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    2、有生僻词。近年来考点多分布在单音节和双音节的高频基础词汇,热点为名词、动词和形容词等。二、复习方法1.过硬地记好广州市初中毕业生学业考试指导书(即考试大纲)的词汇表。要牢牢地记住这些词汇,打下坚实的基础。2.全方位地去记单词。仅仅记住单词的拼写和词义是远远不够的,还应记住它的词性、发音和搭配用法。只有这样才能正确地判断应填单词的词性和词形。3. 熟记常用词,区别易混词。需要特别记忆的常用单词:星期、月份、四季、数词、学科、国家、乐器、职业、家人亲戚,方位、运动项目、天气等。(听取信息题尤其涉及这些单词)易混词:invent/invite, tried/tired, fell/felt, eve

    3、r/even, quiet/quite, cinema/camera, though/through/thought, father/farther, their/there, here/hear, its/its, pass/past, cross/across, fine/find, weather/whether, beside/besides, dear/deer, month/mouth, bought/brought, machine/medicine等三、解题技巧1.通读全句,确定意思。在句子缺词的情况下,如果只是孤立地考虑一个空,不注意对全句的整体把握,就容易出错。所以这就要求

    4、考生在解题时通读全句,充分利用题干所提供的语言环境或文化背景,弄懂句子的大意,然后从记忆库里提取所需要的单词,确保所填单词在逻辑意义上与整个句子一致,有时候还要特别注意某些词的固定搭配。(1)依据习惯用法和固定搭配进行填词。例如:Clowns need to have a great sense of h_ to make people laugh.解析:本题考查名词。根据句子意思我们可以得出此处是固定搭配:_。(2)依据语法知识进行填词。例如:My family has lived in this village s_ two years ago.解析:本题考查连词。从句中的has live

    5、d可以看出句子用个现在完成时,因此,根据首字母“s”和后面的时间点就能得出答案是:_。(3)依据常识的积累进行填词。例如:Iforgot to take my c_ with me whentravelingsoIdidnt take any photos.解析:本题考查名词。根据生活常识我们知道照相用照相机,所以答案是_。(4)依据上下文的同义词、反义词等提示判断答案。例如:In my opinion, when you feel b_, you can read this interesting book.解析:本题考查形容词。分析句子语境可知,所填的答案与interesting构成反义词

    6、,再根据语法结构,确定答案是_。(4)依据句意理解与逻辑推理进行填词。例如:They forgot to l_ the door, and a thief went in and stole something valuable yesterday.解析:根据句意可知,既然小偷进入他们家并且偷走了东西,那就是说明门没有锁,所以答案是_。2. 瞻前顾后,确定词类根据题意确定所需单词的意思。确定意思之后,要根据题意确定所选单词的词类。主要分类如下:(1)名词(一般不考查复数形式和所有格)例如:Im going to theschooll_ to borrow some books.Would yo

    7、u like to go with me?解析:由前面的冠词the可以确定此题目考查名词,再根据语境推测出答案是_。(2)动词(一般不考查动词的变化形式)例如:Icouldnt c_ myself whenIwas angry.What shouldIdo, doctor?解析:根据句子结构可以确定此题考查动词。由关键词angry和doctor,结合首字母c可以判断,此题正确答案是_。(3)形容词和副词:这两类词容易混淆,做题时应仔细分析,慎重选择。例如:Wasted water is poured into the river every day so this river smells t

    8、_.解析:smell是感官动词,后面接形容词。根据句意,由关键词wasted water可以推断出此题的正确答案是_。3.全面检查,避免拼写错误。完成单词的拼写后,要把句子重读一遍,检查句子是否通顺,单词拼写是否准确无误,避免由于粗心而引起的笔误或拼写丢三落四的现象。专题训练名词(中考必考2个)1. I stayed up late last night. I reallywantto take a r_.2.Idont have enough pocket m_ to buy the latest Nike shoes.3. A healthy d_ should contain enoug

    9、h fresh vegetables and fruit.4. If you dont work hard, how can you pass your final e_.5. The new t_ usually begins in September and ends in February.6. I often correct him, but he always makes this stupid m_.7. I couldnt find a s_ on the bus and had to stand all the way.8. The lawyers f_ was very hi

    10、gh, and the poor man couldnt afford that.9. They have the r_ to know what they can choose.10. Summer holiday is coming. Have you got any p_ for this coming holiday?11. Could you give me some a_ on how to keep fit?12. The students ran into the classroom as soon as the b_ rang.13. In order to keep fit

    11、, you should eat less m_ and more vegetables.14. Summer is the beast s_ forswimming. The beaches are very nice and the scenery is beautiful.15. A_ is the season between summer and winter.16 Were home now. Take your k_ out and open the door.17. Would you please pass me a k_ to cut the apples.18. Did

    12、you hear the w_ forecast on radio this morning? It said it was going to rain.19. Before you go into the cinema, you should buy a t_.20. We can call 110 when we are in d_.21. They communicate with each other by e_ instead of telephone.22. Do you agree that s_ comes from hard work?23. She left in a h_

    13、, so she forget to take her homework.形容词副词(中考必考2个)1.Yao Ming, one of Chinas best ever basketball player, is more than 2meters t_.2.Never cross the street when the traffic light is r_. Wait until its green.3.I miss my family and really feel l_ without any friends in this new city.4.If you are f_ this

    14、 afternoon, Lets go shopping.5.My sister often helps me with my homework. She is very h_.6.The concert last night wasnt very good. Before it ended, the theatre was almost e_.7.Can you give me a hand, please? The cupboard is too h_ to move by myself.8.Hurry up, or you will be l_ for school.9.Youd bet

    15、ter not eat too fast. Its b_ for your health.10.He n_ gives up and always tries to find ways to deal with the problems.11.China has won 88 medals in the30th Olympic Games. We are all p_ of our country.12.-Jimmy, would you like to help me wash the dishes? -Sorry, Mum. Im b_ doing my homework now.13.Y

    16、ou dont need to pay for the book . You can get in for f_.14.Children are not allowed to swim in this river because it is not s_.15.Have you seen the new film? I am d_ moved by it.16.Mike is really a happy man. Though he lives alone, he doesnt feel l_ at all.17.The exam was so e_ that all of them pas

    17、sed it.18.He looked very t_ because he stayed up late last night.19.Look! How d_ your hands are! Go and wash them right now.20.Be q_, Peter, or well miss the last bus to our school.21.He lives e_ to his school, so he walks to school every day.22.Look! Its getting dark/ Its l_ to rain later.23.You sh

    18、ould have an English-Chinese dictionary. Its very u_ for your study.24.Shu-How Lin is one of the most p_ basketball players of NBA this year.25.She is so c_ that she always forgets to bring her homework back to school.26.The old man is deaf. He can h_ hear anything.27.He now needs time to think abou

    19、t it, just leave him a_.28.There has been no rain these moths and land is very d_.29.Its r_ to interrupt others when they are talking.30.Two years later, the young couple earned e_ money to buy a car.31.William Shakespeare was a great writer of plays and poems. Some of his most f_ plays are Hamlet a

    20、nd Romeo and Juliet.32.Mum, I feel very h_, please give me something to eat.33.As u_, he gets up at 6:30 and then goes to school.34.She is so shy that she is a_ of making a speech in front of her class.35.We felt sad because of his death. When he was a_, he always helped us a lot.36.The movie was so

    21、 b_ that I fell asleep soon after it began.37.She didnt finish her work today because she worked too s_.38.Please keep q_! We are in the reading room. Dont disturb others!39.My cousin was a_ to dress herself when she was 3 years old.40.There is usually p_ of rain in spring in Guangzhou.41.Her class

    22、teacher is very s_ with the students.42.If you want to be h_, you should have a balanced diet and do some exercise every day.动词(中考必考2个)1. H7N9 is horrible. It is said that it has made more than 40 people l_their lives.2. Could you l_me your bike, Jack?Im sorry. I will use it later in the day.3.Can I

    23、 borrow these books?Yes. But you must r_them in a week.4. Our school has built a new hall recently. It is big enough to h_500 people.5. I will i_all my good friends to my birthday party.6. She is very polite. Shell s_to everyone she meets.7. I usually g_up at 6:30 and then go to school at 7:00.8. We

    24、 shouldnt l_at the people who are in trouble. Instead, we should help them.9.Would you lend me your phone, please? I need to give dad a c_to tell him the good news.10.Its quiet warm today. You neednt w_your jacket,David.11.I dont m_whether you agree or not. I have decided to go there.12. -Excuse me,

    25、 would you m_my smoking there?-Sorry, you cant. Its non-smoking area.13.Good morning, children! Its eight oclock now. Lets b_our class.14.IfIs_up enough money, Ill buy a new car.15.I cant b_the loud noise near my house any longer and plan to move away.16.Have you seen my new watch? I cant f_it anywh

    26、ere.17.Before leaving the house,you have to l_the door.18. Mark is sure to p_the exam because he works very hard .19. Summer holiday is coming . My dream to v_Europe will come true .20. My bike doesnt work well . Can you help me to r_it after school.21. I heard the shout when I walked p_the coffee s

    27、hop this afternoon.22. I think farmers are the most hardworking people in China. Do you a_with me?23. I have some old photos, let me s_them to you.24. Come and j_us in the English Club and you will have lots of fun.25. He is going to s_his summer holiday in London because of the Olympic Games.26. As

    28、 gas price is going up, wed better s_cars with each other.27. Tom, dont t_any stone at the dog, or itll bite you.28. As New Year is coming, lots of clothes in the shops are on s_these days.29. To improve our spoken English, we should p_it more after class.30. The beautiful houses b_to her son. They live in the old house.31. Hurry up, Sam! I dont want


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