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    1、传统作文之传统媒体英语作文传统作文之传统媒体英语作文传统媒体英语作文【篇一:雅思大作文新闻媒体类话题范文-新媒体对于本土文化的影响】 雅思大作文新闻媒体类话题范文-新媒体对于本土文化的影响 exposure to international media, such as tv, film and magazine, has a significant impact on the local culture. what do you think the impact has been? do you agree that the advantages outweigh the disadvant

    2、ages? 接触国际媒体,如电视、电影和杂志,对当地文化有重大影响。你认为影响是什么?你认为利大于弊吗? 思路解析: 1. 新媒体的主要影响在于它很大程度上重构着每一个本土文化。举例,受到互联网和全球时尚杂志的影响,在中国,人们更喜欢西方风格的牛仔裤,t恤和西装了,而不是传统的丝绸衣服。此外,受到网络视频和电影中极限运动的影响和刺激,今天的中国年轻一点最喜欢的运动就是攀岩,自行车速降,蹦极,而不是传统的武术。 2. 新媒体会导致文化入侵。举例,在互联网,电视和电影的作用下,一个全球流行文化迅速地传播,并且会统治当地社会。举例,麦当劳,好莱坞电影,在线游戏,社交网络以已经吸引了年轻人所有的时间和

    3、注意力。这让他们对于本地的传统缺乏兴趣。 参考范文: nowadays, the trend of international media overwhelming worldwide has been a heated social issue in debate. personally, i think exposure to the global media has substantial influences on the local country, and its overall impact is negative, to the cultural extent. firstly

    4、, the main impact of international media on the local culture is that this trend is reshaping and substituting traditional elements, specifically, encompassing patterns of behaviors, religious beliefs, values, customs, food, clothing, lifestyle, social norms and morals, sports, arts and architecture

    5、s. for example, in china today, cheongsam, traditional silk-made clothes of females, has been gradually replaced with the western-style dresses, jeans, tailored suits and trendy fashions, due to the advertisement campaigns of international famous brands on the internet or global fashion magazines. a

    6、nother typical example is the change on leisure activities. compared with chinese traditional exercise like tai chi quan, a kind of kungfu with slow movement, pictures and videos about foreign extreme games on the internet and hollywood movies are more impressive and attractive. expectedly, skateboa

    7、rding, rock climbing and bungee jumping have been the most favored outdoor activities among the youth. what is more, this trend is risky, for the reason that such cultural invasion will endanger the survival of local culture. in a multi-cultural society, the local culture always fades, because of th

    8、e high attraction of foreign ones. for example, during the process of cultural mergence, a whole china is monopolized with the exotic cultural items, from food of macdonald to movies of hollywood, from fashions of paris to animations of japan. in a long term, there would be a misunderstanding among

    9、the public that the global pop culture is superior to the local culture in china. adversely, young generations would fail to respect and appreciate their own culture. in a long term, the national identities of china will go into extinction, because of the lack of popularity and protection. in conclu

    10、sion, this trend causes cultural mixture, replacement, competition, as well as the possibility of the death of the local culture. therefore, the international media should be restricted, in order to keep the diversity of cultures.【篇二:浅析媒体类雅思大作文】 雅思大作文中,媒体类作文一直是众多考生比较头疼的话题。这类话题不仅内容繁杂,而且角度众多,经常让同学们觉得无

    11、处下手,痛苦万分。然而,在细心的做好全面的准备之后,考生一定会有所突破。本文就为大家浅析媒体类雅思大作文,可供参考。 一、媒体类作文的出题时间和内容规律 虽然有传言说,雅思写作考试不是按照话题来出的,而是按照题目来出的。但即使如此,媒体类作文占据雅思题库的比例也是一定的,所以也是有规律可循的。在2008/2009以及2010这三年中,媒体类作为每年出现的频率是大致在三次到四次。同时在出现了一次之后,会在至少一个月之后再次出现(出了09年4月以外),相隔两个月到五个月都有可能。 从出现的具体内容的规律来讲,媒体类作文的媒体主体,主要分为以下四类:电视,电脑,广告,报纸。其中,电视所占的份额最大,

    12、出现了七次之多(其中包括在题干中与电脑游戏以及网络教学等其他媒体一同出现)。电脑这一主体又分为以下两类:电脑学习以及网上学习,近三年各出现了两次和四次。报纸为媒体主体的作文题目也出现了两次。广告类作文在最近三年中只蜻蜓点水的出现了一次。 二、媒体类作文不同主体的话题规律 第一招:化解以电视为主体的媒体类作文 电视类虽然话题数量繁多,但是,无论,题干具体内容如何变化,其话题的核心含义都是针对着“电视作为新兴教育媒体同一些传统的教育方式(比如,读书,父母教育,学校教育)之间的矛盾”这一角度展开的。 比如:题干中说,孩子能够通过电视进行有效的学习,是否应该鼓励孩子在学校和家庭经常看电视?相比于看电视

    13、,人们可以通过读书可以更好地培养想象力和思考能力,你是否同意?孩子花在看电视上的时间越来越多,从事创造性的时间逐渐减少的原因是什么?我们应该怎么办?有人认为家长应该给孩子读故事,有人则认为,孩子可以通过看电视,网络等一系列渠道进行阅读,你是否同意? 这些题目虽然形式不一,但是核心都在于:对电视的教育意义的质疑。所以,对于这类电视类媒体作文,我们只需要弄清楚这样一个问题,那就是,电视是否真的具有能够抗衡书籍,课堂教育,父母教育等其他传统教育方式的教育作用就可以了。 希望下面的例子可以在大家构思论据的时候提供一些思路: 沉迷电视的坏处: 1) 看电视的过程中是单纯的信息接受,相比于读书这种需要高度

    14、集中和思索的工作来说,容易造成孩子抽象思维的缺失(short of abstract thinking). 的事情(rarely concerned about the people and the matters around them)同他人的互动减少(it leads to a drop in their interaction with others) 3) 长期看电视会同时会损伤视力(impair vision),电视的辐射(radiation)会损伤孩子的身体健康(damage health)。 看电视的益处: 1) 可以为孩子们创造一个从繁重的学业压力中休息的机会(provide

    15、 an escape for children who experience high levels of pressure in the daytime)使他们达到劳逸结合(strike a balance between entertainment and academic activities) 第二招和第三招:化解以新闻和广告为主体的媒体类作文 新闻类的两次考题虽然措施稍有差别,但是内容全部是关于这样一个话题:当今世界,报纸对人们的日常生活,尤其是对人们的想法的影响力越来越大,这是否是一个积极的影响?广告类蜻蜓点水出现的那一次是关于广告是否有用:人们根据产品是否能够满足自己的需要来选择

    16、是否购买,那么从此种角度来说,广告是不是只是一种不必要的娱乐形式?所以,针对新闻类和广告类,我们只需要着重准备这两个角度就可以了。 针对新闻类的角度的论据构思,大家可以从国家和团体的凝聚力角度来说,着重从这个角度来渲染舆论的积极力量。比如在灾害发生,新闻的高度传播性可以使得人们迅速的采取行动。同时,在日常生活中,新闻可以使得人们在第一时间了解到世界各个角落正在发生的事情,达到消息的高度透明化。 关于广告为主体的角度论据,希望下面的例子可以给大家带来一些思路: 广告的优势: 1) 广告是消费者和生产商之间的桥梁(bridge the gap between consumers and manuf

    17、acturers).传播市场信息,(disseminate market information),介绍新产品(inform consumers of new products)让消费者选择适合自己的商品。(enable a more qualitative choice between products to consumers) 2) 广告作为一个信息传播平台,能够刺激生产商在质量上进行竞争(encourage competition in quality)鼓励产品创新(encourage product innovation),而且丰富消费者生活(eich their lives) 3)

    18、 广告刺激消费,促进产品销售量(enable greater volume to be sold),促进经济发展(promote economic development) 广告的弊端: 1) 广告很少提供产品的所有信息 (hardly provide full disclosure of product characteristics), 滥用消费者的信任 (abuse the consumers trust), 利用他们缺少经验或者知识的缺点(exploit their lack of experience or knowledge), 去诱导他们购买对自己无用的产品 (manipulat

    19、e them) 第四招:化解以电脑为主体的媒体类作文 电脑类的网络教学类考察核心非常一致,那就是,网络教学是否能够取代传统的教学方式?其中,如果题干中的主体为people,则相对应的传统教学方式一定是attending university or college。若题干中的主体为children,则相对应的传统教学方式就是study at school with teachers. 电脑类的电脑游戏则是网络教学类和电视类的结合,将这二者的论据进行删改和叠加就可以轻松应对。 需要指出的是,媒体类和教育类的话题有着很多重合,彼此之间可以互相借鉴许多思路。 希望下面的论据可以为大家构思“网络教学”类

    20、题目时候提供一点思路。 网络教学的弊端: 1)一大缺点:缺乏灵活性 (lack of flexibility),由于电脑有程序上的限制(programmatic limitations). 教学模式化的(standardized)无法满足学生的具体需要(incompatible with the specific needs of a student)one of the major drawbacks of computer is lack of flexibility. due to its programmatic restraints, its teaching is standard

    21、ized and therefore incompatible with the specific needs of a student. 2) 电脑和学生缺乏互动(lack of interaction),不能够满足学生的情感需求(fill students emotional needs) owning to the lack of interaction, distance-learning can hardly fill students emotional needs. 3) 长期盯着屏幕有伤视力 ( impair vision); 有害身体健康(damage students he

    22、alth) long-time exposure to the computer would impair vision and damage students health. 网络教学的优势: 1) 可以作为教育辅助(teaching aid),电脑起着重要的作用。协助教师用多种途径展现教育资料(present educational materials in various ways),同时为学生提供重复性的练习(repetitive drills)巩固学习成果。所以,如果想将媒体类话题进行全面的准备,只需要弄清四个话题就可以了,第一个和第二个是,针对其中最大的一个话题主体(电视)和第二大

    23、话题主体(电脑)的考察核心:也就是电视是否具有能够抗衡书籍,课堂教育,父母教育等其他教育方式的教育作用?网络教学是否能够取代传统教学方式(这里面同时注意一下不同人群的差异性)? 第三个,就是针对第三大主体(报纸):报纸在人们日常生活中尤其是人们的思想层面影响力越来越大,这是一种积极的还是消极的趋势?第四个针对广告:人们跟据产品能够满足自己的需要来选择是否购买,那么从此种角度来说,广告是否只是一种不必要的娱乐形式? 媒体类作文虽然看上去繁杂,但是经过了分析之后,我们发现,只要掌握四点,就可以将其收入囊中。同学们也可以对教育类,政府政策类,犯罪类等其他话题进行相应的分析,然后判断其核心考察角度,有

    24、针对性的进行准备,从而达到事半功倍的效果。 以上就是浅析媒体类雅思大作文的想写内容,希望考生能够取得满意的雅思成绩,更多雅思备考经验我们将会陆续为大家更新。【篇三:高考英语话题作文范文】 高考英语话题作文:有关“诚实、诚信” 例:1、生活中确实存在不讲诚信的现象 2、举一例说明(如,有毒奶粉、冒名顶替上大学、考试作弊等) 3、讲求诚信的意义 almost all of us heard the story “here comes the wolf” when we were little kids. what we can learn from the story is that we mus

    25、t be honest. however, therere lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays. being dishonest does great harm not only to other people but also to yourself. take the case of fake milk powder for example. after drinking this kind of milk, the babies had big heads while their legs and arms were still thin,

    26、which badly affected their health. to our great relief, the producers got accused and punished for all the serious consequences in the end. having the reputation of being honest and reliable will make other people trust you, which will provide you many benefits and give you opportunities that others

    27、 may not get. being honest, you will find it easier to cooperate with others and people will be friendly to you and support you. in a sense, if life is a longjourney, honesty will be the backpack that should be taken along all the way. lets pick up our “backpack”honesty, and start the wonderful jour

    28、ney! 高考英语话题作文:有关“信心与希望” 例:1、生活中困难不可避免,面对困难需要信心2、试举一例说明信心在学习(考试、生活等)方面的作用 3、你对困难的态度 it is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world with various difficulties. when we are faced with them, nothing is more important than hope and self-confidence. with confidence, we can find sometimes the question is

    29、 not as “huge”as we imagine.take most of us for example, the entrance exam to college seems to be a horrible monster. accordingly, some people give up, some persist. in my eyes, with confidence, right assessment of the difficulties, as well as full preparation, try and exert your strength, and then

    30、we will overcome all problems and challenges. on the whole, i believe we youngsters should face the difficulties in right manner. and nothing is impossible, brave it out and just do it! the most unforgettable person i ever knew (1)我生活中最难以忘怀的人是 (2)为什么他(或她)一直在我心中 (3)结论in my life i have met many people

    31、 who are really worth my recalling. but perhaps the most unforgettable person i ever knew is my chinese language teacher. what frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities. first of all, i was attracted by his lively wit. i remember we always long for his class with

    32、great eagerness because his lecture were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke loud laughs. second, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer- an awakening of a passion for learning. he not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of chinese and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploringsomething deeper in this field. finally, i was deeply impressed by the respect he showed for us, for he treated us like friends rather than students. although it is nearly 10 years since i atte


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