,单位词 partitiveA phrase used to express quantity and used with an uncountable noun. There are three types of partitive in English. 下面是一些例子,可用来修饰一些特定的名词。1

    27、和表示人的名词一起用:an army of children, workers, troops, beggars a colony of artists, Italians a band of patriots, robbers, fugitives, revelers a company of actors, acrobats, magiciansa batch of recruits, prisoners 一批 a gang of thieves, ruffians, politiciansa body of troops, unemployed men a handful of peop

    28、le, robbers, rebelsa bunch of green-horns, never-do-wells a host of students, barbariansa class of students a knot of friends, students 一小群人a pack of thieves, fools, rascals, liars a panel of expertsa parcel of servants, fools a party of guests, visitors a school of thinkers, artists a team of playe

    29、rsa troop of soldiers a troupe of actors, acrobats a galaxy of girls2.和表示动物的名词一起an army of herring, fogs, caterpillars毛虫 a band of jays 鸟;傻瓜a bevy of quails, roes,雌鹿 a brood of mice, chickens, hen, pheasants 一窝野鸡a cluster of cats a colony of gulls, ants, rabbits, sealsa den of foxes, wolves a drove

    30、of sheep, cattle, swine, an earth of foxes, badgers earth: 狐狸,獾等的洞穴a flight of swallows, pigeons, doves, any birds while flyinga flock of sheep, goats, camels, lions, rabbits, geese, sparrows, parrots, pigeons, etca herd of cattle, oxen, goats, horses, asses, deer, buffaloes, bucks, antelopes, other hoofed animals; elephants, wolves, giraffes, whales, seals, swansa hive of bees a host of sparrows, locustsa kennel of dogs a knot of toads 蟾蜍;癞蛤蟆a litter of pigs, puppies, cubs, whelps 小狗a muster of peacocks a


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