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    1、广东省深圳市宝安区届高三英语上学期期末考试试题广东省深圳市宝安区2017届高三英语上学期期末考试试题 第卷第一部分 听力(略) 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A1. Siem Reap, CambodiaSiem Reap is a fast-growing city with plenty of new hotels, restaurants and nightclubs. But many people are here not because

    2、of the city itself, but for the things nearby: amazingly well-preserved ancient temples. Even if you have the worst jet lag (时差反应)ever, drag yourself out of bed to be at Angkor Archaeological Park when it opens. The sunrise over Angkor Wat is worth losing sleepover.2. Rome, ItalyRome is a city of co

    3、ntrasts (差异)where else on earth could be home to both the Vatican and La Dolce Vita? Rome is unique in that it offers a great combination of different art, culture and food. If your preference is for sports, then Rome also has a lot to offer. In terms of music and live entertainment, a lot of the mo

    4、st famous Italian and international artists also tend to includeRome on European and world tours.3. New York, AmericaThe first time you go to New York, go ahead and be a sightseer everyone should visit the Statue of Liberty, the Met, Times Square, etc. But on a return trip, pick a neighborhood and g

    5、o deep. You will find hole-in-the-wall bars, strange shops. Exploring the non-touristy side of New York is an extremely rewarding experience for a traveler.4. Istanbul, TurkeyEurope and Asia meet in Istanbul. Throughout this energetic city, you will find centuries-old churches and markets happily co

    6、existing (共存)with modem restaurants, galleries and nightclubs. Though no longer a capital, Istanbul is the heart of the Republic of Turkey and the financial center with a large population.1. Why do people most probably visit Siem Reap?A. Because it is developing fast.B. Because it has many new thing

    7、s.C. Because of the sunrise at Angkor Wat.D. Because of the well-preserved temples nearby.2. What do people usually do on their visit to New York?A. The Statue of Liberty is a good choice on their first visit.B. They visit the non-touristy side on their first trip.C. They prefer to find holes in the

    8、 walls of shops.D. They can watch the amazing sunrise.3. What do Rome and Istanbul have in common?A. Both have old churches and markets.B. Both are a combination of different culture.C. Both are famous for its food and drinks. D. Both are the capital of the country.4. Which part of a newspaper can t

    9、his text be read in?A. Culture. B. Business. C. Travel. D. Sports.BAs I write this, you have been dead for more than six years. Youve taught me so much, and you continue to do so. The way you chose to lead your life has shaped my views on the world.Granny, you are an example of what a woman should b

    10、e: beautiful, brave and, above all, passionate (充满热情的).You went to prison at the age of 24 and were one of the first white women political prisoners in South Africa. Your courage and commitment to justice at such a young age, in the face of certain punishment, never stopped amazing me. Decades later

    11、, you fought cancer with the same strength of personality. You made it far further than expected. You still died too young, but the fighting spirit that made your life so excellent never disappeared, even when you were faced with death.Grandpa, apart from my dad, you are the man I love most in the w

    12、orld. As a journalist, your life may have been full of conflicts and struggles, but you remained the gentlest, loveliest person and devoted yourself to it. You loved us all and never ignored us because of work. You loved Granny with sincerity that most of us can only long for. You took good care of

    13、her until the end and then you died of a broken heart.You both have taught me what it means to fight for what you believe. You have taught me that every human life is worth as much as the next. Because of you, I understand sympathy, struggle and the power that every person has to change the world. F

    14、rom you I also know the meaning of true love. Until the very end, you were just in love with each other as a pair of silly teenagers.You are the architects of our family, and all of us would be lesser (次要的,较差的)people had we not known you. Because of you, I have chosen to live my life with bravery, e

    15、motion and depth. You may be dead, but you are not gone.5. Why does the writer write the passage?A. To announce her hope of living a new life.B. To promise to continue her grandparents cause.G. To show her sadness for her grandparents death.D. To express that she misses and adores her grandparents.6

    16、. From the passage, we know the writers granny _.A. died in her twentiesB. sacrificed her freedom for justiceC. set a good example for old womenD. suffered cancer due to the punishment7. What can we know about the writers grandpa from the passage?A. He was a great architect.B. He died of a heart att

    17、ack.C. He always kept good relationships with everyone.D. He cared about both his work and family.8. What do the writers grandparents have in common?A. They both fought for their beliefs.B. They both helped poor people out of trouble.C. They both had sympathy for people with cancer.D. They both foug

    18、ht for their freedom.C In my generation,most people assume. We assume that after getting a drivers license, we should see a brand new car sitting in our driveway. We assume that the latest iPhone product should be in our hands as soon as something goes wrong with our old one. We also assume that col

    19、lege, being as expensive as it is, is given. However, what we dont realize is that all of these things are very special privileges.New cars, the latest technology and college fees are something that most people have in the place where I live. Tm not necessarily complaining about this. I live in a ve

    20、ry fortunate area, and I try to remind myself of that every day.Getting nice things is great, but sometimes, the competition that rules our lives gets too fierce. When someone else gets something great, you begin to think, “Why cant I have that?” When everyone around you goes to college, you think t

    21、hat one day you will obviously do the same, because who doesnt?Even now, being almost done with my first year of college, I constantly see people who forget why were here, and how lucky we are to be on this campus. All of the distractions (使人分心的事物)can surely keep you from doing your best, and they c

    22、an easily make you forget your real purpose at college. The parties, friends, events, and overall social life can move you into a never-ending whirlpool (旋涡)of not doing schoolwork. Having fun is a part of life, but balance is the key when it comes to college.Appreciation nowadays is slowly fading i

    23、nto a distant thought. We constantly forget how lucky we are to have the things and the life that we do. Surely, who doesnt dream of a new car waiting for them, or that brand new iPhone that you see in all of the commercials? But wanting something is different from expecting it. Setting yourself up

    24、with an “I should get this” attitude will only push appreciation further away.Appreciate what you have, but dont expect what you dont have. Say thank you to those who help and support you, and realize that whoever you are, you9 re lucky in a great way.9. Which of the following may the author agree w

    25、ith?A. Assuming should be forbidden.B. People of his generation are lazy.C. What we have may be privileges.D. College education shouldnt be expensive.10. What do we know about the author?A. He is too poor to afford a new car.B. He is sure that everyone can go to college.C. He is a fortunate second-y

    26、ear student.D. He is grateful for his college education.11. What does the author think of the social activities at college?A. They should be balanced in students life.B. They are totally a waste of time and money.C. They make students confused about their life.D. They are useful for students after g

    27、raduation.12. According to the fifth paragraph, people nowadays _.A. dont expect new cars or cell phonesB. dont seem to appreciate what they haveC. always set up big goals in lifeD. often complain they are unlucky DIts easy to take out your phone, push a few buttons, and have a taxi in front of your

    28、 door within minutes. It is also easy to press a few computer keys and find the best place to sleep in for a few days. Its easy on the wallet and takes little time.However, this new economic model could serve to benefit more than the average smartphone-using consumers. A paper published earlier this

    29、 year found that those with the most to gain are the low-income participants (参与者) in this new economy.“We give special attention to this finding because it speaks to the true promise of the sharing economy. The sharing economy is a way to provide people with a higher standard of living,” the resear

    30、chers wrote in the paper, which analyzed data from a car rental app.Two big names come to mind when we are thinking of the sharing economy: ridesharing company Uber and housing rental company Airbnb. The latter allows people to rent out their homes as an alternative to hotels. Renting out things is

    31、a way in which those with low income can benefit a lot.Low-income consumers also stand to gain the most from renting out their goods on these platforms, Emily Badger wrote in The Washington Post. “The ability to make extra income off expensive things makes those things less expensive. For example, B

    32、adger notes, an extra $20 for a waitress renting out her car could really increase a waitresss income. In the real world, large numbers of low-income consumers are actually taking advantage of such services.For individuals (个人),the sharing economy is helping to save or even create money and time for consumers. It may even help those with less money the most. However, according to the related research and data, the new model is so new that it hasnt


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